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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008

I think this settles who's stronger between the Hulk and the Juggernaut (as if it needed harder evidence).

How is this related to Smash? I think that's obvious; The Juggernaut is G-Stomping the Hulk. Talk about a gg.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Not enough electricity to be a G-Stomp. And I don't see Juggernaut using his sirlin powers to stop time and space on point of contact.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Just you wait until MvC2 comes out. I'm going to abuse that wonderful/horrible Juggernaut glitch (where he stays in his 'powered up' form and opens a can of whoop-*** on everybody).

On a slightly more on-topic note: A few days ago Ariel, Alan and I had some All-Brawl (you know, better Brawl :p) money matches. Ariel somehow beat me ($10, although he'll never see it), but then lost to Alan ($5). T'was good fun and none of the wins/loses were because of random chance. ... Except for whatever made me lose.

EDIT for those who've read/watched Watchmen: ... ... ... I seriously don't know what to say...


Smash Rookie
May 22, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
EDIT for those who've read/watched Watchmen: ... ... ... I seriously don't know what to say...
Oh my god it burns! there's something terribly wrong with that, and after reading the book and watching the movie... just why, why a cartoon for kids?! (Well money I guess).

And on another note, please let me know when you have MvC2, I probably suck at it but it's so much fun.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
T'was good fun and none of the wins/loses were because of random chance. ... Except for whatever made me lose.
I know right! Hey everyone, wanna know what my highlight was? Well see, I was going Honkey and Harold was going Marf and we were on Port Town. At 1 stock each, I was at low percent and he was at high percent. The track just so happened to have stopped right at the beginning part - you know, the one where it's flat but there is very very little space?

Harold whiffed an UpB and I was about to release a fsmash for the win. Unfortunately for me, Harold used his amazing skill to produce a barrel that flew out from behind him and broke before he landed. I clearly underestimated his skill because he also caused the barrel to produce a Starman. My fsmash did nothing to him. At that exact moment the cars came by. I could do nothing as there was no where to run from the invincible Marf while the insta-death cars went by.

Harold made a great point though: it was my own fault all that happened. If I were skilled, I would have taken off both his stocks before I even got into that position... my position being about to end the game by taking off his stock. I was outplayed completely. Strange thing though; when I mis-timed my attacks and they whiffed, no f ucking Starman came to save me. Huh. Well, it's all part of balance I guess.

I would totally put money down on all brawl cause with half the games going to sudden death it's really really fun and fair and balanced. It isn't ghey at all.

tl;dr: All-brawl is piece of s hit


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Yes I do. It is a blinding, sparkling light that is produced from a Starman.

EDIT: I am going to use this post to say why I dislike All-brawl(as if it wasn't clear enough). If you support all-brawl(lol), please read, the both of you. Everyone else can skip it and won't miss any revelations.

In SBR-Brawl, you can't be killed by just standing there. Yes, on some levels like Norfair and Rainbow Cruise you do die because of the stage, but the stage makes it quite clear that it will attack you(Usually; Norfair gets temperamental though.) However, with All-Brawl, there is a chance that on every stage you will die from something completely beyond the scope of control the both players. Alan and Harold argued adaptability quite vehemently, but here's the thing: it isn't your 'adaptability' that creates a bat to appear behind you.

Sure, using the bat can be argued as adaptability, but if you are a lesser skilled player that just so happens to have a bat appear behind you, that gives you an immediate advantage that overrides skill*. Or how about if you're about to be given a one-way trip to Africa but instead DEUS EX MACHINA!!!!!! (fuc ker) That's not adaptability. That's f ucking luck.

Yes, Luigi/DDD/Peach do have luck that does indeed win games, but that has a significantly less impact. Alan and Harold disagreed, Harold saying that indeed, Luigi/DDD/Peach luck have a greater significance to a match than items. This is obviously false because a Gordo, Misfire or Bob-omb usually affect the match once at most. What I mean by this is that a baseball bat can be used in a match to rack damage, KO, rack more damage, edge guard, KO. A misfire can do one of those only once. In tandem with a baseball bat, a sword or star rod may also spawn leading to several situations such that a Gordo/Misfire/Bom-omb cannot rival. Though a bom-omb is suspect in these regards, a 1 in 400 chance isn't reliable.

Let's review SBR-Brawl. I can stand on Battlefield for an indefinite amount of time and never have my 0% change by a single decimal. Random chance isn't always bad for competition as long as it is in a more controlled manner. As the items are now, I feel they are unfit for competitive gameplay.

