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Official "Who is going to return?" topic


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I've mastered Link, Ganon, Luigi, & especially Falco, but on this forum, there are no good pictures of avatar's on this forum. Also, I see those pictures everywhere here.

How can you be good with Dark Samus if you haven't even played with her yet?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I see what you did thar!

I actually try to personalize myself in whichever forum I'm surfing. For example, I used to be an avid member of Gaia way back a year or so after they started. My avitar looked exactly like me. Haircut, clothes, shoes. Only difference is that I wish my hair was a dark bluish purple :(

Either way, my point I want to get at is that I understand what Rhyme is saying. Though, we can never tell if our assumptions are ever correct. For example, I'm guessing Rhyme is a sort of hard-*** gamer, slightly tom-boyish with a mildly dark sense of humour, and enjoys creating an ackward situation in an attempt to catch someone off guard.

I summed that up through her choice in colours, writing style and content. Can't really say much else from there.

Devastlian on the other hand, is a pretty good kid. Generally stays out of trouble and can be fun to hang out with if you get past a sort of barrier his subconcious puts up and really get to know him. He also understands the workings of the internet, or is trying to. He's starting to recognize that the internet's impersonal and he's adapting well. His style of posting almost makes me think that he's relatively introverted irl, and is getting used to opening up to people online. I probably could've said that in less words, but you know.

Now someone prove me wrong so I don't get cocky over this xD


i should probably stop taking advantage of the internet like this. i'm a little more shy irl ^_^;

how do you play as Dark Samus?
You're a funny guy, ya know? Now how 'bout you pull that stick out of your *** and join us in our conversation?

after aknowledging his more recent post, i may have misunderstood him?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Well, I don't know...let us see here. (and of course by us I mean "I")

I'd have to say that your description is within a reasonable margin of accuracy, though I remain unsure as to what you meant by a "sort of hard-***". BigD, what do you think of Ipslne's profiling attempt?

Yeah, I knew that, I was just playing along.
Just making sure. There was once an incident in the Samus' Villains thread when I 'though' someone misunderstood me, and the whole deal blew up in my face as a sub-flaming war and hatred. All resolved now, but I want to try and remain out of conflict if I possibly can.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Well, I don't know...let us see here. (and of course by us I mean "I")

I'd have to say that your description is within a reasonable margin of accuracy, though I remain unsure as to what you meant by a "sort of hard-***". BigD, what do you think of Ipslne's profiling attempt?
For example, you'd probably give your close guy friends a hard time when you destroy them in whatever games you're playing; and you'd publicly flaunt being a female gamer as long as it's in the company of people you know, and most always in a sarcastic sense.

Though I could've probably chosen better than "hard-***" to describe that; but really nothing came to mind.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Well, that's actually a pretty spot on description. Kinda scary actually. :(

I picked this avatar because I recently replayed TWW (it's my second favourite game after FFIX; though, the art it's taken from is from FSA...but ya know.)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Well, that's actually a pretty spot on description. Kinda scary actually. :(

I picked this avatar because I recently replayed TWW (it's my second favourite game after FFIX; though, the art it's taken from is from FSA...but ya know.)
FFIX? TWW? Yeah okay you're my favorite now :3


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
I chose this avitar,because dooplis is my favorite from pm1000yd.I ditched the falco one because too many people had it.I dont know anyone who has this one.

YO,ipsy i know buddy9246.He was playing a joke on you when he acted like he was taking it seriusly.

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
I hope to see all the original except:


But that's just my opinion. I prefer more Roy-Marth Char... But Jiglypuff, Pichu?? Hell No!
Pkmn should be kept in his pokeball as an Item!!! Don't you agree?


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
well someone has pulled us out of the off topic hole.

we need to go one by one down the line.

SO dr.mario. stay or go

Definatly go.Just mario with a phd


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I have definately pointed this fact in another forum. I said that Dr.Mario's performance was way better than Mario's performance on Melee. Don't take this to heart people this is just my personal opinion. Dr. Mario's power in his aerial, smash, and regular moves were way stronger than Mario's. Now I know Dr.Mario is not coming back in Brawl; however, if they could give Mario Dr.Mario's attributes that would be great cause lets face it Mario was at his prime in Smash 64 & in Melee, he was medium tier at best. Let me further explain this....

1. On Smash 64 Mario could use Mario Tornado really good as a quadruple jump. In addition, I could link that move up with most of his combos.

