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Official Washington Melee thread


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
I'm still fiendin smash if someone is tryna come over today.

GG's though C, last night was fun(even though I got too baked to keep playin the other one lol). My boy C be gettin his spacing on. It's always tight to see improvements =]
haha yea sh*t was mad tight, goodlookin on the smashin/smokin break from finals studying dawg

nex time we'll get UW to come out since it won't be finals week xD

but i'm going to miss Iceman's tourney AND the next GC cuz i have an orientation on the 2nd for my new job that's from 7am-7pm :( i get paid for it tho so it's kool but if ppl are down to smash after GC i will def be looking to blaze/smash/get smashed and there will likely be no pre-GC fest at my place since I hafta be up and out the door by 630am :/

idk, what you guys think? we could have a fest but honestly after the last one where someone took a sh*t and clogged the toilet, then proceeded to pile more and more TP on top of the monstrous sh*t i don't really feel like hosting lol

miss the f*ck outta yall and smash tho...


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
i didn't notice it until we were leaving for GC but the roommates were not happy lol and i had to clean it after GC which was not fun, i shoulda took a pic but it looked like a toilet from a flying-j that had way too many truckers come thru after eating way too much fast food... yea, imagine that for a second

EDIT: while we're on the subject of things being ****ty, Darkspines, could you learn how to type dude? seriously i don't read your posts anymore if they have ANY symbols in them lol no offense man you seem kool but your posts are irritating, to me at least
Jun 27, 2005
the west
**** that sucks lol. i remember when tophs toilet got clogged, **** was whack.

LOL. yea ima have to go with charles on this one


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
agree on darkspines's posts being irritating

and yeah oh my god otto you didn't see the worst of it (or did you?). The worst was an event me and Andy colloquially refer to as "**** Lake", when Miguel tried to unclog our clogged toilet from some smasher (we think it was Nerd) and ended up FILLING OUR ENTIRE BATHROOM FLOOR WITH **** WATER, which proceeded to seep through the floor to the bathroom below. It was a nightmare. Literally the worst thing I've ever had to deal with. I had the brilliant idea of sopping it all up with an old blanket, then... a lot of mopping and laundry-ing... it was horrible.

@charles, yeah dude that **** definitely blows. We had our fair share of bull**** hosting fests because of fat smashers who don't own up to their **** (literally... as in the **** that comes out of their *******s). but at the end of the day, it was worth it i think :D hosting, i mean.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Lol man how do people clog other peoples toilets? If youre gonna take a dump at a friends place, you might as well ask "how sensitive is your toilet?" since your friend/anyone else will know you're taking a dump unless its a quick one. even then i just space out my poo if its not my toilet. poo a little, flush, keep pooing, flush, poo, flush, wipe, flush. Way better than having to go "BREHHHHH WHERES DA PLUNGER?" or doing the bad homie thing and just leaving without saying anything lol. Thats the other thing, everyone should leave the plunger next to the toilet.

That is my rant

I guess while we're sharing clog stories, when i was 11-12 and lived with my mom, I was sick and stayed home from school and I was the only one home, I took a big poo, flushed, didnt check to see if it clogged or anything, then played some video games and went to bed. My bedroom was right next to the bathroom (so like, other side of the wall)

I woke up and the bathroom was flooded, my closet was partially flooded, and it went through into the garage. That was a horrible time calling my mom "THERES WATER EVERYWHERE"


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
it's not easy at all, but among other things having a very good out-of-shield game is important (knowing when to short hop stomp OOS, wavedash OOS, or just jump/roll) against falco

i'd say more but vish or otto somebody could tell you a lot more lol, my falcon sucks
Jun 27, 2005
the west
cant say i was there for **** lake lmao. it sounds familiar tho.

i remember cloggin your toilet once tho. wasnt even that big of a ****. it was an unfortunate placement of turds indeed. at first we blamed it on adam and tried to tell him you wanted him to fix it since he had been stayin there a while LOL. then shane put hot water in that sucker and left the plunger in there and it was a-ok.

vs falco, just try to knock him down or in the air and knee at like %50


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
yea our toilet ****in sucked hahah

my toilet in japan is BEAST dude. like most toilets in developed buildings in japan (dead serious), it has a seat warmer function, electronic control with weak/strong flush options, and the bidet thing for cleaning your ******* with a water jet (which i have never used >_> but it's nice to know it's there) it also has a de-odorize button that purifies the air around the toilet for a few minutes if you press it.

lmao go figure otto makes it sound super easy for falcon, every WA spacie (read; shane and otto) think falcon ***** spacies LOOOL


uhh try using your short-hop nair strategically to hit falco out of his short hop laser. what i mean by that is, you can actually short hop over the laser, and it's long enough that at a certain spacing you can just throw one out and hit falco as he tries to shoot another laser. go from nair into grab, then techchase his stock away. knee above like 50%. that's your goal, summarized. i'm not very good at doing it myself though LOL, i'm only good at explaining (when it comes to falcon, anyway)

and you have to be REALLY good out-of-shield to not get *****


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2010
Ah. Thnx. I find that match up difficult (I find must *most difficult cuz i suck, lol), but yeah.

