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Official Stage Legality Discussion

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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
To me, each stage is a character.
This. And by banning said characters you're banning possibilites. w/o allowing as many options as are available there's no true way of determining if by banning a stage you're rendering a specific character at a disadvantage. The game isn't balanced in the way we want it to be no matter how much we try by toggling this on and off and whatnot. But the game -was- designed with balance in mind. I've got hundreds of friendlies recorded where the stage played just as much a part in the total picture as the character's decisions. Advantage is a poor word choice I now realize. Options is more accurate. Each stage presents each character with either the same, or more or less options depending on their opponent, and this is an important aspect to the metagame.

And AA props for pointing out why understanding all the stages is important to truly mastering the game, which ironically my wife was blurting in my ear all last night while I read through here, lol You can win TO if you want to, but you aren't a master of the game if you can only win on 4 stages and sans MKs and NO D3 infiintes and no IDC (ok that one may seem like a broken move but I really wish it'd been allowed for like, 3 seconds or something cause we use it in friendlies and have some sick *** fun with it).

Sudden death should be allowed too, but I am going to debate that elsewhere :lick:

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
To be fair Sucumbio, even tournaments with the most limited stage lists allow far more than four stages, almost all tournaments allow Meta Knight (there are limited exceptions, but they are rare), King Dedede infinites are controversial in the community (here in the Midwest-west, they are almost never banned), and IDC is one of those things that really is just an obscure gamebreaking glitch that is extremely easy to understand and only requires you to be good at super fast inputs. Also, no one is stopping you from using IDC in friendlies; I have seen some people do it, and it's hilarious and no one gets mad as long as they don't get obnoxious with it (because friendlies aren't that serious, and it's pretty funny). I have even seen legit IDC tournament use in a sense; InfernoRage was using IDC during crews while the other guy was performing the requisite number of suicides for the format. Tournaments are a really, really big deal that I am very hesitant to downplay; it's just that, yeah like I was saying, they aren't all there is.

The first thing you say about options is really pretty true though. Some stages are horrible because they turn one option for one side of the match into auto-win, almost always the "run away" option for faster characters on loop stages, but for most stages, it's pretty diverse all around. I know I play G&W super differently on Norfair than I do on, say, Frigate Orpheon, and neither of those two stages are particularly representative of how I play on Jungle Japes. There are a lot of options that can only really be fully realized on one particular stage or even by just one particular character on one particular stage, and having more total options in the game is definitely good in the abstract.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Where balance comes in is that Sonic is maybe supposed to work really hard to take a stock lead and then run away the entire match...which is really sad.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
now lets all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes?
is this not the thread to talk about stage legality in tournaments?


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Metaknight can do that fairly easily by using a drill rush at a certain angle into the corner of the ship.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
To be fair Sucumbio, even tournaments with the most limited stage lists allow far more than four stages, almost all tournaments allow Meta Knight (there are limited exceptions, but they are rare), King Dedede infinites are controversial in the community (here in the Midwest-west, they are almost never banned), and IDC is one of those things that really is just an obscure gamebreaking glitch that is extremely easy to understand and only requires you to be good at super fast inputs. Also, no one is stopping you from using IDC in friendlies; I have seen some people do it, and it's hilarious and no one gets mad as long as they don't get obnoxious with it (because friendlies aren't that serious, and it's pretty funny). I have even seen legit IDC tournament use in a sense; InfernoRage was using IDC during crews while the other guy was performing the requisite number of suicides for the format. Tournaments are a really, really big deal that I am very hesitant to downplay; it's just that, yeah like I was saying, they aren't all there is.

The first thing you say about options is really pretty true though. Some stages are horrible because they turn one option for one side of the match into auto-win, almost always the "run away" option for faster characters on loop stages, but for most stages, it's pretty diverse all around. I know I play G&W super differently on Norfair than I do on, say, Frigate Orpheon, and neither of those two stages are particularly representative of how I play on Jungle Japes. There are a lot of options that can only really be fully realized on one particular stage or even by just one particular character on one particular stage, and having more total options in the game is definitely good in the abstract.
You're right, I'm definitely prone to exaggeration, I find it helps cut the middle discussion out so we can get right to the meat and potatoes so to speak. Of course there will be more than 4 stages, I just needed it said that a "master of the game" knows more than what a TO goer can expect.

Here's another way to look at, hyperbole aside.

Friendlies have been said to be excellent preparation for TO. I mean you -can- go to TO just to practice, lol but you may not get too many matches in! Better to be prepared for a TO so that when you do go in you have as much ammunition as possible.

