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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Dallas, TX
I understand his intention and what he meant. And from seeing him at your smashfests, I can tell he's a nice guy and means well. I just found it almost insulting the way he presented it all. A little consideration for the players in Tulsa and Bassem would have been nice. That's all.

But anyway. When do you guys usually do the crew battles at OhSnap?

Since you guys picked crap dates to have the tournament, I can't go to compete. But, I'd really really like to do the crew battle anyway. :D


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
LOL, Brandon. I went to WHOBO, like, six weeks ago.

We are also definitely, in no way, worse than Louisiana. That doesn't even compute with me logically.

And I'm kicking everyone out of my ****ing house at OH SNAP!

It's not that bad, but everyone should consider traveling a bit more during this summer season.

I'll try and get the OH SNAP! thread up tonight.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Louisiana has like four players that can compete with Oklahoma's top: Lee, Cyphus, HyRo, and Nick.

But our top include Chris, Hanson, Bassem, and Chuck. It's not a bad line up dude. But Louisiana's no joke, their best are hard as hell to play and super un-orthodox.

But Georgia on the other hand, uncompetitable for us. They are better, no joke.

Kismet's Falco is really like that good, Lee had him and all that blah blah, but he won the set and got 2nd for a reason. The kid's laser game is amazing, he doesn't spam, it's just used as a set up, he plays the metagame Falco the way it's supposed to be played, not campy. It's ****ing tight.

And Reflex's pokemon trainer is oh ma god good. His mindgames, tech skill, setups all are just way too good.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
I think I know what po's getting at, we need to start training our ***** off if we want to even have the slightest chance of making top 5 at OHSNAP, or anything at all really
One thing about OK is that, although there are alot of us, we're very spread out...
which can make planning a smashfest hard

Anyone wanna smashfest this weekend?
I'm planning on being in norman saturday anyways in case someone wants to give me a refresh

...anyone? po? bryan? yawala? tom? hanson?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
<_< I'm not here . . .

Also, Oklahoma's biggest problem is that we want to get better, but we don't have the means to because there isn't competition within us. Everyone gets along, and everyone's satisfied with the rank they're put in. That and also a lot of us are kind of cookie cutter, very youtube/smashboardy type players rather than being very original. Gotta stop reading what players say you should do or mimicking what players are doing right now.

You gotta have guts to be amazing. Do something dangerous for once that you don't really understand.


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
anybody wanna entertain me? Also, are there any programmers on this thread? I have an idea on how to modify the wii. just have no programming knowledge

For you Tom!


Can someone get Hanson to get the Oh Snap thread up?


When the OS thread comes up, I want people to know that there are only 4 accounts that questions should be directed to: Daniel's, mine, Gmo's, and Hanson's.

Also, I want someone to help take up Daniel's position for Norman monthlies. I don't think it's like fair for him to run it while studying for the MCAT. Someone should help him out, it's not hard. :/
I would appreciate the help as well. Call me (405) 604-7935. I still need to get the hotel spots, sorry about being slow on that Yawara. And Kuni, I forgot to tell you that you need to put individual times for the flier, so August 14th 12pm-12am and August 15th 10am-12pm. I think those are the times, probably can run later on Saturday. Also, please put the fees on the fliers. $10 tournament fee $5 dollar entry fee. Yawara doesn't want girlfriends and spectators to wander in and crowd the place. Also put that if anyone brings any equipment of any kind that would help the tournament (I personally dont count a powerstrip as enough) then their entry fee is waived. Sorry about the Tournament dates FK are you going somewhere? Besides, I moved it for Gmo who is housing people, maybe if you lived closer and could house I would move the date for you =D.

Big news! I beat ally in a set for the first time! (on wifi of course xD)


Edit: Its not one of my 5 most recent matches so you'll have to click match history to see it =P
Bassem, you are my favorite! (Don't tell Phantom) Can't wait until you go to norman, then you can help me improve my Wario! Do you want to team at OH SNAP? Unless my partner is going.

I'm afraid of Wichita coming to the 6/06 Tourney, guys....They shoot their doctors in church.
Kansas is ****ing crazy, they hate gays, hate abortionists, don't believe in evolution, and are trying to prove gravity is God making things fall to the earth.

