Pokemon trainer: The first generation pokemon sqiurtle and especially charizard were added for a reason, I mean think charizard is (or was) highly populated. He was the card EVERYONE wanted in the training card game. Not to mention in anime and books. Squirtle was also very popular, he is one of the only pokemon I know that most people recognize that are not fan of the series. Mudkip and Deoxys probably are the most requested 3rd Gens but I don't have high hopes for those guys.
Ridley, now someone answer me this.. Why does so many people.. I mean.. ALOT! .. Want this dragon to be in so bad? I mean I dont play metroid, but I know who he is. I could see this just as some clone of charizard anyway.
Paper Mario/Toad/Bowser Jr.: Stupid, Stupid, Maybe. Okay in all seriousness we don't need another Mario.
Toad: would be better off as an assist trophy. Someone tell me why toad is worth a character? I mean sure this guy might be an awesome character but to be on the smash roster? No thanks. Unless someone can give me a valid reason.
Bowser Jr: Okay yeah that would be a little cool to see him in a new smash, I mean he would probably be similar to Meta Knight in my mind just cuz he's as small as him. But I just dont see him being in. Cuz from what I hear he only played a major part in super Mario sunshine. And if that were the case they woulda had him in brawl but they didn't..
Waluigi: While I would love to see this happen and my second favorite Mario character (first wario) it isn't likely to happen. Unlike wario I guess this character has a lot of negative feedback. None of the critics would want to see this as a playable character. They would just probably keep him as a assist trophy at most.
Now for Bowser Jr, and Ridley. I can see that gaming sites like ign and such would love to see these guys, they are well liked. But I just don't see why everyone likes a dragon? Isn't samus fine by herself? I mean we already have charizard.
Mewtwo~ Uh yeah.. Three wordz.. BRING HIM BACK! He is by far the most missed character left behind in brawl. And was one of my mains, also favorite pokemon. To think to not be a clone, be on the last event 51 with bowser and ganon, to be the only legendary, only one who doesnt applause for the winner of a match, only one to float and lift items with phychic, most salvage and bad pokemon. I mean wth? I hope he comes back.
Mewoth~ Yeah that would be actually really cool, but I couldn't see it happening. Unless that rumor was true about him maybe being in ssb? I mean if that were true then pokemon would of had 4 slots in the first one. (other being mewtwo)
K.Rool~ Probably most wanted DK Character, and I think he would deff be awesome. I just don't see for him either.. He hasnt been in any games recently as far as I know. And possibly Rare might own him.
Ign and probably other critics did say they would like see him though, even mewtwo too!
Dixie~ .. Diddy is fine.. She would probably be too similar to Diddy. Plus if anyone could get new moves it would be Diddy. Not Dixie.
Krystal~ Well if yet another starfox character will be added, it would probably be her. Or pigma or panther. But idc personally I would rather have them try to chane all of the starfox characters movesets. Leave fox the way he his and change falco and wolf a bit. But a new character would be nice too! Just please, not another landmaster..
Legend of Zelda: No more characters just revamp ganon and toon link.
Yoshi: Yoshi is fine by him/her self.
Wario: Same
Samus: I would say byherself is fine. But most people will disagree which I still have no knowlege why.
DK: Amazing if K.Rool would get in
Fire Emblem: Now I really don't care, but I guess it would be cool to see ROY back with a different moveset.. (I have the least knowledge about FE)
F-Zero: While many people want Black Shadow, Samuri G, Blood Falcon, or what ever other characters, I would just be fine with bounty hunter Captain Falcon.
Earthbound: Please keep Ness. One of my mains

Lucas is awesome too. Perfect. Otherwise you could add Ninten too. That would be sweet.
Kirby: Nothing at all needs to be changed.
Ice climb/Pit: One one more of these classics, otherwise it's just fine
G&W/R.O.B.: These guys are fine too you could add one more though. Otherwise again it's good.
Third Party: Sure, add megaman. But that's it. Maybe if I'm lucky Goku. Best anime character of all time. To add shadow, knuckles, tails would be incredibly stupid. Focus on non-clone nintendo characters first. If any new third party character is to be added it really should not be another character from sonic. Fine by himself.
Mario: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser is fine, but kinda cool if Jr got in there too. Or waluigi of course..
Pokemon: Pikachu, Jigg, ??,???. Would just to love see Mewtwo make his return.. Lucario should return but more so mewtwo I would want. Pokemon trainer too with the same pokemon. I would like too see mewoth and a new 5th Gen pokemon. That would be about 7 slots tho.. And 9 pokemon playable. I would more so want Mewtwo to make his return the most.. I mean he's the best pokemon ever and shouldn't be forgotten.
As for character slots I think it's possible for a series to have more then others. Just think melee had 5 mario characters, (Doc, Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser)
I'm just sayings it's something to think about.