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Official "Who is going to return?" topic


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
I've stated what I think of your list.

I agree that Pichu should go, because well... its Pichu. Unless they can think of a way to make Pichu incredibly cool. A pre-evolved Pikachu who damages itself isn't fun.
No kidding, thoughtthere are pichu fans out there...


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
LemonMan, I noticed your location is Australia. If you actually live there, is the time here right now(829pm) late night or early afternoon for you?

Is that important to you Shade?:)
SHade needs peeps like you and me to survive.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2006
Bendigo, Australia.
LemonMan, I noticed your location is Australia. If you actually live there, is the time here right now(829pm) late night or early afternoon for you?
Actually its all part of an elaborate plot to fool Smashboards >_>

No, but seriously. Yeah I live in Australia, and at the moment its 12.58pm on Saturday over here. Nice and hot, I <3 Summer.

No kidding, thoughtthere are pichu fans out there...
Its true, but each character does have its respected fanbase. And some fanbases might have to face the disappointment of not seeing their character return if it comes to it.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Brrrrrrrrrrrrr,its cold here in antarctica.

Lemonhead,They should of had black as a costume for roy based on how cool it looks in your sig.

Roy's arieal moves are not that great.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2006
Bendigo, Australia.
Brrrrrrrrrrrrr,its cold here in antarctica.

Lemonhead,They should of had black as a costume for roy based on how cool it looks in your sig.

Roy's arieal moves are not that great.
I would think so, haha.

Yes, they definitely should have. He would have looked awesome in a black costume. Oh well :( Maybe if he returns in Brawl he'll have one *crosses fingers* as long as he is improved.

Roy in general is not that great, I would like him to be decloned in SSBB... but if he goes then he goes I guess.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
After a week of temperatures below 20 degrees, a little summer would be nice.

As far as Roy's costume, you might be capable of fashioning something similar yourself. Try asking about AR over Smashboards. While I don't know much about how to use the device myself, I do know that there are roughly 7 different modes you can set it to, and each supposedly brings you to a different stage of access(or what is variable by you). If you pick a basic mode, you might be able to mess with the color selection.

For example, you know how, in Halo, there is primary/secondary/background/whatever other layer of color when it comes to customizing your costume? Well I theorize that such tamperment might be possible in Melee. If such a place exists where you can see something like "Skin0, color1=FF9066, color2=FF9986, etc" then you might be able to change the color each piece is set to? Like I said, I'm not even saying that it would work. But, if it did, it would probably resemble some sort of cheap myspace editor and all you have to do is figure out which 6 figure code corresponds to the hue of your desire.

Or something like that, maybe...my desires might be taking precident over my better judgement.[/pointlessness]

I think my IQ just dropped.:psycho:


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2006
Bendigo, Australia.
After a week of temperatures below 20 degrees, a little summer would be nice.

As far as Roy's costume, you might be capable of fashioning something similar yourself. Try asking about AR over Smashboards. While I don't know much about how to use the device myself, I do know that there are roughly 7 different modes you can set it to, and each supposedly brings you to a different stage of access(or what is variable by you). If you pick a basic mode, you might be able to mess with the color selection.

For example, you know how, in Halo, there is primary/secondary/background/whatever other layer of color when it comes to customizing your costume? Well I theorize that such tamperment might be possible in Melee. If such a place exists where you can see something like "Skin0, color1=FF9066, color2=FF9986, etc" then you might be able to change the color each piece is set to? Like I said, I'm not even saying that it would work. But, if it did, it would probably resemble some sort of cheap myspace editor and all you have to do is figure out which 6 figure code corresponds to the hue of your desire.

Or something like that, maybe...my desires might be taking precident over my better judgement.[/pointlessness]

I think my IQ just dropped.:psycho:
20? Summer is definitely the way to go after too much of that. [/offtopic]

Well I might look into it anyway, since I'm holidays still and have nothing else to do lol.

I will just hope that if Roy comes back in SSBB they'll go "Hey, Roy would look awesome with a black costume!" of course that will come after "Hey, lets rebuild Roy from SSBM for Brawl and make him awesome!"