2. His aerial linkers were unmatched, meaning I could link up his aerial combos to a certain extent.

3. Even though that you couldn't charge his Smash moves, they were way more powerful than they are on Melee.

4. Can you say, King of Combos? I can!

It's not that I didn't enjoy playing as Mario in Melee, all I'm saying is that he needs a major tune-up in Brawl.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
I have definately pointed this fact in another forum. I said that Dr.Mario's performance was way better than Mario's performance on Melee. Don't take this to heart people this is just my personal opinion. Dr. Mario's power in his aerial, smash, and regular moves were way stronger than Mario's. Now I know Dr.Mario is not coming back in Brawl; however, if they could give Mario Dr.Mario's attributes that would be great cause lets face it Mario was at his prime in Smash 64 & in Melee, he was medium tier at best. Let me further explain this....

1. On Smash 64 Mario could use Mario Tornado really good as a quadruple jump. In addition, I could link that move up with most of his combos.

2. His aerial linkers were unmatched, meaning I could link up his aerial combos to a certain extent.

3. Even though that you couldn't charge his Smash moves, they were way more powerful than they are on Melee.

4. Can you say, King of Combos? I can!

It's not that I didn't enjoy playing as Mario in Melee, all I'm saying is that he needs a major tune-up in Brawl.

Dr.nario might have some killer air moves,but i still think mario had better smash attacks.
Ther special power was around the same and dr.nario's grab was worse than mario


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2007
Milwaukee, WI
Doc is just Mario with a cheap B^, better dair, massively overpowered attacks, and a horrible recovery. And there's nothing Nintendo can do to change him, as he's nothing but a spin-off character.

He should leave, as should Pichu and Roy; everyone else should stay.

The Ice Climbers and Ness should not leave. They are retro characters and - especially Ness (massive EB fanbase to this day) - are quite popular. Why should they leave, anyway? Because they're old? Samus, Mr. Game & Watch, and Pit are also retro characters. Each installment in the Smash series brings new classic characters to the fray. Why remove some of them when Nintendo keeps adding more?

1. On Smash 64 Mario could use Mario Tornado really good as a quadruple jump. In addition, I could link that move up with most of his combos.
His B-down is still an excellent recovery tool in Melee; but I don't really see why you'd use it as an attack.

2. His aerial linkers were unmatched, meaning I could link up his aerial combos to a certain extent.
Considering his uair, nair, and bair are still amazing comboing/juggling attacks, I'd say your point here is also valid in Melee. However, I do agree that his fair and dair are rather crappy (ugh, his dair is the most useless move in the game, I swear).

3. Even though that you couldn't charge his Smash moves, they were way more powerful than they are on Melee.
But, of course, everyone was stronger in SSB64 than they are on Melee. You could KO people off the sides and top of the level at like 80% damage with pretty much anyone. And I actually find Mario's smashes to be rather powerful in Melee still.

4. Can you say, King of Combos? I can!
I've basically already addressed this point.

It's not that I didn't enjoy playing as Mario in Melee, all I'm saying is that he needs a major tune-up in Brawl.
I do agree with you on this. Well, not a major tune-up; more so a minor one. He's one of my favorite characters to use; but it's so frustrating considering how hard he is to use. I'd like it if they made his fair and dair not totally useless again.


Smash Cadet
Jun 10, 2006
T_T Tennessee.. ()
Wow..I haven't posted in awhile...ANYWAY!

I know all the original mainstream characters will be returning, of course. And, I may be going against the grain...but I'd like to see both Marth and Roy return.

I'm not trying to lack any logical reasoning, and I know my opinion really wont count..but, why not give Roy his own fighting style. I know (or atleast I'm fairly certain) that he and Marth use different styles of swordsmanship, so why not correct that in his move set and keep the character? Hmm..oh well.

Most people seem to be against his return. ._. It's heavy on my heart that he has a low chance of coming back, but, I wont be angry over it. I'm sure it'll still be great game. ^_^;


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Next to the circle shaped square on the far side o
I personally dislike marth because of his counter. Roy isn't as bad because he isn't quite are strong with the blade like marth. Who do I think should return.

-(more than likely, DK will be added. retro...)
-captain falcon
-mr G&W

any ssb character I missed ( I know I missed some)
and thats about all I think should return.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
I personally dislike marth because of his counter. Roy isn't as bad because he isn't quite are strong with the blade like marth. Who do I think should return.

-(more than likely, DK will be added. retro...)
-captain falcon
-mr G&W

any ssb character I missed ( I know I missed some)
and thats about all I think should return.
You forgot falco,gannon,ness my friend.

Actualy now that i think about it,I wouldnt mind roy gone.He's the worst of my 4 mains.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
I hope to see all the original except:


But that's just my opinion. I prefer more Roy-Marth Char... But Jiglypuff, Pichu?? Hell No!
Pkmn should be kept in his pokeball as an Item!!! Don't you agree?
i'm not too sure about jigglypuff. Originally, pit was going to be in SSB, but they changed it to jigglypuff, since pokemon was popular atthe time. Just imagine where pit would be ifhe were included...


