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People need to understand the real reason for our disappointment:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
lol hey don't worry Fatmanonice, I won't be going on "vacation" until next week when my semester starts :dizzy:

But seriously, what part of "semi-clone" don't you people understand? Perhaps it'd be easier if we said they were "Luigified".


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
lol hey don't worry Fatmanonice, I won't be going on "vacation" until next week when my semester starts :dizzy:

But seriously, what part of "semi-clone" don't you people understand? Perhaps it'd be easier if we said they were "Luigified".
Probably but because people don't understand this, I've already been dubbed a "troll" several times today. By the way, I believe I saw Geno as an AT in the credits of classic mode so that's aleast something to think about. *sigh*


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2008
Puerto Rico
Thank you for making this thread, i agree with you 100%.

This should be sticky-ed to avoid people making n00bish threads with reasons for disappointments and people who make threads to say everyone should be 100% happy with the game or they are n00bs.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Thank you for making this thread, i agree with you 100%.

This should be sticky-ed to avoid people making n00bish threads with reasons for disappointments and people who make threads to say everyone should be 100% happy with the game or they are n00bs.
I agree but, because many of the board veterans are no taking a "vacation" from here, this place is being flooded by sheep and debates and intelligent discussion are rapidly decreasing. It's beginning to feel too much like Game FAQs and I'm considering taking my leave until Brawl comes out in the states.

Eternal Smasher

Smash Ace
Jan 24, 2006
Bronx, NY
;_; Street Fighter doesn't only rely on characters... it's Got parrying and it's got EX moves and it's...

I get that...

Moving on. The creator of this topic has a viable point. This is supposed to be the "last" Smash. It's expected for people to want everything to be ultra-epic, especially the roster. Which is noticeably lacking in epicness.

There's an epic imbalance of epic here. If you can imagine a 4th Smash Bros. game almost perfectly in your head (or at all), then Sakurai did mess up somewhere.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2008
If you're going to debate, it really hurts your arguement if you try to be politically correct? Seriously, who cares if you "hurt my feelings?" I've been a forum regular since the summer of 2005; I can handle "abuse." :laugh:
I get your definition of Semi Clone. I don't necessarily agree with it though.

My definition of a clone is SF2 style...Ryu and Ken. I consider the Melee characters Semi Clones. Because they are the same in every aspect, save for looks, and a few changes in mechanics. I don't consider these guys clones.

THey at least have different animations, mechanics, and play differently. So I don't consider them clones.

As for Lucario... I still don't know WHY people are considering him a Mewtwo Clone. I've seen him play. He's fundamentally different. The animations are different, the way he attacks his different, all saved for the fact he uses a fireball. That's the annoying aspect of it.

And the reason I said sorry is because I got WTFPIssed at Kazuya the post earliar. I mean Jesus, you think that guy could have some tact at least.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
Haha, this is great. The 35 character roster comes out and everyone hates and flames on the idea, and now that the game is out suddenly everyone loves it.
I guess it's kind of how everyone was a french patriot by the end of the revolution, but I disgress. Wait, no I don't. We have a right to complain, we don't to call this the worst game ever, but we do.

1. Ones hoping for female characters have a right to complain.
We need more female characters in the game, and we could have had them (Krystal). Sakurai even acknowledged this. Yet all he did was show visible breasts on Samus and Sheik and throw that as female representation. I read a lot of manga so I know how bad sexism is in Japan but even that was a suprise to me.

2. Metroid fans have a right to complain.
I could understand in Melee because Samus doesn't have any helper/sidekick characters like in... about any other franchise, but now Metroid needs more representatives, and Ridley who boasts the name of the man who inspired Metroid to begin with along with actually making Samus who she was unlike a lot of other villains definitely needed the spot.
And don't give me that ZZS moveset crap. We didn't want Samus with another moveset, we wanted another representative.
Oh yeah, and once again, Star Fox outreps us entirely even though we're more popular, well known and have been around more. ZSS would have been a fine excuse as a helper, but without a villain rep it's pointless.
BTW, this arguement could be held for the King K Rool fans as well.

