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Old M&G - Now you may make your own intro thread!

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Kupo Rose

It's what my cutie mark is telling me ♫
May 19, 2009
Scotland, UK
Thanks for the greetings. I'm definitely interested in the Arena. I generally don't play online however, how laggy are the matches?
Lag varies from person to person. It depends on...

Your internet connection
The other person's internet connection
Where you live
Where the other person lives
Whether you're downloading something
Time of day / Internet traffic (maybe, not sure)
And possibly other factors that I don't know of


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Thanks for the greetings. I'm definitely interested in the Arena. I generally don't play online however, how laggy are the matches?
Got Beef? :bee: The lag is bad until you get used to it. On top of regular lag there is also button input lag. Meaning that samus can Jab Cancel marth, even though she shouldn't be jabbing marth in the first place.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Hello current members, I'm Beif (pronounced bayff). I got the name when I randomly spammed the A button when making my name in Brawl. So now I'm Beif. I've been a fan of smash since the original and heavily played all three games, though I prefer brawl above the others. I consider myself pretty good, not anywhere near a pro level, but I'm not too bad. I've hung around the boards for several months but only recently decided to join up and contribute to the community. I'll look to stay active on the boards. Especially the Luigi and Toon Link boards, as they're my current mains.

Thanks :D
It's nice to see that you decided to become a member! :bee:

I take it you know your way around, then?
Haha, Luigi is just one of those characters I can't use. I tend to use heavier characters. I main the Dark Lord, myself. :ganondorf:
Oh, and I agree with the others, the lag really does depend on your connection, their connection, your location, etc.

Keep enjoying your stay at the SOS Dan Boards! :bee:


Smash Rookie
Sep 28, 2010
It's nice to see that you decided to become a member! :bee:

I take it you know your way around, then?
Haha, Luigi is just one of those characters I can't use. I tend to use heavier characters. I main the Dark Lord, myself. :ganondorf:
Oh, and I agree with the others, the lag really does depend on your connection, their connection, your location, etc.

Keep enjoying your stay at the SOS Dan Boards! :bee:
Thats brave of you.

And I just tried playing an online match against some random person, and I'm definitely not used to the amount of lag. Hopefully not all matches are quite as bad.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Hi, I used to be Altres -.- but my little brother messed up my account
Lol, could you not fix the account? Or did he post things that you didn't approve of?
Do what I do, and have a really long password. :bee: I have a 25 or so character long password on Youtube. :laugh:

Oh, and welcome back!


Smash Cadet
Sep 30, 2010
Hey, I'm new here, and semi new to smash. I got SSBB with my wii two years ago, but I really didn't play it seeing my cousin gets all the really addicting ones (Animal crossing *Shiver*), so I really didnt play it much. Im still looking for a main. I personally do not perfer the air.

I got my name from miss-spelling "Meow" turning it into Mero, which was somewhat taken by another member. I then molded it into Miru, but that is a female japanese name, and I am male, So I switched out the M for a K.

Im basically here so I can beat a few friends and play a bit of online friendlys, and get pretty good playing competitve brawl. =D


Smash Rookie
Sep 30, 2010
Lol, could you not fix the account? Or did he post things that you didn't approve of?
Do what I do, and have a really long password. :bee: I have a 25 or so character long password on Youtube. :laugh:

Oh, and welcome back!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2010
Las Noches California
I should've introduced myself before but I guess I'll introduce myself now.

My name LordAizen is based on my favorite character of All time Sosuke Aizen from Bleach :)

I've been play smash for almost a year now although I did play Melee once 5 years ago with a friend and my 3 favorite characters were Mewtwo, Marth and Roy. I bought brawl and I immediately used Marth. Then I finally bought Melee and in that game I main Marth and Mewtwo. In Brawl I try to main people that aren't in Melee so I didn't want to main Marth in Brawl anymore. I was thinking about which character takes alot of skill to use so I narrowed it down to Meta knight Snake and Diddy Kong. In the end I chose Diddy kong because I like his Banannas even though I've yet to master him(I only started with him a couple of days ago lmao)


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Oh, so you like Anime! :bee:

I loved Mewtwo back in the Melee days, I wish he was still around.
Diddy Kong is pretty fun to play around with for me, lol, but I could never get really good with him. I'm a minion of the dark lord now. :ganondorf:

I hope you enjoy your stay, LordAizen. :)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2010
Las Noches California
Oh, so you like Anime! :bee:

I loved Mewtwo back in the Melee days, I wish he was still around.
Diddy Kong is pretty fun to play around with for me, lol, but I could never get really good with him. I'm a minion of the dark lord now. :ganondorf:

I hope you enjoy your stay, LordAizen. :)
Well I'm not really that much into anime. I only really like Bleach and other mainstream anime like Bleach, DBZ, Naruto, FMA etc.