One of the arguments that Harold and Alan tried to use was that All-Brawl is the way the game was meant to be played. This is a completely untrue and laughable notion. If the game was meant to be played with items, then the option of turning them off would not be present. If all stages should be played, the options of choosing them would not be present. If it was meant to be 2 stocks, then I would be unable to change the stocks(if anything, the game prefers 3 stocks as when you change it from time to stock it has three as a default)

*Skill is a difficult thing to define. In this context I mean it as the ability to translate thought to action with precision and speed. The reason skill is overridden in the example where the asterisks appears is because you cannot translate the thought 'appear, baseball bat' into an action in the game.

tl;dr Brawl is serious business gaiz.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Just you wait until MvC2 comes out. I'm going to abuse that wonderful/horrible Juggernaut glitch (where he stays in his 'powered up' form and opens a can of whoop-*** on everybody).

On a slightly more on-topic note: A few days ago Ariel, Alan and I had some All-Brawl (you know, better Brawl :p) money matches. Ariel somehow beat me ($10, although he'll never see it), but then lost to Alan ($5). T'was good fun and none of the wins/loses were because of random chance. ... Except for whatever made me lose.

EDIT for those who've read/watched Watchmen: ... ... ... I seriously don't know what to say...
That video is just wrong.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Do items spawn on a timer like every x seconds or is it a random number between two values? Just curious.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Fact: Items can't spawn wherever they please. They have set spawn points. Learn them, and you won't get gayed.
Okay, now let's say you know the spawn points. Now, worried about having a bomb or something drop, you avoid the spawn points and attempt to pressure the opponent into them, so that any bomb / deku nut / poison mushroom or whatever will instead affect him. This demonstrates your superior knowledge of spawn points, and it shows that you're actively demonstrating strategic, effective stage control. Now, let's say that your opponent is either unaware of these points, mildly aware, or aware, but not controlling space to the degree you are. This shows that you are playing better, in all essence, and deserve to capitalize on that, you deserve to be able to punish him accordingly, or benefit according (same thing, really). However, you have no control over what item will drop into your opponent, be it a star man, a bomb, a pokeball that he can pick up and chuck back, or many other items.

So, by avoiding spawn points and out thinking, and thus playing, your opponent, your strategy can either A) play into your favor by exploding him or B) play into your opponent's favor by letting him get an undeserved advantage. You have no control over the outcome of that strategy, thus it is based on chance. Not skill.

Now, let's examine the alternate strategy, if you closely guard an item spawn location to prevent the opponent from gaining control over it. Similarly, you also have no control over what item will spawn. Even then, many items can also backfire. Lightning bolts, clocks, and mushrooms for example. Okay, you controlled the space and and item spawns. It has a random chance of backfiring, and thus even by exercising better control of space, you can either A) gamble for effects.( You can argue this is risk vs reward, but you really have no control over the outcome. ) or B) forfeit the item drop, and lose your advantage that you fought to earn. The opponent is then rewarded entirely by chance, and has not deserved the break he earned.

To restate what I said earlier, by controlling spawn points and out thinking, and thus playing, your opponent, your strategy can either A) play into your favor by giving you a good item / advantage or B) play into your opponent's favor by negating your strategy's advantage, or by killing you, or putting you at a severe disadvantage. You have no control over the outcome of that strategy, thus it is based on chance. Not skill.

As well, you cannot control which spawn point the item will appear at. Thus, even if you know EXACTLY the points where they spawn, you cannot always put that superior knowledge and skill to your advantage because it is purely random. You have no control over that, and arguing about spawn points is simply absurd because of it.

Fact: Items have no place in competition.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
PND + Zylem combo all over again. Let's hit it home Mike!

Here is a good example of how items can break that game worse than Metaknight:


Yes, Falcon being awesome is always cool. But you know what's not cool? Zelda:


EDIT: Concerning the slap chop, I like this as the best remix:

Also, this is the best parody of the slap chop:


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
today I was playing some all-brawl with some friends... my friend was Ike and f-smashed everyone for a tripple kill... he then taunted, and while he was taunting a "party ball" spawned... he then started to charge his b attack (yes even though we were all invincible... we play for fun what can I say) and the party-ball ended up spawning 5x bobombs... he obviously died lol... anyways... items are random!


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
My strategy would be to watch the Spawn Points closely and avoid them when the 10th second comes around (I hear they spawn every 10 seconds; so it's basically like the Klaptrap), scout the item (explosive? Bonus?), and react accordingly. Going for the risk-reward has no reliability and you would only want to attempt that when far behind, in hopes to catch up. Otherwise, you're dead either way.

In other words, the less-skilled would need to pray on that risk-reward.

Baiting the opponent is also a risk-reward.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
If there's money on the line, something is competitive. Ariel beat me because he was better overall that day.

The best strategy with items is to stay on your opponent and really pressure him off of the stage (so that you get the items and not him). When Ariel complained that it was the items that made me win, he then had to admit that I was the reason that he couldn't get to them.

