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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Oct 28, 2007
On the roy thing, I side with Pieman, a character's popularity just within the Smash community should not impact the decision as heavily as delievering a less popular, more unique character.

@Those who think roy should replace Ike: Ike was the first lord to REALLY break the lord mold that had already been established. Before that, Most were stuck up nobles who used finesse (Rapier being a popular weapon among them all) and skill over power. So, Ike represents something uniwue while Roy represents a mediocre game in which he absolutley sucks (as stated before)

And to the Krystal arguement: Is another Star Fox rep needed? Why not fix the characters we have and leave their count at three, which is gracious enough, and leave any new additions alone?


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Somehow, I don't think that would work, mainly since there are plenty of roster-worthy series reps that should get in first...:ohwell:

Also, Master Hand and Tabuu would be game-breakers.

Having an original, new, playable character that represents Smash is an interesting idea, though.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
KumaOso said:
I think an AT would be a waste of her potential to truly bring something new to the table, something Wolf doesn't exactly do.
Both Wolf and Krystal can bring something new to the table, but Sakurai just didn't choose to recognize it. I'm not saying that Krystal can't get in with an original moveset, but I am saying that it's unfair to say that she has more potential for one than Wolf. Besides, given Sakurai's track record, Krystal could very well end up with a pink Landmaster.

Also, Wolf's moveset is nowhere near as unoriginal as people say. Sure, his specials are based off Fox and Falco, but they differentiate themselves well, and Wolf's basic moves are some of the most original in the game.

KirbyWorshipper2465 said:
What does everyone think of having Smash-exclusive characters (I'm talking about Master Hand, Tabuu, a new character, etc.) playable in Smash 4?
I don't think so, it kind of defeats the purpose of Smash- bringing together Nintendo universes. It might happen, but the Smash-original characters aren't very popular compared to Ridley/Little Mac/Megaman/whatever.

Mario the Jumpman

Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2009
Why would I tell you guys that?
Here is a list of Smash 4 enemies!

Mario: Goombas, Koopa Troopas, Paratroopas, Thwomps, Hammer Bros., Lakitus, Bullet Bills, and Chain Chomps

DK: Kremlings and Mini-Neckies

Zelda: Redeads, Octorocks, Like Likes, and Dodongos

Metroid: Space Pirates and Metroids

Pokemon: Rocket Grunts, Golbat, Mightyena, Beedrill, Aggron, Mamoswine, and Steelix

FE: Laguz, Begnion Soldiers, and Dark Mages

Ice Climber: Polar Bears and Topis

Kirby: Knuckle Joes and Bronto Burts

Starfox: Enemy Airships and Aparoid Soldiers

F-Zero: F-Zero Cars

Game & Watch: Evil Mr. Game & Watch Clones

Kid Icarus: Eggplant Wizards and Centurions

Nintendo: Evil R.O.B. Clones

Metal Gear Solid: Gekkos and Evil Snake Clones (since there is more than one Snake)

Pikmin: Bulborbs and Dweevils

Animal Crossing: Bees, Tarantulas, and Scorpions

That's pretty much all I came up with. Any suggestions?

Edit: About the Pokemon enemies, the Pokemon can be on their own while Rocket Grunts will order one of the Pokemon listed.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
Needs more Thwomp and Mini-Necky. Otherwise looks fine to me, I'm automatically pleased if there are actual Nintendo enemies in a story mode.

EDIT: And it's Topi, not Toki ;).


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
Mario the Jumpman said:
What's a Mini-Necky?
Miniature vultures from Donkey Kong Country. I remember that they appeared in the first two games, but I can't remember about the third.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
You seem to be underusing many of the series' enemy rosters. While the Mario series is nicely represented, you don't seem to have picked much for the others.

Sure, some of them don't have much (e.g. Ice Climber), but others have plenty (e.g. DK, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby).

Also, Metal Gear should have normal soldiers as its enemies, not evil Snake clones. Gekkos could be used as minibosses, though.

Oh, and you forgot about the Sonic series. It has robotic enemies like Coconuts, Grounder and the E-100 series, among others.

Well, that was my two cents.

Edit: You should add enemies from Earthbound/Mother and Wario Land, too.

Edit 2: In regards to R.O.B., the game called Gyromite has some enemies that could be used.


