Smash Rookie
Why bother splitting the game? Why not have the simplistic controls and maneuvers with the advanced techniques to be discovered? Ala, Melee. I'm assuming that you're splitting the two so that casuals can have their watered down fighting game while fighting enthusiasts can have a real fighting game. However, casuals and enthusiasts aren't liking to mix anyways and an enthusiast can always a) find other enthuasiasts or b) dumb down their play with casuals.
I just don't think we need an uncomplicated Free for All version. The (theoretical) beauty of smash should be that it's simple to learn, difficult to master.
Although i agree with what you said, i must say, i agree with the one you quoted more. I've talked about it with some other Brawl gamers before, and we've all been able to agree on one thing. Random wifi battles needs a 1vs1 option, so that us competitive players dont have to hope to land a 1vs1 against someone good in the FFA area. because how often does that happen, really. I've played my fair share of random wifi brawls, and my younger brothers play them all the time, and i've noticed that its very unlikely. Out of me, and my two younger brothers, none of us have ever ended up in a 1vs1 with someone a good skill level to play against. I think, for ssb4, it would be a good idea to add a "1vs1 play" option, where people can go and look for one other person to fight against with rules (3 stock no items). It would be good for those who want to improve, but cant seem to get a fight, and it would be fun for some people who are just tired of the random FFA's. Dont get me wrong, the FFA's are fun, and i have a lot of fun doing them even if i need to tone down the skill level i play at, I just think that it's needed to have a second option.
Thats just my opinion on it, and im not even sure if i just blabbed about the right thing or not, for all i know, i could have miss read, but thats just my opinion on that particular matter.
on a diffrent note: I made this a while back on another site, i figure since this topic is here i may as well put 'er up. Yes, i do realize he's super broken XD
Character Name: skull kid
Character's Move Set
Standard Special (B): like lucarios aura sphere, but charges and fires faster, at the cost of some power
Side Special: taile shoots quickly out infront of skull kid pretty far and hits anything infront. weak attack but might cause the enemy to trip. if this attack hits at the farthest point, it does more damage.
Up Special: levitate- skull kid darts in any direction very quickly, reaching only a bit more then falcos B up. its a very fast move but gives little knock back if it hits the opponent. but, if it hits the enemy at the VERY end of the move, it gives good knockback and hits harder.
Down Special: skull kid pounds on the ground with his foot and shoots a circular sphere of energy out that surrounds him and hurts anyone close enough toughing it, it also protects skull kid from some projectiles
A moves
Standard A: A-skull kid quickly punches AA-skull kid then quickly punches with his other arm AAA- he then does a quick round house kick, last one has most knock back and damage of the three.
Over smash A: a whip of energy comes out and hits the enemy, it has good distance, a bit shorter then ikes sword. does less damage of course. but its a pretty strong move, and sorta fast, probably one of his slower moves.
Up smash A: skull kid puts his hands up into the air and shoots a wave of energy upwards (does not go up very far though) and sort of traps the enemy in it until the move is finsihed (sort of like zeldas up smash) gives good knock back
Down smash A: skull kid smashes his foot onto the ground sending shockwaves to each side of him, giving great knockback and is the strongest move skull kid has.
Over Tilt: quickly sticks his arm out to the side and hits who ever happens to be there, at the end of the open hand is a small ball of energy, getting hit by that does a little bit more damage and causes more knockback then just being hit by the hand.
Up Tilt: tatle jumps up out of skull kid (somewere i dunno) and hits whoever is above, it has good reach upwards.
Down Tilt: skull kid kicks the ground a little bit forwards of where he is standing and in that direction. (sort of like he's trying to kick someone in the shin) it could cause tripping.
Neutral Air (Nair): skull kid flails his arms to the sides knocking people who get hit by it away (sorta good knock back.)
Forward Air (Fair): leans forward in the air a bit and sticks out his arm and hits the enemy (a strong attack, skull kids arm is engullfed in energy)
Back Air (Bair): sort of like the Fair, but sends the enemy upwards.
Up Air (Uair): while in the air, his foot glows and does a side ways backflip in the air hitting whoever is above. depending on how the attack hits depends on where the enemy is knocked to. for example. if you hit with the begining of the kick, the enemy will most likely fly off to that side. if you hit from the middle (highest point) the enemy is shot straight up, causing better knockback. if you hit from the end of the kick (when skull kid is coming back around from the kick) it will most likely send the enemy that way (this attack has about as much knock back as the beginning of the attack but causes the most damage of the three spots).
Down Air (Dair): skull kids spike. he stops where he is in the air (sorta like how ness stops in the air) spreads his legs apart and puts his arms together and points them down towards the bottom of the screen, a blast of energy (not reaching to far away from skull kid) comes out and with a strong hit, sends the enemy straight down.
Right/Left Taunt: skull kid flots on the spot and crosses his arms.
Up Taunt: tatle flys out and quickly flys around above skull kid then flys back into skull kid.
Down Taunt: skull kid starts jumping around in a circle doing that funny dance thing he does, while tatle jumps around above him.
Final Smash: well if it even needed to be said, he calls the moon down to crash into the stage.
skull kid is the fast, agile type, like metaknight but just not as good at racking up damage and such.
speed for getting the hits done (all of his attacks are fast) and he has pretty good strenght too (more then metaknight/sonic) but is light and easy to kill. his roll is pretty fast. his first jump is about as high as marios first jump, and his second jump is about as high as fox's. He is floaty like lucario.