3. We all have the right to complain.
Let's face it; for the game that was supposed to be the last in the series the roster looks like Melee v. 2. The roster would have looked excellent in Melee, but this is freakin' Brawl. Sakurai could have made the roster much better to this time and our standards but he didn't. He fell short; it's not bad, but for a game as important and looked to as this one it's a little ridiculous.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
this is for all the people that think this roster is acceptable. right now, i have a book call egm aka electronic gaming monthly in which it came out august 2005. it has the 3 systems in the front with a yellow background. page 108 says these are the launch games. final fanasty crystal chronicles 2. mario 128. metroid prime 3 and super smash bros revolution. this game was pose to be a launch game with online capalibities. now if it was pose to come out as soon as the wii was launch, that means the game was already in delevopment ready to be shipped in months to come. now people may be like oh you're probably one of the people that didn't get your character. i been had my character since smash 64 and his name is dk. to have falco and wolf luigified is unacceptable. to have a complete clone [toon link] is complete a waste of space. if he wanted 2 put a wind waker character, he should of put someone else. to put rob and think he deserves a spot is stupid. if u google rob, he didn't do nes justice to sell, just cause he only work with 2 games n that was it. i also seem to notice, if nintendo wanted to target from male to female, young and older, why not put female characters into the game? krystal could of been a great addition and have a complete different moveset. i will be going to tournaments n of course enjoy the game. character roster to me so far, since i just read an update with sakurai saying, you can get most characters though story if it's truly 35 is very disappointing with so much time n delays put into this game.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
lol i put this in paragraphs and it put it all together. sorry about it, but try to read if you can guys.


Smash Cadet
May 31, 2007
Pardon me while I make a suggestive mastabatory gesture towards the original poster. Real reason people are *****ing? False hype created by fans clamoring for information making gullible justification on outlandish theories about how and why characters are going to be included in Brawl.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Haha, this is great. The 35 character roster comes out and everyone hates and flames on the idea, and now that the game is out suddenly everyone loves it.
I guess it's kind of how everyone was a french patriot by the end of the revolution, but I disgress. Wait, no I don't. We have a right to complain, we don't to call this the worst game ever, but we do.

1. Ones hoping for female characters have a right to complain.
We need more female characters in the game, and we could have had them (Krystal). Sakurai even acknowledged this. Yet all he did was show visible breasts on Samus and Sheik and throw that as female representation. I read a lot of manga so I know how bad sexism is in Japan but even that was a suprise to me.

2. Metroid fans have a right to complain.
I could understand in Melee because Samus doesn't have any helper/sidekick characters like in... about any other franchise, but now Metroid needs more representatives, and Ridley who boasts the name of the man who inspired Metroid to begin with along with actually making Samus who she was unlike a lot of other villains definitely needed the spot.
And don't give me that ZZS moveset crap. We didn't want Samus with another moveset, we wanted another representative.
Oh yeah, and once again, Star Fox outreps us entirely even though we're more popular, well known and have been around more. ZSS would have been a fine excuse as a helper, but without a villain rep it's pointless.

3. We all have the right to complain.
Let's face it; for the game that was supposed to be the last in the series the roster looks like Melee v. 2. The roster would have looked excellent in Melee, but this is freakin' Brawl. Sakurai could have made the roster much better to this time and our standards but he didn't. He fell short; it's not bad, but for a game as important and looked to as this one it's a little ridiculous.
Well said. Now that I reflect on it, I'm experiencing the same feelings that I did when Melee came out. With that in mind, I'll be like most people here and be starved for a sequel to Brawl a year or two after I buy it. It's the natural cycle of things I suppose.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
this is for all the people that think this roster is acceptable. right now, i have a book call egm aka electronic gaming monthly in which it came out august 2005. it has the 3 systems in the front with a yellow background. page 108 says these are the launch games. final fanasty crystal chronicles 2. mario 128. metroid prime 3 and super smash bros revolution. this game was pose to be a launch game with online capalibities.