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2009
But that makes no sense though. You're saying that a non-fan wouldn't really know the difference between Ike and Roy, and they are the only ones who really want Roy. And as I said before, by your description, it makes loads more sense to use a different type of Fire Emblem trope, rather than using the same one three times.

A fan of Roy is most likely a smash fan, and rarely ever do you see an FE fan like Roy. However, smash fans obviously have a bigger say in character representation than a fan of a series represented in brawl. The voice of the smash fans is much larger than fans of a particular series. Also, I'm not supporting Roy's inclusion, I'm just saying that it is very likely for him to make a return in SSB4. His exclusion in Brawl was noticed by many, and if a large number of fans wish for his return(which many people do) then that already promotes a good chance for his return, even if he is a poor candidate to represent the FE series properly.

Look at Sheik, she made an appearance in one Zelda game(albeit, a **** good one) and she's still in Brawl, mostly due to most Smash fans liking her in Melee. Sheik represents the Zelda franchise poorly, considering there are many other Zelda characters that could've done a much better job at that. However, she was much liked by the smash fans in her Melee appearance, and her exclusion would obviously have been noticed, and not approved of. I'm pretty sure most Zelda fans would not have minded that much if Sheik was cut, because Zelda could have many different moves replacing her old down-b switch.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2008
Cape Cod, MA
Popular with non-fans, and not really important at all. Plus, this doesn't seem like a valid defence against your comments that people like Roy for his character. =/
No, popular with fans. Fire Emblem fans. The people who got into the series because of Melee, IE everyone. And easily the second most important Lord in the series because of it (yes, Roy is more important than Ike). I know you absolutely hate the reason WHY he's popular and important, but the end result here is the only thing that matters. The people want Roy.

Quiz time: You've been calling Roy "generic" and a copy of Marth. I'm curious, what makes his character so generic? Aside from the same moveset in Melee, what makes him so similar to Marth? I'm very interested in your response here, and I'd prefer it if you described both his appearances.

Intended at a point, but not by the end. (Also Lucario didn't replace Mewtwo. :psycho: ) By the end of the process, its clear that Roy wasn't intended, since if he was, he would have gotten in.
You're making me do the English class thing. Come on, you're better than this.

"I intended to buy my daughter a birthday cake, but the bakery was closed when I got there."
"I intended to punch that guy in the face, but my friends talked me out of it."
"I intended to eat the entire steak, and I did, but now I want to throw up."
"I didn't intend to let that milk turn into yogurt, but now it looks even more delicious."

Or something closer to home:

"I intended to replace Ness with Lucas, but Mother 64 wasn't going to be ready so I stuck with Ness."

Sakurai is allowed to intend something and end up unable to do it just like anyone else. He's admitted to excluding "certain characters" in order to stay on schedule and laments the exclusion.

Its clear that Brawl's roter was determined by slots though...

Anyways, while its true that there could pottentially be cut characters coming back from the grave, it makes no sense to bring back the unimportant characters. The only one who has any pottential to return seems to be Mewtwo, and even he doesn't have much of a chance. (Outside of a pottential Smash DS game which needs a completely different approach in regards to its roster)
Prove that the entire roster was determined by slots as opposed to, say, individual character popularity (with a couple of exceptions as usual).

You're right, we don't need the unimportant and unpopular characters. That's why no one is expecting Doc or Pichu. But people want Roy and Mewtwo. You're either crazy or in denial if you think people don't want them back.

It makes no sense to appeal to those who actually aren't fans though. Yes Melee was important to the Fire Emblem series, but you know what? That doesn't mean Roy is. Its just like those SMRPG fans who seem to equate the game to Geno, but don't pay attention to the fact that he wasn't the point of the game. In terms of Melee, Marth was the original character there, not the living breathing ad that was Roy. Heck, given Fire Emblem's overseas sucess being associated with Smash, and given that it clearly seems to be based more on marketing than other series, should tell you that Roy won't get back in since his game isn't international. Also you do know that Roy was also almost cut along with Marth at the time, right? Really now as I said before, if you want to go by non-fans popularity as a reason a character should get in, then you should be betting on Waluigi, Daisy, and Young Link for getting into SSB4. While you may claim that the other series act different, I don't quite think that its a very conclusive point, since you've really got little evidence that it actually will act different.
This paragraph is a mess so bear with my equally disorganized response.