Yo I heard Fatty Fat Fatso got second at Akon. Props to Wario mains :)
Woot! Representin! Why didn't you go Bobby? I saw your Waco buddy there.

I was going to do a huge post-tourney report, but I realized something disturbing in OK's Smash community as of late, and wanted to say something.

OHSNAP is right around the corner. The best players from Kansas, Texas, Louisiana, and maybe more are going to be coming to this...


I'll repeat that: OK as a whole is not yet ready to face the level of competition that these guys will bring to our state later this summer. We're going to get *****, HARD.

If that offended you, well... GOOD. Aside from Chris, and probably Daniel, I don't think there's a single person in Oklahoma who can compete right now with the other big names of our region.

That's a shame, because I still believe we have some of the best players around. We've all gotten lazy, too complacent with our current status and skill. Yeah, we might be good enough to beat a few of the locals and lower-level out-of-staters, but it ain't enough to break even against anyone better than that.

Our best players don't even travel anymore! Again, aside from Chris, when was the last time any of you traveled more than twenty minutes to compete? Hanson, our current #2 player IS FROM Texas and hasn't played in a Texas(or an Oklahoma tournament for that matter) in nearly 3 months! We're falling behind, and I'm afraid we're going to reach a point(like we did in Melee) where its going to take us so long to catch up that the game will have totally changed by the time we get there.

Maybe some of you feel frustrated, or like you've hit a wall in your play that you can't get around. I'm here to tell you as living proof that you CAN get past it. I've spent years as nothing more than a bottom-of-the-barrel joke of a player who can only beat the scrubbiest of noobs, screaming his little catch-phrases all the way...

Since I became competitive, I've been getting pounded and pounded on, beaten by everyone, humiliated by the best of the best... But, for some reason I don't know, I stuck with it, even with countless people telling me that I will never get anywhere with my character, that I simply suck and should quit wasting time and money behind something I apparently am no good at.

While I have yet to get that one elusive big win over a top player, or even a decent tournament finish, I have progressed and evolved, getting better and smarter at the game... and I am soooo close to achieving what I have sought after for so long, only to find that the people who have pushed me to get this far seemingly no longer care enough to play hard.

Look, I know everybody's got girlfriends/work/school/whatever crap in life gnawing at their time and attention, but come on, NO ONE besides myself/Chris/Daniel wants to be the best anymore? Yes, we still have Smashfests and Monthlies, but when was the last time we all got together to really get better? When was the last time we actually took time to break each others' games down and isolate weaknesses/patterns? When was the last time Hanson actually took someone seriously and stopped sandbagging in friendlies?

I want a CHALLENGE, and it seems no one wants to give me one. Again, this is not to hurt anyone's feelings, but, ****, we have ONE decently good Metaknight main, and I haven't seen him since we teamed together in Kansas back in March. How the hell am I supposed to learn the matchup if I can't play it? We have two amazing players in Grant and K. peezy, and they don't even come to monthlies! I play at least three times a week with one of the most creative and talented players in the country, and he won't even come with me to a single Smashfest!

My last point is that I am growing incredibly frustrated with the current state of things. If you guys don't care to get any better than you are, fine, disregard this post and I'll just have to travel with Chris to more Texas tourneys then. If any of you still have any competitive fire left in you, I hope I managed to stoke it, if only a little.

The Pimpest has been playing for far too long and trying far too hard to get good to have ANYONE slow me down... In closing:

I think Po is absolutely right in most regards. I played the Dallas guys this weekend and they wrecked me. No joke Dallas is leaving us in the dust. We have gotten too complacent. I do think that we need to have a serious smashfest to improve our game. Hanson is really the only one who has ever given me advice on my game besides Yawara. I admit that I have MCAT studying to do and I am very serious about it, but I do believe that I can make time at least once every other week to smash with everyone. We do need to improve and we do need to show everyone else what Oklahoma is all about. I did beat Louisiana's Pierre in singles at Akon, but I think he has my number next time, everyone is just leaving us in the dust. Eventually, even Missouri will beat us =( then even Dphat wont love us anymore.
<_< I'm not here . . .