now if it was pose to come out as soon as the wii was launch, that means the game was already in delevopment ready to be shipped in months to come. now people may be like oh you're probably one of the people that didn't get your character. i been had my character since smash 64 and his name is dk. to have falco and wolf luigified is unacceptable.

to have a complete clone [toon link] is complete a waste of space. if he wanted 2 put a wind waker character, he should of put someone else. to put rob and think he deserves a spot is stupid. if u google rob, he didn't do nes justice to sell, just cause he only work with 2 games n that was it. i also seem to notice, if nintendo wanted to target from male to female, young and older, why not put female characters into the game?

krystal could of been a great addition and have a complete different moveset. i will be going to tournaments n of course enjoy the game. character roster to me so far, since i just read an update with sakurai saying, you can get most characters though story if it's truly 35 is very disappointing with so much time n delays put into this game.


Smash Cadet
Jan 23, 2008
Sakurai said in plain terms on the Iwata asks thing that it was in development for about 2 and 1/2 years. Which means that your EGM issue was wrong about their release dates. I mean, for it to be true, it would have been in development for... a month. Not very likely at all.


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2007
Pardon me while I make a suggestive mastabatory gesture towards the original poster. Real reason people are *****ing? False hype created by fans clamoring for information making gullible justification on outlandish theories about how and why characters are going to be included in Brawl.
Yeah... Thats the situation in a nutshell. :psycho:

Not. Try again.

soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
The problem isn't that.

The problem is that Sora team revealed too many Newcomers as starters, and we expected more Newcomers as hidden characters. That's all.

If Pokemon Trainer, for example, was a hidden character the whole people aren't be so disappointed.

That was the problem.
you took the words right out of my mouth


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2007
Is the roster flawed? Yes.

Could it have been better? Probably.

Was the team that made this game a bit lazy, rushed, or pre-occupied with other stuff? Perhaps.

Nevertheless, the big things of this roster, namely sonic, snake, PT, olimar and others, far outway the (largely perceived) flaws of wolf, toonlink, ganondorf and ness.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2008
I said before, I can understand disappointments with the roster BUT
I still am baffled at how people keep saying this is Melee 2.0. Have you seen the game running? Come on. Give credit where it's due.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
I just don't think that people fully appreciate the potential long term consequences of all this negative feedback that I'm sure Nintendo is aware of. I mean having a few people express their distaste with something in the game is natural, but there are too many people who flipped out once they saw the leaked footage.

Like I say, if we want to see games like Wii Sports 2-8, Wii Play 2-6, Chess for Wii, and Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree 2, then continuing to bash the game is fine. Remember, these are profitable games that don't take a pinch of the effort Brawl took to create, and they make way more money then most of the hardcore efforts that we see on the Wii so far. Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy for examples. Zack and Wiki, disastrous sales.

If Brawl doesn't sell well, then all we're left with is a bunch of people who bought it and were disappointed with stuff about it. Nintendo doesn't have to cater to us, they've got legions of customers who will buy their simple games. With the zero recognizable games on the horizon besides Mario Kart, I think we should be careful.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
Well said. Now that I reflect on it, I'm experiencing the same feelings that I did when Melee came out. With that in mind, I'll be like most people here and be starved for a sequel to Brawl a year or two after I buy it. It's the natural cycle of things I suppose.

Thanks!! <3
I'm already starved for a sequel, although I don't think we'll be seeing one for another ten years by the looks of it.

If Brawl doesn't sell well, then all we're left with is a bunch of people who bought it and were disappointed with stuff about it. Nintendo doesn't have to cater to us, they've got legions of customers who will buy their simple games. With the zero recognizable games on the horizon besides Mario Kart, I think we should be careful.

