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Ottawa Bi-weeklies, because illegal gambling is perfectly legal


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I like the league idea -- any chance of maybe WiFi'ing it as well? An Ottawa WiFi league would give us more flexibility with the scheduling and then I could join! And maybe Infzy Mike too!

EDIT: Maybe even Moses, haha


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
That sounds great and all but uh...since the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector stopped being supported and now that it's been discontinued and won't be updated to be 64-Bit Vista compatible, I can't take my Wii online, so...


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
Is anyone interested in this? It might be too soon to try and have this going for this Friday, as the rules would need to be hammered out, but I'm curious if people think this would be worth pursuing. We could even run two leagues; one for Brawl and another for Melee!
If there were enough people for Melee to do so I'd be interested. For the prestige and honour of course.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
A compelling argument. I'd like some prestige. Put me down for it. Though for house matches, they could also be MMs right?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Haha, Mike, you crazy.

The 4 is actually the slowest way to get to Campus from Hurdman. The 90 series goes right there in 2 stops.

(The regular bus costs $3 now, I think. Does O-Train accept transfers?)
Awesomes. I will be going with Matt (and possibly getting lost!) We are planning which stop to meet at now before getting on the O-Train.


I don't need to take the O-Train. Campus station is 5-minute busride away. There is a Herzberg Laboratory there. If that is not "the right one", I will be officially stumped.

...okay. I was a little off.

It's not the right Campus Station.

Why must you do this, OC Transpo?

TL;DR I know where to go now.
These two posts have me believing that you went to the Campus Bus station that is for Ottawa University.

The league sounds like a very good idea. I like that it bunches similarly skilled individuals with one another which should cause matches to be intense.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lolz @ bussing... anyways, I'm down for this for sure

I suggest bo5, 5 neutrals w stage striking, and the full CP system, stage list == pound4 stage list, everyone plays everyone in their division twice (preferably on two separate occasions, not back to back), points are awarded one point per game won (so 3-2 would give 2 points to the loser and 3 to the winner), and in the event of a tie in the end it goes to points against, and then the score between the two... if still tied, it goes to the points won vs. the 1st person ranked in their division (not involved in the tie) then the points lost against the same player, and if still tied goes down the list until if miraculously they tied against everyone, they do another bo5 match to decide who is placed ahead of the other

mostly, in a round-robin thing like this, there shouldn't ever be a reason for extra matches to be played, hence the excessive tie breaking system

i propose 3-4 week time periods for each "season" (i think 3 is good... 4 seems a bit too long to keep it going), and 5 people in each pool..


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I'm just going to concur that while I agree leagues is cool, I'm going to have to pass on it for the obvious reason that my Wii doesn't look like it'll be going online anytime soon.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
We don't have to play online.

As for the seasons, why don't they just last a month each? When December finishes, the season finishes.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I'd like to ask anyone who's interested in deciding the ruleset to read my reply to Ben within this post, and add comments. Also, does anyone have any opinions on what to do for the league champion situation in my earlier post?

I like the league idea -- any chance of maybe WiFi'ing it as well? An Ottawa WiFi league would give us more flexibility with the scheduling and then I could join! And maybe Infzy Mike too!

EDIT: Maybe even Moses, haha
I don't think having Wifi is a good idea at this time, as there are a lot of people in Ottawa who don't have Wifi.

I love the league idea. However.

who is going to take care of all this?
I would manage the point system, etc. I was thinking of using the PR as the basis for the initial groupings.

