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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
YES! *high fives Alan* Much better, in my opinion! Geeze, you do a better job shaving than I do (where's the blood?).

By the way, what are the results from the Montreal dealie? It was just Alan and Moses, right? How'd you guys do?


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Holy crap man, you look like 3 or 4 years younger (or something). And none of that annoying irritation stuff I tend to run into.

Hm, that gives me an idea. Anyone under 18 who wants to go should just grow a beard so they don't get ID'd or something. :laugh:


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Nah, he'll look much older with his stubble. As I posted in the bi-weekly thread: swimming this Sunday at the Nepean Sportsplex. Post/message/e-mail/call if you're interested.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
nice new pic harold :) kirby/dk is pimp, dunno how long that's been there but i like it

also, cam! I got off my lazy *** and uploaded (and subsequently fixed all the errors lol) in the XML file...


there it is... if you view the source, the .DTD i just wrote in the top... I'll explain a bit more in person, but the hidden doc type part is what will be the most helpful for you... I'll eventually be switching over to XML Schema to define the document, but they're slightly more frustrating to look at, but at the same time a bit easier... either way, I did it in the old way (dtd) 'cause that's what I know better, and I'll be switching to the new one (xml schema) sometime next week... either way, it has absolutely NO impact on the use, it just provides awesome error checking, and will allow people who use XML an easy reference to use our xml files


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Sorry, wont be able to do rock climbing tomorrow. Nice to hear the swiss program is coming along, think there will be a beta soon?


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ben: That was a neat palette thingy but it looks like he doesn't have it down just yet. It'll be neat to eventually change the graphics though. I tried something like that using Project 64 (N64 emulator - comes equipped with stuff do replace the textures) but it suffered from massive slow down. Ariel was telling me about texture swapping in Brawl- so I might play around with that one day.

Orlando: Screw rockclimbing. Swimming this Sunday!

Also, I'm in a Doom sort of mood. One day I want to get some of us and blaze through Doom I and II on LAN. Who'd be up for it?


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I was talking to Ben about it on Live, so I might as well update the rest of you.

Well, I passed my exam to get into the RCMP. The written portion of it, anyway. The next stage was medical and optical, and I'm 1 out of 2 on that portion. I'll need to get laser eye surgery before I can continue with the process, and this will likely delay my application by 6 months. This isn't all bad, though, because it gives me more time for physical conditioning.

I'm now spending the summer here physically training and saving up for my eye surgery (should be able to get it next month), and I hope to take the physical exam by September.

Depending on how the physical test goes, I'll probably start looking for a place in Ottawa around that time. I might not move back until around January, though, as I'll probably spend Christmas with my family down here. If, however, I epic fail my physical test, then I'll probably stay down here longer, primarily because it's warmer and that gives me more time to train outdoors.

So as I mentioned before, it's extremely likely I'm coming back, but there's my timeline. I just found out about the eye surgery, so that's delaying my plans by a bit. Oh well, more time to train, I guess.

And FYI, this means I have a zero tolerance drug policy, not that that's ever really an issue at the smashfests, meaning that if you do illicit substances, and I won't judge you for it, it can't be around me. At all.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Hey, good job on getting the written exam out of the way, man. Hope the physical test goes well. And as for the timeline, I think it's safe to say we'll likely still be here regardless of if it's September, December, January, or what, so just focus on doing what ya gotta do.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I was talking to Ben about it on Live, so I might as well update the rest of you.

Well, I passed my exam to get into the RCMP. The written portion of it, anyway. The next stage was medical and optical, and I'm 1 out of 2 on that portion. I'll need to get laser eye surgery before I can continue with the process, and this will likely delay my application by 6 months. This isn't all bad, though, because it gives me more time for physical conditioning.

I'm now spending the summer here physically training and saving up for my eye surgery (should be able to get it next month), and I hope to take the physical exam by September.

Depending on how the physical test goes, I'll probably start looking for a place in Ottawa around that time. I might not move back until around January, though, as I'll probably spend Christmas with my family down here. If, however, I epic fail my physical test, then I'll probably stay down here longer, primarily because it's warmer and that gives me more time to train outdoors.

So as I mentioned before, it's extremely likely I'm coming back, but there's my timeline. I just found out about the eye surgery, so that's delaying my plans by a bit. Oh well, more time to train, I guess.