And what about Marth?


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2010
^w ell, like, one shine after a SLIGHT knock off the stage with fox is pretty much death for falcon :X


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
agree on darkspines's posts being irritating

@charles, yeah dude that **** definitely blows. We had our fair share of bull**** hosting fests because of fat smashers who don't own up to their **** (literally... as in the **** that comes out of their *******s). but at the end of the day, it was worth it i think :D hosting, i mean.
yea fests are def worth it, i'm kinda glad shane wasn't there cuz i would've automatically assumed it was him lol idk why he just seems like someone who would do that

Lol man how do people clog other peoples toilets? If youre gonna take a dump at a friends place, you might as well ask "how sensitive is your toilet?" since your friend/anyone else will know you're taking a dump unless its a quick one. even then i just space out my poo if its not my toilet. poo a little, flush, keep pooing, flush, poo, flush, wipe, flush. Way better than having to go "BREHHHHH WHERES DA PLUNGER?" or doing the bad homie thing and just leaving without saying anything lol. Thats the other thing, everyone should leave the plunger next to the toilet.
lmao, agreed 100%

my toilet in japan is BEAST dude. like most toilets in developed buildings in japan (dead serious), it has a seat warmer function, electronic control with weak/strong flush options, and the bidet thing for cleaning your ******* with a water jet (which i have never used >_> but it's nice to know it's there) it also has a de-odorize button that purifies the air around the toilet for a few minutes if you press it.

and you have to be REALLY good out-of-shield to not get *****
that toilet sounds beast, i've only ever seen those on TV lol you should upload a youtube vid or somethin detailing all the features and whatnot :p

and Darkspines, my advice would be to avoid getting shined as it leads to infinite possibilities as a spacie lol ditto what toph/SW said also


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2006
Tuk House, WA
hahahah oh man, "**** lake" was def one of the highlights back at the old apartment, omg LOL it's just hilarious thinking back on it. Was it nerd? I thought it was between adam/shane/some other dude that resembled eggm.

So basically @MastaC, thats really ***in stupid... the woes of hosting


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
**** LAKE LMAO. Oh man I remember that **** lol. I remember Adam was there for lke a week or two and the night b4 ****lake ther was a decent sized fest.

Greeze on ur toilet C.

since we are sharing clogged stories....My brother be doin that greazy kinda ****....expectin somebody else to unclog the commode. This *** left the **** clogged but most of it went down, only a small amount of TP was in the circle aka oh he was just blowin his nose. I took a piss flushed washed and bounced....was blastin headphone wit that hardcore...prolly an eggz mix actually...I get up randomly...the bathroom is filled with water. The toilet had done the thing where the water kept pouring in because the valve didnt close..OMG. its ova.. I stopped it and started cleaning it up.

The downstairs apt came out in their PJs, I was like *****************! Apparently **** was runnin down the kitchen walls and it was just raining in dey spot.

LOL this thread. also, otto how are u feeling?


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
yea, thats why fox ***** falcon like i said. i was just sayin knee clogs foxes toilet
ah, a bit of topical humor to spice up the falcon vs fox discussion. i like it. :o

LOL but yeah, seriously if you knee fox at, like, above 80%, NO amount of sdi is saving his *** >_> it's pretty hilarious lol.

also darkspines you should watch more vids. look for what top falcons do off of throws, how they techchase, and what they do out of shield... and just make mental notes to yourself. you have to be like, "conscious" when you watch vids though - don't let yourself just start enjoying them and being impressed by what you see LOL, be actively thinking "oh, how can i incorporate that into my game" etc


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
lol flyamanita at it again haha dude is on it

otto: do you guys get medals for editing enough ppl's posts? cuz that'd be kinda tight but not really lol like tight in the sense that you'd get medals n ish but not tight in the sense that you'd hafta become known for editing ppl's post n sh*t
Jun 27, 2005
the west
im feelin koo. my eyes arent too bad, aside from when i woke up the last few day, they were sealed shut with snot or whatever it was lol. throat hurts like a ***** tho, been havin to take pain killers last couple days.

