Point to Phoenix for the ninja.
If you're not working with Unity specifically, you have a number of options, at least from my own research. If you want to code for Android, Java's your bet. If you want to code for a console (which I'd advise against as a beginner), C++ is your bet. Standalone PC development can use either one, and Lua is also a valid option. Web-based PC apps prefer JavaScript or Adobe Flash and ActionScript, preferably with a working knowledge of HTML (you could do HTML exclusively, but it's often a different beast for games and best for stripped-down or narrative-driven work).
Python is also a thing. EVE uses it, apparently. Can't corroborate Boo as a thing for games specifically but I see no reason why not.
There's less complicated options as well if you're more into creation and less into coding. GameMaker: Studio is free on Steam for limited use and publishing. RPGMaker VX Ace is also a good option if you're into its flavor of games, though you just missed it on Midweek Madness. I picked it up during the holiday sale; if you're interested and willing to wait, it'll probably drop again during the next seasonal one.
Me, personally, I just fired up Dev-C++ for the first time in two years tonight, and I'm shaking the rust off.