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Official Stage Legality Discussion

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 3, 2006
Lancaster, Ca
i dont see y u ppl are arguing over these idiot cps

if u cant see why walk-offs are banned u should be in this discussion

if u say dont get grabbed lets see you fight a d3 and not get grabbed once, i played the best d3 in cali(Teba) i lost the first game on FD, cp'ed yoshis and 2 stocked him, then he cp'ed green greens and ppl know what d3 does there.

he told me he had to or he would have lost for sure,

next tourney his brother lee puff was destroying this rob out here and he gets port town cp'ed against him and loses cus he dies at 30% twice to the cars, when he shouldnt have lost

now, can ppl tell me why ppl are putting pictochat and hanenbrow on there list?

do i really gotta go into these stages?(so many reasons for them to be gone)

walls, walk-offs, and major hazards should be banned, simple as that


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
San Diego
next tourney his brother lee puff was destroying this rob out here and he gets port town

now, can ppl tell me why ppl are putting pictochat and hanenbrow on there list?

do i really gotta go into these stages?(so many reasons for them to be gone)

walls, walk-offs, and major hazards should be banned, simple as that
Wow , are you serious? What tournaments use port town, hanenbow and pictochat? I would not go to a tourney there. Here in San Diego we have normal counter picks what we are debating mostly are Delfino CP or not and Pirate Ship CP or not.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Wow , are you serious? What tournaments use port town, hanenbow and pictochat? I would not go to a tourney there. Here in San Diego we have normal counter picks what we are debating mostly are Delfino CP or not and Pirate Ship CP or not.
Delfino is almost neutral, Hanenbow is bad, Pictochat is a fine CP, Port Town is bad.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I have yet to understand Green Green's (walls) and Pictochat's (random hazards) placement. I'm sure there are good reasons for where they are, but I dunno...


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
Delfino is almost neutral, Hanenbow is bad, Pictochat is a fine CP, Port Town is bad.
I agree with this. I'd say Delfino could be placed in neutral. It has walk-offs, but most are blocked by water, so chaingrabs wouldn't be so effective. Then there's the water argument... and yea Pictochat is actually pretty straight-forward gameplay, with somewhat (sometimes) goofy platform settings.

and hanenbow... why is this even in the game??


Smash Lord
May 3, 2008
Woodhaven, MI
Picto chat seems a little to random and has really small boundaries. I'm not trying to make anything official, but it doesn't seem like a fair stage.


Nov 11, 2007
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Picto chat seems a little to random and has really small boundaries. I'm not trying to make anything official, but it doesn't seem like a fair stage.
If you think PictoChat has small boundaries, try playing on Brinstar or Yoshi's Island (Melee).

Playing on those stages is like trying to stuff a dog into a tennis ball. The tennis ball is too small.

PictoChat seems huge in comparison.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
If you think PictoChat has small boundaries, try playing on Brinstar or Yoshi's Island (Melee).

Playing on those stages is like trying to stuff a dog into a tennis ball. The tennis ball is too small.

PictoChat seems huge in comparison.
Pictochat is bigger than FD.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2008
despite the stagee hazards in halbierd, I really think this stage should have a chance of being neutral


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2008
Brazil, São Paulo
Hanenbow is ok as counter pick but...

I agree that Pictochat should be banned from tournament play as there are too much major hazards in this stage. For example:
• The line draw diagonally passing through the center of the stage. It occupies the place of the left edge and creates a wall;
• The cart on the half pipe provides easy KO for those who are grabbed;
• The man blowing to the left provides a great aid for gimping opponents;
• The lances that appear from the ground stall the match for as long as they are in effect.
These are just my favorite examples, there are other effects that can be very intrusive in the battle outcome.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I agree that Pictochat should be banned from tournament play as there are too much major hazards in this stage. For example:
• The line draw diagonally passing through the center of the stage. It occupies the place of the left edge and creates a wall;
• The cart on the half pipe provides easy KO for those who are grabbed;
• The man blowing to the left provides a great aid for gimping opponents;
• The lances that appear from the ground stall the match for as long as they are in effect.
These are just my favorite examples, there are other effects that can be very intrusive in the battle outcome.
Out of all these, the only viable points for a ban would be the KO cart.

