C.Olimar788 said:
And when did Microsoft and Nintendo ever directly work together?
They haven't ever developed a game or anything together, but Microsoft has published games on the DS.
Y'know, I'll just say this: Master Chief won't be in SSB4. I was just being a bit nit-picky with this whole thing, so let's just let bygones be bygones, a'ight?
It'd work, it'd just be a bit awkward, like when Spear Pillar turns upside-down. It would be a pain to kill opponents on, though.
A stage with only vertical KOs would be awesome, as would a stage with no platforms, and everyone just falls. But before I get into that, let me say this about that...
It's confusing enough having Palkia switch your controls like that. So imagine having that happen every time you move around the level--it would be even more off-putting. So I'm still not convinced.
Now then, the falling level. Every character just falls. I don't know what the actual setting would be or what--maybe the first Ridley fight in Metroid Prime 3, where you're falling down the looooong shaft? Anyway, you could jump any number of times to go "up", fastfall to descend, and you'd never be helpless, but there'd be an invisible charge-up time for recovery moves and the like.
Patinator said:
So it'd be like Smash 64? XD
Almost. We'd keep the air dodge and the fourth special, as well as the grab attack, but other than that...yeah, it'd be more along those lines.
KumaOso said:
Peach: Anger
Yells in anger while she is immersed in a large flame. She can then fight as normal but with fire around her like an all around curry effect. Pressing B has her do a ground pound that creates a shock wave that will put people in the ground.
Toon Link: Finishing Blow
See Wind Waker ending. Character is knocked off the stage instantly.
Diddy Kong: Guitar
Plays the guitar then a giant star emits from the guitar expanding across the stage.
Essentially a super version of the original. One character is randomly targeted by the attack and dies by the attack. At the same time as the attack, an explosion the size of a smart bomb's is made.
Falco: Arwing
Shouts, "Personally, I prefer the air." and jumps into an arwing. It can remain stationary or fly around, flip, barrel roll, or shoot lasers.
As much as I hated Super Princess Peach, I think I prefer that idea to Peach Blossom. Game-Inspired Attack > Pun.
Marth already has dibs on the "insta-KO" move in the game. Besides, how would T.Link activate this? What I mean by that is, when you pressed B, would he shoot out a little triforce beam like he already does, or would it be more Ike/C.Falcon-esque, or...what?
I hate every Donkey Kong Country after the first one, which, coincidentally, are the ones wherein Diddy uses that stupid guitar, so...yeah, I (
very personally) don't think so. But then, if I had my way, Diddy wouldn't even be in Brawl, so you can see how disgustingly biased I am when it comes to the monkey.
C. Falcon needs a different FS, at least. One that doesn't interrupt the match completely. But I think he should keep his Blue Falcon for it. Also, this is another insta-KO, which is pushing it in terms of fairness for Smash Bros. anyway, just with the two methods already existing (Dragoon and Critical Hit). When C.Falcon activates his new FS, a horizontal "flight path" should appear across the stage, which you have three seconds to move up and down (as a robot-tv-thing counts down 3, 2, 1, GO!), after which, C. Falcon drives across the stage, following the line you set, and anyone hit takes alot of damage and gets knocked horizontally forward, a la Sheik's Light Arrow, only not nearly as powerful, since you can actually aim this one.
The Arwing's a given. It might be a bit awkward to control it in real-time like a Landmaster though...so maybe it'd be a one-time attack or something (somehow)...
gantrain05 said:
i think we all prefer anybody over that queer *** fairy elf thing that calls himself tingle
Not I,, sir. My hat is firmly thrown in with the Tingle supporters here, for all the same reasons they've been imparting over the past few pages.
ducky285 said:
Here's a really silly and only half-serious idea
A Smash spinoff with Mario characters against Sonic characters
As previously mentioned by myself, I'll blow up the internet if Sonic Team's crimes against man are ever put in a legitimately crafted game with Nintendo characters, as suggested here. Olympic Games was a total sh*tfest by someone other than Nintendo, so I don't really give two shakes about
that...but if Smash Bros., or any game like it (which I would hence love to play) includes any Sonic characters beyond Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Robotnik, and possibly Metal Sonic...the internet will explode.
Spire III said:
Super Smash Bros. Racing, and...
Super Smash Bros: The Legend of Zelda
Heh, I actually used to doodle things about a Smash Bros. Racing game back when Smash 64 had come out and after I'd played it for a while.
The idea would work, and I'd totally buy it, just as long as it was still on (multiple) 2D planes, a la Excitebike. And it should work like Excite Truck, in that whoever has the most points wins, so getting first place alone won't cinch the victory (though it will give you a big point boost). You'd get points for KO'ing characters, staying in the lead, and activating stage events and the like, and lose them for being KO'd, taking damage, and being in last place.
Finally, globiumz mentioned a page or two back that Samus needs a different moveset, one that reflects her actual in-game actions more (she never actually whacks anything with her arm cannon, as far as I can tell). First, I'll note that in her games, Samus isn't fighting plumbers, mice, and space-furries--she's fighting genetically altered mutants, giant aliens, and armored space pirates, not to mention the bio-feeding scourge of the galaxy, Metroids. So perhaps a good ol' thunk on the head with a arm-mounted beatstick isn't the best idea in her case.
But the moveset itself that globiumz posted is really cool, and really quite fitting...just not for Samus. This is almost exactly how I imagine Megaman working out--all his A attacks are normal shots aimed in different directions, with sliding mixed in as well, and his specials are all moves copied from various robot masters.
Phew. Okay, that's it. I'm done.
EDIT - Okay not really. A chief's work is never done, apparently...
KumaOso said:
You're the only other person I've seen that is open to that. I wouldn't mind seeing him as well. I say he's deserving since he was also one of the console rivals (to an extent) for Nintendo.
Crash may be deserving (though I'd beg to differ), but like Sonic before him, his reputation has taken a large turn for the worse recently, and unlike Sonic, he doesn't have an army of hypnotized 13 year olds to buy his games in lieu of actual quality compelling rational consumers to do so.
Everyone forgets Simon. *sigh*