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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Fox is above Wolf now lol.

To Cam: (and anyone else coming) my home phone number is 9oh5-834-081oh. If you need to contact me for whatever, don't hesitate to do so.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol and rob keeps on slipping!.. just goes to show that it really is a matter of finding a character you're comfortable with :)


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Ben's here now, and I just printed directions to Mike's. Mike, it says it's about a 6 hour drive, so we should be there at about 3. See you soon!


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ok, so, for the Patrick meet up it's 4:30pm at Hurdman then, eh? What's Patrick's address (PM)? Also who's coming? Myself, Alan, Orlando... anybody else?

Hah, the Smash community is so funny with tiers. The Street Fighter communities have a much more 'these are just very rough guidelines' and 'make your own judgements' kind of attitude. The Smash community is more like 'This is the OFFICIAL tier list!'. They also have this odd tendency of making tons of different tier levels for no good reason. Tier divides are supposed to show significant gaps, not arbitrary divides.

I think that one day we should all get together and make an OFFICIAL Ottawa Brawl tier list. That is to say, we make our own tier list based on our collective experience and such without influence from the SBR one. Heck, we should all make a match-up chart. From my experience, making one by yourself isn't worth the effort but if we all pitched in it could be fun (and the boards might just finally get a finished one).


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Ill be at Hurdman at 4:30 then. Which part of Hurdman will we be at, as in what bus are we taking to get there?


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Ok, so, for the Patrick meet up it's 4:30pm at Hurdman then, eh? What's Patrick's address (PM)? Also who's coming? Myself, Alan, Orlando... anybody else?

Hah, the Smash community is so funny with tiers. The Street Fighter communities have a much more 'these are just very rough guidelines' and 'make your own judgements' kind of attitude. The Smash community is more like 'This is the OFFICIAL tier list!'. They also have this odd tendency of making tons of different tier levels for no good reason. Tier divides are supposed to show significant gaps, not arbitrary divides.

I think that one day we should all get together and make an OFFICIAL Ottawa Brawl tier list. That is to say, we make our own tier list based on our collective experience and such without influence from the SBR one. Heck, we should all make a match-up chart. From my experience, making one by yourself isn't worth the effort but if we all pitched in it could be fun (and the boards might just finally get a finished one).
Ottawa Tier List:
God tier:
. . .
Mid Tier:
Everyone else
. . .
Trash Tier:
Lucas :p


Smash Rookie
Mar 3, 2008
I think ive might of gotten my virus from the stagebuilder on your computer file. I opened it made a stage and when I was making it my windows crashed.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Ill be at Hurdman around 4:30. Patrick can you PM me your address? Thanks.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Patrick has backed out of waiting at Hurdman

It will be just me there. May god/Arceus/Master Hand help you all XD

I want to walk there; express route is gonna gyp me. I know the streets now.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Hey, guys. I just posted a thread in tactical about WiiChuck having twice as good DI than a GC controller. It's mostly me figuring stuff out and pointing out an eccentricity in the config of the WiiChuck, but I'd like everyone's take on it. Thanks in advance.

Here it is: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=236564

Oh, and Harold. Remind me to take the IQ test.

Infzy, would you like to help me come up with an appropriate way to test my hypothesis if data doesn't already exist? And Congrates on Sonic. GJ.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
It's like replacing a kidney, Patrick. It doesn't matter what's wrong with it; you just chuck it out and put another one in there.

Slight exaggeration might apply.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
You can get something to link your old hard drive to the PC or something if that's what you mean. Like, when my old laptop died and I got a new one, I was able to hookup my old pc's hard drive to it so I could save everything.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
GGs at Pat's. Alan was on fire. Sadly, it turns out that my Meta Knight needs a lot more practice. Also, Ariel was right in saying that Patrick's father's house is basically in the Lost Woods. We forgot to see 0 Suit Samus though...


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
yes i can fix your computer and save your files without knowing what kind of virus it is... as long as you have a CD to install your operating system (windows)

also, I'll be posting about the tournament later, but all I have to say is, Ottawa is clearly behind as things go, and I'm inspired more than ever to get better... cam/bryant can attest to me saying things they never thought they'd hear from me...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008

Listen carefully. During the next biweekly, don't be surprised to hear similar sounds from the people that play me.

/end trash talking

EDIT: Ben, don't keep us on a cliffhanger! Tell us!

