Angiance said:
Doesn't everybody play PM now?
If you mean in place of Brawl, the two word answer: Hell No.
Of the games I played, I like (in order):
Brawl/Brawl- Max (haven't really played any competitive people in Minus but I hope to find some moderately good players to get a feel for how much I actually like the game - currently I just like it because QA twice same direction and Falco's recovery and dair are stupid good, as is Captain Falcon's...moveset. Somehow I feel I won't ever like B- more, just as much or less than good ol' Brawl.)
Melee/64 (it's a tossup... still not really sure, I'll play either - the next one in the list would whichever one isn't put here).
I hate the reason PM was made (while I'm pretty sure Brawl- was just because they could make something like Brawl-, and because tripping sucks) and I'm not the biggest of Melee fans (though I still enjoy Melee), so removing some of the elements I like from Brawl (not tripping but other stuff) in exchange for what many people arrogantly swear is a "better game" really makes me not want to play PM at all.
But it's Smash and I like Smash and it's what some people want to play so I play it anyway.
No opinion on other mods because I haven't played them.
EDIT: Incidentally, I knew a guy who wouldn't play PM (or other mods) on principle. He's tried PM, but he still prefers Melee and Brawl to it.
DOUBLE EDIT: It's been Roller's Birthday for a pretty long time. Lucky Roller.