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Official SV AZ Thread - Brawl Sux (We <3 Melee!) Updated (6/08/10) - We Miss You Joey

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
>_> Mr. J's Doc did get 4 stocked by a Marth that did nothing but camp on the edge . . . right?

It's probably wise to not talk **** all the time if you really don't have any sort of skill to back yourself up. :/ From what I've seen, your Doc can't even be described as being mediocre and your Peach is hardly worth bragging about. As for those sticking up for him by describing him as a great player who can rip **** apart, that's probably untrue too since y'all are equally horrible (lol 4 stock). All I'm saying is that Lee at least has gone and beaten established players and is known in the South East.

Mr J however . . .
...umm...yeah... >.> how about a MM? i'll show you what SV has to offer

Deleted member

i doubt that came out the way sars meant it.

im so sad i'll never get to play mr. j.



Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Dude, all I'm saying is what Mr J is just going around running his mouth and calling out people who are tons more skilled than him . . . only to run away from it. Meanwhile, everyone else in the SV doesn't bother to say how ridiculous the claims are (except for Axe) and continues to talk smack when those players--who are clearly better--call out Mr J.

The only reason I see why people would do the same? Because they're as good as Mr J is and don't want to admit that Louisiana players can take him on. Why? Because that would mean that they themselves would suck. :/

I already know Axe is ridiculous and has been climbing up the Arizona rankings--that itself should be telling of how good he is since the skill level in Arizona on a whole makes it rival Texas and Florida in the South. Also, Axe has so far been the only real reasonable poster there. But the rest of SV? You have to admit yourself that what Mr J has been saying shouldn't be supported by the rest of the region. And all I'm doing is going around making up for the smack talk that y'all have been spouting out unashamedly.

It's one thing to stick up for a region, but it's another thing to start beefing with an entire state for the sake of being a total jack ***. And even if NickNyte says that the rest of y'all are real chill and really talented, I'm just saying that I can't believe that yet because of the way one of your players.

:/ Sorry, I've personally got nothing against the SV region; and I know most of y'all are really good just for being in Arizona and just for playing against Axe. But because of how obnoxious Mr J seems to ask . . .


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
mr. j is trash, i really have no idea why taylor got so worked up because of this scrub. 4 stocked by nicknyte. idk what that means in AZ but from what ive seen, ( no offense to elvis) mr.j isnt that good at all.
besides lee john taylor kyle and cyphus, im pretty much more on ricky's level not so much a lee. but i def have enough exp/ skill in this game to say that mr,j is trash and he has no right to say bull**** about LA.
i would gladly mm him for any ammount of money he sees fit, but i prolly wont get that chance sigh.

ive seen vids of axe, hes not that bad, pretty good actually. anyway, im done in here.



Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
mr. j is trash, i really have no idea why taylor got so worked up because of this scrub. 4 stocked by nicknyte. idk what that means in AZ but from what ive seen, ( no offense to elvis) mr.j isnt that good at all.
besides lee john taylor kyle and cyphus, im pretty much more on ricky's level not so much a lee. but i def have enough exp/ skill in this game to say that mr,j is trash and he has no right to say bull**** about LA.
i would gladly mm him for any ammount of money he sees fit, but i prolly wont get that chance sigh.

ive seen vids of axe, hes not that bad, pretty good actually. anyway, im done in here.

Axe is 7th in AZ, bud. He's got some pretty good talent to be able to beat many other of the players here to that spot.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Lastly, stop milking Taylor for laughs Mr. J. If you want, talk some **** about me, I haven't seen you do that yet. XD
Actually, I have to say something against that last statement. Please milk Taylor for more laughs, I think that's hillarious. He gets mad super fast (almost as fast as the muh ****in Iceman). I'd stop talking about Lee, however. That's not as funny.
Oh, and I rape4life.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!

lol speaking of which, i'm finally able to hit over 9000 ft with ganon in then home run contest:chuckle: lol i'll record myself doing it and post it one day. haha thank you all for all the comments^^

seems like no one's gonna let go of that 4 stock... i'm thinking that maybe i should just delete it, everyone's making a huge fuss about it. i honestly think that mr. j's pretty darn good. he does very well against me, i think it's just that he only plays the players here in SV, and he's probably not that used to playing others. i actually have experience with others. besides all the tourneys that i've been to here in Arizona, i've also gone to Minnesota and Texas (twice) to play smash, and i've gone to gamerguitarist's place plenty of times, and we've gone to smash fests and stuff while i was there.

