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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Nah, don't worry, our team will be fine. Yawara and I aren't very well known so if we are down a few stock, they will let their guard down. I'll pick them apart when it happens.

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
The chain throws aren't even that hard to do.
They hit like a beast when you have both alive (like 20 damage on uair and bair..)
Side B and short hop down B both do like 30 damage.

The jist of what I'm saying is that ICs are gay.

Maybe it's because it's that I don't sidestep.... Grabs are so cheap. I mean they go through your shield for god's sake!!! :)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Dallas, TX
My place is out of commission at the moment, actually. It would have to happen at one of you guys' places. Btw...You have my phone number...You should use it or something. If it's awkward for you, feel free to text message. =\


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Umm who is going to Tokyo in Tulsa?

Alex, Chris, Po, Brett or anyone else who plays Melee here needs to come to my house and teach me because I'm dying for some actual matches all this falshy tech skill won't be cool unless I'm thrashing someone while doing it what day are you gys free Chris I'll know you'll be at Genesis so that leaves Alex, Brett, and Po.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
ill be going to tokyo intulsa. but ill be there for all 3 days. if your'e still interested ill see if you can be in the hotel room im staying at.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I gotta talk to Saif about something so I might go actually, what time's the tourney?

Not really interested in the Tokyo part.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i'll team with you, bassem. my ZSS 2-stocked FFF and my GaW 1-stocked it. and i just finished beasting him with ness the other day, meaning i should be about 33% as good as you.
actually i don't even know if i'm going to ohsnap but gl finding a partner, asking people to pm you about it in the tournament thread is the best tactic, IMO, or rather is how i found half my partners in melee if there was a conflict with who i planned to team with.

will, i wanna play melee badly! i'll talk to brett about heading up to edmond sometime. maybe thursday if no one is doing anything, maybe andy can even come depending on the day :o ?????

also, genesis watch party anyone? if anyone has a projector or a way to put a stream up onto a big screen (*cough*KP*cough*) we should do that...if not, there are 4 computers in my computer room, so i could have at least 5-6 people here at any given time during those 3 days of genesis to watch different streams :D if anyone plans anything lemme know, if not, people can swing by my place to chill on the couch in my computer room and watch mango and ally blaze through competition in melee and brawl (notice i didn't mention m2lol)

brett...me+you+jiwon+laurel sometime this weekend or after the weekend? don't forget you're buying teh booze.

thus ends my wall of text.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
If you and Brett came up to Edmond, I'd play some Melee, given I was available.

Also, a Genesis watch party sounds cool. I don't really know how good the tournament at TnT is going to be (which is important since it's in Tulsa), so maybe a Smashfest would be better.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
sweet, i'll hit you up if we plan to go, then, bryan.

also, i still have never visited the ohsnap thread, but is there going to be a melee side-event? i only mention it since ironically a bunch of ok brawlers have recently gained interest and darkrain moving to TX revitalized SW melee a bit. it would get 30-50 people, possibly more, so if there isn't one planned,daniel/walrus mind me setting up a side event of it?

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
I'd be more than happy to team with bass =\

minors of oklahoma ftw? screw you powastar. lol

but thrn again, I understand if you want somebody......... better

Powastar also seems like a good teamate.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
I always get that I'm a good team mate but.... 2 v 2 is soooooo different to me that I think I suck when others are like "No no no your a good teamate man" guess I'm to much of a perfectionist sometimes but I don't do 2 v 2 well in tournies I don't mind doing it for fun like a 2 v 2 melee Falcon match (hehe sounds sexy) :laugh: But yeah don't pick me as your teamate I would only get in the way....

YES YES and YES for a Genesis watch party Shoop Da Whoop I am all for it.

Hmm all 3 days sounds cool to me I would just have to see if It's ok for my mom maybe when I go there I'll fully get back into anime hopefully...

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
Im just kinda looking for a teamate that I somewhat know. And you seem pretty good Powa.

If you are saying that you would be a bad teammate I would have to disagree.
Your spacing is rediculous and you would seem like a good life tank in teams, because I know I am not a tank whatsoever.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 24, 2007
@Omega Star: Tokyo n Tulsa isn't exactly big, so I imagine there won't be many really good players. I'm sure most of yall could own. At the smash tournament at the first Izumicon, (2007, melee) I easily made third. Maybe if I was serious I could've won, and I know I'm not very good at melee compared to most of you. At 2008 Izumicon there was a Brawl tournament, which I probably made like 5th or 6th. I didn't know anything about the brawl metagame or much of the AT's then. It was fun regardless~! ^.^

I would go to TnT, but I'm saving for Izumicon, which I'm more interested in the con than smash. le gasp~! D;


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
Sorry buddy. I asked my normal partner if he was going to OH SNAP and he said yes. We also wrecked in teams the other day. You should be used to people bailing out since you do it all the time...
Its cool. And Its not bailing If I never said I would come in the first place >_>

i'll team with you, bassem. my ZSS 2-stocked FFF and my GaW 1-stocked it. and i just finished beasting him with ness the other day, meaning i should be about 33% as good as you.
actually i don't even know if i'm going to ohsnap but gl finding a partner, asking people to pm you about it in the tournament thread is the best tactic, IMO, or rather is how i found half my partners in melee if there was a conflict with who i planned to team with.
Thanks for the offer bro. I think ill team with deezy though.