Whenever I play Melee I play Mewtwo :) I don't care if he's bottom tier. :mewtwo: for life :)

I'm atually not that good with Diddy yet. I actually just started getting intro brawl again since I was playing Melee alot but I got bored with nobody to play.

Yeah I really like playing people online so i'm definately gonna enjoy my stay :)


Smash Rookie
Oct 3, 2010
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hello, everyone! My name is Jasmine, but Jazzy is my nickname. I just joined, and this site looks really awesome! Dunno why I didn't join before! I've been playing Smash Bros. since 64 was new. Today I decided that I'm tired of (almost) always losing to people online! I decided that I want to compete in tournaments and become the best in my city, province and even country! But I have a looooooooooooong way to go. I don't even know any advanced techniques. That's why I joined these forums; to be around others with a passion for smashin'. Thought maybe I could learn from you all. :grin:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2010
Las Noches California
Hello, everyone! My name is Jasmine, but Jazzy is my nickname. I just joined, and this site looks really awesome! Dunno why I didn't join before! I've been playing Smash Bros. since 64 was new. Today I decided that I'm tired of (almost) always losing to people online! I decided that I want to compete in tournaments and become the best in my city, province and even country! But I have a looooooooooooong way to go. I don't even know any advanced techniques. That's why I joined these forums; to be around others with a passion for smashin'. Thought maybe I could learn from you all. :grin:
lmao I had the same ambitions as you when I first joined and I still kinda do but not to a certain extent like before lol. Welcome and let's both help each other improve :chuckle:


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Hello, everyone! My name is Jasmine, but Jazzy is my nickname. I just joined, and this site looks really awesome! Dunno why I didn't join before! I've been playing Smash Bros. since 64 was new. Today I decided that I'm tired of (almost) always losing to people online! I decided that I want to compete in tournaments and become the best in my city, province and even country! But I have a looooooooooooong way to go. I don't even know any advanced techniques. That's why I joined these forums; to be around others with a passion for smashin'. Thought maybe I could learn from you all. :grin:
Props on another Canadian. Good luck with the East Coast, I know a few players from around there, They are tough.

Have fun.

Muffin Man

Smash Rookie
Oct 3, 2010
Hullo, I'm Muffin Man. I've been playing Brawl since it came out, and Melee before that, and the original before that, but I never registered here until now (even though I've heard about it a lot on Gamefaqs).

I would love to eventually start developing some really good battle skills (somehow I've never managed to get all that good), but right now I'm more focused on learning how to hack my game. Mainly so I can have Ganondorf use his sword (I saw a video of it on youtube and now I really, really want to do it myself). I guess it's kind of weird I obsess over little things like that.
Mar 28, 2008
Hello Muffin Man. I'm glad you've chosen to be apart of our community. Should you feel the need to ask any questions in regards to the boards, I will be happy to assist you ^^.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2010
My name is DarkStar, I got it from a manga i was going to create the main characters name was going to be the name for DarkStar in japanese. Thats's how I got it!

[Link Removed] (It' didn't work )


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2010
Amelia won't let me say
Hi Everybody!
I'm Niala. Despite what my name will make you believe, I'm actually a boy (just to get that out of the way.) I've decided to join this community in an effort to find some people who, like myself, are interested in becoming better at Brawl. I've played Melee for ages, until it got to the point that I had no competition in little Fredericton, New Brunswick, so I stopped playing that until Brawl came out. I've essentially been playing Brawl since that day, although on and off.

Aside from my Brawl career, I've been a huge player of FFR and Stepmania, ranked at just under 70th worldwide when FFRs website died. I've been playing those two games for about... five years now. I'm thinking of making a transition, however, to a game that's not on a downhill slope in terms of activity and playing ability, i.e. Brawl.
Not much else to say right now, but hopefully I'll be able to become a good member of the community here. n.n


Smash Rookie
Aug 15, 2009
Wouldn't you like to know? :P
Wait, when did this topic get here? It must have been a while since I last got on...well, anyway!