Also, Oklahoma's biggest problem is that we want to get better, but we don't have the means to because there isn't competition within us. Everyone gets along, and everyone's satisfied with the rank they're put in. That and also a lot of us are kind of cookie cutter, very youtube/smashboardy type players rather than being very original. Gotta stop reading what players say you should do or mimicking what players are doing right now.

You gotta have guts to be amazing. Do something dangerous for once that you don't really understand.
Yawara is correct, do stupid stuff, it may amaze you what you discover. I'm pretty sure that is how Gnes evolved most of his metagame.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Nah, don't fret, we ain't far behind, we just need to have serious smash night. I'll help get advice and stuff, I watch enough videos now a days to fill my head with ideas.

Also, Bryan, that match is old son.



Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Yawara is correct, do stupid stuff, it may amaze you what you discover. I'm pretty sure that is how Gnes evolved most of his metagame.
This is so true i just might sig this. It was cool meeting u and your girlfriend man (who was awesome btw ;)) And thanks for splitting with me, i really didnt feel like straining my mind anymore. I was so sick i think i passed out on more than one occasion.

I wish i could have been my regular energetic self but i was so sick. Our set in grandfinals were awesome though. GNES CAN DO ANYTHING WHEN HE TRIES! the problem, he doesn't try enough.


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
This is so true i just might sig this. It was cool meeting u and your girlfriend man (who was awesome btw ;)) And thanks for splitting with me, i really didnt feel like straining my mind anymore. I was so sick i think i passed out on more than one occasion.

I wish i could have been my regular energetic self but i was so sick. Our set in grandfinals were awesome though. GNES CAN DO ANYTHING WHEN HE TRIES! the problem, he doesn't try enough.
Blah I love you Gnes! So sorry the tournament was run poorly. (I think Doug Finn just started singles then left). I did not expect my gf to jump in and help run the tourney though. Hahaha I saw you passed out half the time during the tournament. Good thing you decided to wake up halfway through our Grand Finals to wreck my ****. =(. It was way cool meeting you dude. Come to Oklahoma to hang out with us sometime! I know Le Thien would love it and the rest of Oklahoma would love you too.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
Kansas is ****ing crazy, they hate gays, hate abortionists, don't believe in evolution, and are trying to prove gravity is God making things fall to the earth.
want to see something cool? ask a fundamentalist if he knew a fetus was going to grow to be an atheist homosexual if he would prefer to abort it.
his head will explode. it's pretty awesome.

Oklahoma's biggest problem is that we want to get better, but we don't have the means to because there isn't competition within us.
well...my advice as someone who went from total trash in melee to rawr status is that wanting it doesn't make it happen. there are ways to get better, but everyone who is suggesting things really doesn't know what they're talking about (not in a bad way, just saying). on the east coast i see plenty of people who "want to be the very best, like no one ever was," and i've seen people who have years and years of experience who still can't win matches. i've seen people who play all the time get destroyed by not knowing 1 tactic and not knowing how to adapt, and i've seen extremely technical players get 4-stocked while still doing everything "right."

like pc said, "just have half a brain. then use it." smash becomes so mechanical that you learn how YOU play, not how TO play most of the time. and even if you're thinking, you're mostly thinking about 1 tactic or how to avoid 1 thing so you're still being mechanical. the best way to improve, IMO, or how it worked for me and the people i know who also got better quickly when they did, is to UNDERSTAND. sounds weird but just listen:

if you get hit, ask yourself "why did i get hit?" if you combo someone, "how did i get that combo off?" and if you mindgame someone "how was i able to trick them?" and not some simple "because spacing" reason. i mean really try to read an opponent's intent and aggression. and if you don't understand something-->ask your opponent :D the more you understand how the metagame and the game are in synch, the more you're able to use that knowledge in your playstyle, instead of having it composed of mindless conditioning.

just my $0.02

i'mma go back to remixing now.


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
All of Hazygoose's sentences are 100% correct.

I'm not naturally very good. I just win a lot because every single time I get hit I think about what I did wrong and then don't do that wrong thing anymore.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
i thought that was what everybody did. or at least i do.. and hazy. i will ask somebody that.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
That's what I'm talking about, Oklahoma! If I ruffled some feathers, or if some of you are really pissed at me, well,


I'm not even kidding right now. I want you to take all of that anger and focus that **** directly at me. If the motivation to three stock me forces you to think outside the box and do some crazy awesome stuff, then MISSON ****ING ACCOMPLISHED.

