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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
hope nothing's planned tonight, i got **** to do. if people wanna chill tomorrow alex and all of his recording glory are available. i also have melee and tekken ^.^

edit: new avatar is the best


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
anybody wanna entertain me? Also, are there any programmers on this thread? I have an idea on how to modify the wii. just have no programming knowledge

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Yes, Outlaw Star was a pretty cool anime that aired on Toonami back in the day. Around the time the anime craze was at its height here in the US. Good times...

Alright, so Chris and Po's Grand Louisiana Adventure is about to begin! First stop, Dallas, then on to Louisiana and LAST 3! I hope everyone in LA brought earplugs and flame-retardant clothing, because they're about to get SHORYUKEN'D.

Traveling across Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana, the Pimpest and the Best Peach Ever prepare to appear on the grand stage and show everyone down bottom how Oklahoma does it.

Three States. Three Days of Driving and Riding, Several dozen Smashers, One tournament... Who will come out on top?!?

The answer to these questions and more on the next exciting episode of Dragonba-- er, yeah, just catch the live feed, okay?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Either way he's going to lose cause I'm gonna be there.

Also, when's hanson making the oh snap thread?


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
anybody wanna entertain me? Also, are there any programmers on this thread? I have an idea on how to modify the wii. just have no programming knowledge
I've had intro to programming, but I doubt that's enough for what you want. Maybe ask Brett, since he's a CS major and has probably had discrete structures and data structures by now, which may be enough for what you want.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
i figure since the system menu can be modified, so can the music. so id like a way to change out the intro music.

so kuni. watching the initial D movie. its too much....


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

Can someone get Hanson to get the Oh Snap thread up?


When the OS thread comes up, I want people to know that there are only 4 accounts that questions should be directed to: Daniel's, mine, Gmo's, and Hanson's.

Also, I want someone to help take up Daniel's position for Norman monthlies. I don't think it's like fair for him to run it while studying for the MCAT. Someone should help him out, it's not hard. :/


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Yes, Outlaw Star was a pretty cool anime that aired on Toonami back in the day. Around the time the anime craze was at its height here in the US. Good times...

Alright, so Chris and Po's Grand Louisiana Adventure is about to begin! First stop, Dallas, then on to Louisiana and LAST 3! I hope everyone in LA brought earplugs and flame-retardant clothing, because they're about to get SHORYUKEN'D.

Traveling across Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana, the Pimpest and the Best Peach Ever prepare to appear on the grand stage and show everyone down bottom how Oklahoma does it.

Three States. Three Days of Driving and Riding, Several dozen Smashers, One tournament... Who will come out on top?!?

The answer to these questions and more on the next exciting episode of Dragonba-- er, yeah, just catch the live feed, okay?

Yeah now It's all coming to me thats when they also had the really good Gundam series before it got a little dull.

Lol I would love to see that adventure rep OK well Chris/Brandon!!!!


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
the smashboards blog community seems awesome. i'm getting into it, others should look into it too, if it sounds interesting ^.^

anything going down tonight? i wanna see some cool people :o

also, grant, you'll think twice about boo'ing my casemodding when you see my next gc controller :D it won't be ready for like 2 weeks but it's going to be pimpin'.

also my youtube this week might start launching reviews and top 10s and dumb stuff. so if you're into it, check that out too.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Dallas, TX
heh, now i really regret not playing you last FS. you saw my snake lose to hylian but beat so many others. noted with a front smash.
Lol, Tom...You're too good.

And also....You guys would choose the worst day to have OhSnap :(


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
good shiz representing oklahoma.
and lol, good brawl players are weird. some are awesome when you beat them:
"people who beat me without abusing lag so far: the reflex wonder, ADHD, bassem6"-dabuz
and some are butthurt hard when you beat them:
"gj w/e..." j-katz

guess that happens in every game but their first thoughts aren't posted XD

i've got dragon quest music stuck in my head hardcore. you know that episode of family guy (as much as i hate to be the guy that says "remember that time on family guy...") where peter has theme music? it's like that, but with dragon quest o.0 someone please halp me.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Blah! Well I made a mock up flier. It is actually a moving gif image, but because it's a little big, you won't see it move, I can only upload a screen shot of it. Oh well, I guess it's better than nothing. The glowing light, and the programming used to make the objects in the picture moved are all done by my brother, but again you can't see it on a screen shot.

This is by far the worst, quickest piece of work I've ever created, it has no time, effort, or heart put into it. I feel bad as an artist puting out work that had no thought put into it, but I got a lot of things I need to work on for the game we are developing so whatever, we tried guys.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Dallas, TX
I'm afraid of Wichita coming to the 6/06 Tourney, guys....They shoot their doctors in church.

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
When I was listening to the livestream last night all 3 OKers made it into bracket.

And I heard Po was gonna win all of it with the power of pimpin......


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Dude, I ****ing sucked that tourney. It was stupid, should have done a lot better.


