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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
PSP is fail anyway, but on the plus side Sony announced that they are reducing dev kit prices by 80%. . . which is a HUGE deal. Maybe PSP and PS3 will start getting some more 3rd party games and can catch up with 360.

But 360 ALSO gets a new MGS game, Rising Sun, starring Raiden. And not sissy Raiden, but badass, Ninja Raiden.

But if you guys haven't heard about it yet, go look up Microsoft's Project Natal, and simiarly, Milo the Aritifical Boy from Peter Moylneux, creator of Fable, from Lionhead Studios. THEN you'll understand why Microsoft won this E3.

EDIT: Zelda Wii unofficially confirmed by Miyamoto

Likely to use Motion Plus, Link apparently "More adult than ever." Miyamoto said "Think of Zelda while you're trying some of the archery and sword play in Wii Sports Resort,"


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
As some of you may or may not know, I had placed an order for the Wii Ethernet adapter so that I could play online, potentially getting better so that I can get out of my 6th worst in Ottawa hole. It arrived in my mailbox yesterday, so I thought I'd take some time to try it out. Setup was straightforward, and I thought I'd try a couple of 'Play Anyone' matches to warm up and see how it worked out.

Unfortunately, input lag was still about 0.3-0.5 seconds even though I was using wired connection (my cable is at least 7MB down, potentially 10MB if they upgraded it like they said they would; basically, it's not my connection speed...). Despite the lag, my beastly green Ike mindgame forward smashed many a noob; in one game I had 7 kills in the 2 minute match :)

Confident that I could play online, despite some input delay, I proceeded to All is Brawl to look into registering for the ladder. To get used to the system, I thought I'd do a free play match first (ie: just a friendly, doesn't count for anything). I played a Toon Link from the States with my Marth three or four times. The matches were pretty close, but he would always go for a dair spike offstage on his last stock, and I was always able to see it coming and dodge (for those who don't know Toon Link: missed dair off the stage = dead TL). He seemed like a pretty nice guy when we talked a bit afterwards, so I was hopeful I would find similar people on the ladder.

I go through the AiB ladder rules, FAQs, etc. and sign up for the ladder. I log in to the ladder chat, expecting things to go smoothly. Big mistake; despite clanning in various FPSes for a couple of years in the past, I somehow forgot the magic formula of teenage boys + online + competition + anonymity = *******s. In addition to this, there was also what I call 'skill elitism'; the way the AiB ladder works is that everyone has a set 'skill' rating. Unfortunately, when you start out (like me), your skill is 0.

Long story short, no one wanted to play me because on the off chance that I won, their own rating would plummet. Reponses ranged from just being ignored, to one guy flat out saying "I'd play you, but my rating would drop too much if I lost". It took me at least half an hour to get a match; eventually, someone in Florida set up a game with me. During the chat, his connection dropped due to some router issue, but he showed up again a minute later. We started the first game; I went DK, he went Ike. Thanks to playing Derek/playing a bit of Ike myself, I knew the spacing and combos and was able to eke out a win. Immediately after the first game, he said one or two things in chat then mysteriously dropped. I waited 5, 10, 15 minutes...no reconnection. I filed a match cancellation, because I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that he would return (I could have reported a win...but I didn't want to screw over the first person who actually played against me...maybe I'm too nice).

5 or 10 minutes later, he did actually show up again (how many of you were expecting him to never come back? I'll admit that's what I was thinking). He counterpicked Link on FD (!). I stayed DK and lost; basically, he was very good with projectiles and I couldn't deal with it. For the third game, I counterpicked YI. He changed to Fox, I stayed DK. This set was also very very close, but I won at my last stock at 160+%!

I filed the match report and gave him good feedback and comments. Unfortunately, the system kept my initial match cancellation message instead, so I think it makes him look bad now :( I might have unintentionally screwed over the first person who actually wanted to play me, and who was actually a nice guy, so I feel kind of bad about that.

Anyways, playing online teaches something very important. You are probably all thinking, 0.3-0.5 second input delay? That's useless! However, you have to take the fact that there's input delay, and turn it around. If you know that you have, say, half a second input delay, it means you have to know where your opponent will be in half a second. If you can accurately predict where they will be and what they will do, you can get in a combo, or block an attack that you knew was coming. Now, if you can predict what your opponent will do in half a second, based on their character and position, that's a pretty useful skill to have offline too, right? :)

Also...I think he's kind of laying low here, so I don't want to give all the details, but I found Moses yesterday on AiB. Basically, I'm now 100% sure that no one hacked Moses' account; it is actually Moses. I don't know if Moses has always been like that and was just holding it back, or if something happened recently and he's trolling out of boredom, but it's definitely him. As for why he's not showing up...he didn't confirm anything with me, but I believe his mom took away his Wii (dunno if it's for good or not) so I don't think he can play right now. He's most likely been grounded from Smash. Moses, I know you're reading the boards; you should probably confirm all this for everyone.