I think everyone gets where I'm going with this-- We've got to step it up and start innovating. **** all that noise about M2K, Boss, Ally, whothe****ever, I'm the god****ed Best Player in Smash, and I intend to prove it every step of the way. You guys should feel the same.

Also, me calling out the Norman kids was my way of calling out ALL OF OKLAHOMA. I just dropped their names because I know them the best. I wouldn't feel comfortable calling out an entire city of people I only play against once a month. I know how good you guys are and I respect you all a lot, which is why I didn't go there, but yeah, Tulsa, Stillwater, Yukon, and wherever else there are players ALL NEED TO RETHINK their playstyles.

We all want to 'get better'... I'm talking about actually doing it instead of sitting around twiddling my thumbs during Grand Finals watching KOS-MOS/THieN/Chuck/Yo Momma vs. Out-Of-State-Guy-Who-*****-Everyone-Else for the eight millionth time.

I've always felt like I live in state full of competitive monsters... It's just after the last few tournaments I've played in, I haven't felt that fearsome vibe from the majority of you like I used to, so I decided to get you all motivated to innovate, create, and just straight-up unleash the animals within yourselves.



Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I'm good because I think a lot.

I don't play people except at tournaments and sometimes at smashfests held the day before tournaments. I don't have a strong local scene (only one fairly good friend that I can still 2 stock fairly consistently who never travels), and I don't travel a whole ton. But I stay ahead of everyone by thinking about the game.

And cause I also pick up and understand player patterns very well. You would be surprised how hard it honestly is for people to break their patterns, especially if they don't realize it outright.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Lol @ all the various things that were said that made me lol.

I want to play this weekend. Even if there isn't a Smasfest, people from Edmond should play me.

It seems like the longer I go without playing, the more thoughtfully I do play when I get the chance. The last time I played was the weekend before finals, and I hadn't played for awhile before then, but I did pretty well.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
One more thing before I go to bed(I know you're probably all SICK of me right now)...

I don't like losing(who does, right?) Yet, I've done more losing than pretty much everyone. The reason I can stand as closely with you guys as I do despite playing a less-than-top-tier character is precisely because of all those thousands of losses... I know why I lose, do you:

I'm not very technical(or even slightly technical). I'm far too lazy to spend time learning lame **** like Snake-Dashing/DLX/Reverse-pivot-whatever-gay-****-is-hot-right-now-techno-babble.
I'm not terribly creative. Only when my basic offense fails do I start trying other stuff.
I'm not clever at creating openings or misdirecting people. I tend to be very gung-ho about hitting people.
I'm only average at best when it comes to reading peoples patterns.
I lack a killer instinct-- When I have someone up against the ropes, I tend to let them off the hook, rather than close in for the kill(My most severe weakness by far, has cost me more matches than I can count). I.E. my horrible edge-guarding game.

Yet despite all those flaws, I still can hang with the best. Why? Because of the only thing I have more of than almost anyone else: GUTS.

The guts to play Luigi, even against Ken's Marth(Melee), or Dojo's Meta, and not give a **** about a tier, or a matchup. I just play them as if they were anyone else and tend to hold my own better than most. (Who else can say they've misfired AND up-b'd the King of Smash?)

The stubborness to not listen to people's suggestions when I feel my way works better(and usually does) If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but when I'm right, people burst into flames.

The *******ery to call out MY OWN STATE in our regional thread and tell them just how I feel about the way they play, despite knowing that some people wouldn't like what I had to say.

Only Po would do such things, and that is why what meager success I've had has been possible. However, this is not an Anime, and hot-bloodedness is not enough. I can make all the long posts and epic speeches I want, but it won't get me what I really want-- a Tournament Win.

So, on to the next step, to conquer that laundry list of deficient behavior and surpass my limits. I'm going to live up to my word and place Top Five at a future event, and if I don't do it this year, I'm quitting for good. Seriously this time.

I can't live with only being OK's Loudest Cheerleader. I want to be the guy you are deathly afraid of in pools, I want to see the same look of fear and 'aw mans' that Chris,Hanson, and Chuck get when someone finds out they have to play them. If all I'm good for is being the hype-man for the REAL players, then to hell with it, because any idiot can yell out "SHORYUKEN!" and get a few laughs.