Hi, I'm MusicGamer, and if you couldn't tell from my name, I have a passion for gaming and music.

I've been playing Brawl for a couple of years now, but I played Melee for a while before that. I would usually main either Mario or Link (the first because I seem to do well with him in Melee, the second for the same reason plus the fact that I'm an avid Legend of Zelda fan. :D ), but when I switched over to Brawl, I had a tough time figuring out who my mains were. As of right now, they're Fox, Ike, and Toon Link, but I seem to do pretty well with Link and Mario, as well.

After a few online matches on Brawl, though, I got kind of sick of always getting my behind handed to me. I didn't know any advanced techniques or anything! ...Still don't, as a matter of fact.
So, that's why I joined this forum. It seemed like a fun place to be in, and besides, I figured maybe I could learn a thing or two from fellow Smashers like yourselves. :)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2010
Las Noches California
Wait, when did this topic get here? It must have been a while since I last got on...well, anyway!

Hi, I'm MusicGamer, and if you couldn't tell from my name, I have a passion for gaming and music.

I've been playing Brawl for a couple of years now, but I played Melee for a while before that. I would usually main either Mario or Link (the first because I seem to do well with him in Melee, the second for the same reason plus the fact that I'm an avid Legend of Zelda fan. :D ), but when I switched over to Brawl, I had a tough time figuring out who my mains were. As of right now, they're Fox, Ike, and Toon Link, but I seem to do pretty well with Link and Mario, as well.

After a few online matches on Brawl, though, I got kind of sick of always getting my behind handed to me. I didn't know any advanced techniques or anything! ...Still don't, as a matter of fact.
So, that's why I joined this forum. It seemed like a fun place to be in, and besides, I figured maybe I could learn a thing or two from fellow Smashers like yourselves. :)
sounds like me lol. I joined smashboards cuz I wanted to improve and I was also undecisive about my main. You should look at the Ike, Toon link and Fox boards to get a better understanding of the characters to improve. :chuckle: And If you ever wanna play I'll see if we can have a match :)


Smash Rookie
Aug 15, 2009
Wouldn't you like to know? :P
sounds like me lol. I joined smashboards cuz I wanted to improve and I was also undecisive about my main. You should look at the Ike, Toon link and Fox boards to get a better understanding of the characters to improve. :chuckle: And If you ever wanna play I'll see if we can have a match :)
Shweet, thanks for directing me to those boards, I'll be sure to look at it.

And, a match sounds fun, but my Brawl time is somewhat...limited nowadays. College does that to ya, and I couldn't exactly bring the Wii with me...=( Oh well. I go home on a few weekends, so maybe I'll be able to get on then. :D Hope to face off against you in a Brawl sometime! :)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2010
Las Noches California
Shweet, thanks for directing me to those boards, I'll be sure to look at it.

And, a match sounds fun, but my Brawl time is somewhat...limited nowadays. College does that to ya, and I couldn't exactly bring the Wii with me...=( Oh well. I go home on a few weekends, so maybe I'll be able to get on then. :D Hope to face off against you in a Brawl sometime! :)
Yeah I know what you mean. I'm actually having the worst week of my life because of all the Homework, quizzes and tests I have this week. Heck I'm taking a 15 minute break from that but I'm off to go back to homework :( lol.


Smash Rookie
Jan 30, 2009
Ohaider. I'm Itsame934...

I've been lurking on this forum for some time, and it has been a really good resource for me, I'm hoping to become a member now, because I like it here.
Some information about myself: My name is Bart. 16 years old. I play brawl a lot (I'm the best of everyone I know... Unbeatable xD)
I don't really have a main, I play with half the roster.

I'm from Holland.

That's all...

yes.. That's it indeed...


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Welcome, Itsame! Well, you've been here for a while, but you know. :p

I, too, am the best among my friends. Actually, I'm tied with one of them for best, but that doesn't matter so much. He doesn't like to play me because he knows how good I am, lol.

Holland? Isn't that Western Netherlands? I'm not really sure now that I say it. :urg:

I hope you keep having a good time here!

