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Official Stage Discussion- New Minor Update 19/4

chiyo-chan' dad

Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2007
Young Link used to be my main. Then I started using Link. But now I'm learning to wavedash. YLink is a much better WDer. Also, he's faster, lighter, and smaller. I think he's just better overall. he probably won't make it back into Brawl, which is fine. Link will kick just as much @$$ as before. Maybe more.

That semispke was lethal! Man, what I did with Link was grab on the edge, bthrow off, and uB when they tried to return. KOd Marth at 10% with that once!
Nice, Links upB is a good move, but his grab is crap, must be hard to do.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
I think this thread should be updated...not had one for 3 months. We've had like 3 stages since then.

I'm just hoping Angel Land will be revealed already. It seems to be a favourite of Sakurai because he's used it in almost every update.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
Well, I for one think there are going to be the stages you people ask for, ala another FD...

But I don't think you will see them in any update, that would piss the casual community off, I mean, "Look, it is FLAT", for all your not elevated battles"

While it will still please us that it is just IN there!

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Crap...we got more in those 10 seconds of footage than we've gotten in the past two weeks, I think. The Delfino island stage with the floating platform is a full stage...it's way better than mute city. the floating thing is an entire platformed stage, it seems.

That's the only thing on topic, but off-topic, we got to see some of the dynamics of the moves, how pikachu's final smash works in-game, which was our first in-game showcase of the fs, we got to see the cracker launcher and wario's taunt, too...


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
In my opinion, Sonic would have been announced at E3 rather than on the Dojo. It would be so huge, I don't think Sakurai would want anyone to miss it.

I didn't go to E3; what else was there? Any good-looking games for Wii? And what about Phantom Hourglass for DS? And can someone post me a link to the Brawl video? I saw it earlier this morning on YouTube, but I can't find it now...

Oh yeah, and pretty good update, I think. I liked the Bumper in SSB64. And now that it hovers, it'll probably be like the Flipper in Melee.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Well you would have to assume that any 3rd Party character would have been shown at E3 but the thing is that the press conference was so short and crappy that barely anything was mentioned at all. We're lucky to have gotten a release date, and I'm only assuming DK was a slip that went under their radar. And I still want to know what that little thing on the BoE is.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Here: http://media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748545/vids_1.html

That's the best I can do for you right now. The Nintendo videos aren't streaming for me for some reason, but maybe it will work for you. In the section that shows the Bridge of Eldin, look at that thing to the right, what in the world is that? I'm hoping another character slip, but people have been suggesting it could be a moblin. You decide.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
GameStop will be full of urine if everybody there is waiting for Brawl on the day it comes out. I'd better bring a change of clothes. The cover art, I think, should have Mario, Link, Kirby, and Pikachu fighting for a Smash Ball, with the rest of the starting characters watching in the background, or maybe fighting each other in the background.

I guess you didn't read the edit I posted: who do you main?

Holy crap, I need to reserve it as soon as I get back to Seattle...


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
In Melee I main:

Falco > my best
Marth > my X 2nd best (stopped playing with him for a while and now I kinda suck)
Link > my main/fav (and I ain't too shabby with him neither)
Ganondorf/Sheik > my 2nd favs
Mario/Doc/Samus/Fox > main because they're fun

But basically, I spend most of my time playing with Falco and Link (then I'll throw Ganny or Marth in the mix on occasion)


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Those are all good characters. The only one I don't like is Ganon. They really need to fix his speed issues. Link's and Zelda's, too.

Me, I go Young Link/Link (still dunno who I like better) and Roy as my mains. If I'm forced not to use them, I'll use Pika, Doc, Sheik, sometimes Kirby. Sometimes I play as random characters. The other day my dad got pissed because I beat him with IC, Yoshi, and Ganondorf without a single defeat in between them. When I chose Yoshi, he actually said, "Please don't let me lose to Yoshi." And when I beat him with IC, he tossed his controller away and stated that he'd never live it down. I still haven't stopped needling him about losing to a lev-1 Kirby. He claimed it was the stage--Pokemon Stadium--but I think he's just making crap up.

*takes breath*

have you seen HP5 yet?


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Ummm... no but my friends have. They say it was pretty good. Have you seen it? Do you recommend it? I'm gonna see it anyway but I'd just like to get some input from an HP fan.

Anyway, that thing that was on BoE was a Bokoblin. Little orc dude with a mallot. Definitely not a playable character. (sigh) I'm really banking on getting Meta Knight sometime this week or the next, though I won't be here, I'm goin' on vacation all next week so I'll have lots of fancy new updates to look at when I get back two Mondays from now. I just don't know how I'm going to live with these Smash withdrawals.

Oh god! I just realized I'm going to have to come back to the boards with a million posts! I'm going to be so behind! Can you all do me a favor and NOT post anything until I get back? kthxluvya!


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Hey neato. Where are you from CBNJ? I live in Hasbrouck Heights. It's a small town off 16W. It's right next to Lodi actually if that makes things easier.

Wow... this has become a meet and greet thread. Let's stop this. I'm sorry.

You know... Scav updated the Confirmed Character Thread, maybe this thread should be checked up on as well?


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Jeez my stuff updates...I don't actually know. If I get up at one or something(if I go to sleep)I check it. I live in Rhode Island so I don't even know. Ummm...yeah Yoshis Island looks awesome. It will be my main stage(so far)and I like that ghost.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Hey i cant wait to see what FD looks like this time round (You think it will have the same theme as Battlefield?).


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I'm not a Battlefield guy myself either. I'm very content with Final D, and if I want to play on a three platform pyramid stage I usually go for Kirby's Dreamland.
It's only fun to play every once in a while, and Dreamland 64 f***** pwns! But all the courses so far look amazingly awsome to me! I'm really excited to try them ALL out, regardless of what people think. What are there, 15 or 16 "Confirmed" or "As seen in trailers/the website" stages=??? :)

And FD...thinking of it makes me EXCITED! :)
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