I want the ultimate respect-- that of a Champion. If I can't earn that for myself, then all these years of hard work are worthless to me, and I don't want that to be so.

So this is my ultimatium for myself: WIN OR GET. THE. ****. OUT. That's all I want right now, and I'll do everything in my power to have it.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
bad news...

konami executives turned down david haytor's script for the metal gear movie.
they're also thinking of casting christian bale as snake.

i've lost so much faith in my favorite videogame company.

i'm going to go drown myself now.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
lol uwe boll. quickest way to ensure that a movie is bad and doesn't sell well is to ask him to direct.

and michael bay went to my school. he always comes back to do talks but you can tell all of our film majors are like "i hate you!!" while he rambles on about how great he is.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
I was going to do a huge post-tourney report, but I realized something disturbing in OK's Smash community as of late, and wanted to say something.

OHSNAP is right around the corner. The best players from Kansas, Texas, Louisiana, and maybe more are going to be coming to this...


I'll repeat that: OK as a whole is not yet ready to face the level of competition that these guys will bring to our state later this summer. We're going to get *****, HARD.

If that offended you, well... GOOD. Aside from Chris, and probably Daniel, I don't think there's a single person in Oklahoma who can compete right now with the other big names of our region.

That's a shame, because I still believe we have some of the best players around. We've all gotten lazy, too complacent with our current status and skill. Yeah, we might be good enough to beat a few of the locals and lower-level out-of-staters, but it ain't enough to break even against anyone better than that.

Our best players don't even travel anymore! Again, aside from Chris, when was the last time any of you traveled more than twenty minutes to compete? Hanson, our current #2 player IS FROM Texas and hasn't played in a Texas(or an Oklahoma tournament for that matter) in nearly 3 months! We're falling behind, and I'm afraid we're going to reach a point(like we did in Melee) where its going to take us so long to catch up that the game will have totally changed by the time we get there.

Maybe some of you feel frustrated, or like you've hit a wall in your play that you can't get around. I'm here to tell you as living proof that you CAN get past it. I've spent years as nothing more than a bottom-of-the-barrel joke of a player who can only beat the scrubbiest of noobs, screaming his little catch-phrases all the way...

Since I became competitive, I've been getting pounded and pounded on, beaten by everyone, humiliated by the best of the best... But, for some reason I don't know, I stuck with it, even with countless people telling me that I will never get anywhere with my character, that I simply suck and should quit wasting time and money behind something I apparently am no good at.

While I have yet to get that one elusive big win over a top player, or even a decent tournament finish, I have progressed and evolved, getting better and smarter at the game... and I am soooo close to achieving what I have sought after for so long, only to find that the people who have pushed me to get this far seemingly no longer care enough to play hard.

Look, I know everybody's got girlfriends/work/school/whatever crap in life gnawing at their time and attention, but come on, NO ONE besides myself/Chris/Daniel wants to be the best anymore? Yes, we still have Smashfests and Monthlies, but when was the last time we all got together to really get better? When was the last time we actually took time to break each others' games down and isolate weaknesses/patterns? When was the last time Hanson actually took someone seriously and stopped sandbagging in friendlies?

I want a CHALLENGE, and it seems no one wants to give me one. Again, this is not to hurt anyone's feelings, but, ****, we have ONE decently good Metaknight main, and I haven't seen him since we teamed together in Kansas back in March. How the hell am I supposed to learn the matchup if I can't play it? We have two amazing players in Grant and K. peezy, and they don't even come to monthlies! I play at least three times a week with one of the most creative and talented players in the country, and he won't even come with me to a single Smashfest!

My last point is that I am growing incredibly frustrated with the current state of things. If you guys don't care to get any better than you are, fine, disregard this post and I'll just have to travel with Chris to more Texas tourneys then. If any of you still have any competitive fire left in you, I hope I managed to stoke it, if only a little.

The Pimpest has been playing for far too long and trying far too hard to get good to have ANYONE slow me down... In closing:

Yay someone mentioned me.

