I already posted something like this, but I decided update it a bit. Main stuff I want are some new characters, some removed, better physics, better stage creator, improved balance, better online, new moves for some veterans and maybe new modes.
Let's start off with Samus. I feel that Smash doesn't accurately represent her at all. Since when did Samus use a firethrower (Plasma beam is different) and charge up huge balls of energy? Her moveset certainly needs some work. More beams for one, and more option for her range game. Samus weight should be increased, her running speed slowed, her jump height increased by a bit and noticable "boost" animation on from the booster on her back from the second jump.
Remove the A and put in a spammable and weak power beam instead. You can run around and charge at the same time. Full chage time is three seconds with four levels, each requiring another second of charging.. First is uncharged, which counts as a different move than charged so it doesn't lead to diminishing returns. Second charge level deals more damage, but still no knockback. Charge level three is a moderately good KO move with higher damage. Charge level four is a move with great KO potential and damage. The beam looks like the power beam from prime. The uncharged shot travels at the same speed as in Prime, while at higher charge levels the size increase a bit but it also slows down a bit.
Her screw attack should help her recover horizontally instead of just vertically. Her missiles should stay spammable, both increased with 2% damage. The homing missile's speed is increased, plus it's better at homing and it stays longer on the battlefield. The power missile's explosion and hitbox both increase. Utilt gets a more laggy and powerful ooking animation, along with some KOing potential.
Neutral B becomes the ice beam with Fusion like animations and freezing enemies at certain damage/charge levels. To balance it with the power beam it deals little knockback and is moderately wrse at damaging. Uncharged, it freezes at 140%, level one at 120%, level three at 40%, and level four at 20%. Opponents with higher damage stay frozen longer. Opponent gets invincibility frames after defreezing, to avoid infinites. This move is primarily an utility move. It shares traits of the power beam like being chargeable while running around. Like in fusion, there are three beams. Hitting with all three has the best effect of course.
Down B is now morph ball form. It's kinda faster, but becomes much faster when using charging side B for boost ball. A is regular bomb drop, now useful for bomb jumping and slightly buffed in damage from Brawl. Holding in R charges up a power bomb with three seconds charge time. Once it's fully charged, you may release i whenever you want, but you will loose the charge if you revert to normal with down B. It has ab ig range and deals decent damage and knockback in the outer range off the epxlosion, but the core is where it is at, having lots of knockback and damage. This move has start up lag. Neutral B lays bombs that explode after three seconds, being a bit weaker in knockback and damage than Brawl Snake's grenades. Samus can lay three a once, but can't holde 'em like Snake.
Her usmash should be firing a plasm beam instead. Change it to Samus crouching down and firing a moderately wide plasma shot, with fusion like animations. It goes quite distance upwards, and eventually vanishes. It doesn't cover the same range horizontally as her originale usmash but it can penetrate multiple enemies. Same with her other move using the flamethrower, only making it weaker.
Now on to Mario. He got majorly nerfed in Brawl so add back the power to his smashes. His fireball gets more lag, gets bigger, a bit more range, actually bounces like it did in Super Mario Bros, instead of just half rolling across the ground. I also want to see more alt customes for him, like frog suit mario.
His up B becomes the rocket FLUDD from Sunshine. It goes in a diagonal path, not straight upwards or sideways. To differentiate it from Diddy's recovery, it auto charges for half second before firing Mario away. You can't bend it like Diddy's recovery but the start up lag is short and it goes longer than Diddy's uncharged, but short than Diddy's fully charged. During his "flight" Mario has a sweetspot directly infront of him with great KO power. The FLUDD also spurts water behind him and those hit will be pushed away, just like the down B.
Luigi got buffed in Brawl. A few things should be made more moderate, and I hope he gets some new moves. For example, reducing the lag on his up B while also reducing it's KO power. Since Mario got the FLUDD, Luigi should get the Poltergust 3000. Neutral B becomes a moderate to fast moving ball of either fire, ice, or water (random). Fire causes damage over time thru burning. Ice encases the opponent in ice at higher damage levels. Water pushes them back.
Yoshi could use a bit more Ko power on his smashes and down B. Also more priority on some of his aerials and side B. Slightly reduced lag and slightly increased range on neutral B and throws. His shield sucks so he gets faster rolls, and the jump out of shield ability.
I believe Ragnell has the ability to shot shockwaves in PoR, but this wasnt't kept in Brawl. Therefore, his neutral B should now cause an earthquake and bury those in range, kinda like DK's side. This should make it easier to hit and combo with Ike. Longer charge time = longer time spent in the ground for those hit. Reduced knockback on his fsmash. I also want to give him something else than counter for his down B.... But I dunno what the heck to put there. I also wish I could come up with soemthing for Lucas, but I never played any of the Mother games.
Will add more latter.