I do concede that Ariel is correct when he says that playing All-Brawl (while closer to the Brawl default than SBR-Brawl) is no more official than SBR-Brawl. On that note, I haven't played a game of Default-Brawl (needs a better name?) in a long time. Two minutes of itemy goodness...


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
My opinion on this, I really don't care. If trolling the stage legality thread has taught me anything, it is that right now the two parties which currently exist in the smash world are:

-The SBR-Brawl guys who think that smash should be played with no iterference from items or stages, and that the victor would be ther person who out plays/mindgames the other.

-The All-Brawl guys who think that the inclusion of items and "wacky" stages add to the game and should be mastered and the victor of the battle would be the person who knows how to use and control items/stages more than the other person.

The way that I see it, SBR-Brawl is more about directly outplaying your opponent in a "fair" fight and All-Brawl is more about knowing the game and the stages to beat your opponent. I can see why people would prefer one over the other since both modes require two completely sets of skills and knowlege.

These two parties are playing two completely different games, and are constantly arguing which one is better/less balanced/just as competitive. The way that I see it, Brawl can be played anyway you want it (beacuse that is the way you need it?) becasue the options are there to tweak the game to your liking. If Harold and Alan like to play All-Brawl, fine, I don't really care if they do. But I can see why others find All-Brawl more appealing that SBR-Brawl, and vice-versa.

If I were to make a comparison, I would say that Brawl is like the Warcraft 3 map builder. Everyone is making their own maps using the tools that the map builder provided and turning the game into something completely different (Tower Defense, DoTA, Hero Arenas, RPGS). Brawl is like this, you tweak handicaps, special options like metal or light weight, and the time on games and the game mode to create a game type which you personally enjoy playing.

To sum up my argument:

-SBR-Brawl and All-Brawl are all modes of play which people prefer or dislike.
-Brawl has no default mode of play because the options avaliable allow us to tweak the game to our liking.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
If there's money on the line, something is competitive. Ariel beat me because he was better overall that day.
Actually I got lucky.

The best strategy with items is to stay on your opponent and really pressure him off of the stage (so that you get the items and not him). When Ariel complained that it was the items that made me win, he then had to admit that I was the reason that he couldn't get to them.
Read my personal highlight of all-brawl for my thoughts on this.

I do concede that Ariel is correct when he says that playing All-Brawl (while closer to the Brawl default than SBR-Brawl) is no more official than SBR-Brawl. On that note, I haven't played a game of Default-Brawl (needs a better name?) in a long time. Two minutes of itemy goodness...
That's not any closer to default that SBR and I explained why.

My opinion on this, I really don't care.
Since you don't care why not have an all-brawl biweekly? The TO can do that right?


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Since you don't care why not have an all-brawl biweekly? The TO can do that right?
We have ad All-brawl tournaments if you recall. And if anyone else is up for that , I can happily host one, but you won't see me competing in it becuase I'm not good at all brawl.

On topic: I wanna play some frisbee. Smash ultimate frisbee day sometime?


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Hey Cam, is there a park or something close by to your place?
Yes, there's one about a 2 minute walk from my house. I sometimes throw a frisbee around there with some friends who live close by :)

Since you don't care why not have an all-brawl biweekly? The TO can do that right?
We've had two all-brawl tournaments. I'm not opposed to running more, but I think the majority prefer to play without items.

edit: if it matters, I prefer to play without items, myself.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Yeah, is Alan the only one going? We've all been pretty silent about it.

Regarding the park and frisbeeing: yes, I'd like to have us a solid non-video game game day. Of course, we'd have to get everybody on board for that.

Soccer USED to be the easiest game to just pick up and play. Thanks to David Sirlin, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix now has that title. That being said, yes, soccer would be good.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
I vote Soccer, which is the easiest pick up and play game ever invented ever ever. Or Rugby, though it is significantly more complex than soccer.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Fun AND violent, huh? Reminds you kind of of Grade 8, eh Mike? Remember kids, suplexes on the schoolyard are fun until you realize "oww, a lawn's still freakin' hard".


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Yes. Also, I have a bad temper. I'm usually in charge of my emotions at all times, but Tyler is one of the few people ever to experience that rage.

Protip: Don't suplex me. I can't control my reactions.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
im going to niagara!!! from the night of the 2nd until the 7th... hitting up both the niagara 3-4-5 tourney and the toronto 6th tourney.. mike get in touch with me :p


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
I could possibligh go. Work depending of course, although that hasnt really stopped me before.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I'd love to go but alas I have a wedding to attend and will be gone for the full weekend. You guys can go but without your star player, how will you ever strive for the best?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
I'd love to go but alas I have a wedding to attend and will be gone for the full weekend. You guys can go but without your star player, how will you ever strive for the best?
A New Challenger Approaches.

If enough of you guys go, then maybe I can pass off as older?

@Cam- I got busted because Harold can't stick to stories.
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