Anyway, I think they'regoing to keep Marth, since he's sopopular in Japan. And maybe they could fix Mewtwo a bit, so he doesn't stink as much.

MR. GAME & WATCH MUST NOT LEAVE! He's one of my favorite/best characters!

Everything else I agree with, although I'd add Young Link to the list.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Nope. Sorry Ipslne. You might not know it by reading what I post, but I am incredibly modest. Don't get me wrong, I'll rub it in someone's face if I KO them with something amazing(reverse justice/skull bash, upB spike with DK, tripple Bairs with doc, and other crazy stuff). However, if I win and it was a normal match, I'll just be like "Yeah, that was crazy, oh man and you almost came back." No showboating here.;) So, I guess what I'm getting at is that the first part of your description probably couldn't have been more wrong.:p

Now that I got that out of my system...what's this talk about Mario v Doc? Doc will leave, period. As for the differences between them, Doc had a better Fair and neutralB, what with the stun and all. Both of their Dairs suck so that's not a major issue. Doc's Bair has a lower trajectory but Mario's is better for comboing. And we all know that Mario inherited a suped up version of the Doc's big fist in Brawl. Doc's upB had better spiking potential but with Mario, you simply hit them weakly then Bair->edgehog most characters. Good players will tech the upB spike anyway so I don't see why we bother to argue this. Either way, Mario is better at chainjuggling(throws + attacks) and he is much faster. Mario's smash attacks have greater range plus, if you tilt both their Fsmashes upwards, they have nearly identical knockback. I tested this off the edge of final, only 2% difference to KO Falcon off the side if both are sweetspoted. I know Doc was 2 ranks higher on the tier list but, in my humble opinion, Mario is truely the better smasher.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Mario is truely the better smasher.
*Gives a thumbs up to Rhyme* Totally agree, I have tried using Doc many times, and I just can get that feeling when I use mario, I find mario very fitting with me, me liking well balanced character, and me being a N-fan boy and all XD, but I dont know, Im way better than mario, then I was when I used samus and link... meh u get the idea, I pretty much think they will give all of doc's pros to mario, thus would make mario far better than b4, seeing the suped-up AFA of mario in the trailer, made me very happy XD...


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2006
Bendigo, Australia.
I hope to see all the original except:

-Pichu [I agree]
-Jiglypuff [Get real, Jigglypuff rocks! Not to forget Jiggs is from SSB64... no reason for her to be dropped]
-DrMario [Make him a costume or drop him]
-Mewtwo [He deserves a second chance, maybe make him a bit heavier]
-IceClimbers [You no longer have any credibility. Ice Climbers are awesome and unique]
-GameAndWatch [I'm split on this, he was a cool retro old school character... but I don't mind either way]
-Marth [Marth needs to stay, thats it... he is the first FE lord]
-Roy [Split on this, he's my main... but he sucks. If they can think of a cool moveset for him then sure, otherwise he deserves the boot]

But that's just my opinion. I prefer more Roy-Marth Char... But Jiglypuff, Pichu?? Hell No!
Pkmn should be kept in his pokeball as an Item!!! Don't you agree?
I've stated what I think of your list.

I agree that Pichu should go, because well... its Pichu. Unless they can think of a way to make Pichu incredibly cool. A pre-evolved Pikachu who damages itself isn't fun.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
Beltsville, MD
Okay well just to say this upfront...this is page 149 of this thread...so you'll have to excuse me if someone already said what I'm about to. I am not reading every freaking post.

okay who should return...i guess i'll just go in order on character selection screen.

Dr. Mario: needs to be a costume. people liked that he was a little heavier and had better knockback but in all honesty if that's the case just make mario like that. dr. mario is wasting a spot on the character selection screen.

Mario: confirmed

Luigi: He'll definitely be in it most likely as a secret character like in the first two games. I'd like his up b to be stronger like in the 64 version and for his side b to be more consistent or a better means to return to the edge. maybe a little faster execution of his moves to make him more even with top tier characters.

Peach: yes bring her back. she's very popular and is great character against those who like to crouch cancel. also she should remain because she's finally fighting for herself. she doesn't need to be changed though. she's already really good and making such a good character better is not good.

Bowser: God he's so bad! bring him back but fix him. he has way too much lag on all of his moves and each is really slow. I don't think he has any fast moves (besides his jab and sex kick). if he had a few fast moves and wasn't left completely defenseless after missing a move then he could have a better chance.