[/dream] lol.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Ooh! How ethnocentric of me. I'm sorry, I completely forgot. 20 degrees Farenheit, because the rest of the world is smarter than the US which uses random measurements.

Haha, it's good to dream.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2007
Waco Texas
What was that? I was mean to ONE person because they said something that has been mentioned dozens of times in every topic I visit. If being mean once makes me a bad person, what does your deffinition of mean make Ipslne? :laugh:

No, I meant first since the last time he said "Now just wait for someone else to misread what I wrote" or something like that.

I don't know how many pokemon there are, I said 252 because that's what Ipslne said.

KDDD would be interesting. I would much enjoy seeing what Nintendo would do with him.
Hmm... I dunno. I was just browseing this topic and was like " Whos this cool female samus player using this cool purple text, so decided to read what you had to say. And was like o.o man... shes scary o.o just pwned this random * who ever you were replying too * person. Then I thought of the dyna for some reason.

So your like my mean version of Dyna, Which is cool because Dyna is hot ;) . * Adds you to friends list*

P.S purple pwns.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
It's always the same temperature year round, 26 degrees Celsius. Kinda hot, but not humid.
Lucky *******. jp Where do you live that it's so nice? Also, moderately sad that you cannot get snow.:ohwell:

So your like my mean version of Dyna, Which is cool because Dyna is hot ;) . * Adds you to friends list*

P.S purple pwns.
I had almost forgotten about that. And, um...thankyou? I guess I have to add to my online reputation that I'm a hot purple Samus player.:laugh:

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Good ol' Barbados [in the Caribbean], the downside of living here is that the schools suck bad.

All schools, public and private, require you to wear uniforms. Cell phones and just about any other electronic device other than calculators [non-programmable] are not allowed. Games here cost double the US price even after converting currencies [1 Barbadian [or bajan] dollar = 2 USD] and consoles cost almost triple [ a gamecube costs near $400 >.>].

It's a tough trade off.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
LOL I have no idea what's going on anymore. I miss three pages, I guess I deserve it.

So who likes tacos?

(Just so you guys know, it's okay to shun me after that question.)


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I dislike a variety of foods, having always been a picky eater. Some selections include but are not limited to: tacos(and taco bell), steak/various meats, eggs, pudding, soda, vodka, among other things.

Wow Red Exodus, that's not cool. You know what we should do? =-O

I'll buy a GCN here for like $120, then sell it to you for $210, which leaves me $30 for shipping and handling and $60 for Brawl! Everyone wins, and by everyone I meant me of course.:laugh:


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
I like taco's and i don't like fish.(curently typing 1 handed because other hand is occupied with chips) when u live in the caribbean we never hav to worry about the cold. tho iv never seen snow and prices are also more expensive here (ps3 costs like $1400).


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2007
Milwaukee, WI
I also am very fond of tacos.

Hmm... I dunno. I was just browseing this topic and was like " Whos this cool female samus player using this cool purple text, so decided to read what you had to say. And was like o.o man... shes scary o.o just pwned this random * who ever you were replying too * person. Then I thought of the dyna for some reason.

So your like my mean version of Dyna, Which is cool because Dyna is hot ;) . * Adds you to friends list*

P.S purple pwns.
And I thought Rhyme's text was hard to read. >_<

WTF? o_o


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Oblivion's more than Rhyme's

And I'm glad to hear tacos are a generally agreeable subject.

And no, I'm not banned. Yet.

Alos: Rhyme, are those foods you like or dislike? (just wondering if I should send you a spiked meat shake or not...)


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2007
Gaara is cool. Just saying.
Anyway, Y.Link should return. But he should be altered to be less like a clone. And his super smash would be putting on the Fierce Deity's mask and barrage his enemies with energy disks. Then I will be happy.
Also, I am completely against the return of Mewtwo, Pichu, and Ness. Mewtwo and Pichu were practically joke characters, and Ness was an originally good character that was turned to...I guess turned to crap by Melee. He probably won't be much better in Brawl with even more characters coming in.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2007
Milwaukee, WI
So you want Ness to leave because he... sucks? In that case, why don't we just remove everyone except for Fox, Falco, Sheik, Marth, and Peach?

