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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I do main Marth, but like I said in a previous post, I play smash for fun and tend to play any and all characters. There is a sort of hierarchy in my "mains" I normally just take it how it goes. O and I still play Melee, not pro level mind you so if anyone wants to play some of that I'm up for it.
Another marth and melee player for the scene? hellz yeah!

You should try and make it to the smashfests held every friday starting at 5. Like stated before, PM Fogel for directions and stuff.

I don't really watch the video's Cam, but that probably has to do with my waning interest in Brawl.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
uhoh... maybe Linkshot's the best Sonic in Ottawa o_O
Hey now! I'm official Ottawa's Best Ottawa Sonic Player in Ottawa! I even beat Randy to a $5 money match to prove it!

1. I may do less videos and/or stop recording things for a while; it takes a lot of time to do these. Out of curiousity, who actually watches the videos?

3. The interview itself is interesting though, it's nice to see the thoughts of an actual professional gamer on things.
1. I don't like watching videos in general but I'd watch some if I was ever in them. I recommend only recording the grand finals as those are the most "important" ones.

(new guy stuff)
Hello! Wow, new people popping up all over the place. Nice! Whereabouts do you live?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I somewhat disagree with it only being the grand finals making videos. I think any "hyped up" match should be recorded. Like, the matches Bryant and I had in the 2nd round were absolutely incredible. Soooooooo close all three times. Crazy epic matches that would not have been recorded using your "only record grand finals". I think that maybe a vote should be taken as to whether or not certain matches should get recorded. Obviously grand finals are a must, but other ones should be in there as well seeing as how the top three in the bi-weekly's don't change that much.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
Hello everybody, I'm a melee player in the Ottawa area. I'm not very good, but I'd be interested in playing anybody. I'd like to get to know any players in the Ottawa smash scene. I'd probably be able to attend any smashfests. If there anybody interested in Melee friendlies, PM me.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Considering that a lot of brawl is played they'll probably play a bit of brawl every now and then. As for convert, well, maybe they'll pick up brawl for the biweekly. Also, the MvC stage(arena?) has undergone some changes since then. Pretty fun to see the original though =P


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I'm up for some MvC Brawl.
Gaylee? Why must we continuously go back to that filth?
Brawl's not epic unless you play the forbidden "Coin" Battle!


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
I don't know any other Melee players in Ottawa. I was just posting here in case there was anybody who wanted to play. How many melee players are there in Ottawa? I'd guess not that many.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
Alright, well thats not bad. Probably not as much as Brawl I'd guess, but its still good enough.

I won't be trying to convert people to Melee. People can play whatever they like.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Alright, well thats not bad. Probably not as much as Brawl I'd guess, but its still good enough.

I won't be trying to convert people to Melee. People can play whatever they like.
Nobel aren't we? If you haven't guessed yet I make fun about just about everything... except Captain Falcon.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Don't worry I've already realised that. And nobody makes fun of Captain Falcon and gets away with it.
It's true, last person I knew who made fun of falcon got a rising knee too the face.

The autopsy stated that the cause of death was "epic"


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
I'd really like to, but I don't think that I would be able to right away. I'd like to get some more experience playing other people first and get better, but thanks for telling me that!


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Glad to hear that a few people are watching, enough to make it seem worth it :) Personally, I wish I could upload some better quality video. Unfortunately, my TV tuner's max resolution is only 320x240, and YouTube seems to degrade what I'm encoding with (Xvid 1.2.1) when I upload. Anyone got a better codec they've used for YouTube vids?

Also, I think I'm failing at audio compression. Here's my story, maybe someone who's better at video stuff can help me out here. I originally tried to get audio from the tuner through USB, but it was TERRIBLE quality, and delayed about half a second from the video. Now, I'm piping the output from the tuner to my sound card directly. The sound is in sync and decent quality that way, but it limits my compression options in VirtualDub. I'm using some Microsoft ADPCM for encoding, and only one bit rate option is available. With that setting, the audio takes up 2/3 of the file size (for an average video of 30MB, the video will be 9-10MB, and the audio will take up the rest :( ). Does anyone know how to make this more reasonable?

I somewhat disagree with it only being the grand finals making videos. I think any "hyped up" match should be recorded. Like, the matches Bryant and I had in the 2nd round were absolutely incredible. Soooooooo close all three times. Crazy epic matches that would not have been recorded using your "only record grand finals". I think that maybe a vote should be taken as to whether or not certain matches should get recorded. Obviously grand finals are a must, but other ones should be in there as well seeing as how the top three in the bi-weekly's don't change that much.
I agree, I find it more entertaining to see a variety of people playing in the videos. However, it's almost impossible to tell when a 'good' match will happen ahead of time.

I actually watch the vids, Fogel, for what it's worth. And I do a decent bit of video editing (well, okay, I use Adobe Premiere Pro and occasionally Windows Movie Maker when it's not constantly freezing), so if you wanted, you could send some to me, and I'd edit the quality a bit and put them up on my Youtube account to speed up the process.

Edit: Forgot to point out that my e-mail if you wanted to send them as attachments or something (or over some IM...thing using it) is the same as the one listed for MSN obviously, lol.
If you have any suggestions for my questions above, I'm all ears. Also, I would be ok with giving you vids, but the only thing is that I doubt I could email entire video files. What about if I gave you a VHS tape and we split up the job?