Yoshi: since he's an original character i think he should return. Well I know he isn't getting a third jump...but his egg roll almost makes up for it. he just needs a little bit of combo ability and maybe a few fast attacks and he would be better set.

Donkey Kong: well duh...its dk of course he should return. i like him a lot but i think he should get some better air attacks and maybe some ability to combo but other than that he's good.

Captain Falcon: He's an original plus he was good and fun to play with in the last one. I personally liked his smash attacks in the 64 version better but that's just me. I think that if he didn't have so much lag and if his attack execution was as fast as he is then he could be great.

Ganondorf: definitely...he's sweet. but he needs different moves...except for his f-air and his d-air. those are awesome. but otherwise a whole new moveset. maybe with his sword...

Falco: definitely...along with ganondorf falco is the only other "clone" character i like and is truly different from fox. he's an expert comboer like fox but with his "shine" he is all about combo's. maybe some different moves from fox just to make him seem more original but even now any true smasher knows how different they already are. he needs better recovery!

Fox: confirmed

Ness: wow...i don't know what to say. he just needs to be like he was in the 64 version. How do you go from being one of the best to one of the worst?! Yo-yo attacks like in the first game, recover from pk thunder like in the first game, stronger grabs not exactly as powerful as the first game and eliminate pk cross for something actually useful. otherwise he should probably go.

Ice Climbers: Novel idea but they have no bite if one's gone...so maybe replace one of the bad b moves with a move that returns your partner to you so that it's less often that you fight alone. maybe some better air attacks.

Kirby: confirmed

Samus: confirmed (unsure how they're fitting in zero-suit with this)

Zelda/Sheik: yes they should return but i definitely don't think sheik needs to get any better at all. in fact i honestly think she should get worse and zelda should get better to actually promote a player to swap in the heat of battle cuz normally a player will not switch. I know I never do. maybe they can lessen the amount of time it takes to transform.

Link: confirmed

Young Link: should not return unless his moveset is completely different from links because otherwise he's just wasting a spot on the screen. maybe make him like the Wind Waker version. whatever you do just don't have a clone.

Pichu: no way. he's just way too light and hurts himself. On top of that his range is next to nothing so how do you actually fight someone?! He was an interesting pick but come on...He's just taking up space.

Pikachu: confirmed

Jigglypuff: yes she should return but as a secret character like in both of the first games. needs some faster moves though or a little more weight. some range wouldn't hurt. need to replace rollout.

Mewtwo: should return only...and I mean ONLY if he is COMPLETELY redone. He needs so much help its laughable. I like his range, his sex kick, third jump and...yeah that's about it. Why not make him a little heavier too. His weight in the pokedex is well over 200 lbs. For such a powerful pokemon he really is weak.

Mr. Game and Watch: I like him and I think if they balance him out a little bit, replace some of his useless moves with decent ones that help him fix what he doesn't do well and maybe give him a little more combo ability then he could have some potential. honestly he is really an interesting character and i'd hate to have him removed.

Marth: He's probably not going...I mean the best player in the world uses him so I'm inclined to think for that reason alone he'll stay. He does not need to get any better. I often joke with people that even if you never played with him before all you have to do to provide a challenge is smash the c-stick to the side the entire match.

and finally Roy: compared to Marth he is completely overshadowed. the fact that his hilt is strong and Marth's tip is strong gives Marth an advantage right there. since roy's tip is weak it doesn't matter how much range he has. maybe if his moves were different and they compensated for this he'd have a better chance. Also I have to say I like his counter since it's so strong but it's unfortunately very short. Maybe if he was just tweeked he could be brought back. I mean he is kinda cool.

and that's it...tell me what you all thought.

Da Man

Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2006
Canterburt, Kent, England
All hail shadowmm151:). Those are excellent descriptions .

I totally agree with you. I do think Ness, Mr G&W and the Ice Climbers should DEFINIALTY stay. I'm starting to get used with these 3 charaeters and they are very good if used right.

I do think that some of Captian Falcon's move are already fast enough as they are (Like his fire uppercut (L/R B) which I forgot the name of)


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
Beltsville, MD
oh my bad i meant that captain falcon should have at least 1 fast executed smash attack because his smashes are so easy to see coming.


