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Ottawa Bi-weeklies, because illegal gambling is perfectly legal


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Haha, Pirate Ship and Norfair! Well, sign me up.What about ____cide's? G-Dorf and Bowser get the win if there's a suicide KO, but it never says anything about D3/Kirby/Wario/Diddy.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Signing up for both the Brawl and Melee leagues.

Fukyeh Norfair.

(P.S.: This is the OBScene stage list. So yes, 2 bans.)

Petition to replace Pirate Ship with Pokemon Stadium 2 due to Rudder Camping controversies.

All in favour?


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Rudder Camping is not broken until proven otherwise, which I don't think it has been. :p
Then again, there's nothing at all wrong with PS2 :urg:

I don't think I should be on the Ottawa PR at all, so I shouldn't be in a house.

Then again, it just so happens that I'll be in Ottawa this coming weekend. Probably only available Sunday morning :urg: but I'ma try to show up for Friday smashfest at around.... midnight :urg: so I could have some matches, but again, prolly not much sense in having me in the competition.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I'd assume it involves using the thing that launches people to the left of the screen as a kind of shield thing and hiding behind it to stop people from approaching or something. Never heard of it though, so I could be way off. And isn't Stadium 2 considered really banned because of those **** treadmills?


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
You asked!

Rudder Camping is where you abuse the patch of hull on the back of the ship that has no hitbox on it. You're stuck in a swimming state, and for a very long time, it was considered stalling, in the sense you couldn't be stopped at all. Also, you can't drown because you're not flailing at the surface.

Recently, it has been discovered that very many projectiles do indeed hit the Camper, which knocks them into the hitbox.

However, many characters do not have these projectiles. Instead, they can play footsies by going underwater and trying to shove them into the hitbox. In this scenario, the rudder camper just swims up and now the approacher is in an extremely bad position.

There are 8 total characters that can do nothing to a Rudder Camper.

The Controversial Rudder


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Uh...if something's banned, isn't trying to teach how to do it kind of against the point? :laugh:

Oh, and sign me up for Brawl this week, and the league. I might randomly try a melee one just for lols later on.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
It's not blatantly stalling if it's beaten by the majority of the cast.

It comes down to "Well, do we simply punish the player for not using a character that can fight this?"

I know the entire Pokemon Team can't do anything. I know Luigi and DK are boned. That's 5. Pretty sure Sheik can't do anything... Jiggs MIGHT be one...oh! Falco can't. Ah, right! Sheik can, heh. You transform into the water as Zelda, luls, or dAir. Forgot she had that.

Total List: Luigi, DK, Olimar, Falco, Squirtle, Ivysaur (actually...Vine Whip might swing her low enough to swim to the rudder), Charizard, Jigglypuff.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Uh...if something's banned, isn't trying to teach how to do it kind of against the point? :laugh:

Oh, and sign me up for Brawl this week, and the league. I might randomly try a melee one just for lols later on.

Well, if I learn how to do it, there is no way I can do it by accident and get kicked out of a match. Also, I don't think it's banned, and I might want to consider implementing it into my game, lol. (Just kidding (not really))

I also am just having trouble picturing what is going on here, so I can't really give my opinion of it.

It's not blatantly stalling if it's beaten by the majority of the cast.

It comes down to "Well, do we simply punish the player for not using a character that can fight this?"

I know the entire Pokemon Team can't do anything. I know Luigi and DK are boned. That's 5. Pretty sure Sheik can't do anything... Jiggs MIGHT be one...oh! Falco can't. Ah, right! Sheik can, heh. You transform into the water as Zelda, luls, or dAir. Forgot she had that.

Total List: Luigi, DK, Olimar, Falco, Squirtle, Ivysaur (actually...Vine Whip might swing her low enough to swim to the rudder), Charizard, Jigglypuff.
So, to do this, you'd need a move that would get you under the water long enough so that you pass through a part of the ship? Is this similar to bear blasting camping under the giant rock in this stage?

I am going to ban Pirate ship against Alan/[INF]Mike/Andrew. Rudder camping problem solved =)

Edit: Btw, would anyone be interested in playing some Yomi online using a program called Lackey with me sometime soon? I know I missed the bandwagon etc, but I played it the other day with Randy and I really like it. It's really good for mindgames and it will help your brawl game to play. Just putting that out there.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
you forgot me ariel... I was definitely part of the rudder camping discussion on the stage legality thread :p oh wait, I just beat you guys without spending my time trying to learn easily beatable strategies and then thinking my opponent is bad when they didn't learn the counter and actually win against them :)


seriously though, lolimar is gonna **** yo-*****... until i lose one round and cry like a little ***** and switch to rob :)


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I can play on WiFi too, but I think wifi is dumb and kinda bad for your game (unless you play them both enough that you can separate the differences well), so I don't recommend you use it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
@Ben- I purposely didn't include you because I didn't think you'd do it. If you rudder camp me, I am planking you in return =P

@Mikes- I don't mind playing you guys Wifi, though if I am paired against InfzyMike we'll just get the matches in when he's in town.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Sorry, things just came up today and I may have a friend come visit me this weekend, so I might not attend. I'll give you a head's up when I know 100%.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
What happens in the even that two players cant meet within the season?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Friday was another Round Robin with me/Cam/Randy/Andrew/Matt.

I only remember my own results which were 3-0/Cam, 3-0/Andrew, 1-3/Matt and 2-3/Randy.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
@Anyone who doesn't want to read the wall of text below: I am updating the league rules a bit after some comments below. Please actually read the wall of text below to find out what changed.

edit: I added a link to the League rules post in my sig.