A compelling argument. I'd like some prestige. Put me down for it. Though for house matches, they could also be MMs right?
They could be, if the other person agrees.

lolz @ bussing... anyways, I'm down for this for sure

I suggest bo5, 5 neutrals w stage striking, and the full CP system, stage list == pound4 stage list, everyone plays everyone in their division twice (preferably on two separate occasions, not back to back), points are awarded one point per game won (so 3-2 would give 2 points to the loser and 3 to the winner), and in the event of a tie in the end it goes to points against, and then the score between the two... if still tied, it goes to the points won vs. the 1st person ranked in their division (not involved in the tie) then the points lost against the same player, and if still tied goes down the list until if miraculously they tied against everyone, they do another bo5 match to decide who is placed ahead of the other

mostly, in a round-robin thing like this, there shouldn't ever be a reason for extra matches to be played, hence the excessive tie breaking system

i propose 3-4 week time periods for each "season" (i think 3 is good... 4 seems a bit too long to keep it going), and 5 people in each pool..
Quite the detailed list of suggestions!

I was thinking of having best of 3 sets, playing each person once in a season, with stage striking and full CP system. Best of 5 might take a while, especially with having to play each person twice (I don't want smashfests/biweeklies to become only biweeklies or league matches). I'm not sure on the stage list yet, haven't been looking into it for a while. I was thinking of taking the one from the Montreal tournament for now.

Three weeks might not be enough time to finish a round given the amount of people who only show up to biweeklies; I think 4 minimum is necessary. As for the pool numbers, I'd like 5, but it depends how many people want to play in this.

I'd appreciate others' opinions on this ruleset! If more people want best of 5 instead of 3, or playing people more than once, or other variations on what Ben/myself have mentioned, let me know.

We don't have to play online.

As for the seasons, why don't they just last a month each? When December finishes, the season finishes.
A month should be good for this, I think. It shouldn't be too hard to play a match with the other 3-4 people within a month.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
personally, I think a best of 5 should be done.

And when are things going to start?

EDIT: nevermind, I just read the post.

EDIT2: how often is a league going to be held?


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
im down for once a month :) and starting from the PR sounds good to me

also, in general fridays aren't the best for me... I plan on doing most of my matches with people outside of friday fests


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
This league idea does have an interesting consequence that I do not believe anyone has considered. Since there'd be so many matches, we'd probably have to play on non-Fridays anyways, which means, the Ottawa scene will be hanging out and stuff. Perhaps we'll end up with a closer community?

Anyhow, I'd prefer Bo5. I wouldn't mind playing people more than once either. As for the stage picking system, couldn't that be worked out between the players?

EDIT: I feel hurt that Matt doesn't remember my name.

EDIT2: Also, I do not agree to play Rumble Falls with anyone. I don't even like to play on that stage with items. It's the worst stage in the game, barring NPC and Mario bros which don't count as stages cause no one plays on them ever.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Rumble Falls anyone?

I do agree with what Chaos said, and Ben said. Best of 5 for sure, and it'll hopefully make us a 'closer' community since some of these will not be on Friday's.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
I love this idea.

I think we should do best of 5 sets as they tend to bring more epic. But playing everyone in the pool on 2 seperate occasions sounds difficult given a month(ish) long season. Remember that based on how Cam suggests moving through the 'pools', three(or more) out of the 5 people in a given pool will remain the same the following season. So there will be plenty of opportunities to get a second set with someone the next month.

Also maybe as far as organization goes we could assign one person in each 'pool' to be the stat-keeper for the season, this way one person (cam) doesnt have to keep records for every player in ottawa. The statkeepers would meet at the end of the season to adjust the 'pools' for the next season and whatnot.

I'm not a fan of the champion thing you mentioned cam, as this would mean the victor doesnt get to play as many games the next season(right?), which isnt much of an incentive to be champion imo.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
I like bo3 with playing each person only once. However the consensus seems to be bo5 so that should be fine, but id keep it to play each other player once. It may drag on otherwise.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
I really like this idea, and I'd be down for it for sure.

I think Bo5 is the better choice, just because the result is more accurate (and epic). Really, I'm not sure if playing one another twice is possible, especially not in 3 weeks. People have things to do, and may not even show up to fests more than one time in a month. And what happens then?

