*giddy giddy giddy*
As an
ELO nerd, what would the 'base' rating players will get when introduced into the system? What the earliest tournament being used to start the system? What kind of K-factor are we looking at? (when I did Vegas Melee's PR Elo I gave K a 50 for our monthlies, and 25 for in-between tournaments - I realize now, 2 years removed from my work, that I should have done the ratings throughout the whole rating period instead of tournament to tournament, but anyways) Will there be a points gained/lost for attending/not attending? (it would seem easier to implement a loss of points over a certain amount of time than to have an accurate/viable point reward for playing - or am I wrong?)
[I did all my work in Excel, btw. :| ]
This is sort of directed to anyone willing to discuss. lol
Edit - 5 days later:
I studied a bunch of what I did with my ELO system for Vegas, as well as experimented with and learned a few new things.
- Excel isn't made for a 'holistic' ELO ratings system. Because there are, seemingly short, limits to the length of formulas, you have to do a lot of mitigating/buffers with various additional arrays. Which makes doing ELO for a single ranking period, instead of tournament-to-tournament, more work.
- I implemented ideas from chess ratings with K-factor, where 2400+ get a k-factor of 16, and then I just went by intervals of 300pts and increased the k-factor by 8: 2100-2399 = 24, 1800-2099 = 32, etc. This, I admit, is not the greatest of ideas, because 1) it creates a linear degradation of k-factor, when a logarithmic one would be better suited for player skill [more players are average than players are elite] and 2) I should be implemented a k-factor determined completely by the player's rating instead of which interval/tier they place in.
1) The first steps would be to determine the interval lengths and the differences of k-factor per interval.
With a little thinking, I believe a logarithmic degradation of interval lengths will be good to.
The median rating for USCF is around 600, so I think the first interval should be 100-599. From there, we do an interval of 600 and reduce the interval by 100 for each interval after to preserve the 2100-2399 interval. Getting:
With k-factor I'll keep 2400 at 16, and 2100 at 24 - with increase in pts, decrease k-factor by 1/2 for the previous interval; and with decrease of pts, increasing k-factor by 1.5 of previous interval.
100-599: 112 (rounded up)
600-1199: 71
1200-1699: 54
1700-2099: 36
2100-2399: 24
2400-2599: 16
2600-2699: 12
2700-2799: 10
2800-2899: 9
2900-2999: 8
... ... ...
I dunno. Seems wrong.
2) Or, base it off of a statistician's calculation that 24 should be the k-factor of 2400+, put the max k-factor at 100 (@1 pt being the minimum rating), keep intervals at 300, and see what happens. lol (it worked out that if you start the k-factor differences at 13 and subtract 1 from it for ever interval, 24 ends up being the k-factor for 2400, er 2401 in this case)
rating pts - k-factor
1 - 100
301 - 87
601 - 75
901 - 64
1201 - 54
1501 - 45
1801 - 37
2101 - 30
2401 - 24
2701 - 19
3001 - 15
3301 - 12
3601 - 10
3901 - 9
... ... ...
5401 - 1
Yeah, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. lol
- Elimination-style tournaments don't seem to do well with ELO because better players will always get more chances to increase their score. Round-robin and swiss are far better suited for ELO. The whole goal is to give each player equal opportunity to perform (Even a slight inclusion of DE/SE ruins things: a player who makes it out of RR pools but loses their two games in DE will lose more total points than someone who didn't make it out of pools, simply because the former player had more opportunities to lose). That's why I'm glad SWF is basing their new ranking system of of ATP's: