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PHB-Championship Edition: A Melee and Brawl Tourney (Nov. 1st 2008) (Tallahassee, FL)


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
Perhaps my original post sounded like I was attacking the tourney, I didn't mean to come off that way though just trying to help. I appreciate the efforts made for improvement, and look forward to more.

Gmoney: alright, I'll make that the next one I do. I was also working on some vids from Louisiana the week before this though.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2008
Tallahassee, home of the CHAMPS
somebody gave HolyChef a bye half way through the tourney then.

I've been to gigs several times, it's noisy due to how massively packed it is. Ask around and I doubt anyone at the tourney liked the music.

Lylat isn't the only neutral level people want to avoid playing you know. Diddys don't like Yoshi Island, ROBs don't like Battle Field, snakes prefer platforms to place C4 on, D3s and ICs avoid platform levels so they can chain grab, etc.

I always have something to say because I thought you guys wanted feedback. Or is the suggestion box just for show?
So I was right?


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
yeah, I meant being able to ban a neutral level during the first set.

When I played GDX, we both banned a neutral and had only 2 left for random. If we want to leave ourselves open to all the crazy counter picks in order to make the neutral round (note the word "neutral") more fair for our characters, then so be it.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2006
somebody gave HolyChef a bye half way through the tourney then.

I've been to gigs several times, it's noisy due to how massively packed it is. Ask around and I doubt anyone at the tourney liked the music.

Lylat isn't the only neutral level people want to avoid playing you know. Diddys don't like Yoshi Island, ROBs don't like Battle Field, snakes prefer platforms to place C4 on, D3s and ICs avoid platform levels so they can chain grab, etc.

I always have something to say because I thought you guys wanted feedback. Or is the suggestion box just for show?
Its way different From actually giving suggestions then it is from Johning and *****ing about everything........like seriously.......

And on the real I heard from sources that you were dissing our crew but watever dude
grow some balls and say that **** to out face

On the real

Our tourneys great if u dont like it....spend your saturday watching cartoons


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
@Masky: actually your next match was against HolyChef. Which is why he knows about and mentions it. I guess you read the bracket wrong?

Anyway, it was a fun tourney. It seems like every time there's a new improvement, yet at the same time a new thing to wtf over. The music was a huge distraction since it's hard to hear stuff like Snake's explosives or when you've stolen someone's jump. I also had someone tell me (and confirmed by Awal) that we weren't allowed to ban the neutral levels during the random match. If that's the case you might as well go back to striking, cause that's ridiculous.

I'll probably get around to some shout outs when I'm not so lazy (just got off work) but it was good to see CFL again since the last time was while I lived in Tampa.
I understand your opinions and I'm pretty sure we will take them into consideration. The whole point of having NEUTRAL stages is so that in round one you can fight on a fair stage. Sure certain characters have disadvantages but it's up to the player to work around it. Hell I use Sonic an still do well regardless of where I go. But bak tot he point, the reason why you ban after round 1 is because in round 1 you figure out your opponents strategy and you ban a stage that you wouldn't want them to use against you. It's unfair that you ban a stage that your good on that is a fair stage. Thats why you practice on the neutral stages on your spare time. The music was merely meant to lighten the mood. Unfortunately not every1 likes all music. So you gotta be open to it. Plus at Gigs there was definitely music, which was overridden by loud voices which was overridden by loud TV's.


Smash Cadet
Jun 1, 2008
HolyChef- smart move waiting to talk **** on the internet. For real.
Masky-f*ck the bracket, but we did really well in doubles. We could have won/lost any of those and that bracket was terrible.
Manko- i don't know how my fresh forward tilt did 17% damage to you at 0%/0% 3 stocks each but good set. plz upload. also gj picking pirate ship i hate that place. ;D
Elite- you played well man, that matchup is hard though. sry if masky was a douche lol
DBS- You fuc*ing perfect shielded everything wtf. Gimme lessons. I was afraid of dropping the C4 on smashville cuz i like to play near the edge more than i should, and the bite gimps me so well. i was saving it for suicide explosions.
Josh- good **** winning melee singles/overcoming your fear of greenmario :D teach me da wayz
Lio-Obviously #1 toon link ect. oh and nice job in doubles fool
Gmoney-ya ***** taking the back seat like mah personal b*tch. GJ in the tourney though. And u should have shaken GDX's hand.
Lizard- picking DK really suprised me after watching ness/lucas in friendlies, also luigi's was a great counterpick.
HRNut-gj in doubles friendlies/tourney. you're only going up on the power rankings.
GDX- gj in doubles/ shoulda banned pirate ship fool. solid diddy in singles too you were juggling those bananas and **** that was crazy.
Alejandro- you are the hugest mexican u should have entered/won all 4 events easy.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
somebody gave HolyChef a bye half way through the tourney then.

I've been to gigs several times, it's noisy due to how massively packed it is. Ask around and I doubt anyone at the tourney liked the music.

Lylat isn't the only neutral level people want to avoid playing you know. Diddys don't like Yoshi Island, ROBs don't like Battle Field, snakes prefer platforms to place C4 on, D3s and ICs avoid platform levels so they can chain grab, etc.

I always have something to say because I thought you guys wanted feedback. Or is the suggestion box just for show?
I appreciate your feedback.


Smash Ace
Jun 19, 2008
Perhaps my original post sounded like I was attacking the tourney, I didn't mean to come off that way though just trying to help. I appreciate the efforts made for improvement, and look forward to more.

Manko, this is one reason why i hate internet chatting, never can get proper emotion across.
i'm sure you didn't mean it in a harsh way, internet has a way of making some minor things sound bad.

So far as the banning in the first round goes, its has always been banning AFTER the first round, and did not change at this last one.

Rest assured that at the next crew meeting, this topic will be brought up and voted on. I personally would enjoy the change! Anytime i am Lucas or Ness, Yoshi's Island is a major drag. :dizzy:

Suggestions are not only welcome, but strongly encouraged, because the ultimate goal of this tournament is to make the players happy and to expand the smash bros scene in Florida.


Smash Cadet
Jun 1, 2008
allow lylat and do striking. man the f*ck up. good tourney. keep it real.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Oh, and DBS said enough. Yaw seem cool as hell face to face, but it seems like yaw are different when I turn my back. But I'm gonna give yaw a shadow of a doubt. As far as your banning a neutral stage and then banning another after round 1. Sounds like a good Idea, but GOOD players always find ways around things. Time will pass and changes will happen.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Oh, and DBS said enough. Yaw seem cool as hell face to face, but it seems like yaw are different when I turn my back. But I'm gonna give yaw a shadow of a doubt. As far as your banning a neutral stage and then banning another after round 1. Sounds like a good Idea, but GOOD players always find ways around things. Time will pass and changes will happen.
no...what manko is saying, and what is the standard in at least the rest of FL, is that each player picks one stage to ban before they play the first game. They dont pick another stage to be banned after the first round...so, its the same thing as what you guys do, but its done before the match even starts, as opposed to playing the first game first.

The ban stage before you play the set method is good because there are some neutrals that people dont like playing, or neutrals they know the other char has an advantage on, so they ban it. (I usually ban yoshis island, while i get FD banned against me)


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Oh, as far as shoutouts are concerned

******** - Thanx 4 coming up! I hope to see more of you all! Nothing but good times when yaw around! The night before the next tourney I'll be hosting my birthday party! Make sure yaw come tru!

Acorn - F***ing hilarious!

HRNUT - Cool guy, 2 bad I aint get to fight ya 1v1

GDX - Same 2 Ya

Busta - Fun Capt Falcon ditto

Lio - Amazing Toon Link, I look forward to a rematch in the future!

The rest of the UF crew - Sorry about the way the brackets went but I hope yaw come back up.
Dan - Same to your Marth!

Gmoney - Always good ta see ya bro

Manko - Great matches! Thanks for your opinion!

Holy - Keep working on the Ice Climbers, ur gonna get creepy good. But u need to start talkin smack face to face rather than behind everyones backs. I have no personal grudges against you, But u seen to make alot of Bitsh moves. U talk about Dan ALOT and then show up to the tourney w/ him. n u talk ish about my crew and then look at us in our faces like we all cool.

Ruse and Co. - I realy hope yaw keep coming out! It'll always be a pleasure

Lizard - U shouldv'e showed every1 the pics you showed us from ya Ipod!

MrFTW - Sorry dude, I aint mean to make you a laughing stock but Karma is a *****, you set urself up 4 failure.

JSSN - We should do teams next time!

DBS - I'm tired of being Fluxxed UP! I wanna be sober LOL!!!

Esper - Keep ur head up bro, Your a great leader and friend.

Melee Players - Keep it up!

Anyone else, jus come to the next tourney! Oh, and we need to F'ing CREW BATTLE NEXT TIME!!!


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
no...what manko is saying, and what is the standard in at least the rest of FL, is that each player picks one stage to ban before they play the first game. They dont pick another stage to be banned after the first round...so, its the same thing as what you guys do, but its done before the match even starts, as opposed to playing the first game first.

The ban stage before you play the set method is good because there are some neutrals that people dont like playing, or neutrals they know the other char has an advantage on, so they ban it. (I usually ban yoshis island, while i get FD banned against me)
O!!! I see, well how about this. U get 1 ban. It's up to U to choose whether you ban a neutral stage before round 1 or ban another stage after round 1.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
O!!! I see, well how about this. U get 1 ban. It's up to U to choose whether you ban a neutral stage before round 1 or ban another stage after round 1.
well, when we say you can ban 1 stage, you can ban a neutral or counterpick stage. its not limited to neutral

i dont even know when the next tourney is nick. make sure to let me know so i can see what i can do. You gotta give me more than a days warning or some BS like that though :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2006
It was my understanding that neutral is a relative term and that no matter how fair those stages appear on their own, they each favor someone depending on the matchup. Being able to ban a random that would put you at a disadvantage wouldn't be a problem as far as I'm concerned, just another way to make skill > luck at tournies. So I agree with letting randoms be banned at the start.

Gmoney: Next time, I swear I'll chill with you all more, I really needed to do something at that time! Next time drag Orfn here if he tries to fruit his way out of a tournament. I'll be working on that marth :p


Smash Lord
May 24, 2006
It was my understanding that neutral is a relative term and that no matter how fair those stages appear on their own, they each favor someone depending on the matchup. Being able to ban a random that would put you at a disadvantage wouldn't be a problem as far as I'm concerned, just another way to make skill > luck at tournies. So I agree with letting randoms be banned at the start.

Gmoney: Next time, I swear I'll chill with you all more, I really needed to do something at that time! Next time drag Orfn here if he tries to fruit his way out of a tournament. I'll be working on that marth :p
I dont see how you have a point of view considering you spam all the time