In friendlies, we play on many more stages than what ultimately gets used in most TO. As I said I don't even attend offline TO at least not yet, but I do participate in Online TO.

Forgive the repetition but it helps me think: *starred = most of the time used


Yoshi's Island [Brawl] (37-0-0) *
Battlefield (47-0-1) *
Smashville (24-0-1) *
Final Destination (26-2-1) *


Lylat Cruise (16-9-0) *
Halberd (18-16-0)
Pokémon Stadium 1 (16-14-2) *
Castle Siege (5-9-0)


Delfino Plaza (6-20-0) *
Brinstar (1-20-0)
Frigate Orpheon (1-29-0)
Rainbow Cruise (0-30-1)
Jungle Japes (0-14-1)
Pirate Ship (0-15-3)
PictoChat (0-25-9)
Pokémon Stadium 2 (0-24-11)


Norfair (0-16-10)
Luigi's Mansion (0-11-8)
Distant Planet (0-15-11)

!!! I mean SO many stages listed and yet there's like 7 maybe a couple more I didn't star due to personal experience, but you can see there's still a major discrepancy between what -can- be used and what -is- used.

And why? Not just I haven't experienced enough, lol no, its cause we all have had TONS of experience of a select handful of stages for all our brawl needs, friendly, competitive, and the rest fall into a category or two of "well this may be a good cp but I won't risk it cause i've practiced on it far less and know a lot less about the matchups here than on the stages I know."

I agree banning a stage due to degenerate tactics is really the only reason to ban it. If a stage allows a character to pwn all the time regardless of skill level, or matchup, ban it so that it doesn't become a degenerate stage pick. But I also see AA's point (or I think this is your point) in that the stage's own metagames are lacking because of ... fear? or something... the thing that whatever it is, it tells me to reply "Lylat" when asked "what will your CP be?" instead of replying "Pictochat" ... fear that even if it's in the approved CP list, I still may not pick it cause of the stigma attached or something. Yeah, i know I should not care what others think of me, but I'm sorry, I can't help it! That's why I've taken a much stronger interest in the legality of stages vs the legality of characters/character tactics. I think deep down the stage leads to the character pick. It has to be that way, why else would so many TO offline and online alike still be clinging to this idea that only some stages can provide a fair match. The concept is like a double edged sword.

I main Kirby, for instance. Now I have a great time with him on BF, the floating stages (halberd, delfino), RC, hell I use him on every stage with confidence that I will put up a superb fight, that's why he's my main main, that's why I don't fear bringing him to a competitive match on any stage. But I'm still inclined to starter him on SV or BF and CP him on a starter stage, lol because I'm even better using him on the starter stages than the others. Lack of experience? Yes. I'll admit, I haven't used him nearly as much on the other stages.

I guess this whole diatribe is really trying to get through the thickness of this debate. There's a lot going on in here a lot of ideas on what isn't right and what is degenerate or ban-worthy, but through it all there's the overlying truth which since this game rolled out has culminated in a reality that tournament play and preparing for tournament play are both suffering from a lack of stage experience. Perhaps this is wasted effort? Maybe there's been enough tourneys already that DID allow all stages or near all stages, and because of the epic pwnage resultant the consensus was "well lets NEVER let this happen again, such-n-such's tactic is broken => banned stage" but I guess I just don't see that as being the case. I may be late to the party who knows, I just have a feeling is all, and it feels like I shouldn't be trapped in preparing for competition in this way. I feel as if we'd all benefit from learning our matchups on more than a handful of stages albiet more than 4, it's still too small a list.

IT GETS BORING! That's what it is. I've gotten so sick of the starter stages, lol I remember way back someone had a thread on how sick they were of FD and BF something like I never wanna play on the again, lol ok I'm not that bad, but I see the point.

I think maybe we need some experimental gatherings, maybe something like, no starters! Just stage striking, with 21 picks instead of 11, or whatever. IDK. Just thoughts. .


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
If you main Kirby, your best stages are Rainbow, Rumble, Stadium Melee, Frigate, and PictoChat.

If PictoChat is legal, you better **** well use it. Play to win. I know that if Pirate Ship is legal, I'm taking Ness there and water camping the **** out of my opponent.

(P.S.: TO mean "Tournament Organiser")


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
lol yah, bad habit, my bad.

see? yeah, i would too, well I dunno tho BEST stage for my kirby isn't pictochat but definitely do well on RC. RC has so many options in it, it's a great stage. More tourneys should allow more stages like RC. If all we ever could play on was the "fair and balanced" stages I don't think I'd be maining kirby, not cause he can't brawl on a boring stage, but because he brawls better on not-so-boring stages.

