Allan, your possibly the most biased person in texas regarding things like characters, rules, and rankings. You think your opinion is correct and everyone else's obsolete.
For example you just said you have a better tournament record then bwett. Your tournament record barely holds a candle to bwetts lol. When have you taken Dojo/Razer to 3rd game last stock last hit? When have you beaten people like Melee1? When have you gotten 2nd in OOS tournaments?(He travels OOS too, not that you would pay attention...Actually..I think he's been to more OOS then you have).
You aren't objective in the slightest.
Since there is so much backlash, I'm just going to cut off 16-20.
For example you just said you have a better tournament record then bwett. Your tournament record barely holds a candle to bwetts lol. When have you taken Dojo/Razer to 3rd game last stock last hit? When have you beaten people like Melee1? When have you gotten 2nd in OOS tournaments?(He travels OOS too, not that you would pay attention...Actually..I think he's been to more OOS then you have).
You aren't objective in the slightest.
Since there is so much backlash, I'm just going to cut off 16-20.