real talk


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
Gainesville, Florida, USA, North America, Mars.
HolyChef- smart move waiting to talk **** on the internet. For real.
Masky-f*ck the bracket, but we did really well in doubles. We could have won/lost any of those and that bracket was terrible.
Manko- i don't know how my fresh forward tilt did 17% damage to you at 0%/0% 3 stocks each but good set. plz upload. also gj picking pirate ship i hate that place. ;D
Elite- you played well man, that matchup is hard though. sry if masky was a douche lol
DBS- You fuc*ing perfect shielded everything wtf. Gimme lessons. I was afraid of dropping the C4 on smashville cuz i like to play near the edge more than i should, and the bite gimps me so well. i was saving it for suicide explosions.
Josh- good **** winning melee singles/overcoming your fear of greenmario :D teach me da wayz
Lio-Obviously #1 toon link ect. oh and nice job in doubles fool
Gmoney-ya ***** taking the back seat like mah personal b*tch. GJ in the tourney though. And u should have shaken GDX's hand.
Lizard- picking DK really suprised me after watching ness/lucas in friendlies, also luigi's was a great counterpick.
HRNut-gj in doubles friendlies/tourney. you're only going up on the power rankings.
GDX- gj in doubles/ shoulda banned pirate ship fool. solid diddy in singles too you were juggling those bananas and **** that was crazy.
Alejandro- you are the hugest mexican u should have entered/won all 4 events easy.
Zergum is too black.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
DBS: I have no beef with anyone in the smash community and aren't the type to trash talk so I don't know where that's coming from.

Lizard: while you guys have had the rule where bans don't come into effect until 2nd round, that was when striking was used. It makes sense to do it that way if your striking.

I'm surprised at the reaction I'm getting from this. Not sure why you Tally guys are so hostile. Glad to see the out of towners know where I'm coming from though.


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2006
Don't worry Manko, at least one Tally player gets it. :laugh:

DBS, don't hate me cuz I spamz, punish teh spamz.

real talk


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2007
DBS: I have no beef with anyone in the smash community and aren't the type to trash talk so I don't know where that's coming from.

Lizard: while you guys have had the rule where bans don't come into effect until 2nd round, that was when striking was used. It makes sense to do it that way if your striking.

I'm surprised at the reaction I'm getting from this. Not sure why you Tally guys are so hostile. Glad to see the out of towners know where I'm coming from though.

We're not hostile, but alot of people overheard you and holy chef talking **** about the tournament, im just stating what i heard and it sounded like you were attacking the tournament. IM not trying to be hostile, and i DO see where youre coming from, and we tally guys do get, much better than you actually think.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2006
Pensacola, FL; Jersey City, NJ
awal - ur sonic is beast but how do i talk about Dan a lot when i DONT. read all my posts. all they do is make fun of ruses meatriding of dan. never said one bad thing about him. and y would u want people to talk **** face to face and there possibly be something bad happen at the venue causing cops to come and ****?

dbs - wat sources are saying that manko attacked ur crew? hes not going around with our crew > ur crew. thats cool though.

soma - we werent talking **** about the tourney. its a fact that stage banning never comes after the first round of a random stage. its a fact that the music was gay. and its a fact that brawl singles started way later then it couldve been. its not talking ****. we just called it how everyone else saw it.

masky - if u want to apologize to me in person thats cool.

zergum - i wasnt even talking to you but if u wanna talk **** back on the internet thats cool too. ur just even more of a ***got now in my book. if u want ill offer to say it right to ur face but u just gotta remind me at the next tourney we see each other.

jssn - pit too good but u shouldve stayed with lucas i think against me


Smash Ace
Jun 19, 2008
Manko and Holy,

As far a i have seen, you guys are cool as hell. i feel a little out of the loop as too what went down because i was completely unaware there even was a problem until now on this forum. i don't know if there was any **** talk or not, but as far as just personal reactions, you guys have never been anything but cool to me.

Hope this whole thing will blow over, cause it seems stupid that this whole thing is starting over seemingly nothing but a simple comment on how to improve the tourney (which Panhandle has been open to from the beginning)

(Manko, just for the record, the banning after first round has always been in effect since the very first tournament, way before we adopted striking. Regardless, we are looking into changing this rule, as it makes sense to me, and a large number of players in attendance.)

To put it clear, i hope things will be cool, cause i have never experienced anything but good things from you guys.

Lets put all this crap behind and move on. this tournament is meant to bring players together for a fun experience, not any of this ****


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
I feel a little out of the loop as too what went down because i was completely unaware there even was a problem until now on this forum.
Same here actually. It's all good though, I've got no quarrel with anyone. Surprised there was any towards me.