I just played with Bassem n' Pals...I bet you guys are jealous.
Haha good games paul. Your cool. Your actually a challenge to play against! Cant wait to play you again. You can come to my house too. I think im gonna start aibing again so I can get back into using wario then show you my TRUE POWER mwahahaha. We should be practice buddies for oh snap and the norman monthly haha.

I'd be more than happy to team with bass =\

minors of oklahoma ftw? screw you powastar. lol

but thrn again, I understand if you want somebody......... better

Powastar also seems like a good teamate.
Alright dude. I doubt anyone else will team with me as im not that well known. Lets do it! (Unless you'd prefer powastar, then ill go look for someone else...blah)


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Somebody said DMG should post here more often. That was me btw.

And Bassem dude, you'll find a doubles partner. Just remember OS is 2 days dude so you can't leave early both days.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
Somebody said DMG should post here more often. That was me btw.

And Bassem dude, you'll find a doubles partner. Just remember OS is 2 days dude so you can't leave early both days.
Haha. Guess Ill just have to spend the night =)

No bassem, I was just saying judging by how Powa plays he would be good in teams.

I would love to team with you.

also lol@ ridiculous
Alright sweet. Its a date:laugh:

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
We have to get at least a small amount of practice in though.... I would like to do teams with you atleast once before Oh Snap lol.

perhaps at an upcoming smashfest or the norman monthly

EDIT: On a side note, you should also get on aim, bassem. Its been like 30 years.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Let's do a smashfest before the Norman Monthly?

At least one? Who's up for hosting? We can have a Genesis watch party + Norman monthly since most of us have laptops eh?


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
Wow at the puns Bryan. I will see what I can do smash fest wise before the monthly. Yawara, I gotta talk details with you about that and OH SNAP. I will get back to you guys in a few days. Oh and Bassem you can crash at my place in Norman for the night. The best I can do since I didn't team with you =/

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
So the monthly is this weekend? I take it this is true because of the genisis watch party thing yeewalruh talked about.

I thought it was, like, the 25th or something.....


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
it is on the 25th, mainly cause i dont think we're adjusting to the next hxc tournament.

from what ive heard from frequent anime con goers, TnT wasn't bad last year. Which I think is good figuring that it was their first one. I dont think you'll find much competition at izumicon either (except maybe me).

Shoes Magoo

Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2009
Hello, all. I'm a long time smash player (since the N64 version) living in northwest OKC with no online, community, or other experience save for playing some friends. Actually, I didn't even know that the smash online community or mlg even existed for the game until a few months ago. I figure this is a better place to make my introduction than the general intro thread since only the mods seem to respond to those. I am looking to find some people in the area to brawl with in person and online, and also to find out what the smash community is like regarding tournaments and such. I look forward to getting totally whompped by some experienced players who can show me the ropes. :)


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
hey shoes, if you'd like you can PM me your information. I am currently in North OKC and perhaps you can meet a good amount of people. if not at the least, me.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
We have to get at least a small amount of practice in though.... I would like to do teams with you atleast once before Oh Snap lol.

perhaps at an upcoming smashfest or the norman monthly

EDIT: On a side note, you should also get on aim, bassem. Its been like 30 years.
I can probably come to either the smashfest or the tourny but most likely not to both and thats IF my mom lets me drive there which hopefully she will since I drove there yesterday with my dad to enroll at ou and he barely helped me . And alright Ill be on AIM today until maybe 5 or so.

Wow at the puns Bryan. I will see what I can do smash fest wise before the monthly. Yawara, I gotta talk details with you about that and OH SNAP. I will get back to you guys in a few days. Oh and Bassem you can crash at my place in Norman for the night. The best I can do since I didn't team with you =/
Thanks dude. I can tell my mom that I can spend the night and come back the following morning so I dont have to drive on the highway at night ;D


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
shoes magoo for best original name since hazygoose. wait...
welcome to the community, man. you should find lots of opportunities to meet'n'greet as well as get your smash on for the rest of the summer.

i still wanna play melee soon. blah.
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