Ness is an amazing character, and just because you think he sucks doesn't mean he should leave. Getting rid of him would really set off all of the EarthBound fans, and we'd lose an incredibly unique character if he left.

Same goes for Mewtwo.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
the only characters that should leave are the undeserving potentialess clones (Dr Mario, Pichu and Roy). y link is deserving (considered the true form of link), has potential (plenty of awsome moves) and IMO, his spin attack is enough to let him stay in brawl. i guess i wouldn't really mind him being replaced by celda, though that would mean no FD link brawl move...


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2007
I don't want Ness gone merely because he sucks. I want Ness Gone because he WAS good, but NOW he sucks. Honestly dude, Ness was a joke in Melee. I could bring him down with Y.Link, YOUNG FREAKIN' LINK whose smash by the way is not that strong, when he had only 65% damage. His reaction time is much slower, and he's so vulnerable in the air that it's pitiful.
As for Mewtwo, he was a complete disaster. Just like how in the series he was a mistake, he was a mistake for Melee. One of my biggest reason to get Melee was to play as Mewtwo, and I was pretty disappointed at how insanely weak he was. He got NIL justice in that game.
Anyways, I also agree with the Doc leaving. What's different about him other than scrubs and pills?!
Also, I think I'd hang myself if Celda replaced the classic Link. :( He's alright and everything, but I prefer to see an N64 Y.Link on there. Only he really needs to be more of an MM Link! Give him that cool mirror shield, the gilded sword, and an FD special. By the way, I know I'm getting off topic here, but how do you make those "For Brawl" banners? I made a sweet FD one, but I can't find a good image host.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
please H3L105, stop being a nOOb. ness and mewtwo are bad characters in melee? well here is an easy solution. make them better in brawl! you'd have to be an idiot to not figure out something that obvious. if ness should be out because of his performance in melee, we might as well kick out bowser, zelda, yoshi and kirby, because they all have the same tier listing as him. also, mario should be kicked out because his clone is a stronger version of him!

performance in any of the SSB games will not judge what characters will not return.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2007
If their performance does not judge who will return, then what does?! Popularity? If that was the case, Ness would still be tossed out. I hadn't even heard of him until the first Smash! As for the making them better characters solution, I can agree with that. The onlt problem is, how do you make a character better without overkill?! It's easy to take something meant to be elite, and turn it into a waste of space. We saw that with Mewtwo. But how do you improve something without making it too strong? I once read in a magazine when this first came out that the designers thought that Link needed to be improved for Melee, but obviously came out too strong. Nearly anyone can play atleast half-way decent with him, even if they've just started playing the game! And how can you say Dr.Mario was stronger? He's the same as Mario minus his appearance, and choice of projectile!


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
If their performance does not judge who will return, then what does?! Popularity? If that was the case, Ness would still be tossed out. I hadn't even heard of him until the first Smash!
You may not have but the huge cult fanbase, the tens of thousands of people petitioning for the sequel to be localized, and the hundreds of thousands of people in Japan that bought that sequel sure have.
As for the making them better characters solution, I can agree with that. The onlt problem is, how do you make a character better without overkill?! It's easy to take something meant to be elite, and turn it into a waste of space. We saw that with Mewtwo. But how do you improve something without making it too strong? I once read in a magazine when this first came out that the designers thought that Link needed to be improved for Melee, but obviously came out too strong. Nearly anyone can play atleast half-way decent with him, even if they've just started playing the game!
By not overkilling it. You improve it without making it too strong by not making it too strong. This isn't a black and white situation. Each character is complex set of numbers and raising a few of those numbers doesn't instantly make a character God tier.
And how can you say Dr.Mario was stronger? He's the same as Mario minus his appearance, and choice of projectile!
That and the fact that his sheet is longer and does more damage, his spin shoots people in random directions, and most of his other moves have different percentages and effects when compared to Mario.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2007
If I were to go out on the street right now, and ask people what franchise deserves a character in Brawl, Zelda or Earthbound, the answers would go as follows:
"What the $@#% is Earthbound?"
"I don't know what the heck Earthbound is, but Zelda has some sweet characters!"
"I refuse to answer this question on the grounds of sounding ******** by asking you what Earthbound is."
[just as a side-note, if you go to Wikipedia.org, you'll find that the Fierce Deity article is about the same size as the article over Ness...kind of interesting how such a "side-character's" popularity can equal that of a main protagonist]
Also, the game itself wasn't even released until 1998 because of marketing issues, and when it was, it was done illegitimately by a fan-subbing group. Majora's Mask sold, over 300,000 copies the first WEEK of sales in Japan. That is a massive fanbase. Where Eartbound was popular in Japan way back when, Zelda was popular before it, during it, is popular now, and will be for years to come. Hopefully, that will drive you off the issue of popularity.
And okay, I suppose it is very possible to make a character stronger. But how do you go about doing it now? Ness ranked as one of the least popular Melee characters and was the MOST popular character in the original. I understand how you like Ness, but his popularity has subsided considerably. Also, Sakurai even stated some characters in Melee wouldn't return. If I had to guess, he's not just talking about clones. I expect atleast 2-3 non-clone characters to be booted out.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
you're comparing nintendo's 3rd best franchise with a cult fave like earthbound? the amount of info on a wiki article calculates a characters popularity?