Brawl will sell well. I know people that have absolutely no interest in Nintendo but still love the Smash series. There's no doubt in my mind that Brawl will sell for years. However, complaints would be if we bought the game and went to Nintendo and complained that it didn't work. This is actually more like critical feedback. Nintendo is (what now?) seven years behind of what we wanted. I already said that this roster looks more of what Melee should have been, what we wanted back then but it lacks what we want now. That's where I think Nintendo went wrong; they should have added what was lacking in Melee and add what we were expecting now. Instead they added what we wanted in Melee and forgot what we wanted and expected in the year 2008.

Plus, you have to admit that the DK and Metroid fans were once again hit with the short end of the stick; Even 12 year olds are aware of it, an acquaintance of mine had her younger brother whine "They should have at least added a space pirate or two!!"


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2007
And the roster is fine.
If you haven't realized, the roster was decided before programming even began.
It's not like they messed up and ran out of space and had to put in only 35.
They never intended to include Ridley, Krystal etc.
This is completely wrong actually. There have been characters they have tried to program and failed thus disregarding them ie Sukapon in melee. Dedede was supposed to be in the original, ran out of time etc.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
I've seen a lot of people on this board (and others) shouting about how the people who are disappointed with the final Brawl roster are just whining because their one favorite character wasn't in, or because nothing short of a 50-character of roster would have been enough for them, or other condescending crap like that. That's NOT why we're unhappy...at least not most of us.

Anyone who comes to Smashboards can see that there are literally hundreds of character support threads filled with people who would love to see one cool character or another. We all knew that it was going to be impossible for the roster to include everything. I wasn't expecting a roster that was perfect. All I wanted was a roster that I could look at and say, "Well, it might not have everything, but I can tell from these choices that they did the best they could with the time and resources they had." Nothing more.

That is NOT what I am seeing here. Young Link with his same cloned Link moves, with no cool new Wind Waker items like the Deku Leaf or Skull Hammer. Fox in the game three times over to the exclusion of many cool and unique alternatives. This does NOT say "best effort" to me. I'm not sure if it even says "laziness". It says they just didn't care about making the best of what they had. They didn't care about uniqueness or diversity in the playable characters. They spent all this time and effort on all these random modes and features, but couldn't be bothered with properly planning out the single most important aspect of the game?

If they only have enough time and resources to make 35 characters, then fine. I can accept that easily. But use that time to make the best 35-character roster you can! "Let's spend our precious time adding a clone of a clone of Fox" is not the thing a competent developer has any right to say when you have those sorts of limitations. If they had taken out Falco, Wolf, and Lucas, and instead put in, for example, Krystal, Ridley, and Simon Belmont or something, they would have used only slightly more development effort and the roster would have been twice as good as what we got. They made stupid, boring choices over and over for no reason at all.

We're not saying that we won't buy the game now, or that it will no longer be fun. Of course it will still be fun! It is because it will be fun that this is upsetting. This is a game that will probably played well into the next decade...maybe longer. Seeing its potential reduced so much because of a pointless, inexplicable error is a tragedy, and I don't see what's wrong with acknowledging that.

Aaaaaagh shadddap! :p


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2007
Actually, i have an honest question, where are all of these mindless Nintendo sheep coming from? i don't remembering it being this illogical at this board.

Any way, I got to see some better footage of Lucario, while he does have more differences than similarities than mewtwo, you can tell that they used mewtwo as a reference in creating him. I like Lucario and all, but the fact that they just can't build him from scratch leaves a bad taste in my mouth. In fact Brawl is basically that, it's over all an awesome game, I LOVE the sound track! But the roster leaves a horrible feeling of incompleteness. The problem is I'm the type of person who HATES when food is @#$! good, but leaves a god awful after taste.