And FYI, this means I have a zero tolerance drug policy, not that that's ever really an issue at the smashfests, meaning that if you do illicit substances, and I won't judge you for it, it can't be around me. At all.
Good to hear that things are kinda going your way, I look forward to you coming back to ottawa.

And the only drug we do at the smashfests is copious amounts of fun, I don' think your body can handle that :p


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
nice new pic harold :) kirby/dk is pimp, dunno how long that's been there but i like it

also, cam! I got off my lazy *** and uploaded (and subsequently fixed all the errors lol) in the XML file...


there it is... if you view the source, the .DTD i just wrote in the top... I'll explain a bit more in person, but the hidden doc type part is what will be the most helpful for you... I'll eventually be switching over to XML Schema to define the document, but they're slightly more frustrating to look at, but at the same time a bit easier... either way, I did it in the old way (dtd) 'cause that's what I know better, and I'll be switching to the new one (xml schema) sometime next week... either way, it has absolutely NO impact on the use, it just provides awesome error checking, and will allow people who use XML an easy reference to use our xml files
Thanks! I'll have to look into how to use DTD's. They look pretty useful and should save a lot of error validation code on our end.

Sorry, wont be able to do rock climbing tomorrow. Nice to hear the swiss program is coming along, think there will be a beta soon?
I hope to have something usable (not necessarily perfect/finished) by next Biweekly.

I was talking to Ben about it on Live, so I might as well update the rest of you.

Well, I passed my exam to get into the RCMP. The written portion of it, anyway. The next stage was medical and optical, and I'm 1 out of 2 on that portion. I'll need to get laser eye surgery before I can continue with the process, and this will likely delay my application by 6 months. This isn't all bad, though, because it gives me more time for physical conditioning.

I'm now spending the summer here physically training and saving up for my eye surgery (should be able to get it next month), and I hope to take the physical exam by September.

Depending on how the physical test goes, I'll probably start looking for a place in Ottawa around that time. I might not move back until around January, though, as I'll probably spend Christmas with my family down here. If, however, I epic fail my physical test, then I'll probably stay down here longer, primarily because it's warmer and that gives me more time to train outdoors.

So as I mentioned before, it's extremely likely I'm coming back, but there's my timeline. I just found out about the eye surgery, so that's delaying my plans by a bit. Oh well, more time to train, I guess.

And FYI, this means I have a zero tolerance drug policy, not that that's ever really an issue at the smashfests, meaning that if you do illicit substances, and I won't judge you for it, it can't be around me. At all.
Congrats so far, and good luck with the tests! Would you be working at the facility in Barrhaven?


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
First I'd get posted to Depot in Regina for my 6 months of training, and then from there I have no idea where they'd put me. Probably up North until I put in 3 years and became a "regular member." At which point my doors really open.

Personally, I thinking of inquiring to any sort of canine unit I can get into. I love dogs, and I would love to work with them. Either training, handling, or both, it really seems like a field I could get into.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sorry, I've been away from my (online) computer for a bit. If anybody is/was interested in the swimming I'll be at Lincoln Fields at around 12:30-1pm. From there I'll (and whoever else I meet there) be taking the 95 Fallowfield (or whichever it is that goes past Baseline) until I get to the Nepean Sports Plex. If anyone's interested in coming along, either meet me at Lincoln Fields or just find me as the pool. It's only $4.50 so it's not bad.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Haha, Punchout spoilers. See, THIS is why Lil Mac needs to be in the next Smashbros. And why he needed to be in Brawl.

Rumour has it Little Mac was in Brawl, but he hard countered MK too much, like 90-10. Sakurai didn't want MK to have a weakness, so he cut Little Mac and added in *insert most hated new character*.



Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Harold: I'm done with Flow now, feel free to take it back whenever you're over next time. I think the essential point of the book is covered right at the beginning, but all of the examples in the later chapters were very interesting to read about. Finding flow through games, sports, etc. was somewhat obvious, but being able to find it in situations like family life, conversations, group activities, etc. was unexpected. The part where he interviewed people in very negative life-altering experiences (becoming blind, crippled) leading to situations where they were more focused and in flow was especially surprising (not that I'm planning to become blind or lose limbs any time soon...). I'm interested to hear your opinions of it!

Fogel's quick summary of Flow for everyone who doesn't want to bother reading it:

Flow is a happy state of being where you are completely focused on a task. The task has to have a set goal, and you need to be able to tell whether you are making progress towards that goal (ex: in Smash, when you make your opponent gain % or lose a stock, you know right away you are closer to your goal). Your skills have to be good enough to accomplish the task at hand, meaning neither too easy nor too hard, and it has to be something you can focus your attention on.

