Smash Journeyman
Lol, I should probably just ignore Chu's post. I'm not one to argue over silly stuff like this. Oh well.
Also, talking in absolutes doesn't make your point any more true. =)
Why would Bowser Jr get his own game again? He's appearing in main Mario games, like you said, so I don't see the point. I'm sure others feel the same, which is why you don't here such things as wanting him in his own game.
And if anyone is disliked here, it's Waluigi. He's easily considered to be the worst Mario character conceived by many. Plus Tingle was an AT, does this mean he has a better chance of being playable than Toon Zelda? Think about what you're saying.
So yeah, reply if you want, but I'm done with this talk about Koopalings vs Bowser Jr.
I'm sure Junior will be the new playable Mario character if Sakurai decides to add another. Koopalings... assist trophies or SSE mini-bosses I'm cool with. Goroh next.
I struggled yesterday.
This is just about decent, though. I'd tweak his neutral, up and down specials a bit, but overall, it's alright.
@ Car Slam.
Fire Stingray would probably be the name of his Final Smash, since it's the name of his car. Decent idea, though.

He's going to be rather fierce once I'm done with him. Wouldn't mind if you personally critic his moves as soon as I post it here. ;]
Doesn't work that way. Yes, some content is part of what makes something iconic, but so is attention and devotion, something they're kinda lacking on. Koopalings maybe iconic among nostalgists, but I personally don't see them as such. Sue me.If the game is iconic, so is the content that makes up said game. Naturally, so are the Koppalings, along with power-ups like the Tanooki Suit and locations like Huge World.
Whatever you say. Continue thinking that VgChartz shares the majority of peoples' sentiments, see how that works out for you.It's called an example. Seeing as I'm the only one who ever brings any of these to the table, it's hard for me, or any onlookers, to agree with your point.
No, they aren't forcing him, negative nancy. He's not appearing in so many games because Nintendo is forcing him to be an icon. He'll do so by the fans accord if he isn't a icon already.The point is you can not force an icon. People become icons, but there were never so by being forced into it. This is what Nintendo has been doing with Bowser Jr.
Pretty much. I'm not for hypotheticals.In other words, ignore what has been mentioned and KEEP ON TRUCKIN'
Not many people like him is correct. The dislike for him is the minority here, many more like Bowser Jr. His appearance in so many game, including main Mario games, is a testament to that. He wouldn't be so prevalent otherwise.Not many people like him. I've never heard anyone get excited when he showed up in Sunshine. No one thought it was cool that he was in any other game either.
Also, talking in absolutes doesn't make your point any more true. =)
I'm serious, it's a cool story.Not a point.
Bold: lolI tend to look at sites with an older audience (like VGchartz and 4chan). Thing thing is most older fans tend to hate, dislike, or not care about Bowser Jr. Waluigi is really an underdog in their eyes because they want Nintendo to put him in a game. He was hated before, but people are warming up too him. People aren't doing the same for Bowser Jr, despite the fact he is in all the main Mario games and not Waluigi.
Why would Bowser Jr get his own game again? He's appearing in main Mario games, like you said, so I don't see the point. I'm sure others feel the same, which is why you don't here such things as wanting him in his own game.
And if anyone is disliked here, it's Waluigi. He's easily considered to be the worst Mario character conceived by many. Plus Tingle was an AT, does this mean he has a better chance of being playable than Toon Zelda? Think about what you're saying.
If only more kids felt that way, perhaps we'd see them more often. Til then, kids like Bowser Jr. Doesn't matter if they know nothing else, that's what they like.Kids like Bowser Jr. only because they know nothing else. The post about the children was important as it showed that kids, despite having seen Bowser Jr first, like the Koppalings more.
So yeah, reply if you want, but I'm done with this talk about Koopalings vs Bowser Jr.

A attacks as in his repeated A, tilts, and smash attacks? I dunno, I'd like to mix it up a bit more. :vI actually got a moveset for Goroh now. Also have one for Bowser Jr but I don't feel like putting it in the same post.
Description - Since his sword streches out really long, It'll have you take less damage when you're further away, unlike how Marth's is affected by the tip of the sword. His A Attacks are the sword, and B Attacks, well...
It's pretty darn difficult thinking up a good special list for him, isn't it?B> - The 11 Fierce Combo:
This one is a rather simple one. Goroh will do 11 slashes, but being that he can't move to the other side, the easist way to avoid this is to try and move back. This move is chargeable.
B - Tackle:
Goroh will grab his opponent then Tackle him. This move is rather tricky to know when It's coming (And I haven't developed it much)
B^ - Jump:
Goroh thrusts himself foward with his third jump to try and reach the stage.
Bv - Body Slam:
Very powerful move, but It takes a while for Goroh to get back up. No change in direction, and It's preffered to do in the air.

This is just about decent, though. I'd tweak his neutral, up and down specials a bit, but overall, it's alright.
FS - Car...Slam?:
Sadly, I'm not very original, so goroh will get his car at high speeds but failing into the ground, thus causing these possible effects:
Freezer - Tons of freezies come out flying at everyone, sometimes hitting you as well. Will freeze of course so be careful.
Lip Stick - Similar to freeze.
Bomb - This will be like the "Smart Bomb" Item. Basically, worst case scenario for goroh. Run!

Fire Stingray would probably be the name of his Final Smash, since it's the name of his car. Decent idea, though.
Mario, Zelda, and Metroid to be more specific. Nintendo has a console that prints money, I don't understand why they don't use what they earned to make a first class Star Fox game or an amazing Donkey Kong game. They're capable of giving those series the same treatment yet they don't. Jesus.Don't you mean give Wii *Insert something here* A break?
Yeah, there's tons of games I want. Too bad Mother won't be seeing a 3-D Version of it anytime soon. At least I have Golden Sun DS Along with S&P2 (When they get release dates here .-.) ...
I may write up a big wall o' text today showing exactly why online fails and how it could become 10x better.Yeah, see, one of the biggest complaints I see with brawl is "The online is a piece of junk" Yet I've seen no person to date bother to go into details. Unsure of how we'll get everyone to notice tho.
He's going to be rather fierce once I'm done with him. Wouldn't mind if you personally critic his moves as soon as I post it here. ;]