i dont think you get medals for anything like that on swf, at least not when i was a mod

mf doom makes me wanna use dr doom in mvc3 haha


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
mf doom makes me wanna use dr doom in mvc3 haha
lol you should get **** and make a combo vid with some of his sh*t as the intro, get your stick dual modded and bring it over sometime dawg! or i'll bring my stick over sometime but i never been to your spot no homo


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
mf doom makes me wanna use dr doom in mvc3 haha
WORD hahahaha

my copy came in this weekend btw ^___^ i guess i'll start playing it this week although i wanna focus on melee until SRT (big tournament in tokyo at the start of april)... we'll see

btw do you guys know any good resources online (webpages, threads on srk etc) for putting together a good mvc3 team? i don't wanna haphazardly just throw 3 dudes together
Jun 27, 2005
the west
lol you should get **** and make a combo vid with some of his sh*t as the intro, get your stick dual modded and bring it over sometime dawg! or i'll bring my stick over sometime but i never been to your spot no homo
yea thatd be tight. im have to do that at some point, thats one of the reasons i got the stick. thatd be tight if u came over sometime. i could prob get ben to take me there but hed be butthurt if we didnt play smash haha
WORD hahahaha

my copy came in this weekend btw ^___^ i guess i'll start playing it this week although i wanna focus on melee until SRT (big tournament in tokyo at the start of april)... we'll see

btw do you guys know any good resources online (webpages, threads on srk etc) for putting together a good mvc3 team? i don't wanna haphazardly just throw 3 dudes together
playin no melee and playin marvel is not good lol. tried playin melee a bit today and it took me a while to get used to it. the best thing to do is choose like 1 maybe 2 characters and see who works well with them. i havent seen a thread that just has teams like that.

chun li is also sick


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2008
Tacoma, WA
yall peeps got some disgusting stories lol, and that sucks charles, i've had a few friends clog the toilet, though one of them at least always unclogs it himself.

@toph- you should probably just watch matches from winter brawl fest, and (just previously final round) and see what teams they tend to use. Usually the commenators are pretty good pointing out what they do and ****, like jwong's she hulk, ammy, tron bonne team, where jwong spams t. bonne's assist to counter the tech and get a free special out of it with she hulk, or ammy to just straight up counter sent. Or his other team which is his main team, wol/storm/akuma. Idk just my opinion, just to give you ideas of what the pros use, and why etc.


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
toph, my advice yo (i'm a scrub but i do alright so listen):

have one char that you LOVE to play, make them your main
have one char that has a BAD@S$ assist that you enjoy playing - use him/her/it to assist in combos or assist in getting out of the corner/combos/etc...
have another char that also has a BAD@S$ assist that you enjoy playing and can use if your other two get taken out for whatever reason

in general you should be comfortable as f*ck with all 3 of your ppl if need be but specialize in one and have the other two as dope @s$ assisters and be familiar with their assists cuz otherwise you'll call them in on accident and get *****

i guess you could ask gimpy or zerostar for specifics but they might get all high and mighty on ya lol

EDIT: what syler said yo lol those vids are MAD entertaining too lol c!z came over last night and played melee with me and teran for about n hour or so then we got high and started playing marvel, he was like, "sh******t, i just wanna watch you guys play" rofl

and double edit: otto if you wanna bring ben over we can prob do both somehow lol my rooomates all play marvel but not as well as me or teran and i could use the practice against ben seeing as how he's not as good as you but better than me lol or i'll try to come over more during spring time since i'll be more free, you know what your thursdays are gonna be like for the next couple months? cuz i have Thursdays off all spring quarter xD


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
edit: Marvel commentar is mad legit. I like watching matches because it explains things and doesnt just leave u hanging.

Charles we should play...I suck but Im like not terrible.

Syler same thing lets play MvC and melee

otto same thing

**** man. lol. imma get banned on smashboards.

Toph-U gotta figure out what style u tryna play. Either u build a team around your point man, or u pick a team based on a play style. keep away, rush down etc.

Otto=yea marvel and no melee is weird. Its prob gonna be hard tryna get back into melee when im off break.

But im for sure using zero ammy and like 90% set on magneto. I was using wolverine, dante, doom, thinkin bout spidey. But I settled on magneto cuz he is tighter than doom. I picked those two ****,,doom and magneto cuz of that beam assist. Magneto has a stonger one tho. and its purple homie. Amaterasu can spam ice, zero can do the qcf Attack and his charge buster, magneto has that beam among other things. they can do keep away pretty decently. I can hit confirm combos and hypers off magnetos beam as well.