They did not put 100% effort into this roster, and you can tell. And I think it's so obvious that it's a fact that the developers and Sakurai probably knew it too. The scenario was probably them rushing to get characters done and focusing on the gimmicks. Let's be honest, SSE was not needed, a new rendition of the adventure mode in Melee would have been just fine. 5-7 years from now, people won't be eager to play through SSE. That is what is upsetting people. I've said it once and I'll say it again. SSB64 had THE BEST ROSTER.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Kansas qft I Love Thunder Storms


not only that but the roster pics look so incomplete and kinda sad

makes me a lil depressed considering they delayed the game twice now you'd
expect more from the roster than 35 with 3 or more clones in it.

and i would have liked more chars than game modes any day

my brother and i make up our own game modes on melee

like the one who gets mew or celbi out of the pokeballs first wins and stuff like that


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2006
Actually, i have an honest question, where are all of these mindless Nintendo sheep coming from? i don't remembering it being this illogical at this board.
Not to generalize but Nsider forum/ Gamefaqs perhaps.

Saltwater Gem

Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2007
Is the roster flawed? Yes.

Could it have been better? Probably.

Was the team that made this game a bit lazy, rushed, or pre-occupied with other stuff? Perhaps.
Obviously there are going to be whining about their one favorite character being in, but I don't think it's farfetched to think that people wouldn't be happier if Ridley, Krystal, and... Claus maybe, were in instead of R.O.B., Lucas, and Wolf or Falco. I'm not sure people would be dying for WWLink either if they knew he would still be a clone. I mean I have freaking Raphael Raven in my sig as someone I want in the game, but I can still live without it because they would have made up for it anyway... but not quite as things stand now.

Anyways, I think it's good to get this venting out.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
I was fine with everything except the fact they put a clone of a clone(three clones fox, falco, and wolf.) all in the same roster. I mean seriously this was supposed to be the "large and amazing" roster, we got a whole bunch of clones(again) and even characters who werent even changed that were supposed to be. I realy am put off by this....


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2007
I remember someone saying that the only people who did their job and did it WELL was the music crew. I'm inclined to agree.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Kansas qft I Love Thunder Storms
well if they had more 3rd party char. the game would sell better.

my 28 year old brother found one of those fake rosters with mega man in it lol
yeah he went balistik and about bought a wii and then when i told him mega man wasnt in
he was pissed and put the wii back lol

poor little guy

the only reason i bought the wii was to play this game but from the looks of it i might have wasted my money

poor me :(


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2006
The thing I'm upest about is that Smash Brothers is one of the most anticipated games of 2008. As far as fighting games goes, it's arguably one with the largest cult following. Now, after Melee, there were few things we wanted. We wanted new characters, new moves, and a little nerfing to 2 annoying space animals...

What did we get instead?

1-We got a complete overhaul to the different levels of the game. New levels. Very bizarre and distinctivly awesome dynamic levels, as well as an intriguing level editor.

2-We got an overhaul on items. SO many new items. This is cute and everything, but most people turn off items. Thanks Sakurai, but no thanks.

3-We got Wi-Fi. Again, this is a welcome addition, but its not something we WANTED. We all stated that we liked personal tounaments, and that wifi could be laggy, and therefore useless, so it wasnt a necessity for Brawl.

4-We got an intense single player mode. Yikes. I don't ever recall playing Brawl for the single player anything. In fact, I think on wii.com, Sakurai just said that the purpose of Smash Brothers was to have a fun, 4 person fighting game. Thanks for the RPG-like single player, but you REALLY shouldn't have.

This is my point. The thing that we most wanted, most craved, was an overhaul in characters. We wanted a robust character list. We wanted the clones gone, or heavily modified, we didn't want Pichu, and we wanted new moves.

We got one of those things.

Why oh WHY did Sakurai skimp out on the one aspect of the game that we were all looking forward to, and devote the majority of his time (it seems) to the single player and other nick nacks that come along with the game???

I don't understand it. I just don't understand it...


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2007
New England
Everyone is obsessing over the "clone" terminology and completely missing the point I was trying to make in regards to Wolf. Allow me to phrase it differently for the benefit of all the Wolf-supporters out there.

What aspects of Wolf's character distinguishes him from the rest of the roster? What things can Wolf do that nobody else in the roster could hope to replicate? In what way does Wolf represent an ENTIRELY new character archtype added to the game?