Smash Rookie
Dec 16, 2006
Luigi: I'd like his up b to be stronger like in the 64 version and for his side b to be more consistent or a better means to return to the edge.
First of all, Luigi's up+b is great like jiggly's sleep is great. If you're right next to the guy and you use it it's an auto kill from about 70% depending on the character's weight. Next is Luigi's side+b was meant to be the way it is and that's the risk of playing as Luigi and the fact that you can kill yourself multiple times in a match.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Dmn shadowmm151,you are the bomb.like it all exept the ice climbers part.
They will come back.And the reason there b moves were weaker was because there are two ice climbers.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2007
Milwaukee, WI
Doc had a better Fair and neutralB, what with the stun and all.
I agree with everything you said, except that I think the fireballs are actually better than Doc's pills. They're just so much easier with which to hit someone.

Bowser: God he's so bad! bring him back but fix him. he has way too much lag on all of his moves and each is really slow. I don't think he has any fast moves (besides his jab and sex kick). if he had a few fast moves and wasn't left completely defenseless after missing a move then he could have a better chance.
His B^, one of the best moves in the game, has unnoticeably little lag; his aerials have virtually no wind-up lag, and L-canceling cuts down the post-attack lag; and his ftilt and his utilt have next to zero lag as well. As for his other ground moves and specials: their massive lag is made up for by their insane power, and if you know how and when to use them, the lag shouldn't be a problem.

He's not that slow of a runner, either.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
Beltsville, MD
His B^, one of the best moves in the game, has unnoticeably little lag; his aerials have virtually no wind-up lag, and L-canceling cuts down the post-attack lag; and his ftilt and his utilt have next to zero lag as well. As for his other ground moves and specials: their massive lag is made up for by their insane power, and if you know how and when to use them, the lag shouldn't be a problem.

He's not that slow of a runner, either.
fair enough i agree with everything you said...but compared to many other characters these moves are slower which is what i meant. slower in comparison. in addition you said that L-canceling cuts down the post-attack lag, which I also agree with but you need to keep in mind that your opponent is also L-canceling which if we agree will probably make his recovery far better than bowsers.

One last note: I just want to point out that although I don't believe he's great, I love playing with bowser. he's alot of fun and does have some cool moves. I love doing his side b and chomping on someone and also enjoy his dthrow. The only reason I said what I said is that I want him to have a better chance in the next game against characters like sheik, fox, falco, marth, etc. I really want the next game to be balanced. That's all I'm saying.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
CoolName, I think the Fireballs are easier to hit with as well. What I meant, and probably should have said, is that the pills work better as far as comboing if you can connect with them. It also depends on doc's opponent. A Samus or Ganondorf player will have a much tougher time with the pills than, say, Pichu or Fox. As far as specifics, pills have more hitlag and travel slower, so you can use them to create a weak point and attack. Mario's fireballs are too fast to use them effectively in this method. Also, megavitamins do, maybe, 1% more?

Shadowmm, why would you want to change Falcon? He's already high tier, and his smashes are slow on purpose. "A bounty hunter who boasts a unique combination of speed and power", but you can't have speed AND power all the time, that's broken.

And as far as I am concerned, both IC's and G&W are two characters who deserve to return, and I don't personally care for either.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
Beltsville, MD
Shadowmm, why would you want to change Falcon? He's already high tier, and his smashes are slow on purpose. "A bounty hunter who boasts a unique combination of speed and power", but you can't have speed AND power all the time, that's broken.

And as far as I am concerned, both IC's and G&W are two characters who deserve to return, and I don't personally care for either.[/QUOTE]

well i guess i never thought about that before. still i thought the 64 smashes were still cool. I guess it's just that I always imagine a character playing against sheik or fox so I try to see a way to improve them for those characters. because when it's capt. fighting thos two he 'normally' loses. I suppose i'm just looking for balance too hard. in reality the game can never truly be balanced. oh well.

but yeah here's hoping for ic and g&w.

btk Ace

Smash Apprentice
Aug 27, 2006
Ganondorf needs to return cause hes one of the best heavy characters.

Bowser needs to return cause hes bowser and mario needs someone to beat

DK Should get his *** droped

Dr.Mario I Don't really care about, either way

Luigi needs to stay. can't have the red man with out the green

Peach needs to drop in cheapness and gayness

Ness can go or stay as he pleases

Fox is to **** to leave

Falco is to **** to leave

Ice Climbers are to **** to leave

Kirby is to pink to leave

Zelda/sheik are to **** to leave

young link can go.

All pokemon can go if they want to

G&W Needs to leave

Roy should stay for it

Marth should stay


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Which explains the problem, shadowmm. You envision Falcon fighting the top tier characters. Falcon gets owned in turn by Shiek's tilts and Fox's shinespiking. Better to make the good characters slightly worse before touching the not-so-good characters. And I strongly stress the word *slightly* because I MEAN slightly not nerfed. *cough*Kirby*cough*

I'm in agreance with you, Falcon's Fsmash in Smash64 was awesome.
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