- Fire Emblem's fanbase outside Japan is entirely because of Marth and Roy being popular in Melee. Fire Emblem would be nothing without Melee. People associate the series with Marth and Roy (and now Ike as well). They want all three. They wanted all three in Brawl, they'll want all three in SSB4.
- People are allowed to like characters from Smash Bros. without having played the original games. I know this bothers you but that's how it is. This is how people get into new series such as (suprise) Fire Emblem.
- Young Link and Toon Link are interchangable because they're both "Kid Link." Almost everyone agrees with this unless they're pushing for a MM moveset. People aren't asking for OoT Adult Link now, are they?
- Geno, Waluigi, and Daisy haven't been playable in Smash before (minus color swaps). All of their popularity comes from Mario games, not Smash. How are you trying to compare them to Roy again?

Do you really think that's not a problem? Not even Star Fox is that bad, and Star Fox is pretty clone-tacular.
It's not a problem because people don't care if certain characters share traits if there's enough to distinguish them.

Quiz #2: A character in Brawl is "the hero." He has a red hat, a shirt, blue jeans, and dark hair. Most would describe him as brave, selfless, friendly, and not a big talker in his own games. Which character am I referring to?

As I said though, the future is unpredictable, and all of that could simply happen. Heck, I would think that a plot point about time travel would be kept underwraps anyways, and as we don't know what the pottential PO2 would be like, anything's up in the air. Anyways, isn't it odd that you dismiss PO2 there despite it having the exact same situation right now as the pottential FE12? (Aka they simply are speculating for when and if the time comes, though nothing is confirmed as of yet)
There's a huge difference between mention features for the next game and mentioning characters. How are you not getting this?

According to you, all it takes it the character's looks and a bit of fire for them to accept a character. :p
Play Melee, compare the various stances, taunts, and poses between Marth and Roy. People can tell the difference between feminine Marth and energetic Roy.

Yeah, newness doesn't mean everything, but given the FE series current progression of having the newest lord, it seems like one of the safest bets for SSB4. In addition, I would assume that the next lord's game will actually be international, and people can actually use the character, and like him for what he is in his series, instead of a different game completely. (Plus, if Ephraim was around at the time of SSBB then he really could have made it in.)
I'm not denying a new Lord, I'm merely suggesting that Roy has a much bigger chance than half of the people here give him. And if FE12 is that all-star game they're thinking about, well...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2009
In a box filled with peas 300 feet below ground
My expectations....


Mario Bros.
Paper Mario
Bowser Jr.

Legend Of Zelda
Young link (with masks)
Ganondorf (new moves god****!)
Imp Midna and wolf link
Toon link (as long as he's not a clone, he's pretty sweet)

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong (like ice climbers)
King K. Rool

Yoshi's Island
Baby mario and baby luigi (also like ice climbers)

Kat and Ana (again with the ice climbers, I know)

Dark Samus
Ridley (w00t)

Meta Knight
King Dee Dee Dee
Knuckle Joe


Star Fox
Wolf (not clones, i beg of you)

C. Falcon
Black Shadow

P. Trainer
Female P. Trainer
Mewtwo (YESSS!!!!)

Fire Emblem
Black Knight (maybe)

Porkey (maybe....)

Other/ Retro
R.O.B (Don't see why everyone hates him)
Mr. Game And Watch
Ice Climbers
Balloon Fighter
Ray MK 1
Mii (again, why does everyone hate miis, they have such potential with wii sports and all)

3rd Party
Grey fox
Lip (maybe)
Banjo Kazzoie
Spyro The Dragon
Crash Bandicoot

I know, alot of 3rd party, but they would be cool.....especially sora


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Mowrt, if that's your expected roster, then you should lower your expectations. Yes, yes, everyone, I love to kill people's dreams and kick kittens in little paper sacks, but seriously. That many characters isn't going to happen. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see characters that won't get in, though. I would love to see Ryu Hayabusa get in, but I don't think he has much chance.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2009
In a box filled with peas 300 feet below ground
Mowrt, if that's your expected roster, then you should lower your expectations. Yes, yes, everyone, I love to kill people's dreams and kick kittens in little paper sacks, but seriously. That many characters isn't going to happen. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see characters that won't get in, though. I would love to see Ryu Hayabusa get in, but I don't think he has much chance.
Yeah, I know, It's just for fun


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
Mowrt620 said:
That roster has some good picks in it, but you're kind of overstuffing it. I'd suggest that you prune it down to 50 or so.
Also, Tingle inb4 Midna

EDIT: That too, KirbyWorshipper...