Pretty much anything can be turned into an activity that can generate flow. For example, think of walking. Most people don't think it's too exciting. However, you can turn it into a challenge if you think about it, such as: walking faster, timing your walk so that you get to your destination at exactly a certain time, walking without using your heels, take walks in parts of town you've never been to before, etc.

Someone who is in flow as often as possible would basically have a goal for everything, and turn everything into a challenge. The opposite of this would be someone who has no goals and just drifts through life avoiding challenge as much as possible. For example, the book really talks down people who work mind-numbing, dead-end jobs and then go home and watch TV in all their free time.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Grrr. I closed Firefox after I had typed out a nice long reply. I can hear in my mind a little worm saying 'Stuuupid'...

In short: Cam, Flow is yours now to keep/give away/whatever. I feel like I got its full message from reading it that first time so I doubt I'll ever read it again. Actually, you've summed up the whole thing quite nicely so there's now no need for anybody to read it :p. Although, I'd add to your summary the fact that people reported being overall at their happiest when they were hanging out with friends. Those who interact with others regularly feel much more fulfilled than those who stay at home watching TV/on the internet all day. Friends = happiness.

Alan/Randy/Wilman/anybody who can read music, has their own instrument and would like to play in a small 'concert band': It's this Wednesday at 7pm. Let's meet at the Pizza Pizza on the corner of Carling and Broadview (it's a bit past Carlingwood). Don't forget your instrument! Alan, will you be able to find it on your own this time?


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Grrr. I closed Firefox after I had typed out a nice long reply. I can hear in my mind a little worm saying 'Stuuupid'...

In short: Cam, Flow is yours now to keep/give away/whatever. I feel like I got its full message from reading it that first time so I doubt I'll ever read it again. Actually, you've summed up the whole thing quite nicely so there's now no need for anybody to read it :p. Although, I'd add to your summary the fact that people reported being overall at their happiest when they were hanging out with friends. Those who interact with others regularly feel much more fulfilled than those who stay at home watching TV/on the internet all day. Friends = happiness.

Alan/Randy/Wilman/anybody who can read music, has their own instrument and would like to play in a small 'concert band': It's this Wednesday at 7pm. Let's meet at the Pizza Pizza on the corner of Carling and Broadview (it's a bit past Carlingwood). Don't forget your instrument! Alan, will you be able to find it on your own this time?
I thought you had borrowed Flow from someone else initially; am I mistaken? If I'm right, they might want it back :p

Also, I'd have to re-read that section to check exactly, but I think being with friends was just a possible flow-inducing activity. I do remember people in general being happier with friends than alone, but I figured that was more because people generally hate being alone. I'm not sure if they were always 'happiest' with friends. I remember him talking down 'drinking buddies' because all they did was make the same jokes/insult each other, so hanging out with those kinds of people wouldn't be able to produce Flow even though they may be your friends.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Tru fax. I get generally control my "flow", but it's usually tied with adrenaline. Like, when I play sports (even though I'm terrible at them) I get to a point where I'm just going on autopilot. It feels like my body and instinct is doing all the work, and I'm free to think analytically of what I'm doing, and how to read patterns and stuff. I assume that's what "flow" means.

I've only ever had flow playing Smash once, and it was during ToS5, actually. I was a one-man puff machine, able to read everything the opponent was going to do and react to patterns. It hurts mostly because of how I was apparently robbed of my position out of pools. :( johns


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Anybody have a spare copy of Diablo I lying around? As well, is more than one copy needed to play with four players via LAN? Do they each have to have their own, unique copies?

Jan and Ariel: Jason's up for the four of us getting together and Diabloing it up one of these days.

On topic: Metaknight is Diablo in disguise. Not MY Metaknight, but, like, Mew2Kings and such.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Anybody have a spare copy of Diablo I lying around? As well, is more than one copy needed to play with four players via LAN? Do they each have to have their own, unique copies?

Jan and Ariel: Jason's up for the four of us getting together and Diabloing it up one of these days.
It doesn't have a key code. You just put it in and click install. Making copies is painfully easy.

Also, I don't really like the first Diablo. It was way to slow. It takes forever to do anything. The Tristram music is the only good part of it(which is going to be added into my brawl).