I'd like to sign up for brawl. :D

I'm glad to see a more liberal stage list. What brought that on? Does that mean that each player gets two bans?
I don't think I'm going to change the stage list at this point unless a lot of people have issues. What are the problems in particular? Also, yes, two bans (I will update the rules shortly).

Haha, Pirate Ship and Norfair! Well, sign me up.What about ____cide's? G-Dorf and Bowser get the win if there's a suicide KO, but it never says anything about D3/Kirby/Wario/Diddy.
I suppose it's only fair to count it for other characters too. I'll update the wording.

oh really? Aite sounds good

Fogel, u mind signing me up for Melee AND Brawl?
and another thing for rules, do u allow Alternating CG by IC in brawl? or are u banning it...?
and for melee, are u allowing Wobbling?
Wobbles and IC CGs are allowed up until 250%. More than 250% would be considered stalling. I'll add that specific clause in the rules.

If you guys are cool with me playing WiFi, sign me up.
Sorry, but I want this to be mainly for in person matches. Unless you are willing to come up during the season to play anyone who can't/doesn't want to Wifi, I don't think I can register you right now.

What happens in the even that two players cant meet within the season?
I think we'll have to take this one on a case-by-case basis. If there's a good reason, then I think just let it go. If it's for stalling/not wanting to lose purposes, some form of penalty may be in order. Any ideas?

What were the results from Friday?

Ariel: 3-0 Andrew, 1-3 Matt, 3-0 Cam, 2-3 Randy
Andrew: 0-3 Ariel, 3-1 Matt, 1-3 Cam, 1-3 Randy
Matt: 3-1 Ariel, 1-3 Andrew, 2-3 Cam, 1-3 Randy
Cam: 0-3 Ariel, 3-1 Andrew, 3-2 Matt, 0-3 Randy
Randy: 3-2 Ariel, 3-1 Andrew, 3-1 Matt, 3-0 Cam

Randy didn't sandbag in the matches I saw/played against him and was on a rampage!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Final Destination
Thanks alot Fogel for signing me up!
so this whole things starting on friday? i MIGHT be able to make this friday but only till 8ish


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
if the two players can't meet, i suppose they could agree to a tie, in which they each get two points? but really, one evening out of a whole month, not really the hardest to do unless you're not trying to do it...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Sign me up for brawl. I might consider joining the melee one in the future, but not right now.

I'll be there friday. I work until 7, but I will try to get there as quickly as I can


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
I was thinking specifically to myself. Im not sure if I want to join simply because I may not make that much of an effort to meet the other person for our matches. Granted there is always the smashfest but even then I may not have the motivation to go in order to play a few matches.

Having said that it really wouldnt be fair to the other players both in my house and other houses since I would pretty much be skewing the results. Im an honest person so I wouldnt avoid anyone to 'not lose', thats kind of a **** move. I would just rather 'forfeit' the matches that way I wouldnt get any points which would be right, however the other player would essentially get free points. In that sense it wouldnt be fair.

I think ill skip this season. January ill have more time so I may join then.

Now as for the hypothetical:
I dont remember how the point system is implemented so the following may not work at all but what I was thinking is:

tie between player x and y : 2 points each
tie between player x and z : 1 point player x and 2 points player z

therefore each time you tie you get less points than before, with a starting point value of 2. I would suggest this mainly because it could be hard to punish someone in the event that both players tried to meet for the matches, even if one is only saying he tried.

I doubt ties will really be necessary in the season though, everyone here is pretty active.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
This is kinda offtopic, but i was looking through the brackets posted by PNDmike on the first page of this thread and it brought back alot of memories. But that is not my point, during the reading of year old bi-weekly brackets, I have found a team which named themselves "AWWWWWWWWW YEAAAAHHHH!!!!!" and I actually don't remember what this team was.

Anyone remember? I speculate that it was Joblin and someone else, but I don't remember who.

And to keep my post on topic: sign me up this bi-weekly.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
If it was me, I don't recall.

Also, when PNDMike finishes Waluigi, would I be able to play him or would he be banned? Or only if both players agree to have him available?


@Alan- Wisp was really ****ing broken. A Marth/Samus/Ike moveset will not even come close to how retardedly broken Wisp is.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Ariel, I'll let you play Waluigi...

If you let me play Pheonix Mario rofl.

In all seriousness though, if both players accept then I think it should be allowed. Other then that, he should be banned in my opinion.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
if the two players can't meet, i suppose they could agree to a tie, in which they each get two points? but really, one evening out of a whole month, not really the hardest to do unless you're not trying to do it...
I'd prefer not to have ties. If a match isn't played out, I'd want it to be left as 0-0. The point of the league is to play!

Sign me up for brawl. I might consider joining the melee one in the future, but not right now.

I'll be there friday. I work until 7, but I will try to get there as quickly as I can
Cool! Could you ask Dave and Riley if they'd be interested in the league as well?


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
yo cam is there teams as well? or not enough people so only singles
I don't think doing a Teams league for either game is a good idea at this point. It would be even more difficult to make sure everyone from each team would be available to do all their league matches than it would be for singles.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
ChiboSempai and I are working on Waluigi together to try and balance him, so if you used him in a tournament setting the results would be SO great for us to have for interpretation. In short, I completely support you using Waluigi in tournament so that we can make sure he's balanced and awesome and awesomely balanced to an awesome degree of balance.
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