I know you guys had some locals only tourneys in the past, but when West NFL and East NFL first started attending, stage striking was in effect. So that's why I didn't mention anything about the order of level bans until this time around as it didn't apply before.

Just for the record too, there's no "our crew is better" mentality for us since we don't technically even have one. Me, HolyChef, and Dan play fairly regularly then there's another group also from Pensacola with Ruse, Mike Love and some others. If crew battles did occur, we would have just joined the two groups, but unfortunately Ruse and company left really early.

I'm off tomorrow, so I should be able to work on some more vids.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
DBS: I have no beef with anyone in the smash community and aren't the type to trash talk so I don't know where that's coming from.

Lizard: while you guys have had the rule where bans don't come into effect until 2nd round, that was when striking was used. It makes sense to do it that way if your striking.

I'm surprised at the reaction I'm getting from this. Not sure why you Tally guys are so hostile. Glad to see the out of towners know where I'm coming from though.
I understand where your coming from, but several people heard you and Holy claim you were the BEST AT THE TOURNEY. And I kno where I come from, that's just no tthe kind of attitude your supposed to have. You and Holy and coll people face to face. I wouldn't mind hangin wit yaw. But I keep hearing from more than a few people that you guys act two faced. Jus putting it out there. But like I said before, I appreciate all your help alongside the fact that you guys drove a long ways to get here.


Smash Ace
Jun 19, 2008
Regardless of all the drama, lets get past this thing and focus more on all the great matches that were had. i know this was the most fun i've had at a tally tourney yet! :-D


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
I understand where your coming from, but several people heard you and Holy claim you were the BEST AT THE TOURNEY.
Now that's just completely wrong.

How would we claim to be better than people on the power rankings like HRNut, GDX, and Gmoney? That makes no sense. Things are obviously getting exaggerated greatly among rumors.

The only thing I can think of that people would mistake something like that is if they heard us talking about the Pensacola tourney.

Even when we went to Louisiana the week before we got like 7th.

I gotta get back to work since I'm only on break now, but honestly. Wow


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
awal - ur sonic is beast but how do i talk about Dan a lot when i DONT. read all my posts. all they do is make fun of ruses meatriding of dan. never said one bad thing about him. and y would u want people to talk **** face to face and there possibly be something bad happen at the venue causing cops to come and ****?

dbs - wat sources are saying that manko attacked ur crew? hes not going around with our crew > ur crew. thats cool though.

soma - we werent talking **** about the tourney. its a fact that stage banning never comes after the first round of a random stage. its a fact that the music was gay. and its a fact that brawl singles started way later then it couldve been. its not talking ****. we just called it how everyone else saw it.

masky - if u want to apologize to me in person thats cool.

zergum - i wasnt even talking to you but if u wanna talk **** back on the internet thats cool too. ur just even more of a ***got now in my book. if u want ill offer to say it right to ur face but u just gotta remind me at the next tourney we see each other.

jssn - pit too good but u shouldve stayed with lucas i think against me
Like I said, I'm a give yaw the benefit of a doubt. Yaw cool as hell and I HEARD that yaw were being 2 faced. I'll just drop it 4 now. I know where I come from we wouldn't waste time. With Bull... I STILL thikn U and Manko are Cool as ish, but I'm jus lettin yaw kno I heard Many people say yaw talkin smack.

Moving on, I'm havin a party on Dec 5th, Every1 should come. Free Liq all night!!!

But as far as stage banning is concerned, what if we allowed the chance to ban before round 1 or after? Giving every1 a choice of when to ban. Thus allowing more strategies?


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
It upsets me that people feel the need to talk **** about us for some reason, but that's the nature of these competitive environments I guess.

Funny thing is, everyone's been nice to my face too so what's that say about them being two faced.

Anyway, I gotta run. Unless it gets dragged out any more, I'm dropping it at that.
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