The lines are only temporary walls - like Delfino (as I have reminded many people). The wind encouraging gimping is nothing ban worthy. And the lances are very easy to get around.

You say you have other points? Otherwise, we only have the cart to be able to ban - and that might not be enough.

I agree with this. I'd say Delfino could be placed in neutral. It has walk-offs, but most are blocked by water, so chaingrabs wouldn't be so effective. Then there's the water argument... and yea Pictochat is actually pretty straight-forward gameplay, with somewhat (sometimes) goofy platform settings.
Neutral stages have to eliminate as much advantages and disadvantages as possible to be considered neutral. Delfino changes often and varies too much - King Dedede has a large advantage here (as an example).


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2008
Brazil, São Paulo
The other points are nothing major as the ones I have mentioned, so that all the points I consider for banning this stage. I don't find manuvering through the lances easy, it severely limits you options for approaching your opponents ( you can just approach them from above). It is much less risky to just wait for the lances to dissapear.


Smash Rookie
Aug 2, 2008
Pallet Town
Shadow Moses is pretty neutral. The walls only prevent the walk-off which makes it even more prone to being allowed in tournaments.

Hyrule Temple is neutral. No stage threats, easily manipulated map. Tests players skill in using environment.

75m should be banned. Annoying barrels thrown by old school Donkey Kong, other random hazards, unpassable platforms. Not enough elbow room for tournament play.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
The other points are nothing major as the ones I have mentioned, so that all the points I consider for banning this stage. I don't find manuvering through the lances easy, it severely limits you options for approaching your opponents ( you can just approach them from above). It is much less risky to just wait for the lances to dissapear.
Limiting approach options isn't enough for a ban - especially if those limiting factors are temporary. I'm also guessing the cart doesn't KO until a pretty large percentage. Pictochat seems like a fine counter-pick.

Shadow Moses is pretty neutral. The walls only prevent the walk-off which makes it even more prone to being allowed in tournaments.

Hyrule Temple is neutral. No stage threats, easily manipulated map. Tests players skill in using environment.

75m should be banned. Annoying barrels thrown by old school Donkey Kong, other random hazards, unpassable platforms. Not enough elbow room for tournament play.
No. Shadow Moses is banned for the walls AND walk-offs. Temple for stalling. 75m is banned already.


Smash Rookie
Aug 2, 2008
Lylat Cruise.
75 m is definitely banned, no questions asked.
As for Temple, I'm not so sure I think it should be banned. Sure, smaller and faster characters have a much easier time, and can just stick around the "Portal of Life" to survive a bit longer, but it isn't THAT difficult to defeat them. Bigger characters can knock them off the stage easily, and guard the stage edge. It isn't a completely fair stage, it isn't like 75 m or Spear Pillar.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
As for Temple, I'm not so sure I think it should be banned. Sure, smaller and faster characters have a much easier time, and can just stick around the "Portal of Life" to survive a bit longer, but it isn't THAT difficult to defeat them. Bigger characters can knock them off the stage easily, and guard the stage edge. It isn't a completely fair stage, it isn't like 75 m or Spear Pillar.
It's banned and will be banned from tournament play forever.

Ok, how about another refresher? And I want to bring something back up...

