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Official Washington Melee thread

Jun 27, 2005
the west
To Otto: is there a specific version of neogamma you recommend using or would you just download the latest one?

if you don't mind checking, what loader do you use to start melee?
i thought neogamma sounded strange. i dont even use that, i use gc back up launcher. sounds more legit too lol. check that out


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
Does GC Backup Launcher boot wii games? I'm tryna play japanese wii games too (legit, but out-of-region obviously since my wii is american) so yeah.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2010
Puyallup, WA
Mikes probably sleeping or something.
I could come up there though if you guys are gonna smash, if thats cool.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Toph theres a wii backup launcher that I use. It plays Japanese games without needing anything special. it's just a channel on my homepage, pop in the japanese game, go to the backup launcher channel, and it works


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2010
Puyallup, WA
Lol that would be better than the screen I got on mine. Got me looking at other gc stuff on there though and now I'm wondering if anybody ever figured out how to play melee online with those broadband connector things.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
Be careful Otto, alot of the screens out there are mini LCDs and they actually have noticeable lag. Enough to where I wouldnt want to smash on it, but other games would be fine.

@syler, I think Austin and I are gonna wanna smash like wednesday or something. Or that marvel, I could use somebody else to whoop my ***....maybe we could set something up. and according to Anthony and his ***** Tim, we beefin or somethin lol. So cant be too friendly lol.

@ndie-My friend Tim helped make that online melee thing happen, or was apart of the process or whatever....he has played it online b4, he said its aight, and sometimes the games desync because of the random aspects of the game, and sometimes it lags and will miss register hits and u end up n a completely different spot haha.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Lacey WA
We're not Beefin, was just me letting **** frustrate me, and i didn't think tim would post at all, my apologize Kaos


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2008
Tacoma, WA
@Teran- =/ don't remember me, yeah you would do that you lil wayne fanboy (nah jk lol)

@Cody- What's this about wednesday? How come you seem to know what's going on but I never do >_>. I don't even think I talked to you in a few days lol, but yeah wednesday sounds good

@Tim- I know you try to defend ur boys and all, but no offense but you should stay outta ****. Especially if you don't know the whole story. Also, stop cockriding, it makes you look bad, and makes the person you cockride look bad as well. (example) when you cockrode me when I played vish last time, it made me feel really uncomfortable because it made me feel that vish thought I was one to **** talk, and exaggerate ****, and I ****ing hate those type of people >_>


Anthony- n***a you wont trolling, that was you being you. Anyways long story short, and you probably heard this a million times, but seriously stop drinking. Its getting so bad that, it's getting to the point of me reconsider hanging out with you. The only time you really stop drinking is when you piss off enough people, and then you realize you ****ed up, and then decided to quit and then go read the bible, 2-3 weeks later ur doing the same **** again. Been that way for years.

@Kline- What anthony said, I understand pissed you off, but most of it whether on smashboards/fb was pretty true. A lot of people in the smash community **** talk you a lot cuz you get bigheaded, whether it's just you joking or not, that's what people think of you a lot of the times. But with that said, you owned up to a lot of the ****, like losing to people you shouldn't etc. And I personally don't have anything against you nor do I care about half the **** you say lol. But just telling you now whether you already know or not.

EDIT: cody i just saw kline's post about something on wednesday but im still confused on any and all details about it lol


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
wow wtf how come everyone can post except me?

EDIT: damn that was weird, i couldn't post for the past 12 hours or so lol must've exceeded a limit or somethin haha

syler: teran doesn't check the boards so he won't ever see what you just wrote to him lol and what makes your post better is that the mod Teran will prob namesearch again, see that, and be like WTF mate? ROFL i love it who the f*ck is Tim anyways?

Darkspines & everyone else: biweeklies at my place (in Seattle) starting in April, haven't decided if i wanna do Wed/Thurs/Fri tho so lemme kno what ppl think

Wed is def best for me cuz i have Thursday completely free so we could start whenever ppl show up on Wed and go well into Thurs

if we do Thursday it can start whenever and end whenever but i work Fridays 7-7 so i'll be going to bed a lil early and idk how my roommates feel about me leavin smashers in the house during skool (in light of anthony's recent MEGA SH*T)

if we do Friday then it obviously can't start until i'm bak (~730-8ish) but it could go well into Sat


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Dbl post

LoL at the mega****. Reminds me of the time anthony pissed on the toilet set at my apt. twice. (yeah twice in 3 months) mofo didn't clean it up either >_>
Worse part was, the first time he did it, he tried to blame it on j.b. and me, when sue came out and asked who the **** did it, cuz she almost sat in it. He went, "How do you know it was me and not one of these 2?" My response, "Well j.b. hasn't even been to the bathroom yet, and i'ved with a female long enough/live with sue, that i would be smart enough not to even try to piss while a toilet seat is down." The fact he tried to pull that makes me lol and smh at the same time.