I want to jump back in the scene. It's been weeks since I've last played, but that just makes me want to play all the more. I'm guessing Daniel is going to be too busy studying for the MCAT to host any more Smashfests (my bad for missing the one he held last week), so it looks like I'll have to find some way to get down to Norman. Maybe I'll take one of my parents' cars and drive myself down there.

My summer physics course starts tomorrow, but it's only one class and shouldn't interfere with things too much. Physics 1 was easy for me, so I doubt physics 2 will be much worse, especially at UCO during the summer.

EDIT: Have any of you seen this match before? It is absolutely incredible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTSC8Ts8LL0&feature=related

For you Tom!

I would appreciate the help as well. Call me (405) 604-7935. I still need to get the hotel spots, sorry about being slow on that Yawara. And Kuni, I forgot to tell you that you need to put individual times for the flier, so August 14th 12pm-12am and August 15th 10am-12pm. I think those are the times, probably can run later on Saturday. Also, please put the fees on the fliers. $10 tournament fee $5 dollar entry fee. Yawara doesn't want girlfriends and spectators to wander in and crowd the place. Also put that if anyone brings any equipment of any kind that would help the tournament (I personally dont count a powerstrip as enough) then their entry fee is waived. Sorry about the Tournament dates FK are you going somewhere? Besides, I moved it for Gmo who is housing people, maybe if you lived closer and could house I would move the date for you =D.

Bassem, you are my favorite! (Don't tell Phantom) Can't wait until you go to norman, then you can help me improve my Wario! Do you want to team at OH SNAP? Unless my partner is going.

Kansas is ****ing crazy, they hate gays, hate abortionists, don't believe in evolution, and are trying to prove gravity is God making things fall to the earth.

Woot! Representin! Why didn't you go Bobby? I saw your Waco buddy there.

I think Po is absolutely right in most regards. I played the Dallas guys this weekend and they wrecked me. No joke Dallas is leaving us in the dust. We have gotten too complacent. I do think that we need to have a serious smashfest to improve our game. Hanson is really the only one who has ever given me advice on my game besides Yawara. I admit that I have MCAT studying to do and I am very serious about it, but I do believe that I can make time at least once every other week to smash with everyone. We do need to improve and we do need to show everyone else what Oklahoma is all about. I did beat Louisiana's Pierre in singles at Akon, but I think he has my number next time, everyone is just leaving us in the dust. Eventually, even Missouri will beat us =( then even Dphat wont love us anymore.

Yawara is correct, do stupid stuff, it may amaze you what you discover. I'm pretty sure that is how Gnes evolved most of his metagame.
want to see something cool? ask a fundamentalist if he knew a fetus was going to grow to be an atheist homosexual if he would prefer to abort it.
his head will explode. it's pretty awesome.

well...my advice as someone who went from total trash in melee to rawr status is that wanting it doesn't make it happen. there are ways to get better, but everyone who is suggesting things really doesn't know what they're talking about (not in a bad way, just saying). on the east coast i see plenty of people who "want to be the very best, like no one ever was," and i've seen people who have years and years of experience who still can't win matches. i've seen people who play all the time get destroyed by not knowing 1 tactic and not knowing how to adapt, and i've seen extremely technical players get 4-stocked while still doing everything "right."

like pc said, "just have half a brain. then use it." smash becomes so mechanical that you learn how YOU play, not how TO play most of the time. and even if you're thinking, you're mostly thinking about 1 tactic or how to avoid 1 thing so you're still being mechanical. the best way to improve, IMO, or how it worked for me and the people i know who also got better quickly when they did, is to UNDERSTAND. sounds weird but just listen:

if you get hit, ask yourself "why did i get hit?" if you combo someone, "how did i get that combo off?" and if you mindgame someone "how was i able to trick them?" and not some simple "because spacing" reason. i mean really try to read an opponent's intent and aggression. and if you don't understand something-->ask your opponent :D the more you understand how the metagame and the game are in synch, the more you're able to use that knowledge in your playstyle, instead of having it composed of mindless conditioning.

just my $0.02

i'mma go back to remixing now.
That's what I'm talking about, Oklahoma! If I ruffled some feathers, or if some of you are really pissed at me, well,


I'm not even kidding right now. I want you to take all of that anger and focus that **** directly at me. If the motivation to three stock me forces you to think outside the box and do some crazy awesome stuff, then MISSON ****ING ACCOMPLISHED.