Interesting times on AiB last night, at any rate. I won my first ladder match, and I think I understand why training online is important now. However, I was reminded that online people = *******s, and I saw that the 'real' Moses is indeed a troll, which kind of saddened me.

tl;dr version:

- Online is laggy even with a wired connection
- Playing online teaches you prediction skills
- Internet people are stupid
- Moses' account wasn't hacked, I confirmed it is actually Moses.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sorry to hear about your not-so-great experience online. Yeah, online communities can be very erratic sometimes. Hopefully that tournament this weekend will help to give you a good boost in skill.

Bi-weekly related:
X-Men Forever is coming out next week! Woot! It'll be released bi-weekly so I won't have to wait as long as I'm used to for it (Y: The Last Man took years to finish coming out...).

For those who don't know what X-Men Forever is -> Once upon a time there was a guy who wrote X-Men for some 16 or so years. They were HIS X-Men; he made X-Men into the crazy cash cow that is somehow still being milked to this day. Just about every story you see regarding X-Men related stuff is based (usually poorly) on stuff that he made. He was the ****. The marketing guys at Marvel, however, didn't feel like giving this guy the respect he deserved and so, after ****ing him over one too many times (by letting the popular artist have more say in the stories than the writer) he left Marvel two issues after writing the best-selling coming of all time (X-Men vol 2. # 1; 8 million copies sold; some of you might actually have it lying around somewhere). After that Marvel had to scramble to find a bunch of replacement writers that all came and went which meant that the characters had what would amount to a complete change in personality every couple of issues. Everything went downhill and has never been able to recover. The funny part is that the super-star artist who messed things up for the writer left Marvel a few months afterwards to help create a rival company. This is one of the (many) reasons why comics almost died (and still might one day if something radical doesn't happen...).

Many years later, the writer was somehow convinced to come back to Marvel and the X-Men. However, when he started writing he could barely recognize his characters; ten years of crap (sometimes contradictory) stories were added to their histories and so they weren't exactly the characters that he left. His writing sucked and you could tell he was just doing it for the money. The X-Men were practically a lost cause at the time (well, they still are).

Of course, that's where Forever comes in. Somehow he convinced the guys at Marvel (possibly by pointing out how the current X-Men suck and don't sell) to let him have his own book where he continues from exactly where he left off. Everything that happened after he left 'never happened'. To an X-Men nerd like me, it's seriously a dream come true. I **** in my pants everytime I think about it.

To put this into perspective for all of you who probably don't care: Imagine that Shinji Mikami got to go back and undo Devil May Cry 2, Viewtiful Joe 2, Resident Evil 5 and all of the other corrupted versions of his games (he made the originals of those series). The big difference, of course, is that games aren't as story/continuity heavy as comics are. I still pine for the days when Bowser had, like, twenty children instead of this one bloated ****** that's in all of his games now.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I never played in ladder, mostly because I use wireless, ergo, I KNOW it's *my* connection that's the problem, but the prediction point you mentioned is key. I played in a wifi tourney once not too long ago as Jiggs, who is likely in the bottom 5 characters to play with lag.

Once I acclimated to lag a bit, and after a first round decimation due to my "wifi virginity" as it was called, I discovered that indeed, prediction was key. I started watching how they would react after every single move, and I became far more aware of the presence of stage control, and how just by standing at certain parts of the stage you can control the opponent.

I can definintely see the skills that wifi promotes, but similarly, I can also see how wifi only could really hamper your skills, as there are lot's of things that work online that wouldn't off, and vice versa. So as with all things, moderation is key. I actually recommend a bit of wifi practice to you guys, with the exceptions of Ben, Ariel, Randy, Bryant, and Dave, I can usually predict what you guys are going to do and how you're going to react. Once you guys become a bit more aware of this, you'll start to destroy my nub Snake :laugh:.

I'm really interested in getting a better connection for my wifi. At the very least, it would help cut down on my bad habits from practicing CPUs all the time. (Read: nothin' but 'nade tricks all day son)

For the record, the tourney never finished, too many people started dropping out or refusing to play their matches, but I ended up coming 5th, which I thought was pretty good for my first time. Especially considering that of all the people that dropped out and refused to play, none of them had the courtesy to do it at a time that would have effected ANY of my matches.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah, Wi-Fi's going to lag regardless, and my connection tends to have noticeable lag if I get more than just 2 people in a game at once. However, it often IS a welcome change, since the CPU tends to do the same things all the time and you DO fall into bad habits.

