IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!
lol speaking of which, i'm finally able to hit over 9000 ft with ganon in then home run contest

lol i'll record myself doing it and post it one day. haha thank you all for all the comments^^
seems like no one's gonna let go of that 4 stock... i'm thinking that maybe i should just delete it, everyone's making a huge fuss about it. i honestly think that mr. j's pretty darn good. he does very well against me, i think it's just that he only plays the players here in SV, and he's probably not that used to playing others. i actually have experience with others. besides all the tourneys that i've been to here in Arizona, i've also gone to Minnesota and Texas (twice) to play smash, and i've gone to gamerguitarist's place plenty of times, and we've gone to smash fests and stuff while i was there.
i think it's just that he doesn't have the experience with other people. if mr j and i ever record matches, you'll see how close they are. Nicknyte has a very different style from what we're used to, so maybe it's just that he just plain doesn't have much experince with other players. i could be wrong, but it's a possibility. anyways, i'd feel a lot better if this whole talk about Mr. J would stop, cuz i really don't like hearing all that about my friend (actually i'm not sure if i should consider you a friend. smash buddy? lol). he was wrong to talk smack about louisiana, but i think he's been punished enough, so let's just drop it
and on another note, i'm actually not the best in SV. Vectorman pwns me all the time, he's just not ranked or anything because he never goes to turneys or travels outside of SV. whenever we play, i usually can win about half the matches we play, but in my opinion, he's better than me. if we were playing a serious match in a tourney... he'd probably beat me lol