THIS, to me, is what makes a character "new". Don't just throw adjusted models and animations at me and act like that alone makes him a novel addition. Ganondorf had almost no new visual animations but was still a solid addition to the gameplay because of how his moveset operated relative to everyone else's. I am not seeing anything in Wolf that makes me say "Wow, no other character in the game could have done something like that." I'm seeing a very generic character who puts more emphasis on visual flare than meaningful content addition.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2007
good god guys its only like 3-5 clones depending on how you define them, your acting like theres only about 10 original characters out of the whole lot! WE HAVE 30 ORIGINAL CHARACTERS TO CHOOSE FROM! If you cant pick a favorite out of those your just picky.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2006
The thing I'm upest about is that Smash Brothers is one of the most anticipated games of 2008. As far as fighting games goes, it's arguably one with the largest cult following. Now, after Melee, there were few things we wanted. We wanted new characters, new moves, and a little nerfing to 2 annoying space animals...

What did we get instead?

1-We got a complete overhaul to the different levels of the game. New levels. Very bizarre and distinctivly awesome dynamic levels, as well as an intriguing level editor.

2-We got an overhaul on items. SO many new items. This is cute and everything, but most people turn off items. Thanks Sakurai, but no thanks.

3-We got Wi-Fi. Again, this is a welcome addition, but its not something we WANTED. We all stated that we liked personal tounaments, and that wifi could be laggy, and therefore useless, so it wasnt a necessity for Brawl.

4-We got an intense single player mode. Yikes. I don't ever recall playing Brawl for the single player anything. In fact, I think on wii.com, Sakurai just said that the purpose of Smash Brothers was to have a fun, 4 person fighting game. Thanks for the RPG-like single player, but you REALLY shouldn't have.

This is my point. The thing that we most wanted, most craved, was an overhaul in characters. We wanted a robust character list. We wanted the clones gone, or heavily modified, we didn't want Pichu, and we wanted new moves.

We got one of those things.

Why oh WHY did Sakurai skimp out on the one aspect of the game that we were all looking forward to, and devote the majority of his time (it seems) to the single player and other nick nacks that come along with the game???

I don't understand it. I just don't understand it...
You may want to speak for yourself on those points. We may not have asked for them but I think everyone can agree that they are all welcome additions as long as they work well (which it seems they do).

What is upsetting is that more time seems to have been focused on THOSE aspects of the game, and not on the roster, which is what most people have been focusing on since Brawl was originally announced at E3 (and even before). Sakurai even took votes and compiled a list of the most wanted characters, and yet lots of them didn't even get in and are replaced with characters that little to nobody wanted.

Personally, I'm not all that angry about the roster. I am just as upset about Toon Link's inclusion as everyone else (same goes for the semi-clones, Wolf, Falco, Ganondorf and Ness/Lucas. whichever you want to label as the clone.). I'm sure we would all have loved to see these characters de-cloned even more. But also remember that we DID get all of our amazing, NEW characters early on, so that contributes to a lot of the surprise as well. That, coupled with the delay(s) (meaning they had to reveal even MORE characters than what they were originally planning on doing).

But again, I'm not too upset because I got all of the characters I wanted, save for Geno. But I urge the people in here rallying against people who are upset at the roster to at least try to see it from their point of view. They have a valid reason to be angry, so don't just write people off simply because they don't share the same view as you.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 11, 2007
First off, I want to say that I understand that you all are disappointed and why.

Someone earlier commented that they revealed who the new characters were too quickly. I would have to agree with that statement. Can you imagine what we would all be thinking if NOW we found out sonic was in? People would be flipping out! And what if right now we found out PT, Dedede, Diddy, and Olimar were in? No one would be talking about how disppointing the roster was, but rather how awesome it was. See, if it had happened like that, then we would have suddenly gained about 6-8 new, awesome, characters all at once. As it stands, most of them are already revealed so instead we gain only about 3 new revelations upon release.