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I've been looking into XML parsing for Ben's XML file, and it doesn't look like there's an easy way to use the DTD to automagically read/parse everything correctly. Xerces (the most popular XML parsing library) can look at it, but all it will tell you is whether the XML file is good or not. All of the file I/O stuff will still have to be done.

I wanted to know if anyone wanted to work on this to help out; if not, I'll look into it myself. I have some classes which I wrote for another project which should help.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I was using Xerces for a while to parse XML config files that were part of a game I was making (and never really got off the ground, of course).

It was a hellllluva lot of boilerplate to tell it to throw me exceptions at any type of error (xml syntax validation, plus using my .xsd schema validation, etc.).... and at the end of the day I think it would still tell me that an empty document was "okay" lol. My gut feeling was that I really couldn't trust that getting the "ok" from my parser would guarantee me anything about the data; I would have to do my own validation anyway as I load each value from the file into its corresponding data structure. That is, using XML as a way of storing C++ objects isn't particularly useful.

But having the XML format specification (provided by DTD or other schema language, or just ad-hoc) is useful in general I guess, so other ppl can know if they're providing you with data that your code should consider valid in some sense. But then you might still have mismatches with, say, what your schema's type validation considers a valid floating-point number vs. whatever library you're using to parse the string representation of the number from the XML file into whatever C++ type you're using to store the number, like maybe "double" on whatever platform you're compiling towards.

I guess I was hoping for something like C++ code generation directly from the schema; I give a schema, I get code that necessarily loads things correctly according to the schema, as well as code that validates incoming data according to the schema so I don't have to do any error-checking myself! Sadly, this doesn't make any practical sense since at the end of the day, the rest of my code presumably needs to do logic based on whatever type of data is being stored lol. So I think I'm just crazy :psycho:

But don't give up, Xerces is a fine parser, like you can use it to get your data okay. It's just not very automatic, there's a ton of boilerplate and manual checking you'll need to do. But it might still be better than writing, say, a custom parser for a custom INI file format? I dunno.

geez that was a useless wall-of-text, srry ^_^


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I was using Xerces for a while to parse XML config files that were part of a game I was making (and never really got off the ground, of course).

It was a hellllluva lot of boilerplate to tell it to throw me exceptions at any type of error (xml syntax validation, plus using my .xsd schema validation, etc.).... and at the end of the day I think it would still tell me that an empty document was "okay" lol. My gut feeling was that I really couldn't trust that getting the "ok" from my parser would guarantee me anything about the data; I would have to do my own validation anyway as I load each value from the file into its corresponding data structure. That is, using XML as a way of storing C++ objects isn't particularly useful.

But having the XML format specification (provided by DTD or other schema language, or just ad-hoc) is useful in general I guess, so other ppl can know if they're providing you with data that your code should consider valid in some sense. But then you might still have mismatches with, say, what your schema's type validation considers a valid floating-point number vs. whatever library you're using to parse the string representation of the number from the XML file into whatever C++ type you're using to store the number, like maybe "double" on whatever platform you're compiling towards.

I guess I was hoping for something like C++ code generation directly from the schema; I give a schema, I get code that necessarily loads things correctly according to the schema, as well as code that validates incoming data according to the schema so I don't have to do any error-checking myself! Sadly, this doesn't make any practical sense since at the end of the day, the rest of my code presumably needs to do logic based on whatever type of data is being stored lol. So I think I'm just crazy :psycho:

But don't give up, Xerces is a fine parser, like you can use it to get your data okay. It's just not very automatic, there's a ton of boilerplate and manual checking you'll need to do. But it might still be better than writing, say, a custom parser for a custom INI file format? I dunno.

geez that was a useless wall-of-text, srry ^_^
Yes, I've used Xerces before for a couple of projects and it's definitely usable; I've just never used it with DTD's/XML schema before. I was expecting something like you mentioned, where the error checking would all be taken care of for me by looking at the DTD, but it doesn't look like it's that simple.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
oic, mokay then. I guess you might as well tell it to validate against the schema and whatnot, just do your own string-to-whatever data conversion/validation while you're getting the stuff from Xerces-land anyway. *shrug* Hav fun, lemme know what you guys do in the end.


Smash Rookie
Mar 3, 2008
Guys... I found a working TV in the garbage but there are no buttons so i gotta use a stylus.

Remilia Scarlet

Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2008
Horrible News:

I can't make it tonight :(

I am fever / swine flu, and I'm taking a day off work, and I need to get better really fast or it will cost me $

I super double promise I'll make it next Wednesday, Harold!!!
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