Remilia Scarlet

Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2008
with the exceptions of Ben, Ariel, Randy, Bryant, and Dave, I can usually predict what you guys are going to do and how you're going to react.
20$ MM; after the DDD incident (and maybe Yoshi before that), your fear quota has been insufficiently filled.



Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I'm surprised that no one cares that I found Moses, and figured out that no one hacked his account :/

As for the ladder, I will keep playing some more to see how it goes; it seems your skill has to be above a certain threshold to be able to reliably get matches though, so it might be hard for me until I can get some more wins (and avoid losses as much as possible).


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Well about the Moses thing. I still find it hard to believe that it was actually him. Youll have to show me the proof. Its still possible that he shares his account with someone, perhaps Carlos in this case.

As for WiFi, I might be down for trying it. But I use wireless, so will this mean that the lag will be even worse? I think I have an extra ethernet cable around so I could go wired from the router. I have Rogers and would assume its the same as Cams connection (rogers as well?).

I wont be able to try it before thursday night, but even then I might get home late, ill be submitting a paper close to its deadline :/.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
20$ MM; after the DDD incident (and maybe Yoshi before that), your fear quota has been insufficiently filled.

Wait, you mean the DeDeDe incident where I beat you so bad that you dropped DeDeDe?

Or the Yoshi incident where I was beating you badly, accidentally suicided, and then gave up?

:p :)


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Well about the Moses thing. I still find it hard to believe that it was actually him. Youll have to show me the proof. Its still possible that he shares his account with someone, perhaps Carlos in this case.

As for WiFi, I might be down for trying it. But I use wireless, so will this mean that the lag will be even worse? I think I have an extra ethernet cable around so I could go wired from the router. I have Rogers and would assume its the same as Cams connection (rogers as well?).

I wont be able to try it before thursday night, but even then I might get home late, ill be submitting a paper close to its deadline :/.
I am sure I was talking to Moses on AiB; he immediately knew it was me and knew my real name. I doubt a hacker would have also hacked his AiB account, plus knew who Fogel was, plus bothered to say anything to me. A hacker probably would have tried to avoid interacting with me; the AiB username is different so I wouldn't have guessed it was him at all if he hadn't started talking to me first. He was acting more like the 'recent' Moses as opposed to how he was before.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol he must just be bored, and having some fun :) maybe we're starting to meet the real moses lol

Remilia Scarlet

Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2008
Wait, you mean the DeDeDe incident where I beat you so bad that you dropped DeDeDe?

Or the Yoshi incident where I was beating you badly, accidentally suicided, and then gave up?

:p :)
Just show me the money and I'll let you fight my main.

I'll skip the trash talking and facts since I'd rather not risk talking you out of it (ie I would like the extra cash).


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I got the Friday off :) Does anyone know what times are the worst for Toronto rush hour traffic, so we can plan around it? I was thinking of leaving 9am or so, so that we're on the 401 through Toronto at about 2pm (I'm hoping 2pm won't be that bad...). If someone has a better plan though, I'm all ears.

edit: @Infzy: Since you are going to Not Genesis, should I bring your TV down?

lol he must just be bored, and having some fun :) maybe we're starting to meet the real moses lol
That's my theory. He was trolling random people in the ladder chat pretty hard, lol.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
no school and no brawl makes moses go trolling... [/jack nicholson]

i think if we leave at 9am then that should be fine... T. rush hour on a friday will just be starting around 3... i wouldn't want to leave any later than 9, the earlier the better... don't forget we have to go through toronto, so if we're east of downtown before 3pm we'll be kinda boned...

i would also suggest taking the ETR, i'll pitch an extra 10 bucks to do that... I also really want to stop in at pacific mall to buy a phone (sunday on the way back)... it'll save me like $200 bucks so i really would like to... if i cant, oh well...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
@Cam-Concerning Moses, whether or not he is a snake doesn't matter and it shouldn't matter. If someone has a pre-pubescent fuzzy mustache, w/e. If someone cosplays luigi, it shouldn't matter when it comes down to the game. The most you can do in the actual game is taunt and what's that do? Nothing. It can trick people. And people are only tricked by the value they assign the taunt. If being taunted matters a lot to you, that's your problem; your fault. If Moses calls me a *****-*** ******-*** *****-*** punk-*** mother****ing *** cake anus cheese child molester fudge-packing ****-sniffer, that only has as much value as I assign it.