i think it's just that he doesn't have the experience with other people. if mr j and i ever record matches, you'll see how close they are. Nicknyte has a very different style from what we're used to, so maybe it's just that he just plain doesn't have much experince with other players. i could be wrong, but it's a possibility. anyways, i'd feel a lot better if this whole talk about Mr. J would stop, cuz i really don't like hearing all that about my friend (actually i'm not sure if i should consider you a friend. smash buddy? lol). he was wrong to talk smack about louisiana, but i think he's been punished enough, so let's just drop it

and on another note, i'm actually not the best in SV. Vectorman pwns me all the time, he's just not ranked or anything because he never goes to turneys or travels outside of SV. whenever we play, i usually can win about half the matches we play, but in my opinion, he's better than me. if we were playing a serious match in a tourney... he'd probably beat me lol


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

You're ranked 7th for a reason, but you're pretty self deprecating which is humbling and kinda cool to see since everyone here more or less recognizes just how great you are. But I'll lay off for now. Not because Mr J has become less of an *** but because NickNyte really doesn't want it and bringing in more beef with the rest of SV really isn't the intention. If anything, I'd like to come over and stay at Arizona for a while and just play with y'all. But don't know if I can get a ride there :/

Too bad, but hey. It'd be fun if we'd all get to play one time.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
ricky > freddy.

and you forgot about dsk beating you.

me and ricky actually go even every time we play, sometimes him alittle more than me, and other times me alittle more than him.

and you cant be serious about dsk. hes not very good at all and everyone was beating up on him, i felt kinda bad so i sandbagged but w/e.. but all johns aside, yes, he did beat me once its whatevv.

ps. axe-we'll lay off the smack talking. its just that we get bashed alot by other states and it annoys us alittle. <3 to everyone.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Actually, this isnt about the 4 stock anymore, but J's smack talking. However, I am sad that this argument has gone this long. This fight is over. Lets get on with our lives..

EDIT 1: Yea I have the video on my hard drive now. I can put it on MY youtube account now :p



Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2006
Sierra Vista,AZ
hey mr. j, i cant double fire on the edge either and im a sheik main. lol pisses me off even when noobs can do that **** when i cant. i can do the ledge stall though, but the double fire when running to the edge is too hard for me, its a gentle motion i hate to do. unless your talking about the ledge stall mr. j, that the sheik messed up on the 2nd match, thats easy to do all the time.
Yeah I mean the double edge stall thats what it is.

Anyways on this side note LA sucks balls. Your guys vids aren't anything to be proud of, even your best player there looks like he's sucks on that shotty azz video recording of those matches. Anyways point being you cant base someones performance off of a video with that said I still thing LA are a bunch of noob people when AZ has THE BEST AROUND in every city not just little ol' Baton Rouge. LOL Mr. J number 1. Nicknyte number 2

Word to your mammas LA


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Yeah I mean the double edge stall thats what it is.

Anyways on this side note LA sucks balls. Your guys vids aren't anything to be proud of, even your best player there looks like he's sucks on that shotty azz video recording of those matches. Anyways point being you cant base someones performance off of a video with that said I still thing LA are a bunch of noob people when AZ has THE BEST AROUND in every city not just little ol' Baton Rouge. LOL Mr. J number 1. Nicknyte number 2

Word to your mammas LA
I won't comment on the blatant disrespect for Louisiana that you're showing, because I'm just starting to realize you're just trollin (that is, saying ridiculous things to get a rise out of us), but I will have to disagree with you on that last statement, because it's entirely inaccurate. Our best players come from Houma. The next come from either NO or BR, it gets a little gray there. We also have a lot of good players from the Laffy area. I actually don't mind the **** talking, since that's one of my hobbies, but at least get some of your facts straight. Oh, and piss off, goat****er.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
Yeah I mean the double edge stall thats what it is.

Anyways on this side note LA sucks balls. Your guys vids aren't anything to be proud of, even your best player there looks like he's sucks on that shotty azz video recording of those matches. Anyways point being you cant base someones performance off of a video with that said I still thing LA are a bunch of noob people when AZ has THE BEST AROUND in every city not just little ol' Baton Rouge. LOL Mr. J number 1. Nicknyte number 2

Word to your mammas LA
Just because AZ may have some of the best players doesn't mean that we still don't have scrubs.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Just because AZ may have some of the best players doesn't mean that we still don't have scrubs.
Yeah I mean the double edge stall thats what it is.