you can compare every franchise that isn't mario or pokemon with LoZ and say it is unpopular... not that that makes any sense... a franchise doesn't have to be one of the most popular franchsies to be considered popular.

anyway, wiki lists information. if a character doesn't have 3 pages worth on info on wiki, it doesn't mean it is an unpopular character. it basicly just points out that there isn't much info on the character.

how do you make a character stronger? oh, i dunno... maybe make them faster, reduce their lag, increase their power and range. its VERY easy.

Sakurai never stated how many characters will be dropped. it may be as low as 3.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2007
See, I never denied it's popularity at any given time. I'm saying now, here in the pesent day, it ain't popular, man. Hence the reason I said that I could walk out on the street and people would assume I'm on drugs if I asked them which they'd prefer get a character in Brawl, Zelda or Earthbound. Earthbound was a potentially good game. I've never played it, but it may have been good. And like most good games, it had it's prime point. For Earthbound, it was probably sometime ago in Japan. Not globally, but in Japan solely.
And surely you read all of my last statement and not a cursory glance. Oh no, that'd be irresponsible. I said that yeah, you can make a character stronger, but why one that is one of the least popular characters in the game? Everyone seems to think popular characters should be in, so that's the basis I'm standing on now. Ness was good. People liked him. Now, Ness is bad. Lots of people don't like him.
Now, what you said about the whole 3 pages in wiki is true. It just means they have a little less information on them. But wait...who would you say has more information game-wise, Ness, a MAIN CHARACTER, or FD Link, an "option", a "bonus", a "side-quest"?


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
because earthbound isn't popular now?
ice climbers
game and watch
(what game is pit from?)
ness is a classic. classic's become characters, perhaps over new characters auctually. why do you think pit is one of the first confirmed characters? i've never even heard of him yet he is a cult favourite from a classic game. the same as ness.
"Ness was good. People liked him. Now, Ness is bad. Lots of people don't like him."
then add this onto the pattern: Ness is now good again. now people like him.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2007
Well, seeing how I was refferring to the Smash franchise, (i.e Ness in original=good, Melee=bad) we really don't even know if he's gonna be in it. So I can't add that onto the pattern just yet.
Pit is from Kid Icarus, and I see your point. But there is still a massive majority of people who prefer a new charactyer over Ness because of his previous performance in Melee. In any case, did you see any "Pit for Brawl" banners? No. Nintendo itself probably wanted to bring back Pit. Not by popular demand, but more or less to revive a possible franchise and take their chances. That's why Pit is such a badass in Brawl. I even wanna use him at some point. Bu not because I heard of the old games. I think it'd be laughable if he stayed true to the original Pit as compared to the new badass Pit. Nintendo wants to introduce Pit as edgy, and possibly revive the Pit franchise. With this new sharp looking Pit, people are going to be interested. Had they just seen the original Pit in all his 2D glory, they wouldn't have given it a second glance.
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