I just gotta learn how to approach in that game, and how to block. Its weird not having a full body shield and having to worry about high low over head when u dont even know the moves ppl be doin.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
and double edit: otto if you wanna bring ben over we can prob do both somehow lol my rooomates all play marvel but not as well as me or teran and i could use the practice against ben seeing as how he's not as good as you but better than me lol or i'll try to come over more during spring time since i'll be more free, you know what your thursdays are gonna be like for the next couple months? cuz i have Thursdays off all spring quarter xD
thatd be tight, id be down to play with teran or somethin. id get some melee in too. i should be free after like 330 on thursdays.


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
raaaaaaaaaaaape, looks like the whole melee scene is picking up marvel at least for casual play haha i love it, finally something i can really compete in ^_^ don't sleep on me in melee tho i'm boutta come up like kline did for G2 haha

on that note, is everyone for sure flying that is going? cuz i was thinking about driving but my dude c!z gave some good advice: "that sh*ts mad gay driving bak" lol if i did drive tho my car would def be packed with the best/tightest smashers from WA and hella uppers/dro xD


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2006
Tuk House, WA
I'm probably gonna fly and im thinking about booking my ticket soon. It would be tight to be on the same plane with other smashers from WA.

But if money becomes an issue i wouldnt mind a **** road trip to cali


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
playin no melee and playin marvel is not good lol. tried playin melee a bit today and it took me a while to get used to it. the best thing to do is choose like 1 maybe 2 characters and see who works well with them. i havent seen a thread that just has teams like that.
aight sounds good

nobody said anything about no melee haha, i have a 2nd controller i gotta break in before april so i'll be on my grind lol. plus there's a big-*** smashfest at the usual osaka tourney venue this weekend plus thunders is hosting his first smashfest in his new house

and he promised free food for people who helped him move, which includes me ^___^ SICK

re: going to cali, i'm flying LOL (obviously)

but just so you guys know, i'm flying to virginia after G2 to visit my grandma and aunt.... and i'm flying out ON THE WEDNESDAY after genesis, which means I'm gonna be in san francisco for a few days with not a whole lot to do except explore/smash/party. so if you guys are down, it might be tight to stay a few extra days (although I don't know what everybody's summer schedule is like)
Jun 27, 2005
the west
we should road trip if ur down to drive charles. wed all throw down on gas and ****. the trip back wouldnt be too bad if we had all the homies. ima try and get a screen for my cube or somethin haha.

damn, this is one of the worst nights of my life. now that my painkillers wore off my throat hurts SOOOOO ****ing bad. i been tryin to sleep thru it but my mouth is producing saliva instantly which makes me swallow which ****in hurts and keeps me up. the only pain killers i got have caffeine in them lol. just took a couple more tho


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
new controllers ftw i'm still tryna figure out how to get my backups like my mains... need that kline/otto expertise nex fest lol get better soon tho otto, it's tough just thinking about that :/

i calculated it out and with gas at $4 (hopefully it won't go higher cuz i kno it's higher in Cali) it would be about $100/person if we took 5 ppl roundtrip including myself, my car would fit 7 total tho so it could be like $70 if we get 7 but then ppl might be a lil uncomfortable lol 6 would be comfy tho no joke and that's like $85/head

plus we'd have a car so we could get places and food etc... not that i'm worried about that but i like to be independent and not hafta be on other ppl's time n sh*t, still would hafta find a place to stay but i don't think that'll be hard since the community is so ****

google maps says 13.5 hours but i guarantee i'll have us there in 12 xD and i have homies we could stay with 30mins from the venue but they don't smash so i'd rather not go that route unless $$$ is crucial

anyone know how much the entry/venue fee will be?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2006
Tuk House, WA
new controllers ftw i'm still tryna figure out how to get my backups like my mains... need that kline/otto expertise nex fest lol get better soon tho otto, it's tough just thinking about that :/

i calculated it out and with gas at $4 (hopefully it won't go higher cuz i kno it's higher in Cali) it would be about $100/person if we took 5 ppl roundtrip including myself, my car would fit 7 total tho so it could be like $70 if we get 7 but then ppl might be a lil uncomfortable lol 6 would be comfy tho no joke and that's like $85/head

plus we'd have a car so we could get places and food etc... not that i'm worried about that but i like to be independent and not hafta be on other ppl's time n sh*t, still would hafta find a place to stay but i don't think that'll be hard since the community is so ****

google maps says 13.5 hours but i guarantee i'll have us there in 12 xD and i have homies we could stay with 30mins from the venue but they don't smash so i'd rather not go that route unless $$$ is crucial

anyone know how much the entry/venue fee will be?
Not sure about the venue/entry fees

But from last time, being able to be independent around the area is HUGE plus. That alone would make driving leigt. I remember last time we went, finding food and being able to eat whenever we wanted was an issue. The genesis burgers they provided were RAAAPPEE but the line was too long at times! Me and toph found some mexican hut that was aight, but having a car around the venue would be sooooo convenient.