I think everyone gets where I'm going with this-- We've got to step it up and start innovating. **** all that noise about M2K, Boss, Ally, whothe****ever, I'm the god****ed Best Player in Smash, and I intend to prove it every step of the way. You guys should feel the same.

Also, me calling out the Norman kids was my way of calling out ALL OF OKLAHOMA. I just dropped their names because I know them the best. I wouldn't feel comfortable calling out an entire city of people I only play against once a month. I know how good you guys are and I respect you all a lot, which is why I didn't go there, but yeah, Tulsa, Stillwater, Yukon, and wherever else there are players ALL NEED TO RETHINK their playstyles.

We all want to 'get better'... I'm talking about actually doing it instead of sitting around twiddling my thumbs during Grand Finals watching KOS-MOS/THieN/Chuck/Yo Momma vs. Out-Of-State-Guy-Who-*****-Everyone-Else for the eight millionth time.

I've always felt like I live in state full of competitive monsters... It's just after the last few tournaments I've played in, I haven't felt that fearsome vibe from the majority of you like I used to, so I decided to get you all motivated to innovate, create, and just straight-up unleash the animals within yourselves.

One more thing before I go to bed(I know you're probably all SICK of me right now)...

I don't like losing(who does, right?) Yet, I've done more losing than pretty much everyone. The reason I can stand as closely with you guys as I do despite playing a less-than-top-tier character is precisely because of all those thousands of losses... I know why I lose, do you:

I'm not very technical(or even slightly technical). I'm far too lazy to spend time learning lame **** like Snake-Dashing/DLX/Reverse-pivot-whatever-gay-****-is-hot-right-now-techno-babble.
I'm not terribly creative. Only when my basic offense fails do I start trying other stuff.
I'm not clever at creating openings or misdirecting people. I tend to be very gung-ho about hitting people.
I'm only average at best when it comes to reading peoples patterns.
I lack a killer instinct-- When I have someone up against the ropes, I tend to let them off the hook, rather than close in for the kill(My most severe weakness by far, has cost me more matches than I can count). I.E. my horrible edge-guarding game.

Yet despite all those flaws, I still can hang with the best. Why? Because of the only thing I have more of than almost anyone else: GUTS.

The guts to play Luigi, even against Ken's Marth(Melee), or Dojo's Meta, and not give a **** about a tier, or a matchup. I just play them as if they were anyone else and tend to hold my own better than most. (Who else can say they've misfired AND up-b'd the King of Smash?)

The stubborness to not listen to people's suggestions when I feel my way works better(and usually does) If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but when I'm right, people burst into flames.

The *******ery to call out MY OWN STATE in our regional thread and tell them just how I feel about the way they play, despite knowing that some people wouldn't like what I had to say.

Only Po would do such things, and that is why what meager success I've had has been possible. However, this is not an Anime, and hot-bloodedness is not enough. I can make all the long posts and epic speeches I want, but it won't get me what I really want-- a Tournament Win.

So, on to the next step, to conquer that laundry list of deficient behavior and surpass my limits. I'm going to live up to my word and place Top Five at a future event, and if I don't do it this year, I'm quitting for good. Seriously this time.

I can't live with only being OK's Loudest Cheerleader. I want to be the guy you are deathly afraid of in pools, I want to see the same look of fear and 'aw mans' that Chris,Hanson, and Chuck get when someone finds out they have to play them. If all I'm good for is being the hype-man for the REAL players, then to hell with it, because any idiot can yell out "SHORYUKEN!" and get a few laughs.

I want the ultimate respect-- that of a Champion. If I can't earn that for myself, then all these years of hard work are worthless to me, and I don't want that to be so.

So this is my ultimatium for myself: WIN OR GET. THE. ****. OUT. That's all I want right now, and I'll do everything in my power to have it.

cant i just play duelist this sounds too hard

what i mean is that i dont show up to smashfests to get better, but to have fun. i dont want to take it seriously and i dont want to step up, i just want to hang out.

i hope thats okay with all you serious business folks


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Just learned to do the Falco pivot grab thing. It's actually a lot easier to do it the way Lee does it which is just A+Z instead of c-stick.