When it comes down to it, it's the win screen that matters. Like in my pkmn battle with that scrub. Someone talking trash doesn't mean anything if their screen says "You lose".

@Moses-I'll MM you, 5$, Bo5 if you're reading this. Offline of course. I hate the laggy garbage that is smash online.

@Orlando-It is Moses. It shouldn't be too surprising, he is roughly the same age as I and thus prone to trolling.

@Harold-X-men stopped being cool around the time they wore those stupid outfits. Oh wait a second.
(ok, Juggernaut is awesome)

@Mike-Thanks for the compliment! Too bad about the port priority though =S For future reference, I like playing in the 2nd slot the most because blue is my favourite colour.


Smash Rookie
Mar 3, 2008
I'm hosting a smashfest at my dad's place this friday at 5:00pm like a normale smashfest. Only 6 people can go, so just post if you want to go. I have 3 TVs so nobody hs to bring one. My dad lives in Vanier, 369 Jean-Talon, it's near Mcarthur. BTW I got texture hacks on my Wii.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Not Genesis Update: Phrozn may have a place for us to stay in Oshawa, which would be only a 4 hour drive away. This would make getting to/from the tourney much easier, and we could leave Friday night instead of during the day. This isn't confirmed though. If this falls through we can stick to the original plan. He said he'd have an update for me tomorrow.

Also, if we can't go to Oshawa, Cbone will most likely have to drop out, which would free up another spot in the car, meaning I could take someone else along (provided they can leave Friday A.M. of course). Speak up if you'd be interested; Bryant, Orlando, Randy have dibs at the moment.

@Cam-Concerning Moses, whether or not he is a snake doesn't matter and it shouldn't matter. If someone has a pre-pubescent fuzzy mustache, w/e. If someone cosplays luigi, it shouldn't matter when it comes down to the game. The most you can do in the actual game is taunt and what's that do? Nothing. It can trick people. And people are only tricked by the value they assign the taunt. If being taunted matters a lot to you, that's your problem; your fault. If Moses calls me a *****-*** ******-*** *****-*** punk-*** mother****ing *** cake anus cheese child molester fudge-packing ****-sniffer, that only has as much value as I assign it.

When it comes down to it, it's the win screen that matters. Like in my pkmn battle with that scrub. Someone talking trash doesn't mean anything if their screen says "You lose".
You're right; out-of-game mindgames only mean as much as you let them. Just to clarify, I'm not mad at Moses or anything; I'm more surprised at how he acts now compared to how he acted at smashfests in the past. It's like two different people.

Omg this thing is in Mississauga?

Omg this thing is this weekend?

Omg you guys are coming?



Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2007
Guys i have an important announcement to make.


Yes it is a sad truth but it is the way it must be.

Do you know why I will be taking all your money?

Simply put, it is because i will be the best


The best in ottawa you ask?

Oh no, no, no.

I will be the best. Period.

I will be the best because I will never stop improving.

I will work and work and work and work.

I will work until my eyes pop out of my head.

I will work until my fingers cease to function.

I'm sorry, Ottawa, but this is the way it must be.

If you believe in me, thats great. If you don't, thats ok too.

But it doesn't matter.

Because I will not stop until I become the very best out there.

Again, i am sorry that i must take half your pot every tournament.

But it is unevitable. So prepare yourself.

Good day, Ottawa


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Poor Moses D:

Hopefully he won't continue acting this way if/when he comes back. I totally respected his past self.

EDIT: FFFFFFFFFFFF posted 2 seconds two late.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
so yeah, you need to beat me :) but we'll be the best, around... no one will ever keep us down!

ps doesn't really matter where we stay, i'm down like a clown


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
not Genesis Update: Phrozn May Have A Place For Us To Stay In Oshawa, Which Would Be Only A 4 Hour Drive Away. This Would Make Getting To/from The Tourney Much Easier, And We Could Leave Friday Night Instead Of During The Day. This Isn't Confirmed Though. If This Falls Through We Can Stick To The Original Plan. He Said He'd Have An Update For Me Tomorrow.

Also, If We Can't Go To Oshawa, Cbone Will Most Likely Have To Drop Out, Which Would Free Up Another Spot In The Car, Meaning I Could Take Someone Else Along (provided They Can Leave Friday A.m. Of Course). Speak Up If You'd Be Interested; Bryant, Orlando, Randy Have Dibs At The Moment.