If money is an issue (which for me hopefully wont be since ill be saving) i dont mind staying with your peeps C.

But man, the armada In is where its at during nights. If i remember correctly staying 3 days 3 nights (or something) for four of us came to roughly 80$ a person for the entire stay, which is pretty good.

EDIT: Man otto im feelin like s hit too. I'm tryin to study with a cold. Soar *** throat with a constant running nose with no kleenex around is so dumb. Slightly watery eyes, high temp, fml right now.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
i doubt wed be able to find housing for all of us. i think the hotel might be best, unless your homies really wouldnt mind us crashin there. driving sounds so legit lol, road trips ****. last time (only time) i went on a road trip to socal it was just me and the dj of combos for 6 hours, then just me, sleeping nate and the smash twins the rest. not as tight as it could have been. not too bad tho, they koo.

damn that sucks andy lol. lol @ the censor dodge, dont you know fly has been editing all our posts and warning us? aka u guys and not me lol.

edit: damn lol, the mvc3 community is gay in regards to calling characters **** like wolvie and ammy. i mean those arent THAt bad..i guess, but once i saw someone call wesker wesky it was ****in over


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
EDIT: Man otto im feelin like **** too. I'm tryin to study with a cold. Soar *** throat with a constant running nose with no kleenex around is so dumb. Slightly watery eyes, high temp, fml right now.
psh, on it my dude... i'll see you in 15 with a BIG@S$ box of aloe vera kleenex

it's nothin to a bo$$

i doubt wed be able to find housing for all of us. i think the hotel might be best, unless your homies really wouldnt mind us crashin there.

damn that sucks andy lol. lol @ the censor dodge, dont you know fly has been editing all our posts and warning us? aka u guys and not me lol.

edit: damn lol, the mvc3 community is gay in regards to calling characters **** like wolvie and ammy. i mean those arent THAt bad..i guess, but once i saw someone call wesker wesky it was ****in over
na, they're rich so they wouldn't mind unless we f*ck up their toilet or somethin dumb lol and ROFL at fly, he don't want it from SW in bracket come July xD

i could see wolv, am, or wesk but why you gotta make it hella gurly sounding with the y's and ie's at the end? lol might as well just call em by the full name haha


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
yeah kline, stop censor bypassing lol. I haven't been doing it btw

and yeah the ramada inn is bumpin so AT LEAST for the duration of the tournament, we should stay at the ramada

oh my god that place rules

edit: but yeah having a car would be sick. especially cuz then we'd get to eat stuff besides EXCLUSIVELY BURGERS for 3 days LOL. don't get me wrong, genesis burgers/in-n-out are amazing but ****, there were so many other restaurants around the hotel i wanted to try that would always close like -JUST- before we got back to the hotel lol


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
travelling in general is awesome! I still miss MLG Columbus and it was last summer, but its the only time i've been off west coast. + me and larry nearly getting killed walkin the streets of Columbus Ohio at night was funny (except at the time it was like, dang I might not make it home cause this guy will kill us)

road trips are pretty cool, ive carpooled to socal twice lol. shane jamie emo$ aftermath me, and then for genesis 1 zerostar emo$ his two friends me shane devin teddy. we had melee playin cause they had a flip tv thing so we were able to play melee or brawl, it was kind of lame on like turns or bumps though and being squeezed together, harder than it seems haha. i think flying is a lot cooler though, everytime i've flown (so like 2-3 times lol) i meet cool people at the airport or on the flight. its like everyone has their own story to tell =)

Ramada Inn was bumpin I agree. I remember we got gayed and didnt have a hotel room the 2nd night, so the morning of the final day without even being friends with mango and them i just went with shane to their room and was like "uhhh im gonna take a shower too.."

Just got done watching season 1 of The Walking Dead with some roommates. (No its not an anime) it's a six episode (about 5.5 hours though, long episodes) season of a zombie apocalypse type thing. it's semi recent too. Was kinda tight, apparently season 2 is starting up soon

Double also: someone should go to WCG Ultimate Gamer season 3 auditions with me or just go also, cause it'll be tight. they havent listed when auditions are yet but if theres not a seattle audition there will be cali.
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