what if dry bones was a playable character? and sakurai will ignore all opinions because he doesn't care.
usselessness won't matter. just the fun the character would give matters. pichu and young link were fun. toonlink was also fun.but hey, tell me sakurai's reason for adding olimar and every other character.it should be the fun that matters. I don't know what I'm saying.
If any third party had to take snaske's place, it would be between bomberman, and megaman.
bomberman vs megaman! who would be better for the spot if only one of them can take the spot?
would toon shiek really be acceptable?
and for good color chamges, fox can have marcus mccloud, and kirby can have chocolate kirby I loved chocolate kirby in kirby airride!
adventure mode needs a better story. so here is my plan! we all make a story.then we fuse it all together and cut out some bad parts. its my idea. if you don't like, say no.
mona could be a assist trophy. she would throw pizzaaround the stage. the pizza would heal 300%