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PGD: Happy Birthday, Red!


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Roller Level Up!!

Douchebag: +1
Swag: +1
Respect from males: +3
Respect from females: -6
Herpes: +??


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Obviously not specific people, but the general population.

Also, why would the guy be mad at you and not her (or at least both of you?). Also, what were the names that were mixed up? Were they similar?


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
You have plenty of time to type, save it, type some later, and then type some more and finish it. We all want to read it~


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
I should really write some type of a memoir covering just this summer and any necessary backstory to make it coherent. 'cause I was thinking about it. And this has definitely been the most interesting period of my life so far.
This has probably been the lamest summer in a decade for me.

EDIT: Story thread would be cool I guess.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
@SZ: WHERE ARE MY PICTURES?? Storytime would be nice too. Has anything particularly crazy happen while you've been abroad?

@Roller: Out of all the Pika children, you're definitely the wayward son. :glare: At least you're in shape now, so you can run away if her boyfriend finds out and decides to mangle you.

[COLLAPSE="A slightly skinnier version of you was at the KH3D launch"]


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2010
Norfolk, Virginia
@SZ: WHERE ARE MY PICTURES?? Storytime would be nice too. Has anything particularly crazy happen while you've been abroad?
I will try and get some up by tomorrow. Or I should just tease you and get them up whenever. >=P Nah just kidding! ^_^

Ship life...well it isn't a cruise ship, that's for sure. Ships people don't like squadron people. XD

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
He's also white and more neckbeardier than me. I trim often now.
There was this Hispanic guy I met in Dallas a year ago that looked exactly like me. It was wicked. :applejack:


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Ok. So. All these olympic athletes have re-inspired me.

I've decided that Springs and Summers I'm gonna run and do cardio **** like I've been doing.

And Falls and Winters I'm gonna do strength training stuff. Since apparently weight training takes up significantly less of your day, it's literally better for you to spend most of your time relaxing... which is awesome, and it's better for you to eat a surplus of calories... which is even more awesome.

And people naturally sit on their ***** and eat more during the fall/winter (plus having classes during those months almost automatically means hours of time sitting/not exerting yourself physically).

Is this a thing people normally do? Because while I've heard of "seasonal training" I've never known it to mean almost exclusively swapping between cardio and weight/resistance training.

Even though cardio reduces your testosterone output, limiting muscle gain; as well as burns off your extra calories, meaning less surplus to allow for more muscle to form.. Plus cardio training means an interruption in muscle recuperation... Meaning less time for your body to spend producing/strengthening muscle tissue.

And any fat you may put on during the muscle gaining process would then be taken off by the spring cardio in time for summer..

I feel like there's probably a reason people don't do this though... Anybody have any guesses as to why?


Alicorn or not, my mane mare, my unicorn, Twilight
May 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Cardio prevents muscle gain? Whoa, never thought that all these years of track, cross country, and Dance Dance Revolution was the cause of this scrawny figure.

Not much of a fit nut though so not sure to the reason, but a guess is that you gain what you lost only to lose what you gain by switching training regimes(sp?) by the seasons, which I think is too long in between. If I remember what my coach told me, it's consistency, and trading off every season doesn't sound that consistent.

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
Even though cardio reduces your testosterone output, limiting muscle gain; as well as burns off your extra calories, meaning less surplus to allow for more muscle to form.. Plus cardio training means an interruption in muscle recuperation... Meaning less time for your body to spend producing/strengthening muscle tissue.
Whoa whoa whoa. I've gotta talk to you, Roller. I know a thing or two about this. I'm much bulkier now than last time you saw me for Apex 2010, that's for sure. Just to give you an idea, I'm 172lbs now with a very desirable BMI. That's what I've been doing with part of my time away...
Anyway, I can tell you all you need to know.
First of all, all these things you said that I quoted are grave misconceptions. Cardio shouldn't be demonized like that. It actually can help you gain muscle because it allows the circulatory system to adapt to pressure and begin to increase blood flow permanently, if you keep doing it. This will aid in muscle recovery from strength training, as a matter of fact.
Now... lowering testosterone levels would, as a result, inhibit muscle gain. Cardio does decrease testosterone levels, but only if you do intense cardio for an extended period of time. It is recommended for bodybuilders to avoid doing over 1 hour of intense cardio per day in which your body is in a constant catabolic state. If you meet this recommendation, cardio should never inhibit muscle gain.
Additionally, within that hour time frame your body receives energy from the following nutrients in the following order: carbs, fat, protein. If you don't give your body the carbs (short-term energy storage) it needs for the exercise it starts burning fat (long-term energy storage). The body knows when to stop and so if you are already quite skinny it'll begin breaking down those proteins into amino acids and unleashing its energy, which it needs. This is what you want to avoid.
So clearly, you want to get enough calories, from each of these nutrients. As far as cardio burning off your "extra calories", I think you already know how to offset that. As you said, you simply eat more calories. Depending on your current body type and metabolism rate, your body will need a different amount of calories and other macro nutrients to operate at its most efficient setting for building on the muscle. You're probably wondering how much of what types of nutrients you need. I can help you there. Here's an excellent balance that I stick to firmly, and I can attest to it bringing results. I try to consume at least 2800 calories a day. I eat approx. 25% of my calories from fat each day, and the remaining 75% split between carbs and protein. The body needs this fat because fat has been shown to increase testosterone levels and be useful in absorbing certain vitamins for overall health. On the carbs/protein spread, generally I consume a bit more carbs than protein. Your body needs LOTS of carbs to give you the energy you need for cardio and strength training. Don't underestimate carbs. Consume a generous serving of carbs before and after each cardio or strength training session. And consume more grams of protein than your body weight in lbs if you want fast results! For instance, if you weigh 150lbs, try to consume around 175-200g of protein a day if at all possible. And again, slightly more carbs than the protein.
Interesting thing to note: if your nutrition is great, your muscles won't even feel sore after an intense strength training work out. That's always the case for me these days, but never was the case when my nutrition sucked like last year when I was wondering why I wasn't getting results. Nutrition is at least half the battle. So be conscious about what you intake.
Well, that's it for now. Roller, I'm glad you are inspired. I've already had my muse too!
Message me if you want more pointers. ;)
I just use the home gym thing I have now.
No weights though D:
Yup, gym is unnecessary. All I use are a pair of 50lb dumbbells- although personally, I really do need to buy heavier weights at this point.
But yeah, that is truly all you need.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Oh ****. Nice to see you back here, Red.
Pleasure to be back, Vy.

