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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
The part about the sponsor giving adderall and cocaine really got to me. Like, I understand some people will do anything necessary to win. . . but drugs, really? It's just a videogame. But at that stage, I guess you're too deep in. It's not just a videogame anymore, it's your life.

That article haunts me, even though I knew this "doping" was going on before hand and have seen smashers pop adderall like pez. Reading about it shows that it's not just an isolated incident, and that it's beginning to emerge as a truly disturbing trend.
Yeah, that part was pretty disturbing. Those sponsors don't really care about anything but increasing their sponsorship money, at the expense of the lifespan/mental health of their competitors (if you have time, look up Adderall on Wikipedia and check out the short/long term side effects...good times! No need to mention the negative effects of cocaine...).

I'm saddened to hear that you've seen smashers taking this stuff. I'm not going to ask for names or anything because I wouldn't want to start a witch hunt, but is it really that commonplace? There are people who need to take it legitimately, but I'm guessing that it's not what you've been seeing there.

Personally, I'd like to be able to play at my best without having to rely on drugs of any kind. It means that as long as I'm in a normal state, I can play at my best without having to rely on an external source. I learned from psychology that there is knowledge you can get that is 'state-dependent'. For example, you might learn someone's name while really angry one day. If you see them the next day, you wouldn't be able to remember their name unless you were really pissed off (yeah, kind of a trivial example). I wouldn't want to have to be in 'drug mode' to have access to some of my Smash knowledge.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah, I agree entirely. If I'm going to do something, I want to do it as I can, without any sort of drugs or anything. I mean, it just doesn't make sense to me, like....how can you really justify that sorta thing? I'm not looking for "oh, well *insert name here* said this" or "so and so feels this way", since I don't really want names but still.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
it is legit, we were talking about this stuff when down there a bit...

also, I've been violently ill for the last 36 hours... I'm fine now, but im' wondering if anyone else from the trip is not well


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2007
Dear Sir Robert Buenob:

How are you? I am sorry to here that you have been violently ill these past few days. That is, simply put,

a load of bullocks. With that being said, however, I would like to bring something else to your attention. It

appears as though you have been winning many of the biweeklies here in Ottawa. And, funnily enough, I

have not yet managed to take a set off of you. Well, I can't have that now, can I? I sicerely apologize for

sayiing this, but when I make my return (and I WILL make my return).......













SO GET READY ........

yours sincerely

from your resident black guy

The Mos


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008

You might be black, but that is the worst rap I have ever heard. Ever.

EDIT: Also, since you quit the position of resident black guy has been taken by PNDMike. Might I also say that he is doing an amazing job, too.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Ben: I left work sick yesterday and called in sick today. Perhaps our bodies just couldn't handle trying to process everything we had taken in at that tourney? Or it could be a bug... but i think thats less likely. Also pastaboy didnt show up after doubles. We played him and KC in the first round of doubles (and won! :D)

The skill at that tournament was crazy. It opened my eyes to alot of things about my play and brawl itself. I highly suspect that everybody will notice huge changes in the gameplay of Ben, Cam, and myself. Be afraid.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2007
Good stuff Ben, Cam and Bryant for goin to Not Genesis.

By the way, ben that was a nice post on your experience there. That was some good food for thought.

But as for you doing anything to get better, Im trying to do the same. I find that one of the best ways to

get better is to watch lots ( and I mean LOTS) of videos of high level players. Obersavation is basically

what this game comes down to.

I cannot stress that enough.

EVERYTHING comes down to your ability to process as much information visually as possible.

I have watched tons of high level videos. Though I still suck at this game, I feel that I have insight into

high level play because I watch so many videos.

Ben, as you drift towards the stage, you'll airdodge as I short hop towards and then immediately


Cam, whenever I hit your falco towards the edge of the stage you'll immediately side-b

Bryant, you almost always use your ledge jump from the ledge and if I space myself a certain way, you'll roll behind me and immediately dsmash with zelda

I can put you guys in these situations and punish you because you have habits. This is why you need to

realize your options in these situations and not just habitually side-b, etc. I can remember this because I

have practised observing.

Also, when watching videos, don't watch mindlessly. One thing at a time. Look for what they do out of

shield, which way they tech, etc.