Battlefield Recommended: Random Starter
Final Destination Recommended: Random Starter
Lylat Cruise Recommended: Random Starter
Smashville Recommended: Random Starter
Yoshi's Island Brawl Recommended: Random Starter

Brinstar Recommended:Counterpick
Castle Siege Recommended: Counterpick
Delfino Plaza Recommended: Counterpick
Distant Planet Recommended: Counterpick
Frigate Orpheon Recommended: Counterpick
Green GreensRecommended: Counterpick
Halberd Recommended: Counterpick
Luigi's Mansion Recommended: Counterpick
Onett Recommended: Counterpick
PictoChat Recommended: Counterpick
Pokemon Stadium Recommended: Counterpick
Rainbow Cruise Recommended: Counterpick
Hanenbow Recommended: Counterpick
Jungle Japes Recommended: Counterpick
Yoshi's Island Melee Recommended: Counterpick
Pokemon Stadium 2 Recommended: Counterpick

Pirate Ship Currently: Banned

Norfair Recommended: Banned
75 m Recommended: Banned
Big Blue Recommended: Banned
Bridge of Eldin Recommended: Banned
Corneria Recommended: Banned
Flat Zone 2 Recommended: Banned
Green Hill Zone Recommended: Banned
Rumble Falls Recommended: Banned
Mario Bros. Recommended: Banned
Mario Circuit Recommended: Banned
Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1 Recommended: Banned
Mushroomy Kingdom 1-2 Recommended: Banned
New Pork City Recommended: Banned
Port Town Aero Dive Recommended: Banned
Shadow Moses Island Recommended: Banned
Skyworld Recommended: Banned
Spear Pillar Recommended: Banned
Summit Recommended: Banned
Temple Recommended: Banned
WarioWare, Inc. Recommended: Banned

Battlefield Recommended: Random Starter
Final Destination Recommended: Random Starter
Lylat Cruise Recommended: Random Starter
Smashville Recommended: Random Starter
Yoshi's Island Brawl Recommended: Random Starter
Delfino Plaza Recommended: Random Starter

Brinstar Recommended: Counterpick
Castle Siege Recommended: Counterpick
Corneria Recommended: Counterpick
Distant Planet Recommended: Counterpick
Frigate Orpheon Recommended: Counterpick
Green Greens Recommended: Counterpick
Halberd Recommended: Counterpick
Luigi's Mansion Recommended: Counterpick
Norfair Recommended: Counterpick
Onett Recommended: Counterpick
PictoChat Recommended: Counterpick
Pokemon Stadium Recommended: Counterpick
Rainbow Cruise Recommended: Counterpick
Hanenbow Recommended: Counterpick
Yoshi's Island Melee Recommended:Counterpick
Jungle Japes Recommended: Counterpick
Green Hill Zone Recommended: Counterpick

Pirate Ship
Recommended: Banned
Pokemon Stadium 2 Recommended: Banned
75 m Recommended: Banned
Big Blue Recommended: Banned
Bridge of Eldin Recommended: Banned
Flat Zone 2 Recommended: Banned
Rumble Falls Recommended: Banned
Mario Bros. Recommended: Banned
Mario Circuit Recommended: Banned
Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1 Recommended: Banned
Mushroomy Kingdom 1-2 Recommended: Banned
New Pork City Recommended: Banned
Port Town Aero Dive Recommended: Banned
Shadow Moses Island Recommended: Banned
Skyworld Recommended: Banned
Spear Pillar Recommended: Banned
Summit Recommended: Banned
Temple Recommended: Banned
WarioWare, Inc. Recommended: Banned

Pirate Ship, what is going on with it?

The main reason for its ban seems to be the water - it can be used to "stall" as shown here in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ik86pzFk-4

But is that really stalling? Is it not just camping? Approach opportunities (or lack there of) in that video are debatable.

Can we ban Pirate Ship, or is it a floating Halberd?


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
75 m is definitely banned, no questions asked.
As for Temple, I'm not so sure I think it should be banned. Sure, smaller and faster characters have a much easier time, and can just stick around the "Portal of Life" to survive a bit longer, but it isn't THAT difficult to defeat them. Bigger characters can knock them off the stage easily, and guard the stage edge. It isn't a completely fair stage, it isn't like 75 m or Spear Pillar.
It's more the 'ahaha I hit you once now I'll run away for 7-8 mins and win by most damage dealt!' that's the reason for ban.