Anyways on this side note LA sucks balls. Your guys vids aren't anything to be proud of, even your best player there looks like he's sucks on that shotty azz video recording of those matches. Anyways point being you cant base someones performance off of a video with that said I still thing LA are a bunch of noob people when AZ has THE BEST AROUND in every city not just little ol' Baton Rouge. LOL Mr. J number 1. Nicknyte number 2

Word to your mammas LA
Yep, we got scrubs, such as J. Besides, if you know Louisiana so well J, how come you though Baton Rouge had the best smashers. Lol. Its Houma you n00b. Anyway, I know your trolling. So, Ill leave you with this.



Nov 26, 2004
Yeah I mean the double edge stall thats what it is.

Anyways on this side note LA sucks balls. Your guys vids aren't anything to be proud of, even your best player there looks like he's sucks on that shotty azz video recording of those matches. Anyways point being you cant base someones performance off of a video with that said I still thing LA are a bunch of noob people when AZ has THE BEST AROUND in every city not just little ol' Baton Rouge. LOL Mr. J number 1. Nicknyte number 2

Word to your mammas LA

Troll harder fa


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Yeah I mean the double edge stall thats what it is.

Anyways on this side note LA sucks balls. Your guys vids aren't anything to be proud of, even your best player there looks like he's sucks on that shotty azz video recording of those matches. Anyways point being you cant base someones performance off of a video with that said I still thing LA are a bunch of noob people when AZ has THE BEST AROUND in every city not just little ol' Baton Rouge. LOL Mr. J number 1. Nicknyte number 2

Word to your mammas LA

wow, you seriously just contradicted yourself. you say you cant prove anything from a video, but then you said you saw SOME of our outdated videos and you say we suck? dude seriously shut up youre making yourself sound like a COM PLEAT moron. we already agreed to squash this beef but you keep talking ****.

Deleted member

wow mr. j is such a noob.

it's too easy to talk **** when you'll never have the pleasure of getting pwned by us.

more importantly, freddy it doesn't make you as good as someone, just because you go even with them. kyle goes even with me but loses to d.j. and nes noob in tournaments, so he obviously isn't as good as i am, even if he can beat me half the time. while ricky can beat jon, ray, and cyphus half the time. even lee sometimes. he's never actually beaten me but we've only played a total of like 5 games in our careers. im sure he could pull out a few wins with some more matches. he's just better all around. no offense.


Dec 18, 2005
Palo Alto, California
Don't pay attention to Mr J. He likes **** talking everyone, regardless if he is better than them or not. I remember him **** talking forward a while back lol.

He's a cool guy in person, and relatively quiet compared to how he acts on the boards. It's too fun playing Mr. J and the SV crew.


Went to Sv today to get some playing in. Had lots of good matches with Axe and had lots of fun just being in sv. No one showed up as planed but it was fun, The only person who did show up was this guy named Chris. Hopefully i can go back and play with the whole crew (Tag, J, and Tosser) Hopefully videos will be posted soon.

P.S. I agree, J is a really nice guy in person.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
yeah guys, mr. j's a *** on the boards, but he's really cool in person. just ignore him on the boards if he talks smack. he's actually a cool guy.

B-Will pwns!!!!!!! lol b-will, when can we play each other again??????? it's been WAY too long. heck, even if we smashed yesterday, it would still be too long.

Nicknyte, since when did you become a director? lol that's awesome.

POMX!!! dude...holy....crap... WOW did you get better or what???? my gosh! i was expecting you to be better than you were last time we fought, but not THAT much better. dang lol. good matches man. i have a lot of footage. i really don't know what to post up and what not to lol. but i'll post some vids up soon... i'll probably work on that tomorrow, but i can't make any promises, because sometimes some unexpected stuff comes up. but i'll do my best. lol your girlfriend actually took a match from me ='( haha i'm prolly gonna post that match^^ you're a really cool guy pomx. you're welcome over to my place anytime.

i also got some vids of our newest smasher named Chris. he's showing AMAZING progress. we have some vids recorded of him that i'll post up asap. watch out guys... Chris is taking over SV... lol but seriously, he's getting really good. i'm expecting a lot out of him.


Smash Cadet
Jun 25, 2006
High in the snowy Mountains
Wow Mr. J, you're impressive. Insulting the entire state of Louisiana. Even I'm a bit jealous. I mean, I know they suck and all, but I would never say it out lo-


Oh ****.


Flagstaff news- God, that tourney was a bloody waste of me time. I could've had more fun being kicked in the balls.




Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Wow Mr. J, you're impressive. Insulting the entire state of Louisiana. Even I'm a bit jealous. I mean, I know they suck and all, but I would never say it out lo-


Oh ****.