Remember Ben, there are more counters to my short hop fair as you try to recover high then just


I hope I dont sound like a douch to anyone: Im just trying to help. And alot people on these boards say

stuff that they think are true but are actually ********. Hopefully I dont seem like one of these people. I

hope that what IM saying makes sense.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
moses -
you ain't no prophet
so step off it
actin' like you just sittin' back, hangin' low
then taking everybody to that gay ***** rainbow
Crews I wouldn't pick you
I'd rather have a pikachu
thunder jolt your *** through
a baited spike, so use dair if you dare

since you lost your wii
it looks like you found yours
trolling all over the place
causin' **** over the boards
but talking only goes so far
you better raise that bar
'cause as a troll you aint so tough
don't got nothin' on no billy goats gruff

so I welcome a challenge
from that wonderful princess
or i'll take it to "the knight"
even though he's meta, you can't bring the fight
on the same level, as a robot son
you can try all you like, i've already won
think you can read me like a book?
too bad it took you too long to look
think my tactics are simple?
that's old news son
it took Ace less than one match and he won
if you think you'll stay ahead of me
by watching videos from one two or three
weeks ago, you best not forget
we're all improving, or you'll soon regret
'cause it's you who will loose
you who I will abuse
so Show Me Your Moves!



Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
it is legit, we were talking about this stuff when down there a bit...

also, I've been violently ill for the last 36 hours... I'm fine now, but im' wondering if anyone else from the trip is not well
Nope, no illness here. I pulled some leg muscles at Ultimate last night though :(

Ben: I left work sick yesterday and called in sick today. Perhaps our bodies just couldn't handle trying to process everything we had taken in at that tourney? Or it could be a bug... but i think thats less likely. Also pastaboy didnt show up after doubles. We played him and KC in the first round of doubles (and won! :D)

The skill at that tournament was crazy. It opened my eyes to alot of things about my play and brawl itself. I highly suspect that everybody will notice huge changes in the gameplay of Ben, Cam, and myself. Be afraid.
I hope I can live up to this expectation :/ All I can think of right now is to really work on what Ben said about leaving multiple options for myself, and predicting my opponent's options based on spacing. I don't know if the results will show immediately, though.

Good stuff Ben, Cam and Bryant for goin to Not Genesis.

By the way, ben that was a nice post on your experience there. That was some good food for thought.

But as for you doing anything to get better, Im trying to do the same. I find that one of the best ways to

get better is to watch lots ( and I mean LOTS) of videos of high level players. Obersavation is basically

what this game comes down to.

I cannot stress that enough.

EVERYTHING comes down to your ability to process as much information visually as possible.

I have watched tons of high level videos. Though I still suck at this game, I feel that I have insight into

high level play because I watch so many videos.

Ben, as you drift towards the stage, you'll airdodge as I short hop towards and then immediately


Cam, whenever I hit your falco towards the edge of the stage you'll immediately side-b

Bryant, you almost always use your ledge jump from the ledge and if I space myself a certain way, you'll roll behind me and immediately dsmash with zelda

I can put you guys in these situations and punish you because you have habits. This is why you need to

realize your options in these situations and not just habitually side-b, etc. I can remember this because I

have practised observing.

Also, when watching videos, don't watch mindlessly. One thing at a time. Look for what they do out of

shield, which way they tech, etc.

Remember Ben, there are more counters to my short hop fair as you try to recover high then just


I hope I dont sound like a douch to anyone: Im just trying to help. And alot people on these boards say

stuff that they think are true but are actually ********. Hopefully I dont seem like one of these people. I

hope that what IM saying makes sense.
Thank you for this post...I was thinking of trying to get better at observation/prediction by watching some videos as well. However, I was thinking of watching videos of regular players just to see if I can predict their next move. Do you think top players' videos are better for this? I would expect a top player to be more unpredictable.

Also, I will keep the Falco habit in mind. I think I've been better for that lately, but maybe not.

edit: lol@ Ben's rap. I'm saving that for the folder where I've been putting Ariel's songs!

edit 2: @Ben/Bryant: Gas was about $90 for the weekend, so try to get me $30 next time you're over.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
i've been debating with myself wether to try to analyze people at my own skill level, or wether to analyze (or emulate if you will) people at a higher skill level... I kind of came to the conclusion that a combination of studying people slightly better than me, and also the people at the top, that's the quickest way to improve... also, when you watch a high level video and ever think "oh man, why did that happen" write down the vid and time, and then re-visit it later when you think you've improved, and see if you still think it's a mystery... it's a good indication of if you're improving or not...

if that never happens, then that's awesome :)

also, I added a bit to the end of the rap, I hope you got that too lol.. and edited it :) too much fun

extra edit :

moses, I see you online
composing lyrics devine
tryin' to be sublime
makin' sure each line is fine
but you best know
you won't steal the show
I'll fight to the grave
'cause this battle can be saved


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2007
Cam: Im glad you found my post useful. I feel like I have some good stuff I can say about high level play

(more RHYMEZ GAMEZ lol) and I haven't really shared much. But as for watching low vs. high level

matches: watching low level is a waste of time. When you can comprehend everything that goes on in a

high level match, predicting a low level player is a cake walk. If you have anything else you want to ask,

Ill be happy to answer. (lol look at me sounding like I'm soooooooo good.)