Side ? is RC the only scrolling stage that isn't truly ban worthy?


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
haha yeah, but the thing is everyone knows that glitch so I don't expect anyone to fall for it... and I can't very well just stay there cause that's stalling at least I'd call stalling if someone spent the whole match there. But I don't disagree it's a good stage for him, his mobility keeps him from falling prey to the stage changes and traps better than most other characters.

these are the current legal stages that can be selected if part of the aib ladder


* Battlefield
* Final Destination
* Pokemon Stadium (Melee)
* Smashville
* Yoshi's Island


* Battleship Halberd
* Brinstar
* Castle Siege
* Delfino Plaza
* Frigate Orpheon
* Jungle Japes
* Lylat Cruise
* Pictochat
* Rainbow Cruise

What's funny is earlier ladders had lylat as the 5th "neutral" now its PS(M) ... but yeah...

Here's the following SBR CPs that aren't in the ladder options:

Pokémon Stadium 1 (16-14-2)
Pirate Ship (0-15-3)
Pokémon Stadium 2 (0-24-11)

Norfair (0-16-10)
Luigi's Mansion (0-11-8)
Distant Planet (0-15-11)
Green Greens (0-6-9)
Yoshi's Island [Melee] (0-10-19)
Port Town Aero Dive (0-12-23)

What I see is 9 more stage choices that could be added to the total roster of stage choices, and this tells me that giant competitions like the ladder may be ... ignoring these stages because they don't like them, but I just feel as if by doing that, ignoring these stages in high level play... they're dooming the metagame somehow. again just thoughts, I don't have any hard evidence to support my claim, just ... logic really.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
It's not just a matter of "falling for it"; it's just a good tactic afaik. Like, if they're trying to recover from below the stage, it's pretty freakin hard not to get hit by a hitbox wall at the ledge.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
no doubt, guys, no doubt, I guess my kirby's style just hasn't incorporate that tactic (at least it didn't, haha now of course i'm going to be trying it out like crazy to see how effective it is against some of the more seasoned opponents I friendly). his glitch can be done on other stages too (never done it except in pc) so maybe it'll lead to being useful there too, but maybe not.


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
I am suprised that there hasn't been another voting for the list

I wouldn't be suprised if Japes and Luigi's Mansion get move ban votes.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
I wouldn't be surprised if Battlefield and Smashville are voted to be the only Starters, and the counters are something like Yoshi's, FD, and PS1. :/

I really don't see why they should even bother revoting for stages: areas will always do what they want. NE for example will always have most of the Counter stages Banned, even if it's not in the Counter/Banned section. *shrugs* It won't really change anything.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I don't think there is really anything wrong with japes, annoying vs. falco, but nothing else too bad.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
New Pork City
Shadow Moses Island
Spear Pillar

Those stages are banned because of problems with stalling and circle camping, yes?



* Stalling is banned.

Stalling: The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while doing an infinite grab endlessly against a wall is. Any infinite chain grabs must end quickly after 300% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling.
Since pretty much every tournament(at least in my region) has that rule, wouldn't that make the bans on these stages unjustified?

Figured here was the best place to ask for clarification.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Circle camping isn't a form of stalling - it's a separate type of degenerate strategy. It doesn't fall under that rule unfortunately.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
"too big" is not a valid reason, but as Meno mentioned, circle camping is. You can circle camp with Fox while still occasionally firing lasers at the opponent, which means it's not stalling. :urg:


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Nope, I just space that well.

Lol, not.

It's not as much "proof" as it is an illustration of how the light circle can be abused.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Hahaha, JV4.

In DP's defense, that's like me uploading a video of how Castle Siege is broken for Dedede consisting of me chaingrabbing my niece out of the stage three times because she has no idea that Dedede can chaingrab. It was his first time playing on the stage with a character he was still trying out.

I will be trying that out in future matches there, however, although it doesn't seem like it'd have as much utility for characters who aren't Peach.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Hahaha, JV4.

In DP's defense, that's like me uploading a video of how Castle Siege is broken for Dedede consisting of me chaingrabbing my niece out of the stage three times because she has no idea that Dedede can chaingrab. It was his first time playing on the stage with a character he was still trying out.

I will be trying that out in future matches there, however, although it doesn't seem like it'd have as much utility for characters who aren't Peach.

Too much info dude.
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