One thing we haven't looked at is the possibility of matches not finishing in time. If I'm not able to meet up with someone once (or twice) in a month because of how busy they are, do I just lose those points? In a Bo5 with all wins resulting in a point, that would guarantee that I would not win in that house. I'm not thinking of anyone in particular, and I'm just talking in first person because I feel like it. :p


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
So uh... if we're going by tiers, then...

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

Some things look kind of off. I assume Ben and Bryant are going to be dropped down a tier in order to have some matches in. (PND)Mike is probably going to have to wifi most of his matches unless he gets some in for tomorrow/sat/sun, assuming he's included. As for my tier, it's quite lonely, but I can wifi with (Inf)Mike at least and I'm generally able to contact Orlando reliably, so the only thing I ahve to worry about is playing Riley. As for the final tier, I wouldn't count on Justin/Arsene. Things will probably look like this:

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Things don't quite look... right imo


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
assuming everyone plays, i think mike should be not included in these, since wifi is lamez0rz (sorry mike... both of you lol)

and there should only be 2 tiers to start with...

(im actually also assuming that SAUS is gonna be too busy to do this... if he wants in then he'd be in the top one)

2) zylem/haze/matt07/fogel/jiggernaut/livewiresXe/braH


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
****. 15 people. Raeg.

Ohwait. Hmmm.

Tier 1
Linkshot (You know it's true)

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

Tier 5
Look okay?


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
we can discuss things like this tomorrow. With cam orginizing everything and just random peoples thoughts.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Alan your version has too many different groups imo.
And I really think including the mikes will make this impossible. Unless they really want to and can make sure the games happen (i dont have wifi and probably wont ever)




I dont think we have enough people to do more than 3 different pools

I might stop by tonight. I cant stay long but id like to get a few friendlies in if i can


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Don't think your hot **** just cause your on MM3. MM9 is still the hardest Megaman there is(Inti creates is so awesome)

EDIT: MK MMs Bryant?


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Sorry guys, it's been raining all afternoon and weather network says it might be turning into freezing rain. Normally I could bear it but, the van doesn't exactly have anything close to winter/ice tires and while I could tech the curb when I dropped Alan/Matt off at McD's last time, I don't think I could tech the ditch off the side of the high way...especially at like 1am on the way back. :laugh:


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Ottawa Smash League - Season 2

It's finally here! Registrations for both Melee and Brawl are due by January 14th, 2010 to allow for time to make houses. To register, please post in this thread indicating which league(s) you would like to sign up for. There will be both Brawl and Melee leagues, and signing up for both is both allowed and encouraged!

Current Season duration: January 15th, 2009 until February 26th, 2010
Registrations due by: January 14th, 2010

League rules
  • Entrants will be grouped into houses by skill. For Brawl, the Ottawa PR will be used as a reference for the first season. For Melee, I will try and group players by skill based on estimations of player skill (to be decided by the league admins). For subsequent seasons, existing players will stay in their house (except for the Champion and loser of a season, as will be described below). For new players in later seasons, the PR and current player skill will be taken into account when deciding which house to add them to.
  • A round robin will be played within each house for the duration of the current season.
  • Points will be earned in league matches. 1 point will be added per each game played (to encourage people to play all their games), plus 1 point for each game win. For example, if A beats B 3-1, A will get 4 points (1+3 game wins) and B will get 2 points (1+1 game win).
  • The winner of a house will advance to the next house. The winner of the top house will be League Champion for the season (what that gets the Champion to be decided...). The loser of a house will move down a house. This ensures that everyone gets to play different players every season.
  • Tiebreaks will be decided in the following order:
    • Games won
    • Games lost (points against)
    • Head-to-head matchup (ex: if A and B have equivalent games won and lost, but A beat B, A will place ahead of B)
  • All league matches are best of 5 (five) games, following the specific rules for the game being played (see below)
  • All league matches are expected to be played in person. Playing a league match over Wifi is allowed only if both players agree.
  • All league matches must be completed by the league end date shown above. Players who consistently fail to complete league matches by the season end date will be dropped from future seasons.
  • The winner must report the results to the league administrator(s) (currently only Fogel). This must be done in person, using a Private Message or by posting in the Biweekly thread.