Ben: OH **** your rap ***** me! You, my good sir, are clearly the superior black man.

But as for your post..... you don't really need to emulate people to be good. Players like Azen and Ally are

where they are simply because they have a mind for smash; they've figured out how to play the game

( read people based on common "tells", etc)

Oh, and never EVER believe you can't get good at this game. Some people say only certain people can be

at the top. While certain people are naturally good at this game (Derek) that just means the rest of us

have to work harder. You can start off a ****** and end up a genius. You just have to put the work in.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol i just talked smack because that's how a rap battle is supposed to go :) if I thought only naturally talented people were good at the game, well, i'd be a different person, 'cause I don't group myself in that category...

tell your mom exactly where you want to go :) maybe she'll listen


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2007
Oh how the montreal incident haunts me. I'll admit, that was pretty silly of me. But enough about that.

My comment was mostly directed at other Ottawa players. I know you have the right attitude, and

I'm glad to see that. Too many times a player will hit a brick wall and get frustrated. I'm glad you have

the right mentality.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Oh how the montreal incident haunts me. I'll admit, that was pretty silly of me. But enough about that.

My comment was mostly directed at other Ottawa players. I know you have the right attitude, and

I'm glad to see that. Too many times a player will hit a brick wall and get frustrated. I'm glad you have

the right mentality.
My mom told me "never listen to back people who can't rap :p"


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Moses tries to step, but I've never seen worse, disperse the first verse, I maintain my frame, your rhyme game and your mind's tame, I'll haunt ya like a voodo curse.
I see ya flaunting, taunting all around, but **** seems daunting when Ganon's stomping you to the ground.
Tech that *** before I wreck that ****, pay attention son, or I'ma zero death that ****.
I know you're here and you're actin' all queer, so play gay like your MK and just ****ing disappear.
Try it son, my fair might get ya, play my game & watch and my chair might hit ya. Get the picture?
My crew's divine like scripture when I spit, and you're acting gayer than Pit. The fight is on, but you're not ready yet.
I flow like a demon, fly like a knight, ignite the night when i write for spite
I'm only half white, I'm alright, so tight, you ain't, so I invite the fight.
You think you can read this ****? First live and breathe this ****. My Snake wears camo so you can't even see my ****. Try and rush me down? ***** I know you'll trip, bust lip with a C4 when I flip the switch.
We can fight with words, or with a laser lock now, you can duck out like a 'herb, or you can whip a glock out. I can write these burns until the moon clocks out, and if you try to battle it'll be a 3 stock. Wow.

Word up.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Better brace yourselves because ****s going down in O-Town.

edit: oh snap, that accidentally rhymed. I must be a rapper deep down. I will now give up smash to go and explore this undsicovered talent.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Hey ottawa guys!

Good to see ya'll at Mikey's, gg'z
Buenob, its interesting to read your posts and theories on this game, and its great to hear you guys are so motivated to improve.

One thing I'll ad though, is on the subject of tricks and mixups:
Part of my playing style is to condition a player into thinking I'll move a certain way, and then right when they've been conditioned for that response I'll change it. Then when your opponent is caught between your two displayed options... you can even go back and hit them with the first one... even though they already know about it.
^If that made any sense to anyone...

Plus spacing, its all spacing and stage control.... yeah...


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
it's just my opinions on the matters, i felt that's what really set me aside from the "top" players there... I wasn't expecting to lose so badly... but i did lol (or matches were relatively close... still couldn't pull off a win...)

your style works pretty well for falco, because the lasers force the opponent to approach, and all in all the number of different scenarios that evolve in a match against him are smaller in comparison to some other matchups... overall it's a beasting strategy if you can get it to work, but if you mis-judge your opponent, you might find yourself in a sticky situation


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Hey ottawa guys!

Good to see ya'll at Mikey's, gg'z
Buenob, its interesting to read your posts and theories on this game, and its great to hear you guys are so motivated to improve.

One thing I'll ad though, is on the subject of tricks and mixups:
Part of my playing style is to condition a player into thinking I'll move a certain way, and then right when they've been conditioned for that response I'll change it. Then when your opponent is caught between your two displayed options... you can even go back and hit them with the first one... even though they already know about it.
^If that made any sense to anyone...

Plus spacing, its all spacing and stage control.... yeah...
I wondered why the page was spaced out, lol. Btw, do you actually play Jiggs a bit now?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Very interesting stuff guys. Im glad that you have motivation to get better, as that means that I can get better as well.