Hello everybody, I'm a melee player in the Ottawa area. I'm not very good, but I'd be interested in playing anybody. I'd like to get to know any players in the Ottawa smash scene. I'd probably be able to attend any smashfests. If there anybody interested in Melee friendlies, PM me.
Hi, a few of us still play Melee. If you're interested in playing with us on Fridays, let me know! I live in Nepean though, so depending on where you live/if you need to bus it may be hard to get here.

More Melee? I hope this doesn't deteriorate the Brawl scene. My hands don't want to go back to that murderer D:
I actually think I damaged my right index finger due to Melee. I used to use 'R' to L-cancel, and then one day after some tourney (ie: was probably 'R'-cancelling for about 10-12 hours), it hurt bad. Ever since that day, that finger gets sore if I use it too much. It made me switch to actually using L to L-cancel :)


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
i think I'll be coming up to M. first weekend in february... staying with some other friends but I may have to ditch them for blawlz

chet -- we will have some good sf3 matches too, though you will kick my a$$ if I don't have a stick


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah Fogel, I could take on half the duties or something with a tape since I've got a thing that lets me transfer stuff straight from a VCR/DVD player onto my pc. It auto-encodes for the most part too (although...with tapes it tends to only manage to convert the audio in a way that makes it so it's like...only the L audio. In other words, yeah, you get all the sounds, but you'd only get them from the left headphone bit if you listen to them afterwards since the geniuses that put it together only put one slot for an audio plug instead of two.). And I'm not sure what the default resolution in terms of X by Y, Youtube uses now (I used to know the old one they used), but 320x240 should be alright. You can try using a program like Adobe Premiere or WMM to change it around. Like, I know WMM has a set thing where you can change the overall settings to where it works best for whatever format (like iPod, Pocket PC, VCD, DVD-R, DVD+R, etc), and where you can even edit it to, for example "best to fit 8MB" in terms of size. Adobe has that stuff too, but it's a bit trickier to figure out, and I've only started using it off/on since September, whereas my PC's had WMM since I got it in mid-05. In terms of all the encoding things, all I really know is that the typical default setting that seems to work is NTSC, since that's what my program/accessory/whatever they're called that I'm forgetting auto-sets it to that.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Ariel: Ya, I'll bring Apples to Apples and Stock Ticker this week, along with magic of course. That Newgrounds vid was pretty sweet. It did have one fault though... Captain Falcon is unbeatable and even makes Chuck Norris flood the front of his shorts. He would never lose to a lame battle toad, oh and that Double Dragon walk was as epic as it gets!

And I was like 'Personal, I prefer your mom!'

Remilia Scarlet

Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2008
Just wanted to say cam, I also appreciate the vids. Thanks a whole whole lot for all the work you put into it!!!!

If you want to take a break from doing it any bi-weekly I wouldn't mind though. Unless the matches are particularly epic hehe.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Thank you very much Cam! Those matches are intense.

@Suo: yeah, you missed out. come out on friday!

@Joblin: you're right. But remember, it IS a ficticious animation. obviously captain falcon wouldn't lose to a battle toad.

EDIT: @Cam:Hey Cam, is it ok if I brought a friend? No messes, I promise!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Heads up guys, EBgames is taking preorders on the Tournament Edition Arcade Sticks for Street Fighter 4.

They are basically replica's of what is used in the Japanese Arcades, you can't get any higher quality than this.

Today is supposedly the last day of pre-orders, Im going down in a bit to get an X-box360 one reserved, so that I have one for PS3 and one for Xbox.

Dunno if anyone is as crazy as I am, but I didn't want someone to miss out if they didn't know about it.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Alright, screw MvC Brawl, SBR Brawl, SFIV, or whatever else. After last night I'm convinced that the only fighter worth playing is Dream Mix TV World Fighters. Simon Belmont is top tier with his holy crosses. It's pretty cool (although A LOT less refined than Smash). Of course, in the end Jan and I were both getting tanked by a computer controlled Barbie. Yes, Simon lost to some hooker. :(

I can't make it to this smashfest again. Work.

New guy: While most of us prefer Brawl, there are still plenty that love Melee. I'll still pick it up and play just so Roy can forward smash people again.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
if things are looking too big I can stand aside for sure... got some other things i should really be doing, like practicing for the 24 hr LAN competition with wilman... also, we're competing in brawl on saturday as part of the same thing... I think we might win that one lol


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Can I comez on Friday? (I don't know if I signed up yet. . . )

Also: Fogel, I watch them, but I usually exit before they finish. I think that makes it so my views don't count (I just tested on Ben vs Moses, I watches it and noticed it was still at 2 views. I started it up, watched part way again, and quite and it still said 2 views)


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Oh, right! I'm officially allowed to have people over on the 31st/1st.

Just saying. I'll remind next week, too. I think the max visitors allowed is, like, 5 or 6.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I just wish I had the money you have to buy these things.
Yea I've been working like crazy for the last while, so I said what the heck, I figure I'll be playing SFIV and it's later incarnations for the next few years anyway.
I bought one for each console, because tourney's could be on either, and so that I can use the same stick no matter where I play.


New story trailer for SFIV, gives you a taste of each english voice actor.

They also included a feature where you can choose whether you want each individual character to have english or japanese voices, very cool. Like you can have Guile with his english VA, and Ryu in Japanese, etc.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Oh cool, that looks uh, sweet. The voice acting thing is a nice touch too. I remember in Sonic Adventure 2 back for the DC, you could switch from like 5 different languaged voice actors for Sonic, like French and that, which was kinda funny. And Mike-man, not to try and speak for Fogel/Randy but....I somehow doubt they'd have any problem with you going. :bee:
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