I already covered that with "A)People who would have already played and enjoyed the game like and the other people don't care"Or C) it could be implemented in a tasteful fashion that enhances the gameplay experience, but like all the other content in the game. You're being pessimistic, which is fine, and I would accept that, but you keep trying to attribute it to other factors like "Oh, it'll be done like it's done in other games that suck! Look at the sales!"
The problem is that this does nothing for the game part. It's an extra, but it could go just as wrong.
Your missing the point. It doesn't matter how well it's done. This doesn't mean people will like it.You don't like the idea, we get it. But it could be done well. Wouldn't you trust Sakurai and friends to flesh out their game in the best way possible? Certain design decisions have to be made with each new game as well, otherwise, Brawl would still look and sound just like the 64 version. And that wouldn't be appealing to customers.
So seriously, do you get our argument here? If you think that this extra dialogue thing could potentially be executed poorly, others think it could be executed well, and we could all just agree to disagree.
The people who care about this kind of stuff are diehard fans. Everyone else will not care. This is why I say it is bad. It's not going to get people more excited for the game and it will not make the game sell better. But even if it could be done as best as it can, doesn't mean people will see it that way. A lot of people who are not huge Nintendo fans may see it as annoying and getting in the way.
Of course, if it could be done well, it could also be done bad. Despite the game being amazing, people will still say Pit's voice is annoying. If the VAs aren't good, it wont be good. VAs tend to get ignored if the game is good, but not if the characters wont shut up.
Plus, this does nothing for the game part. People will buy and enjoy the game part. Even if people see this as a nice little feature, it will be ignored in a week.