I don't see what good it does to widely publicize a list where I'm 18th, Kels is 7th (no disrespect), the top 5 isn't even ranked correctly, etc. an ELO system works when you have a larger sample size of tournaments where everyone gets to play each other (or, ideally, when people can play each other online at any time). in SSBM, these tournaments happen once or twice a year. to use ELO in this situation is asinine. speculation/subjective assessment of how good people are is the only way to properly rank people with a sample size this small, sadly. SSBPD was bound to fall victim to regional inflation/other factors, which is why I wasn't a fan of it from the start.
I respect the amount of work you guys put in, and I think compiling a database of that many tio files is great in itself, but IMO it doesn't do any good to create an extremely inaccurate list and call it our premier ranking system. sorry