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
If you don't know who a character is, there's no point in putting them into your roster (even if it's purely biased and based on what you'd like to see).


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2009
Mewtwo's Stats

IMO I can accept Mewtwo being a light weight but this is what they should fix when nintendo makes ssb4.


Power 8/10
Grab 10/10
Weight 3/10
Speed 9/10
Projectile 10/10
Recovery 10/10
Final Smash 9/10
Reach 10/10


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Popular with non-fans, and not really important at all. Plus, this doesn't seem like a valid defence against your comments that people like Roy for his character. =/

It makes no sense to appeal to those who actually aren't fans though.
So what? I don't get to have characters I want because I'm not a fan. I need to be a part of your super secret club!? Forget you. I, and other Smash fans, would like to see Roy back.

And yes, he is one of the most popular lords.

No, popular with fans. Fire Emblem fans. The people who got into the series because of Melee, IE everyone. And easily the second most important Lord in the series because of it (yes, Roy is more important than Ike). I know you absolutely hate the reason WHY he's popular and important, but the end result here is the only thing that matters. The people want Roy.
That's what I call a checkmate

I'm not denying a new Lord, I'm merely suggesting that Roy has a much bigger chance than half of the people here give him. And if FE12 is that all-star game they're thinking about, well...
Bravo. For those of you who remember, there was a big thread of people who missed Mewtwo and Roy. People forget that Roy was rather popular choice. I know a lot of people would love to see his return.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Personally, I think Mewtwo should be big, heavy, fast moving. This is an accurate representation of him in the games. This sounds broken, but here's where the idea partially came from: Rufus from Street Fighter IV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX8cNuCbuXs).

Unfortunately, there's the question of balancing Mewtwo. Unlike Rufus, Mewtwo would more than likely have a projectile.

EDIT: Making him a fast runner would make balancing very difficult. If he has a buffed teleport, he has enough mobility IMO.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
IMO I can accept Mewtwo being a light weight but this is what they should fix when nintendo makes ssb4.


Power 8/10
Grab 10/10
Weight 3/10
Speed 9/10
Projectile 10/10
Recovery 10/10
Final Smash 9/10
Reach 10/10

Those stats are pretty good...How are you supposed to beat him then?

Also, I think that Mewtwo needs to be heavier also. In the movies and games he's come across as a heavier pokemon than a floaty one.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2009
In a box filled with peas 300 feet below ground
IMO I can accept Mewtwo being a light weight but this is what they should fix when nintendo makes ssb4.


Power 8/10
Grab 10/10
Weight 3/10
Speed 9/10
Projectile 10/10
Recovery 10/10
Final Smash 9/10
Reach 10/10
I dunno, these stats are a little to good...
He should at least be heavier, slower (cuz he floats n' stuff) and he should be like a 5 in power. Thats more balanced. Maybe he could kick it like lucario and build power as his damage gets higher, idk.


Smash Rookie
Jul 15, 2009
I dunno, these stats are a little to good...
He should at least be heavier, slower (cuz he floats n' stuff) and he should be like a 5 in power. Thats more balanced. Maybe he could kick it like lucario and build power as his damage gets higher, idk.
i dont think thats a good idea.that kinda what make lucario special plus they added that abillity to lucario so people woudn't be even more pissed on mewtwo leaving.

Neckbeard Torterra

Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2009
San Diego, CA
IMO I can accept Mewtwo being a light weight but this is what they should fix when nintendo makes ssb4.


Power 8/10
Grab 10/10
Weight 3/10
Speed 9/10
Projectile 10/10
Recovery 10/10
Final Smash 9/10
Reach 10/10
Thats almost TOO identical to the real Mewtwo. Except the real Mewtwo is twice as heavy as Charizard.
His grab and Projectile should be 10s. (his grab should be a tether like Link's).

For the balance, His speed should be a 2 (Ganon). His recovery an 8 (melee Mewtwo). And Power a 3 (Lucario w/no damage).

So pretty much a character based off mind tricks and Shadow ball.
But his teleport should be more controllable to make up for lack of speed. (Being able to tele behind anyone + shadow ball)

Neckbeard Torterra

Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2009
San Diego, CA
Maybe he could kick it like lucario and build power as his damage gets higher, idk.
lol no. He needs his Pressure ability.
This'll make the same attack useless against him if used repeatedly.
This mechanic is already in brawl. But Mewtwo's pressure ability will speed it up. So instead of up-smash attacks degrading by 3% damage and 15% knockback with every use -Pressure will speed this up to make up-smash completely useless (damage wise) on the 3rd try as every attack degrades its' own properties by 38% with every use (against Mewtwo only).

Mewtwo with a tether grab is also on my wish list.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Personally, I think Mewtwo should be big, heavy, fast moving. This is an accurate representation of him in the games. This sounds broken, but here's where the idea partially came from: Rufus from Street Fighter IV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX8cNuCbuXs).

Unfortunately, there's the question of balancing Mewtwo. Unlike Rufus, Mewtwo would more than likely have a projectile.

EDIT: Making him a fast runner would make balancing very difficult. If he has a buffed teleport, he has enough mobility IMO.
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, he could stay the way he is. Mewtwo's playstyle suited him well and he was very unique. He was like Ness and Zelda but over blown in his Psychic abilities. Pretty fun character. Could just stand to be better. He would have ***** in Brawl.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, he could stay the way he is. Mewtwo's playstyle suited him well and he was very unique. He was like Ness and Zelda but over blown in his Psychic abilities. Pretty fun character. Could just stand to be better. He would have ***** in Brawl.
Yeah, his style was fine. I just wish he was faster and heavier. A character shouldn't be slow AND light.
Oct 28, 2007
Alright, Since it seems Pieman and I are the only ones who are anti-roy, and argueing is now more futile than productive, can someone just answer me this question?

WHY is Roy so popular with you guys, I mean this genuinely?

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
Alright, Since it seems Pieman and I are the only ones who are anti-roy, and argueing is now more futile than productive, can someone just answer me this question?

WHY is Roy so popular with you guys, I mean this genuinely?
Oh, I'm not for Roy I'm kinda anti-roy, I mean he was cool but I'd rather not have him take up valuable FE space on the SSB4 roster. It would be better used by people like Micaiah or unique characters not Roy.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Alright, Since it seems Pieman and I are the only ones who are anti-roy, and argueing is now more futile than productive, can someone just answer me this question?

WHY is Roy so popular with you guys, I mean this genuinely?
I'm neutral on Marth and Roy, but my guess is that Roy is just somehow more charismatic than Marth is.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Being sick/having to be on a airplane all day means I can't respond much. :p

No, popular with fans. Fire Emblem fans. The people who got into the series because of Melee, IE everyone. And easily the second most important Lord in the series because of it (yes, Roy is more important than Ike). I know you absolutely hate the reason WHY he's popular and important, but the end result here is the only thing that matters. The people want Roy.
Roy...the second most important...wow, that's....wow. Really now, yes Melee had a important role in Fire Emblem, and did introduce it to the west, but its not something you should base the roster around, since itis not Fire Emblem. Its a different series. Quite frankly, if Melee's influence on Fire Emblem mattered that much, then we would have had Roy in Brawl. If Roy was the second most important character, then how do you explain Brawl? If Roy was the second most important FE character, then how do you explain his game not coming out internationally, instead of FE7? Really now, in the standings of Fire Emblem itself, Roy is about as significant as Leaf.

Quiz time: You've been calling Roy "generic" and a copy of Marth. I'm curious, what makes his character so generic? Aside from the same moveset in Melee, what makes him so similar to Marth? I'm very interested in your response here, and I'd prefer it if you described both his appearances.
Both apperances? You mean his one in FE6 and FE7? His FE7 role wasn't really a role at all, but rather a cameo of sorts, so I don't think I need to go into that. For his role in FE6, he was essentially your standard JRPG fare of a kid trying to protect his kingdom from a evil invading empire, making friends all along the way. He doesn't want to kill or anything, but given the circumstances, he must yadda yadda. He actually seems a bit more like Marth in SD, rather than Eliwood...but that's just how I see it.