I agree that Pictochat should be banned from tournament play as there are too much major hazards in this stage. For example:
• The line draw diagonally passing through the center of the stage. It occupies the place of the left edge and creates a wall;
• The cart on the half pipe provides easy KO for those who are grabbed;
• The man blowing to the left provides a great aid for gimping opponents;
• The lances that appear from the ground stall the match for as long as they are in effect.
These are just my favorite examples, there are other effects that can be very intrusive in the battle outcome.
The line is there for at most 13.33 seconds. If you're on the side that gets blocked, you should have either remembered via counter that 13 secs was up, landed above when you see the transforming coming or just suffer the bad luck that can come with all transforming stages.

The cart can only KO on high percentages, and might not even appear in a match in the first place, not to mention it can be shielded and (air)dodged.

Lances? Hey, you want stalling, look at Pokemon Stadium's rock transformation. and that was garunteed to occur at least once per match, and lasted longer than 13 seconds.

And the man blowing is nothing. Kirby64 had wind and was fine.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2008
Germany, NRW, Wessum
i think it is ok to ban pirate ship... not just because of the water, but also because of the bombs that came from the background which can deal up to 55% damage each...
the catapult is also annoying i think...

the water cannot be the only reason i think, because it disappears every now and then... and while someone like mr. g&w is camping (i think it is camping) in it the other character can easily go to the other side ot the ship and wait until the water disappears...
thats what can be done in a stock-match, but in a time game... hmm... :confused:

but i think that those bombs allow a ban... even if you can see them... they are a bit like the vehicles in port town :chuckle: :psycho:

but what i cannot understand is dream land... if there weren't this blocks it whould be a perfect map... but with the blocks... i don't know...


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2008
West Coast
but what i cannot understand is dream land... if there weren't this blocks it whould be a perfect map... but with the blocks... i don't know...
It's exactly the blocks. Projectile-users have an unfair advantage, as they can blow up the bomb blocks from farther away leading to unfair ko's.
The stage also spawns items, which I'm pretty sure is a no-no.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Why is Norfair on the banned list? Didn't we discredit the only videos against it, not to mention the theory it can be used to permanently stall has yet to be proven in a tournament setting?


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
It's exactly the blocks. Projectile-users have an unfair advantage, as they can blow up the bomb blocks from farther away leading to unfair ko's.
The stage also spawns items, which I'm pretty sure is a no-no.
Stage spawned items are fine.

Projectile users are at a disadvantage, since the blocks, well, block them. Yeah, they can blow up the explosive ones from a distance, but if they're spamming a fast projectile and you're stupid enough to stand next to one, your fault.

The problem with this one is that Dedede can chain grab against the blocks without breaking them, and then just forward throw them into a bomb block to death.


Smash Apprentice
May 25, 2008
staten island
idk y people r complaining about laser lock and these spamming projectile. because u can see stuff like that a mile away and its like if u go into the projectile anyway then its ur fault for even going into the **** spam. lol like u gotta play better and smarter. u need to block and dodge more if u playing agaisnt a camper that spams their projectile.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2007
Rock Hill, SC
Stage spawned items are fine.

Projectile users are at a disadvantage, since the blocks, well, block them. Yeah, they can blow up the explosive ones from a distance, but if they're spamming a fast projectile and you're stupid enough to stand next to one, your fault.

The problem with this one is that Dedede can chain grab against the blocks without breaking them, and then just forward throw them into a bomb block to death.
But couldn't you break the blocks so he can't CG you, I mean that would be the smart thing to do