EDIT2: Wow, you, PND and infzy had bad luck early rounds with kingace/ally =S

EDIT3: I always thought that Ottawa was much lower because no one here takes it as seriously. Concerning MK, I haven't sold out to him. Think of it as a 'flavor' of the week. Neither Harold, Patrick or I went onto the MK boards/watched any videos on how to play as MK. I have nothing against MK, I just don't play as him.

Also, my guess to all the surprises is that you and Ben are going to play as MK now and that Bryant has dropped MK in favor of G-dorf Snake.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Basically we got pretty much destroyed. Bryant/myself didn't make it out of pools, even though it was 32 advancing from a total of 40ish people (ie: we were among the worst there). I was only able to beat one person out of the ten in my pool; there were no noobs at all at this tournament. PND/Infzy got out, but I don't think they did too well in brackets. Ben got 17th but lost to good players (KingAce/Toronto Joe); he's not happy with that placement though.

Ottawa in general is at a lower level than the other two big ECCanada cities overall, and we definitely need more MK/Snake experience in general. The people here who recently sold out to MK are nowhere near the level of your average GTA MK (no offense...I'm just telling it like I see it) and we don't have any dedicated Snake mains since PND left. Personally I need to find out what I'm doing wrong...I got like 33rd/40 which is pretty terrible, so there is definitely something about Brawl that I'm missing or just not understanding. It's quite frustrating.

As for Ben's 'surprise', well, hype is the fuel of the smash scene so you'll have to see for yourselves next time he's around :) Also, he may not be the only one with surprises. At any rate, expect things to be different from here on out. I think the three of us (five if you count PND/Infz) learned a lot from this tourney.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Good to know you guys enjoyed it and found it educational.

Also, this is unrelated to Smash completely but....would anyone possibly be interested in going to The Offspring concert in Toronto on the 2nd? I was supposed to go with a friend of mine and my brother, but my bro possibly can't go so we've got an extra ticket. My friend's got a car (obviously) and stuff so.....yeah, if anybody's interested, let me know.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
ok so, i finally have some time to sit and recall my experience... and believe me, it was definitely an experience... at the start of the day, it was a pretty standard tournament, until we realized that there were only around 30 people total for doubles... playing friendlies, we were looking around and every single person there was a solid player... pastaboy, diddy, showed up later, as doubles was finishing and I heard him say "wow, this is going to be intense"... i'd been feeling that since i walked through the door

I won't recount any things in particular, but I would like to summarize what I learned, partly for you guys, but to also help me isolate exactly what it is that I'm deciding to take out of this...

matchup experience is KEY... knowledge of how an opponents moves work, work together, and work against your moves, is crucial... if there's ever a situation where you think to yourself "huh, I didn't know xxxxx would happen" then you've already lost...

a loose extension // philosophical gameplay of this would be to keep in mind zones of control... recently I've been thinking more in this way and I've noticed an improvement in my play... i dunno how many of you saw this picture, but someone overlayed all of pictochat's hazards ontop of each other and came up with a "safe zone"... ever since then, I've been trying to apply that concept to characters... mentally mapping all their attacks at once... by doing this for both characters, if you can keep more of your options open and viable, while limiting theirs (and to an extent limiting their ability to move into zones where they can balance this or move so they have more options) an opponent becomes predictable, frustrated, and in essence will lose the match...

the concept of "prediction"... in the past, I've stated that I find you guys pretty predictable overall... i actually asked cam/bryant how often they thought I was predictable and they said about 50% of the time... this is in _great_ contrast to what I know randy would say, where the match ends and neither of us have been surprised by any of the other's moves all game lol... this again is loosely tied in to match experience (because you must have thorough knowledge of an opponents options for this) but it's a lot like poker... when someone in poker has a good hand, there are tells... a twitch in the eye, a smirk, getting chatty, shutting up... something that they do sub-consciously... for smash, it's watching the spacing of the moves... as with poker players, if you can eliminate your tells (or make them less noticeable) you will get better... if you know that you are spacing for one move, so does your opponent... if you start using the same spacing for multiple moves, there's no way the opponent can read you... a _lot_ of what we call "prediction" is just the ability to read larger patterns in play which give away our intentions

having one, two, or even three "bags of tricks" will never be enough to win... good players will be caught once, and that's that... this is semi against what sirlin says about having a move, and then a counter to the counter... in brawl, there are too many options to look at it that narrowly, and too often one move, used in a way you hadn't thought of, will counter all of your tricks, and then you're boned... the key is to watch and learn and come up with strategies on the fly.. know your character, know theirs, and know when one move you have beats everything they have, and then strike... KingAce is very good at this (he's improved a lot... a lot) and would just shield until I moved in a way that he had some disjoint attack that would beat anything I had, or if I didn't he'd get close, pressure, and the tornado... it was solid, our games weren't close, i lost big...