Getting better is pretty tricky. The most common answer is to just practice, but even this may not entirely help all the times. Especially if you feel like you are at a stand still. Going to tournaments will definitely help but thats not always readily available.

So here are some things that you should consider and think about.

-Videos - Watching videos helps, you can learn from them so you can avoid those 'oh I didnt know that would happen' moment, or learn 'advanced' tactics. You can also learn options, such as what to do in various scenarios/how to deal with them. Or even something as simple as seeing a move being used in a certain way youve never seen before.

-Spacing - This comes with also keeping your eyes on your opponent. You shouldnt be watching your character. You should basically know where you are without looking.

-Learning - Learning comes from videos but you should also consider taking something away from every game you play, especially if you lose. Try to think of what went wrong, this can be hard if the result of the loss was a bunch of little things. You should also try to learn during a match, which is pretty hard but that means try to pick up little patterns and trying to avoid falling into the same/similar traps.

-Theres some other stuff as well that ill have to rethink about

-DI - I put this here since I think its very important yet its something that Ottawa as a whole isnt that good at. I can often kill you guys at fairly early percents which I really shouldnt be and can be easily avoided with simple DI. I often see people get hit and then as they are flying off screen they will continously tilt the control stick in the opposite direction (smash DI?). I really doubt this has any effect but I dont know all their is to know about DI so I can be wrong about this. Also this is not what is commonly known as smash DI.

Basic principles of DI as I know them are:
DI starts before, during and very slightly after (matter of frames) you get hit. The direction you should DI depends on which way you get sent. If you get sent upwards you should DI to the side (control stick either left or right), if you get hit sideways you should DI up and opposite to the direction you are being sent. The reasons for this are due to Pythagoras' theorem (it has to do with distance).

Got tippered by Marths Fsmash that will send you to the right? Move control stick to the diagonal slot that is between left and up. Getting uptilted by snake = move control stick left of right.

Smash DI is moving the control stick during the hit frames, which is better than having the control stick set for when you are about to get hit.

You guys probably/should know this already. So then how do you improve? Well reaction is a big part of it, often times youll just have to react to a hit and DI. The sooner the better, since it will be closer to smash DI. Brawl is pretty lenient on the time allowed after being hit to still consider DI compared to melee which is harder. But if your reaction time is not that good what else can you do? Consider pre-DI. If you whiff a laggy move you can move the control stick in the correct direction before getting punished. This may require some prediction. But alot of this game is prediction anyways.

To further improve DI you can DI with both the control stick and the c-stick, however you cant input diagonal smashes on the c-stick so you generally just pick one of the side smashes.

After you DI normally, then go into the Infzy DI.

tl;dr: If you are not dieing at the top left/right CORNERS of the stage you arent/didnt DI properly. Practice your DI, it is really important!

Remilia Scarlet

Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2008
Ben and I were talking awhile ago about smash DI. It is basically the wavedashing of brawl, and if one player knows how to use it properly and the other doesn't, they are at a HUGE advantage.

Bringing me back to how people deal with my G&W.....

Except marth, because he can just tipper me :) (my spacing is your better spacing (sorry orlando but its true (lol)))

Edit: I can make it this friday!
Also, Tyler, your comment was unintentionally more epic than you intended it to be, i'm sure. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2007
My mom told me "never listen to back people who can't rap :p"

You did not just say that.


See, cause if you did, and I know you didn't, then I would have to pay a visit to Cam's this friday. Then I would be forced to hide in the bushes until your car pulled up.
I would then proceed to jump out of the bushes, hit you in the back of the head with a sledge hammer, take your car keys, lay you out on the road, hop into the drivers seat, run you over, back up over your body, run you over again, stand you up on your feet, and then come up behind you and snap your neck terrorist style.

But you didn't actually say that.

So it's ok :)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
I didnt get the better spacing thing. You mean its just a bad match up?

Remilia Scarlet

Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2008

Are you up for getting together with me and a couple friends on sunday? I played SF4 with them during the year and we decided to get together awhile ago to play again, and I said I'd bring you.

I didnt get the better spacing thing. You mean its just a bad match up?
Mr. Flat Chested's best spacing is inside Marth's tipper, ironically.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
very yes :) i work 1-6 but after that i'm definitely in

also, Mikey Prime came over to my place and proceeded to @#$% me quite unconditionally at melee, and I had to go rob to beat him at brawl :) hopefully I can get him to come out to a few more fests (I know you're lurking and reading this Mike :p)


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
So apparently Justin Wong thinks Metaknight should be banned. Unrelated, Fiction recently beat M2K with Wario.



Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
I haven't really been following high level gameplay much, but is that why Wario is 3rd now?

Also, since when did Justin Wong play brawl?
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