Smash Apprentice
Jul 1, 2008
Anywhere but final destination
Dedede chain-grabbing isn't the only reason Walk-offs and Walls are banned. Walk-offs, you can camp them. Walls, you can camp them and use any wall-infinite. (Although Dedede's infinite is one of only 2 non-situational wall-infinites, the other is the ice-block-lock, which really works anywhere.) Dedede Chain-grabbing should be banned, not Green Greens. Especially because you can destroy the walls. Dedede chain-grabs are the only wall-infinite that won't break Green Green's walls (as far as I know besides Ice-block-lock and Laser-lock, which work just as well anywhere). Dedede infinite chain-grabs don't work on 12 characters ever, and they always work on a specific 5, so if they are enough for a stage ban, than they should just be flat-out banned along with Ice Climer's Ice-block infinite and their infinite-grab tricks. The walls aren't enough for a ban on Green Greens in my oppinion. But the exploding-field glitch could be. The exploding-field glitch needs more testing, Green Greens should be allowed for now. Spear-Pillar also needs more testing, but it should be banned for now because of the circle, I only have a slight thought that the hazards could be used to stop a person from running in circles. I'm not sure it would work to prevent running in circles. I also think there should be a banned-stages tournament and that it shouldn't be prejudiced.

P.S. Big Blue's banning in Melee is becoming more and more controversal. More and more people are thinking it should be unbanned. Every ban will have controversy and that is why we should not look down on other tourneys for using a different stage ban-list. When the finalized SBR list comes out for Brawl, I will start working on an SSBB Banned Stages Tournament rule set.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2005
Small hole, looks nice though~
Dedede chain-grabbing isn't the only reason Walk-offs and Walls are banned. Walk-offs, you can camp them. Walls, you can camp them and use any wall-infinite. (Although Dedede's infinite is one of only 2 non-situational wall-infinites, the other is the ice-block-lock, which really works anywhere.) Dedede Chain-grabbing should be banned, not Green Greens. Especially because you can destroy the walls. Dedede chain-grabs are the only wall-infinite that won't break Green Green's walls (as far as I know besides Ice-block-lock and Laser-lock, which work just as well anywhere). Dedede infinite chain-grabs don't work on 12 characters ever, and they always work on a specific 5, so if they are enough for a stage ban, than they should just be flat-out banned along with Ice Climer's Ice-block infinite and their infinite-grab tricks. The walls aren't enough for a ban on Green Greens in my oppinion. But the exploding-field glitch could be. The exploding-field glitch needs more testing, Green Greens should be allowed for now. Spear-Pillar also needs more testing, but it should be banned for now because of the circle, I only have a slight thought that the hazards could be used to stop a person from running in circles. I'm not sure it would work to prevent running in circles. I also think there should be a banned-stages tournament and that it shouldn't be prejudiced.

P.S. Big Blue's banning in Melee is becoming more and more controversal. More and more people are thinking it should be unbanned. Every ban will have controversy and that is why we should not look down on other tourneys for using a different stage ban-list. When the finalized SBR list comes out for Brawl, I will start working on an SSBB Banned Stages Tournament rule set.

we are not and never,i mean NEVER will ban a move,why?because not olny is it easier to ban a stage that abuses such tactics,and everyone who mains that character will be pissed(i second IC so...)
what you need to do is,dont get grabbed, stop johning about big blue and green greens,and LERN2PLAY