recover at all costs... sure, trying to get back onto the ledge without getting hit is important, but if there's a way to get safely back onto the ledge and take 30%, I'd rather do that than put myself in a 50/50 situation where I'll take 0% or die... this is of course an excessive example but it demonstrates my point... why would ally not even attempt to get back onto the stage, and then back off, C4, and explode himself under the level 3x (teching off the bottom of BF 2x) to cross under and get back on the stage, ending up at ~190%?... because he would have died from a proper ledge guard otherwise... he didn't die after that...

SDI is good, but DI is better... any "west coast" moment is basically unacceptable, and will cost you the match... period... and this includes "Infzy DI"... if you don't fast-fall your best/shortest aerial, you're failing at DI... can't really say much more on this...

edge guarding... put simply, we all suck at it and do it wrong... I can't count the number of times my opponent got off the ledge just fine, while I found myself, as rob, struggling to get back... they either totally committed to a fight off the edge (metaknight) or stayed back and edge pressured, keeping stage control... basically, those are the _only_ two options... too many of us are waiting to take the ledge away from our opponent... that scenario didn't come up once against anyone (where I was on the stage... i gimped brose with it, but I was off the ledge too beforehand)...

on the question of tiers... yes, they exist, and it's painfully obvious... this isn't to say that everyone should drop their characters for MK now though... it's completely possible to come out of nowhere and beat a top tiered character being played by a relatively good player... unfortunately, the ONLY way to win against a top player would be to also be a top player, with crazy mindgames (see previous part on spacing for multiple options), because a top player will have the matchup experience needed to make the match incredibly difficult for you... i guess in the end, tiers are for people who want to win... low tiers are for people who love to beat people with a low tiered character... that is unfortunately
my conclusion :( (it's more optimistic than it sounds, I can't explain this one right with words)

anyways, this concludes my wall of text... I hope I've given you guys food for thought, and I said this to randy on msn but I figured I should add it here too... I love the community the way it is, and I love hanging out with this group of people, but I'm going to do whatever I can to get better now, and if people want to follow me, I hope they will be able to continue to enjoy the game and have fun like I've been doing... if not, that's totally up to you and i'm fine with that, I just hope you don't think of me too badly for some of the things I may be doing lol


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
having one, two, or even three "bags of tricks" will never be enough to win... good players will be caught once, and that's that... this is semi against what sirlin says about having a move, and then a counter to the counter... in brawl, there are too many options to look at it that narrowly, and too often one move, used in a way you hadn't thought of, will counter all of your tricks, and then you're boned... the key is to watch and learn and come up with strategies on the fly.. know your character, know theirs, and know when one move you have beats everything they have, and then strike... KingAce is very good at this (he's improved a lot... a lot) and would just shield until I moved in a way that he had some disjoint attack that would beat anything I had, or if I didn't he'd get close, pressure, and the tornado... it was solid, our games weren't close, i lost big...
This paragraph is what effects me the most, in my opinion.

I play Snake, I can do a lot of crazy and effective tricks with him, and it's enough for me to win with decent players. . . but it's not enough. As soon as you can see through my "tricks", or adapt to my setups, I'm done. I lack the versatility, and I really need to work on it. Example: Ben. I haven't won a match against Ben since OBScene. I can come close, or I can get *****, but because he knows my 'nade game so well, he pretty much neutralizes that advantage that I've abused for so long.

This was really evident against Anthony in pools. He applied so much pressure that my standard "tricks" wouldn't work because I simply couldn't set them up, and I was put out of my comfort zone by not having the stage control that I normally maintain at all times. By the end I was starting to adapt, but I still kept going for setups even though I knew they wouldn't work, just because I had fallen into the routine of laying traps and cooking nades whenever I had a second instead of chasing him, which I should have done.

I need to work on my adaptability for sure, and for the most part, on my predictability. I feel that these will come hand in hand, but Ben is correct. We had talked on this subject during the weekend, and reflected on my style and my losses I'm coming to grips with my own shortcomings.