Something that has been said a lot that I'm going to disagree with is that "no effort was put into the game." Out of all the games I've seen in my life I'd say this one has had some of the MOST effort put into it. If you've been checking the dojo constantly (and I'm sure you have) and you've read those interviews with Sakurai (which I'm sure you have) then you'd realize that this game has had a TON of time and energy put into it. They've taken time to revamp the entire game, they've added some new techniques, a ton of customization and options, and a myriad of other things I don't have time to list.

It wasn't that development team was lazy; I mean, they had more people working on it than most games even dream of having. And not only that, but these people were chose specifically to work on this game, and were specialized in their field. Once the game is done, the development team will split up. The kind of effort put into Brawl just doesn't happen with any game; in fact, I wonder whether it's even happened before in game development history, and whether it will ever happen again.

So it really has everything to do with poor decisions on 1. How much info about Brawl (especially characters) to show the fans, and 2. When to release this info. I think there's a good chance that 80% of us would be satisfied has we not known anything about the roster until today, the day Brawl was released. In fact, I think if we had found out everything now everyone would be ecstatic.

Personally, I was only shortly disappointed, and now I'm just looking forward to having it in my home. I'm content with the game.

And for those that are still feeling let down: don't forget! We still have a lot of new advanced techniques to discover. :) And I mean that seriously. I'm sure there will be new ones in Brawl just like there were ones in Melee.

Digital Angel

Smash Journeyman
Sep 20, 2007
I've seen a lot of people on this board (and others) shouting about how the people who are disappointed with the final Brawl roster are just whining because their one favorite character wasn't in, or because nothing short of a 50-character of roster would have been enough for them, or other condescending crap like that. That's NOT why we're unhappy...at least not most of us.

Anyone who comes to Smashboards can see that there are literally hundreds of character support threads filled with people who would love to see one cool character or another. We all knew that it was going to be impossible for the roster to include everything. I wasn't expecting a roster that was perfect. All I wanted was a roster that I could look at and say, "Well, it might not have everything, but I can tell from these choices that they did the best they could with the time and resources they had." Nothing more.

That is NOT what I am seeing here. Young Link with his same cloned Link moves, with no cool new Wind Waker items like the Deku Leaf or Skull Hammer. Fox in the game three times over to the exclusion of many cool and unique alternatives. This does NOT say "best effort" to me. I'm not sure if it even says "laziness". It says they just didn't care about making the best of what they had. They didn't care about uniqueness or diversity in the playable characters. They spent all this time and effort on all these random modes and features, but couldn't be bothered with properly planning out the single most important aspect of the game?

If they only have enough time and resources to make 35 characters, then fine. I can accept that easily. But use that time to make the best 35-character roster you can! "Let's spend our precious time adding a clone of a clone of Fox" is not the thing a competent developer has any right to say when you have those sorts of limitations. If they had taken out Falco, Wolf, and Lucas, and instead put in, for example, Krystal, Ridley, and Simon Belmont or something, they would have used only slightly more development effort and the roster would have been twice as good as what we got. They made stupid, boring choices over and over for no reason at all.

We're not saying that we won't buy the game now, or that it will no longer be fun. Of course it will still be fun! It is because it will be fun that this is upsetting. This is a game that will probably played well into the next decade...maybe longer. Seeing its potential reduced so much because of a pointless, inexplicable error is a tragedy, and I don't see what's wrong with acknowledging that.
The roster is 37 characters, and there are 39 movesets total. At least get this right if you're going to whine about the roster. Transformations are a completely different moveset and should count as a different character. No one thinks Melee has 25 characters because of Zelda/Sheik. Get your **** straight man.

sheep dude

Smash Cadet
Dec 12, 2007
MX whackytown
i agree and as already said, they told us many newcomers at first... they screwed up in that and i think thats the real reason about our dissapointment.
Also toon link could have windwaker or minish cap moves, falco and wolf are like bleg, I dont even want to talk about ganondorf, shared final smashes.... i hate to said this but that is mediocrecy (sorry if it is not correctly spelled). the game is good, one of the best i've seen but the roster.... too much potential wasted
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