Smash Apprentice
Jul 1, 2008
Anywhere but final destination

we are not and never,i mean NEVER will ban a move,why?because not olny is it easier to ban a stage that abuses such tactics,and everyone who mains that character will be pissed(i second IC so...)
what you need to do is,dont get grabbed, stop johning about big blue and green greens,and LERN2PLAY
I'm not johning Big Blue and Green Greens, I don't want them banned. It's the people who want them banned that are johning. People should never say "no johns" and then ban a stage because they didn't know how to fight on it and SD'ed all of their stocks, that would be their fault. Also, we HAVE banned tactics, ledge-stalling, rising-pound stall, wall-bombing stall, many have banned wobbling. While many people say that tourneys can't tell people how to play the game, that's exactly what they are doing by banning stages. I'm not saying that Dedede CG'ing should be flat out banned, I'm just saying that if Dedede CG'ing is worth banning stages, than it's worth banning it itself and IC's infinites are worth banning. I'm saying that if "Don't get grabbed" is your oppinion, then you can't ban stages because of it. There are still 5 characters who can't ever escape Dedede CG'ing it if it's done perfectly, Green Greens just makes it so that only 12 can escape it, that is debatably broken, but so is the technique itself. I agree in many cases on Dedede Chain-grabbing that one should just not get grabbed, but realisticly he or she will unless it's Gimpyfish vs. someone who isn't very good. If 2 players are evenly matched, they will both probably get grabbed, the only difference is that one is Ness, while the other is Dedede or Ice Climbers, when Ness gets Grabbed, he will get infinited. What's next, banning stages because of wobbling? The first stage banned for that reason would be final destination (I'd like that, but I'd also know it's wrong). While I may hate final destination, I don't think it should be banned, I don't think it should stay neutral either, but that's just my oppinion. Next these could become the only allowed stages if Wobbling were to ban stages: Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Rainbow Cruise, Poke Floats and maybe Brinstar and Brinstar Depths and maybe a few others, not many at all. If one thinks Wobbling is broken but would rather ban stages instead of wobbling, they would only allow those. That list is pretty much stages with hazards that come often and moving stages, half of which are already banned. Either Dedede CG'ing is not worth banning stages or it's worth banning itself. The only reasonable Green Greens ban reason would be the exploding field glitch, which would be debatedly unfair in Zelda's favor, not Dedede's. It's not like nobody can prove that Dedede used his debatably broken CG, it's obvious, therefore a ban on it's enforceable. A ban on it would also be concrete, the only thing that is debatable is if it's warranted, read your stage ban list and reasoning to decide if it is. I also think that if you want to ban a stage because of that technique/tactic, try to ban said technique/tactic on that stage or period. We could just ban Dedede CG'ing on Green Greens, but not fd. I don't like excessive stage banning and think that people should at least TRY to save a stage. Like Temple, if Motion Sensor Bombs are on, you can prevent or at least limit running in circles, but there are reasons that people want items off, which is reasonable as well. I think that Temple just doesn't work with the given ruleset, which is true. I did have to write a new ruleset altogether for my SSBM Banned Stages Tournament, most of it was due to Temple in the non-debug variation and the debug stages and glitches in the debug variation. There is no perfect ruleset, and that's why the top leagues should not all use extremely similar rulesets.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2005
Small hole, looks nice though~
Wall of Text
olny stalling techs that you mentioned are banned,CGs and infinites such as DDDs and ICs are NOT banned(cept,in texas,and grabs are limited to 3,which is stupid as hell)

ive said it before,just because you know how to play a stage dosent mean you cant get the crap gimped outta you(getting spiked onto the road=instant KO)stages are banned for fairness not because you cant play on it

"Dont get grabbed" is far from an opinion,its a way of life and you should follow it.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
The wall of text
Xona, while I don't care to read your opinions, would you mind at least using indentations and spaces? At least make what you post readable.

*raises hand*

Meno, you forgot Distant Planet. I think it is very counterpickable.
>_> It's there - right underneath Delfino Plaza as counter-pick.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
i agree that we should try and save stages if possible. if two moves make that level banned then we should ban those moves instead.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
This thread has gone on for a long time. I have wanted to add input to it, but fear the responses of close minded posters. If I could share some thoughts (opinions) it'd be much appreciated.

1- I'd like to know how you, those who read this thread, think about what is necessary for a stage to be a stage. Whenever I play other fighters (Streetfighter3, Marvel Vs. Capcom2, Guilty Gear or MeltBloodReact), these games have a consistent basis for the level of playing that is taken place. Doing so keeps the action focused on the players and not so much on what's going on in the background etc etc. However, in the smash series, the introduction to sloped stages and platforms adds to the level of depth in defense and comboability to name a few.