You're making me do the English class thing. Come on, you're better than this.

"I intended to buy my daughter a birthday cake, but the bakery was closed when I got there."
"I intended to punch that guy in the face, but my friends talked me out of it."
"I intended to eat the entire steak, and I did, but now I want to throw up."
"I didn't intend to let that milk turn into yogurt, but now it looks even more delicious."

Or something closer to home:

"I intended to replace Ness with Lucas, but Mother 64 wasn't going to be ready so I stuck with Ness."

Sakurai is allowed to intend something and end up unable to do it just like anyone else. He's admitted to excluding "certain characters" in order to stay on schedule and laments the exclusion.
And they were intended to be cut when the time constraints hit them. They were bumped in favor of other characters, and if they were important enough, they would have gotten in instead of others.

Prove that the entire roster was determined by slots as opposed to, say, individual character popularity (with a couple of exceptions as usual).
Its kind of obvious. The three most popular series have a maximum of 4 slots, and everything is organized in those groups of fours. Of course I can't fully 100% prove it, since I'm not Sakurai, but the same goes for several of your statements as well, such as the one above.

You're right, we don't need the unimportant and unpopular characters. That's why no one is expecting Doc or Pichu. But people want Roy and Mewtwo. You're either crazy or in denial if you think people don't want them back.
Yes people want them back, but some people want Doc and Pichu back as well really. Some people want Master Chief, and some people want Geno. Lots of people want lots of things.

- Fire Emblem's fanbase outside Japan is entirely because of Marth and Roy being popular in Melee. Fire Emblem would be nothing without Melee. People associate the series with Marth and Roy (and now Ike as well). They want all three. They wanted all three in Brawl, they'll want all three in SSB4.
People will want everything in Brawl. If so many people wanted Roy though, he would have gotten into Brawl though.

- People are allowed to like characters from Smash Bros. without having played the original games. I know this bothers you but that's how it is. This is how people get into new series such as (suprise) Fire Emblem.
Yes they can, but that doesn't mean that the roster should be decided by these people, rather than the people who became fans of the actual series. Yes Smash got people introduced to FiE, but that doesn't make it a FE game. If you want to have someone who really represents the impact that Smash had on FE's popularity, then you already have Marth.

- Young Link and Toon Link are interchangable because they're both "Kid Link." Almost everyone agrees with this unless they're pushing for a MM moveset. People aren't asking for OoT Adult Link now, are they?
Roy and Ike are interchangable because they are both lords who use fire in their attacks.

- Geno, Waluigi, and Daisy haven't been playable in Smash before (minus color swaps). All of their popularity comes from Mario games, not Smash. How are you trying to compare them to Roy again?
I'm comparing them because you're saying that one character should be in based on his role in something that wasn't part of the main series. The same could be applied to Waluigi and Daisy who are popular in their spin off games, yet have no real roles anymore in the main stream Mario games. Geno is a somewhat different story, but he's even less likely than them.

It's not a problem because people don't care if certain characters share traits if there's enough to distinguish them.
Sigurd doesn't have enough to distinguish him though. :psycho:

(Unless you actually think he can have a horse moveset, but that's just silly)

There's a huge difference between mention features for the next game and mentioning characters. How are you not getting this?
They mentioned Roy getting in to the pottential cross over? News to me.

Play Melee, compare the various stances, taunts, and poses between Marth and Roy. People can tell the difference between feminine Marth and energetic Roy.

See, you're creating personalities, because you've got nothing to go on. Really, about three animations (A taunt and three victory poses) are the only significant animations to tell apart their characters, which is the same of all clones. People can tell the difference between Mario and Dr. Mario no? Doesn't mean they are practically the same.

I'm not denying a new Lord, I'm merely suggesting that Roy has a much bigger chance than half of the people here give him. And if FE12 is that all-star game they're thinking about, well...
He has a chance yes, but its not nearly as big as you are syaing it is, given that you acutally think he's the second most important FE character. And if FE12 is a all star game, then that still doesn't confirm Roy, because Roy first needs to get in it, and second needs to have a big enough role within it..
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