Yo Bassem, Hyrulian Royalty, the 3rd ranked dude, lives like 10 minutes from me lol He's tight as hell, his Toon LInk is real good, almost beat Chris in a set.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

He's better than Chuck Nasty. OH MY GOD!!!

I can't post about him, it has to be with words in person. Him in grand finals OH MY GOD!!! Better than him in like singles. SO INSANE.

Same with Kismet though Lee had him :/


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Yo I heard Fatty Fat Fatso got second at Akon. Props to Wario mains :)

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Important Message from Po! PLEASE READ!!

I was going to do a huge post-tourney report, but I realized something disturbing in OK's Smash community as of late, and wanted to say something.

OHSNAP is right around the corner. The best players from Kansas, Texas, Louisiana, and maybe more are going to be coming to this...


I'll repeat that: OK as a whole is not yet ready to face the level of competition that these guys will bring to our state later this summer. We're going to get *****, HARD.

If that offended you, well... GOOD. Aside from Chris, and probably Daniel, I don't think there's a single person in Oklahoma who can compete right now with the other big names of our region.

That's a shame, because I still believe we have some of the best players around. We've all gotten lazy, too complacent with our current status and skill. Yeah, we might be good enough to beat a few of the locals and lower-level out-of-staters, but it ain't enough to break even against anyone better than that.

Our best players don't even travel anymore! Again, aside from Chris, when was the last time any of you traveled more than twenty minutes to compete? Hanson, our current #2 player IS FROM Texas and hasn't played in a Texas(or an Oklahoma tournament for that matter) in nearly 3 months! We're falling behind, and I'm afraid we're going to reach a point(like we did in Melee) where its going to take us so long to catch up that the game will have totally changed by the time we get there.

Maybe some of you feel frustrated, or like you've hit a wall in your play that you can't get around. I'm here to tell you as living proof that you CAN get past it. I've spent years as nothing more than a bottom-of-the-barrel joke of a player who can only beat the scrubbiest of noobs, screaming his little catch-phrases all the way...

Since I became competitive, I've been getting pounded and pounded on, beaten by everyone, humiliated by the best of the best... But, for some reason I don't know, I stuck with it, even with countless people telling me that I will never get anywhere with my character, that I simply suck and should quit wasting time and money behind something I apparently am no good at.

While I have yet to get that one elusive big win over a top player, or even a decent tournament finish, I have progressed and evolved, getting better and smarter at the game... and I am soooo close to achieving what I have sought after for so long, only to find that the people who have pushed me to get this far seemingly no longer care enough to play hard.

Look, I know everybody's got girlfriends/work/school/whatever crap in life gnawing at their time and attention, but come on, NO ONE besides myself/Chris/Daniel wants to be the best anymore? Yes, we still have Smashfests and Monthlies, but when was the last time we all got together to really get better? When was the last time we actually took time to break each others' games down and isolate weaknesses/patterns? When was the last time Hanson actually took someone seriously and stopped sandbagging in friendlies?

I want a CHALLENGE, and it seems no one wants to give me one. Again, this is not to hurt anyone's feelings, but, ****, we have ONE decently good Metaknight main, and I haven't seen him since we teamed together in Kansas back in March. How the hell am I supposed to learn the matchup if I can't play it? We have two amazing players in Grant and K. peezy, and they don't even come to monthlies! I play at least three times a week with one of the most creative and talented players in the country, and he won't even come with me to a single Smashfest!

My last point is that I am growing incredibly frustrated with the current state of things. If you guys don't care to get any better than you are, fine, disregard this post and I'll just have to travel with Chris to more Texas tourneys then. If any of you still have any competitive fire left in you, I hope I managed to stoke it, if only a little.

The Pimpest has been playing for far too long and trying far too hard to get good to have ANYONE slow me down... In closing:



Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Again, this is not to hurt anyone's feelings, but, ****, we have ONE decently good Metaknight main, and I haven't seen him since we teamed together in Kansas back in March.
Yay someone mentioned me.

I want to jump back in the scene. It's been weeks since I've last played, but that just makes me want to play all the more. I'm guessing Daniel is going to be too busy studying for the MCAT to host any more Smashfests (my bad for missing the one he held last week), so it looks like I'll have to find some way to get down to Norman. Maybe I'll take one of my parents' cars and drive myself down there.

My summer physics course starts tomorrow, but it's only one class and shouldn't interfere with things too much. Physics 1 was easy for me, so I doubt physics 2 will be much worse, especially at UCO during the summer.

EDIT: Have any of you seen this match before? It is absolutely incredible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTSC8Ts8LL0&feature=related


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I think he means that their best are better than our best.

We just have to change the way we think is all honestly. It's not cause we don't practice enough, it's because we don't feel a need to improve since we're all even as it is.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
heh, ive felta bit of what po is feeling since im trolling more on the falco boards (thanks yawara for hyping me). i honestly don't really know what i could do though since i gotta also study for the MCAT and i can only play the locals here. and i am broke.
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