2-It's noticeable to see the small, but apparent advantages for picking a certain stage over another in a match. If your strongest character has a moveset that is strongest in a linear fashion...A very flat long stage would be your best pick. No need to go into detail about that concept. What I'd like to know is...how fruitful is a 3rd party (obstacles and auto target stages) to a game? The same can be said about items, but that is not what my questions are about. A stage that targets and attacks your character is an obvious and random disadvantage. What justifies (no matter what scale) how many times a player gets his options limited in a match due to a stage? I.e the 13 second or so klaptrap on junglejapes kills, auto targeting on halberd, lava on brinstar/norfair etc etc. I should not switch my objective (in all fighers) from k.o'ing my opponent via dmg accumulation or stage knockout to abusing my environment. The argument for allowing port town is a fine example of picking a very floaty character and abusing the strategy of attempting grabs towards oncoming cars to ko at extremely low percentages among other stage dependent lame strategies.

3- I believe the concept of strategy abuse interferes with how fighters should be played out. I am extremely excited to see the smash series prosper because of it's unique fighter design. However, if I beat my opponent on a "balanced stage" which consists of flat ground, moderate roof and side ko lengths and modest amounts of platforms; I should not have to wait in anguish for the next match which may consist of hazards that possibly do more % to my character than my opponent in the previous match. These debates over what stages should be allowed and which should not become more of a logic arguing contest. I don't know how long you guys plan on attacking each other. However, other fighters do not have a problem with playing on the same stages over and over. They are flat, have no ceiling and walls on either side which are all used for comboing. Yes, I can agree that a d3 infinite among other infinites detract from the game...but that doesn't mean take out maps which have walls. Simply reduce the amount of % allowed to be racked due to a CG.

These are simply opinions, I'm not trying to get people to play how I wanna play. If anything, reduce the silly debates over his or her "preferred" stage and help make the game a bit more character vs character instead of character vs stage vs character. That's all I can think of. Will be back after some input or so.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
i agree that we should try and save stages if possible. if two moves make that level banned then we should ban those moves instead.
No, we're not going to save stages just so we can have "variety." Besides, it is so much easier to police banned stages than to watch matches and keep an eye out for these "banned" moves. A classic example of function over form.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Dedede chain-grabbing isn't the only reason Walk-offs and Walls are banned. Walk-offs, you can camp them.
Walkoffs are not banned for 'camping' of any type.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2007
Rock Hill, SC
I wholeheartedly agree to this post.

What is the purpose of having exactly identical stages if their only difference is background color etc? No purpose.
That's why I ask why can't we just play on just the neutral stages only?????? It would mean equal ground for everyone, stop infinites or if people don't want to do that just play all the neutrals and CP's on random as to put everyone still on fair playing field because neither player knows the stage. just wondering?


Smash Master
Apr 15, 2008
Dallas, TX
That's why I ask why can't we just play on just the neutral stages only?????? It would mean equal ground for everyone, stop infinites or if people don't want to do that just play all the neutrals and CP's on random as to put everyone still on fair playing field because neither player knows the stage. just wondering?
Because we allow counterpicking to give an advantage to whoever lost, because they obviously need the advantage.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2007
Rock Hill, SC
Because we allow counterpicking to give an advantage to whoever lost, because they obviously need the advantage.
Well if a player needs all that then that player must not be that good....If I lose I don't need an advantage I just need to change the I play against the opponents play style which I usually pick up the first 30 seconds into the fight...lolz IMO

What about the second idea of putting them all on random???....lolz


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
Some people may not be able to adapt as well to the opponents playstyle.. basiclly counterpicking is giving the loser a chance.. They lost once, and so they get a chance to redeem themselves.. am i right on this?

but if the one they lost too is that much better than them.. they should lose again...


Ivy of the West
Apr 24, 2008
Orange County, CA
Some people may not be able to adapt as well to the opponents playstyle.. basiclly counterpicking is giving the loser a chance.. They lost once, and so they get a chance to redeem themselves.. am i right on this?

but if the one they lost too is that much better than them.. they should lose again...
100% right...this is pretty much the whole controversy going on right now...well almost all of it. people are over reacting about the hazards, and advantages, they are just more things adding to the fact that the stages are CP.
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