EDIT: and oh well at the teran thing (yeah you name search this) :p

I don't think tim's going to see my comment either, though since anthony lives with tim, it's not like anthony can't show/tell him about the post.


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
haha double posts ftw dawg, i feel it... i could see him doin that too rofl i found that tim dude on the fb thread but i still dunno who he is haha


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Lacey WA
if it was at your apt then i remember that time, but i don't remember blaming sue, i remember sue getting mad and kicking us out because we both were smart mouthing her, even tho we were just joking

@me - i sound like a really CRAPPY dude now lol


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2006
Tuk House, WA
Hey whos trying to smash this weekend? Im done with finals

I've got to work wed and thurs this week so if anyone is down lemme know!


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Lacey WA
i know what your talking about / i don't remember it that well / all i remember is me an jb pissing sue off because of us joking around / i don't remember me trying to blame whoever else was there / i'm trying to imagine myself saying : It could've been JB or mike? / i don't see myself saying that


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2010
Puyallup, WA

@syler, I think Austin and I are gonna wanna smash like wednesday or something. Or that marvel, I could use somebody else to whoop my ***....maybe we could set something up. and according to Anthony and his ***** Tim, we beefin or somethin lol. So cant be too friendly lol.

That's where I heard wednesday. I know nothing else Mike lol. But ya, you know I'm down whenever.


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
That's where I heard wednesday. I know nothing else Mike lol. But ya, you know I'm down whenever.
lol that's hella funny cuz that's from the fb thread and mike specifically said that he read that and wasn't gonna continue it so he posted on here instead rofl

question for all you knowledgeable ppl out there, mainly otto/kline lol

if you can consistently multishine against someone's shield would you eventually break it? or could they roll out/do somethin oos in between the shines? or does it depend on who you're pressuring?

just wondering cuz i saw mango doing that against hbox in friendlies and it looked like he coulda broke his shield but he messed up right before it was boutta break :/


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
charles-multi shining is the only way to keep somebody in prefect shield stun. however it does low shield damage.

if u had somebody in the corner on a wall u could for sure break the shield. they wouldn't even be able to drop their shield. with like hella good multi shines.

if they hold away they will shield di away out of range so u can't keep up with them.

wednesday-what ndie said, ill probably want to smash on wednesday. we should set something up low key

syler-ill addressee what u said when I get to my computer.


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
charles-multi shining is the only way to keep somebody in prefect shield stun. however it does low shield damage.

if u had somebody in the corner on a wall u could for sure break the shield. they wouldn't even be able to drop their shield. with like hella good multi shines.

if they hold away they will shield di away out of range so u can't keep up with them.
so you mean to say, that

1) it would take hella hits wit the shine before someone's shield broke? and/or...
2) you would actually "hit" someone before their shield broke bc their shield would eventually get too small to protect them from the shine? and/or...
3) if they hold away they would do what now...?

i def didn't get the last sentence, kinda got the first two paragraphs but the shield di away out of range? like they would roll? or you would be pushed away from them? or what...? cuz in my head i'm seeing someone hold away while shielding and their getting hit by the shine before their shield actually breaks cuz they're exposing a part of their character... idk what the exact hitbox of the shine is tho so idk if that works but yea thanx for humoring my q in advance...


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
you can di your shield stun. left or right. have fox shoot lasers at u while ur shielding and u can control which way he slides.

but yes too many hits, but if u start with nair shine into multi u can reduce the number of hits needed.

its likely but u could probably hold up a shield and not get shield poked by shine. the hitbox btw is actually the shine.

when in shield stun u are frozen until it ends. perfect multi shines keep u in shield stun, so u can't drop your shield. kinda like fox rapid blaster on a shine. after each shine tho u can di away while in your shield. basically u just slide out of range of the multi shines and u can then wd oos, jump, or roll. u slide out wayyy before your shield is even close to breaking...unless u are in the stadium trap. u will slide away.

also during shield stun u can't roll or side step or drop your shield, u have to wait until it ends.
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