Stories! gogogo
Naturally. If you'll allow me an indulgence, however, there's a format I'd like to put it in that might take a bit of time.

Good practice, though. Stay tuned, I won't disappoint.

<some healthy workout-y points>
<some healthy workout-y counterpoints>
I'm personally just looking to lose weight, but I'm keeping this information in mind. After all, similar health topics have increased my success so far.

Having a different goal gives me a very slightly different perspective on the issue by default. For example, I don't know what you can say about my nutrition, but having what can politely be described as a surplus of calories, my diet's been fairly reduced.

Results have been thus far successful. Only been at the most recent bit about a month. Dropped ten pounds, improved strength, mental acuity and energy, scared at least a few people at my local gym by running the crosstrainer so hard they feared I'd break it...yep. Good times.

You guys have given my resolve a refresh, besides the tips. Keep the inspiration train chugging, folks.

heeeree we go again.
I feel this, and perhaps even the present title, are misnomers.

When'd we ever stop?


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Mister E actually legitimately taught somebody something. Pleasantly shocked & impressed.

@Roller: I'm no health expert, but common sense-wise, basically what Beros said: switching only twice a year sounds like the intervals are gonna be way too long. Maybe switch more frequently?

You should consider getting a consultation from a personal trainer. Afaik, most of them will do a free initial one if you pretend like you're seriously interested.... then just don't hire them. =X


@VG: I totally missed putting up your bday thread title. :( It was the 26th, correct? Happy belated!

EDIT: & welcome back, Red. :bee: We missed your multiquotes, lol.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Thanks for the pointers Mister E, very informative! =]

I do average a minimum of an hour of intense cardio most days, but if I'm understanding what you said correctly; if I were to just run for like 35-40 minutes a couple days a week that shouldn't inhibit muscle building.. So I may just do that.

And yeah, I probably should consult some type of trainer, KayLo!. Probably a nutritionist too from the sounds of what E is saying. I'll have to check into whether UM offers free consultations or anything at the beginning of the semester. 'cause I know they offer a lot of free lessons and crap at the gym the first few weeks.

@Redfeather: Feel free to PM me/ask me here about weight loss. I have no idea which way is up yet with weight training, but losing weight by doing cardio and keeping an eye on your caloric input/expenditure is something I could definitely help you with.

At a doctor's appointment over my spring break I weighed in at a little over 170 lbs. I started exercising when I got home for the spring/summer (we end in mid April, started exercising last week of said month) And was down to ~137 at my lowest point at the end of June. No supplements or anything. I thought I started looking too emaciated at that point though and had to pass a physical for this canoe trek thing I'll be doing in a week or so.. So I took a break from exercising and ate a little more, now I'm hovering around 145. Which I'm good with.

..Except for having like no muscle, hence the desire to improve a bit in that department.

But yeah. Losing weight. Helping. I can do that. Feel free to bounce some ideas off me or whatever.

It should also be noted that while losing weight I was still eating 30+ wings at buffalo wild wings (which my friends and I visit often), eating 4-5 slices of pizza for dinner multiple nights per week, and indulging in cheesy bread and ice cream and all that good stuff as well. And that was me mildly holding myself back, so if your appetite is a little more reasonable, shouldn't be much of a problem.