EDIT: Oh, and to anyone looking at the brackets, I never even got to play / get ***** by KingAce. I was DQed while Cam and I went out for pizza. I have to say, it was worth it. That pizza was so good. I'm not even sure if it was good or not, I was just so hungry and I had only eaten cookies and muffins all day, my stomach was full of starch. The muffin was fantastic though, thanks Tabitha / NuclearApe! :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Alan, the latter half of your post reminded me of this article: http://allisbrawl.com/news/newspost.aspx?id=443

Cam had mentioned it during the weekend, and I stumbled across it. Good read, actually.
That actually broke my heart and bothered me a lot. I am not sure why, but I hope that isn't the future of gaming. Also, according to wiki:
Adderall is a brand-name drug psychostimulant... Adderall is widely reported to increase alertness, concentration and overall cognitive performance while decreasing user fatigue... The immediate release formulation is indicated for use in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, while the XR formulation is only approved for use in ADHD.
So, ADHD people will do better at games? =S


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
good To Know You Guys Enjoyed It And Found It Educational.

Also, This Is Unrelated To Smash Completely But....would Anyone Possibly Be Interested In Going To The Offspring Concert In Toronto On The 2nd? I Was Supposed To Go With A Friend Of Mine And My Brother, But My Bro Possibly Can't Go So We've Got An Extra Ticket. My Friend's Got A Car (obviously) And Stuff So.....yeah, If Anybody's Interested, Let Me Know.





That actually broke my heart and bothered me a lot. I am not sure why, but I hope that isn't the future of gaming.
The part about the sponsor giving adderall and cocaine really got to me. Like, I understand some people will do anything necessary to win. . . but drugs, really? It's just a videogame. But at that stage, I guess you're too deep in. It's not just a videogame anymore, it's your life.

That article haunts me, even though I knew this "doping" was going on before hand and have seen smashers pop adderall like pez. Reading about it shows that it's not just an isolated incident, and that it's beginning to emerge as a truly disturbing trend.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
If bro can't go, that shouldn't be a problem....that is, if you're gonna be around Ottawa or the area or something around that time, of course (since likely taking train to TO again like did last year). :bee:


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Bwehehe. No, it's not drugs. I just focus better in cool (temperature) and less crowded environments, allowing me to keep track of the game at more than twofold.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
If Alan goes into a big enough crowd he'll turn into the hulk trufax

also that tourney was really freaking intense

on the question of tiers... yes, they exist, and it's painfully obvious...
In pools I had my first match ever where I thought: "I know I'm better than this person. I can predict what he's doing, I'm laying traps, I'm outsmarting him repeatedly. But I'm losing; because his character is better." He was a Snake, and any mistake on my part was worth many of his. I know I could have won by playing better (I deffo need snake matchup experience, to ensure I make less of those costly mistakes), I wasn't quite in the zone for those matches (I think we went 2-1), but it's just that the tier difference was suddenly very noticeable.

I picked up Sonic largely to learn how to play smash better; prediction, zoning, etc. rather than falling into patterns with a good character. I won't be leaving Sonic for a while yet as I still have much to learn. But I'm definitely more "shaken" now.

Although Sonic's a great character for abusing ppl who don't know his tricks :)
matchup experience in this game is crazy..... Doc's D3 wrecked me so fast and hard it was a joke. yipes!


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I'm not claustrophobic nor clusterphobic. I'm just distracted by the shouting and sounds of other matches, which causes me to not have full attention on my match, but only most.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
That article haunts me, even though I knew this "doping" was going on before hand and have seen smashers pop adderall like pez. Reading about it shows that it's not just an isolated incident, and that it's beginning to emerge as a truly disturbing trend.
I haven't seen smashers do that. I am glad I haven't seen that. I guess I've bought into the propaganda of "drugs is baaaad always" without realizing it. I just don't like being not me(which happens to include even coffee). I say propaganda because it's not always true. I mean, it's not like weed kills... really anyone. If any drug should be banned, it should be alcohol; though that didn't exactly go over too well last time.

But then, if there is 300 dollars on the line and you could have just a bit more focus from just a small pill, what would you do? I guess if it's seen like that...

The only drug I consider when playing video games is my adrenaline, but video games never activate a stress response for me anyways.

I'm just distracted by the shouting and sounds of other matches, which causes me to not have full attention on my match, but only most.
Ah but, sometimes you yourself are loud and distracting during matches, Alan. Though, I will admit that I have not really been keeping track of my own noise.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
People pop pills to try and calm themselves down while playing Brawl? Man...that just sounds...ugh to me. Or could partially be because I'm taking enough meds as is. :laugh:
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