You're Right; Out-of-game Mindgames Only Mean As Much As You Let Them. Just To Clarify, I'm Not Mad At Moses Or Anything; I'm More Surprised At How He Acts Now Compared To How He Acted At Smashfests In The Past. It's Like Two Different People.

Omg Dibs!!!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Guys i have an important announcement to make.


Yes it is a sad truth but it is the way it must be.

Do you know why I will be taking all your money?

Simply put, it is because i will be the best


The best in ottawa you ask?

Oh no, no, no.

I will be the best. Period.

I will be the best because I will never stop improving.

I will work and work and work and work.

I will work until my eyes pop out of my head.

I will work until my fingers cease to function.

I'm sorry, Ottawa, but this is the way it must be.

If you believe in me, thats great. If you don't, thats ok too.

But it doesn't matter.

Because I will not stop until I become the very best out there.

Again, i am sorry that i must take half your pot every tournament.

But it is unevitable. So prepare yourself.

Good day, Ottawa
This assumes that I will not improve and my skill will remain static. I am fully confidant that my ambition is greater than yours. I have even written a song concerning this:

I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To spam them is my real test
To gimp them is my cause
I will travel across the land
And be gay far and wide
Til everyone wants a ban
And no ones on my side

Gotta gimp 'em all!
It's you only
Victory is your destiny
Ooh, you're kind of gay
You're the highest metagame!
Gotta win 'em all!
The shuttle loop!
Glide attacks will pull us though
You'll two stock all of them too
Play to wiiiiiiin!
Gotta spam 'em all!
Gotta spam 'em all!

EDIT:ok ok I'll stop with the ******** posts... this will be my last one for a little while.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Guys i have an important announcement to make.


Yes it is a sad truth but it is the way it must be.

Do you know why I will be taking all your money?

Simply put, it is because i will be the best


The best in ottawa you ask?

Oh no, no, no.

I will be the best. Period.

I will be the best because I will never stop improving.

I will work and work and work and work.

I will work until my eyes pop out of my head.

I will work until my fingers cease to function.

I'm sorry, Ottawa, but this is the way it must be.

If you believe in me, thats great. If you don't, thats ok too.

But it doesn't matter.

Because I will not stop until I become the very best out there.

Again, i am sorry that i must take half your pot every tournament.

But it is unevitable. So prepare yourself.

Good day, Ottawa
You better do it this/next time. Last time I told you you had to win you ended up losing to Harold who pulled like 2 or 3 Harolds in the set. This is your time to make up for it. Dont let me down, im counting on you! No pressure.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008

Well, I want a break from randomly ******** posts anyhow. It is like casting a spell and I am low on mana, but instead of mana it is my dignity being used up O_O

Good luck at not genesis guys! And don't forget to rep Luigi!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
All it takes is one. I've actually been 'that' guy before at punk and ska shows, everyone's just standing around watching the band and I'll instigate something. Usually it ends up taking 1/4 to 1/2 of the crowd along with it, as long as you have the tenacity to look like an idiot for a while. And no, it's not courage on my part. . . i think it's equal parts stupidity,not giving a ****, and alcohol. It's way easier to start if you have a group of friends, though. Being that one guy is pretty tough at first, but hey, someone has to take that first step.

Beatboxing usually starts the same way amongst my friends and I. One of us will just start, sound like an idiot at first, and then we'll get others joining in. It's pretty cool, we had a pretty big beatbox going at a Kingston McDonalds once. It was sweet.

Wow, my life is crazy, I'm thinking of more and more times where I've started **** like that. Jam circles, the giant dodgeball game we had in the Rideau Centre, giant games of Manhunt, also at the Rideau Centre. . . snowball fights, etcetera.

Huh. I guess you only notice things like this in retrospect, eh? And yet, I have trouble starting conversations with total strangers. >_>


Muppets are too good


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sorry Moses, but all the improvement in the world cannot make you perfect. It's called the Duke Nukem Forever syndrome. Indeed, next bi-weekly it will be me that'll win as I've already planned the whole thing out:
Opponent - opponent's weakness

Ben - Meta-tornados
Randy - Meta-tornados
Wilman - Meta-forward tilts
Orlando - Meta-tornados
Moses - Meta-tornados
Alan - Meta-down smash
Ariel - Lucas
Cameron - Meta-tornados
Tyler - Meta-tornados
Jiggernaut - Lucas
Everybody else - Meta-tornados

// Oi, so is anybody interested in going to Patrick's place for the Smashfest? It's gotta be full-house (6 people) or nothing! I'm in if I can get others to come along.
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