General match rules - Applies to both Melee and Brawl

  • All Items are OFF
  • There is one (1) stage ban per set. Neutrals OR Counterpicks can be banned. Bans MUST be called before the first game in a set begins, otherwise the opponent is not required to honour it.
  • Wobbles and other Ice Climber infinites are allowed up to 250%, at which point the Ice Climbers must end the grab (ending the grab by KOing the player is acceptable). Going beyond 250% will be considered stalling and the offender will forfeit the current game.
  • Dave's Modified Stupid Rule is in effect: No stage may be used twice in a single set if the player choosing the stage has already won on that stage, unless both players agree to use that stage.
  • Stage Knock-out: Each player may choose to eliminate one of the neutral stages at the beginning of the set. Yes, even Melee will have stage striking. To go Random stage in the first round, both players must agree.
  • Double blind character pick (may be called for the first game): A double blind pick is when each player secretly tells a neutral third-party what character they will use. The third party then announces the character choices, and the players must stick with their character choices.
  • Advanced Slob Picks (for the second or later game in a set): For a given game, the loser of the previous game may either choose the next stage or elect to go to a random stage. The winner of the previous game may then either change character, or stay as their current character. The loser may then either change character, or stay as their current character.
  • If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage

Brawl-specific rules

  • All matches are 3 stock, 7 minute time limit
  • There are two (2) stage bans per set. Neutrals OR Counterpicks can be banned. Bans MUST be called before the second game in a set begins, otherwise the opponent is not required to honour it.
  • In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors (a clearly skill-based league sub-game). Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock is BANNED unless both players agree (because everyone will go Spock).
  • Metaknight's Infinite Cape glitch and any other forms of stalling are banned
  • Standing Infinites are BANNED which include (but are not limited to) Dedede's small-step chain grab, Marth on Ness grab-release, etc.
  • If a game ends with a suicide move (ex: Bowser doing his suicide klaw/Ganon doing side-b and it ends in sudden death), the sudden death will be ignored and that game will count as a win for the character which initiated the suicide move
  • Ice Climber infinites are allowed up to 250%, at which point the Ice Climbers must end the grab (ending the grab by KOing the player is acceptable). Going beyond 250% will be considered stalling and the offender will forfeit the current game.

Neutral stages (will be on random select):
Final Destination
Yoshi's Island
Lylat Cruise

Counterpicks (are not on random select, but are legal stages to be selected):
Pokemon Stadium - Melee
Rainbow Cruise - Melee
Delfino Plaza
Frigate Orpheon
Castle Siege
Jungle Japes - Melee
Brinstar - Melee
Pirate Ship

Banned (can never be used under any circumstances):
Everything else

Melee-specific rules

  • All matches are 4 stock, 7 minute time limit
  • Ice Climbers' freeze glitch, Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, and any other forms of stalling are banned

Neutral stages (will be on random select):
  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Yoshi's Story
  • Fountain of Dreams
  • Dream Land 64
  • Pokemon Stadium
  • DK64 (note: the seventh stage is for stage striking purposes)

Counterpicks (are not on random select, but are legal stages to be selected):
  • Corneria
  • Rainbow Cruise
  • Green Greens
  • Mute City
  • Brinstar
  • Poke Floats

Banned (can never be used under any circumstances):
Everything else



1. Fogel
2. Matt07
3. Zylem
4. Haze
5. Knuckles
6. PND
7. buenob
8. BC AL
9. Linkshot


1. Fogel
2. BL!TZ
3. BC AL
4. Wak
5. Charlesz
7. PND

I think I got everything as far as rules go...let me know if I missed something.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
I'd like to sign up for brawl. :D

I'm glad to see a more liberal stage list. What brought that on? Does that mean that each player gets two bans?
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