Flagstaff news- God, that tourney was a bloody waste of me time. I could've had more fun being kicked in the balls.


I guess PR divided by Zero.


POMX!!! dude...holy....crap... WOW did you get better or what???? my gosh! i was expecting you to be better than you were last time we fought, but not THAT much better. dang lol. good matches man. i have a lot of footage. i really don't know what to post up and what not to lol. but i'll post some vids up soon... i'll probably work on that tomorrow, but i can't make any promises, because sometimes some unexpected stuff comes up. but i'll do my best. lol your girlfriend actually took a match from me ='( haha i'm prolly gonna post that match^^ you're a really cool guy pomx. you're welcome over to my place anytime.
Yeah man just take your time, We had some good footage, Finding all of it will be hard .


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2006
Sierra Vista,AZ
What the hell Pomx came yesterday and no one called me whats up with that? LA you sound like a bunch of babies crying over how I hurt your feelings boo hoo. Trolling? Maybe but until I actually play someone from crappy LA you guys will always suck in my book. Besides Nicknyte cause he's from here originally. And just to think Ill i had to say is " I would own top 5" to get everyone hate'in, to easy.

B-man to awesome
Axe- I am cool huh?
Preist- You better be
LA- *cough* sucks ***

Deleted member

infinite amount of money, money match with mr.j

loser becomes a slave.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
lol priest revan, we all miss you down here :p you and your insults:laugh:

you were free yesterday mr. j? i remember telling you the day before that he's coming down, but you said you had to go to Phoenix i think, or something like that.

anyways, Nicknyte, right now i'm uploading like 2 of our matches. i saved them on my computer but never posted them... so i'm doing that right now lol. for now, i'm gonna work on vids of Pomx since i know he's probably anxious to see his first vids. i know i was when i was waiting for my first vids lol. after i post a few vids of pomx, i'll work on uploading more of you and me, Nicknyte.

i wanna MM too^^

and DANG mr j! you just reached post 1000! hecks yes lol


anyways, Nicknyte, right now i'm uploading like 2 of our matches. i saved them on my computer but never posted them... so i'm doing that right now lol. for now, i'm gonna work on vids of Pomx since i know he's probably anxious to see his first vids. i know i was when i was waiting for my first vids lol. after i post a few vids of pomx, i'll work on uploading more of you and me, Nicknyte.

i wanna MM too^^

and DANG mr j! you just reached post 1000! hecks yes lol
I am really anxious actually ^_^, I really want to see some vids. WHOOOHOOO i just reached post 38!!!

Deleted member

if we ever play axe, i'll glady money match. not because im super confident vs you but a few dollars would make for a really competitive game.

no slave mms with you though. i dont want to be a slave myself and i'd feel to bad having such a nice guy as a slave.

dont curr about j thoughhhh

doubt i'll ever get to play yall though.

unless yall go to a rly big tournament. maybe fc:10?

or inn6 or something.

is forward going to san antonio?

all of la's best (excluding ricky) will be there. wish yall could make it.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
if we ever play axe, i'll glady money match. not because im super confident vs you but a few dollars would make for a really competitive game.

no slave mms with you though. i dont want to be a slave myself and i'd feel to bad having such a nice guy as a slave.

dont curr about j thoughhhh

doubt i'll ever get to play yall though.

unless yall go to a rly big tournament. maybe fc:10?

or inn6 or something.

is forward going to san antonio?

all of la's best (excluding ricky) will be there. wish yall could make it.
Very doubtful. AZ like, never does stuff with TX as far as I know.

You might be able to play Sean (Forward) at Pound 3 though.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere in texas
HEy guys been 7 days i have been gone all last week and now im back i took my cube and did some hardcore trainin..neways so WTF MAN all this talk is getting me hyped can't wait to move to tucson or flagstaff (if the scholarship comes through) so i can be a lil more competitive...:chuckle:but by then brawl will come out.......

Mr. J very good show very good pissin off everyone (you must excuse our friend) o and where are my manners next week 23rd (my B-DAY *****EZ) on that sat i want to eat a buffalo wild wings (players of SV) for all of those who will be open during thanksgivin

Priest we need you back here i think fro now n things are gonna get a hell of alot better, with brawl on the way everyone getting better and ME, AXE, and VECT's tourney coming soon SV is lookin to a happy christmas and newyears bringin 08 into play

But J hope basic goes well and try no to piss off the drill segerents (or you will regret) glad to be home and hopefully get to play everyone soon
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