Oh, and by the way, embrace the Dark Lord, or else. :ganondorf:


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
Buhl, Idaho
Hi Everybody!
I'm Niala. Despite what my name will make you believe, I'm actually a boy (just to get that out of the way.) I've decided to join this community in an effort to find some people who, like myself, are interested in becoming better at Brawl. I've played Melee for ages, until it got to the point that I had no competition in little Fredericton, New Brunswick, so I stopped playing that until Brawl came out. I've essentially been playing Brawl since that day, although on and off.

Aside from my Brawl career, I've been a huge player of FFR and Stepmania, ranked at just under 70th worldwide when FFRs website died. I've been playing those two games for about... five years now. I'm thinking of making a transition, however, to a game that's not on a downhill slope in terms of activity and playing ability, i.e. Brawl.
Not much else to say right now, but hopefully I'll be able to become a good member of the community here. n.n
Welcome aboard! Feel free to find a home sub forum and be part of the community!
Ohaider. I'm Itsame934...

I've been lurking on this forum for some time, and it has been a really good resource for me, I'm hoping to become a member now, because I like it here.
Some information about myself: My name is Bart. 16 years old. I play brawl a lot (I'm the best of everyone I know... Unbeatable xD)
I don't really have a main, I play with half the roster.

I'm from Holland.

That's all...

yes.. That's it indeed...
Never say your unbeatable. You'll end up eating your words.


Welcome, Itsame! Well, you've been here for a while, but you know. :p

I, too, am the best among my friends. Actually, I'm tied with one of them for best, but that doesn't matter so much. He doesn't like to play me because he knows how good I am, lol.

Holland? Isn't that Western Netherlands? I'm not really sure now that I say it. :urg:

I hope you keep having a good time here!

Oh, and by the way, embrace the Dark Lord, or else. :ganondorf:

And Ganon is < Mewtwo. Just so you know.


Smash Rookie
Oct 1, 2010
Hi, I go by the alias Bunt.
Names Ben though and i finally decided to make an account after like 3 years of searching through the site.
I got some friends into melee so now I have people to play and might take the game to a more competitive level (going to tournaments).
Well I want to keep its short and get the first post out of the way :)


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
unfortunately your post count doens't go up here so your first post will have to wait until you hit the real action in the melee threads! Enjoy your stay ben :)

Mr. Jiggles

Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2010
glendale, AZ
Hello people, I stumbled on this site and I think it's freaking great. I've been looking around the site a lot and I'm excited to play sum good matches and meet sum real cool people. I'm still pretty new to this entire forum thing so help me out every now and then if you can, but I'm pretty solid when it comes to playing sum smash. I live in Glendale Arizona, and if you're near by we should play sum smash bros.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2010
Luleå, Sweden
Hello people, I stumbled on this site and I think it's freaking great. I've been looking around the site a lot and I'm excited to play sum good matches and meet sum real cool people. I'm still pretty new to this entire forum thing so help me out every now and then if you can, but I'm pretty solid when it comes to playing sum smash. I live in Glendale Arizona, and if you're near by we should play sum smash bros.
Welcome aboard, to this wondrous place where everyone's dreans come true! Be sure to ask someone with a yellow name if you have any questions regarding the forum and how it works. Enjoy your stay!


Smash Ace
Oct 8, 2010
Hey gents. Ive been lurking on the Melee and Brawl videos on youtube, and all I wanna say is: Thanks for getting me back in to Melee guys! Ive been a fan ever since I discovered the Gamecube. Id consider myself to be pretty **** good (Not pro level) but Im not too bad. I currently enjoy success with the Ice Climbers and Dr Mario on Melee, and Wolf O Donnell and Diddy Kong on Brawl. In case you're wondering, Ive been lurking on here for a bit, and its only till recently that I decided to register.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2010
Luleå, Sweden
Hey gents. Ive been lurking on the Melee and Brawl videos on youtube, and all I wanna say is: Thanks for getting me back in to Melee guys! Ive been a fan ever since I discovered the Gamecube. Id consider myself to be pretty **** good (Not pro level) but Im not too bad. I currently enjoy success with the Ice Climbers and Dr Mario on Melee, and Wolf O Donnell and Diddy Kong on Brawl. In case you're wondering, Ive been lurking on here for a bit, and its only till recently that I decided to register.
Welcome, Darkshooter!
Bow down the almighty King of Evil.

(I'm too nice today, two welcome posts in a row)
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