Granted, I was doing a LOT of cardio. Like. A LOT.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
From working with my dad, you will want to eat 20% protein, 50% carbs, and 30% fat in general, maybe altered depending on what type of exercise (if working out, go to 25-50-25). The body needs all 3 things, it isn't like any of them are bad for you.

If you want to do the math for how many grams of everything you want, you can use the fact that 1 gram of fat has 9 calories, and carbs/protein have 4. So if you want to eat something like 2000 calories, you are supposed to eat 250g of carbs a day (1000 calories), 100g of protein (400 calories), and ~65g of fat (600 calories). You can change those numbers proportionally depending on how much your desired caloric intake is.


Smash Master
Jul 1, 2011
I did a lot of research on this stuff a few years ago, I think we talked about this at Genesis 2 roller, lol. Now that my knees a little better and I can run Ive started a regular exercise routine.

Id recommend looking at some of the videos from this guy:

He's an engineer who's spent a lot of time with workouts and bodybuilding and really seems to know his stuff.

Cardio is an essential part of a workout. What E said there matches what Ive heard as well. At minumum you want to do cardio for 20 minutes a day 3 times a week (5 times a week and 30 minutes is better). If youre intent on losing fat you can do more than that, but if your just maintaining thatll give you the basic health benefits.

In terms of losing weight, you just need to keep in mind the amount of calories you burn each day vs the amount you take in. You still want to avoid the obviously unhealthy stuff that has like, trans fats/lots of sodium/cholesterol n stuff since thatll just do damage to your body anyways though, but outside that my sister in law runs a gym and trains for marathons constantly so she can eat pretty much whatever she wants and kind of needs to. If you can try and get an idea of how many calories youre burning, and how much youre taking in each day that helps. The more calories you burn (from basic everyday living and through cardio) and the leaner your meals are the quicker youll lose weight. Just dont overdo it, like E said theres a limit to how much good cardio can do for you and you still need to eat a healthy amount each day or your body will go into survival mode.

As for muscle, fat doesnt turn into muscle so you dont have to worry about that. What you do need to worry about is getting LOTS of protein. Like E said you need as many grams of protein as your weight in pounds. The thing is though it needs to be evenly distrbuted through the day as close as you can to 6 times a day. You also need to give your muscles a break which is why you alternate through the week, but more importantly you need to have enough basic muscle to maintain proper form. If you dont then usually full body workouts are better to start out with.

Nutrition depends, the amount you weigh and whether youre trying to lose or maintain weight will determine how many calories you should be eating. Same with fat, you want to avoid trans fats for sure and saturated fat as much as possible, if youre maintaining weight i think it was 20% is fine but if youre trying to lose weight 15% is better. You can figure that out on nutrition labels, just check what the calories are and then check how many are from fat, and figure out the percent.

really good nutrition video, in fact he explains it a lot better.

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
Mister E actually legitimately taught somebody something. Pleasantly shocked & impressed.
Excuse me? -_-

@Roller- Like Cassio said, you should try and split the protein as evenly as possible throughout 5-6 meals a day. And drink plenty of water too! Never underestimate the power of H2O.

Id recommend looking at some of the videos from this guy:

He's an engineer who's spent a lot of time with workouts and bodybuilding and really seems to know his stuff.
He has a website called scoobys workshop and it is packed with tips. Anyone can have the in-depth knowledge of a nutrionalist overnight just by doing some online research.


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
So on Friday some ******* from AT&T came over to cut off my all my services even though payments have always been on time for the longest time. I now have to steal Wi-Fi from my neighbor's 1 bar connection and find a way to communicate via astral projection if I wanna do something with someone.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Hinesville, Georgia
So on Friday some ******* from AT&T came over to cut off my all my services even though payments have always been on time for the longest time. I now have to steal Wi-Fi from my neighbor's 1 bar connection and find a way to communicate via astral projection if I wanna do something with someone.
Hmm I guess AT&T found a problem in your area or something and want to fix it or update it immediately...what im saying is unless you rely on internet that much dont be mad unless they gave you a dumb reason for them doing it.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I've tried astral projection so many times (even though I'm pretty much aware that it doesn't exist), but I always end up falling asleep instead of getting into the right mindset. :c Thought it might be easy since I already do the whole lucid dreaming thing, but. Nope.

The current thread title keeps making me think about Sengoku Basara (and Gin Tama).
Is Gin Tama really that good? You seem a little obsessed with it, lol.

Excuse me? -_-
You read what I said, *****.

Phoenix Lord'

Lord' of the Night
Apr 2, 2008
Yoshiwara, Equestria
Is Gin Tama really that good? You seem a little obsessed with it, lol.
I'm completely obsessed with it, it's literally the only show I truly care about. Even though I like One Piece enough for it to be my 2nd favourite, I'd gladly sacrifice Oda if it meant more Gin Tama.
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