It's fun to do.

And I didn't read any of what's posted, just what Andy posted, and I guess people aren't having fun? <_<


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
I respect Po's reasons for playing. If I were in his shoes, I'd probably have given up a long time ago. Your faults aren't nearly as bad as you think though. I also don't look ahead, and don't read well. I've always just done what's safe, and the safest thing is to shoot you when your too far away to shoot back. This just happens to annoy people, and people loose their patience with this, as a result, most of my matches are won this way.

You'll get there Po, I yearn to see the day you beat M2K with Luigi by misfiring to up B 9000 times in a row. lol.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
haha thanks daniel, If px doesnt team with me then we can indeed team (He asked first =P). Once I go to norman, im whipping all of you into shape =)


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma

cant i just play duelist this sounds too hard

what i mean is that i dont show up to smashfests to get better, but to have fun. i dont want to take it seriously and i dont want to step up, i just want to hang out.

i hope thats okay with all you serious business folks
For me at least, playing for fun and playing to get better are kind of one in the same, so I can dig that. I mean it is, after all, just a game, and right now I want just to play.

For me, the serious things in life right now are physics, calculus, engineering, and whatever else I might be studying. These are the things that are going to be prominent in my life (if they aren't already), and so everything else really takes a back seat to them. However, this doesn't prevent me from being competitive in video games either, and while I'm not going to take a really serious position on them as I once did, I will go to Smashfests and tournaments, and I think my skill in them will just kind of develop of its own accord as I play, and I'm not going to whittle away my spare time practicing against computers or thinking about strategies. As long as I'm just enjoying playing the game, I think my competitive skills will be fine. After all, PC Chris was one of the best in the nation, and he didn't even own a Game Cube.

And speaking about Christians in Kansas trying to argue that God makes things fall, I've been reading Dawkins's The God Delusion, and it's pretty much changed me from an atheist-leaning agnostic to an agnostic-leaning atheist.

But seriously, don't they know about, like, universal gravitation? Why would God spend all of his time moving every mass in the universe toward every other mass in the universe with an acceleration directly proportional to the magnitude of the destination mass in question and inversely proportional to the square of its distance away?


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Dang... that hurts my feelings, Daniel... I thought we had something special. You were the first person to ever tell me they were a fan.

I'm going to go kill myself now.

Bassem, don't make me quote all the posts where you ask ME to team >: (


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
Noooo Po don't quit. Your progress with Luigi has been amazing and setting good goals is very noble and all but believing that not reaching them makes your work worthless is the wrong attitude. People play Smash because they love it and the competitive nature makes us love it more. It is just that we are happy playing with our friends and getting better. If taking it seriously ruins our love for the game then maybe we wont invest so much time in it. But I see what you are getting at.

Dang... that hurts my feelings, Daniel... I thought we had something special. You were the first person to ever tell me they were a fan.

I'm going to go kill myself now.

Bassem, don't make me quote all the posts where you ask ME to team >: (
Nooooo Phantom. I still love you! You probably have the play style that I aspire to the most (aggro pro!). It is just that I gotta give love to my Oklahoma brothers first. Please understand.:)


Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2006
Why would God spend all of his time moving every mass in the universe toward every other mass in the universe with an acceleration directly proportional to the magnitude of the destination mass in question and inversely proportional to the square of its distance away?
because He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent and human ideas of time do not apply to Him. cease this darksided foolishness.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Honestly though, I try so hard to get past your defenses I don't even notice that it takes forever to finally get a string of hits in.

There's a difference between playing aggro and playing stupid :p


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Honestly though, I try so hard to get past your defenses I don't even notice that it takes forever to finally get a string of hits in.

There's a difference between playing aggro and playing stupid :p
I want to find a way to play total aggro against wario...and u will help me...OR DIE!!!! I can go total random aggro against anyone else...BUT U...U AND THAT OTHER GUY...U GUYS MAKE ME RAWR!!!!!!!

Daniel, come down to houston/dallas/san antonio so we can hang out

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
I think my biggest flaw is lack of match up knowledge....

Someone learn how to play all the B tier and below characters+Toon Link and Kirby and hit me up.
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