I would be totally down for Simon Belmont. I don't know if another game would have a sountrack as expansive as Brawls' is yet of course, but I do know that Castlevania music kicks serious amounts of *** and having it as a part of any varied roster of music would make it just that much better.
I'm not big on Castlevania, but I have to strongly agree there. If Castlevania: Order of Ecclessia and Castlevania Judgement garner enough rep (along with any other future titles), then perhaps we'll see Simon in the next Smash Bros. Plus, we need a touch of dark to the game (sorry, but nothing - not even Ganondorf - can amount to the not-so-goodness of Castlevania). Of course he would feel a bit like Snake's inclusion felt at the time of announcement (which still rings today), but I would gladly accept him. There are little 3rd party characters that I would
allow into Smash Bros: he, Bomberman (long-time fan), Megaman (don't want him, but he'd definitely fit), and despite their impossibility, I would love Banjo-Kazooie. Other than that - no one. I'd hate to see any 3rd party series sport more than one playable rep. For the record, however, I would take 1st and 2nd party characters over 3rd parties any day.
The Bomberman Hero soundtrack was genius. I'd thoroughly enjoy that in Smash Bros.
Bowser Jr.
Kat & Ana
King K. Rool
Toon Zelda
3rd Party Newcomers
Gray Fox
I can't bring myself to agree with you on most of these characters at all.
Rosalina - Firstly, the Mario world has so many great characters and enemies to choose from - unique ones at that. Rosalina, despite her differences, would be a heavy Peach, and if not in every single move, she certainly would be in both appearance and the general form of play. Yeah, Marth and Ike play differently, but they're both far too similar anyways. Both are from Fire Emblem, both use swords, both have blue hair - it'd be the same with Peach and Rosalina. She was basically created as a substitute for Peach anyways, and to introduce a new female face to the Mario series. She is not needed, and will probably never hold much importance in an epic Mario title again.
Bowser Jr. - Can't say much about him. He's not my favorite, but he'd be an interesting addition. I no way could I even imagine him being a clone of Bowser, so that helps to bump his necessity.
Kat & Ana / Waluigi - Firstly, Kat & Ana are obnoxious characters. Poor character design, no real importance, and are just downright (hate to put it this way) lame. A quick, ninja Ice Climbers-type character. Not needed. Waluigi has yet to hold any importance anywhere, other than another Mario Bros thwart/evil-clone. Yeah, he would probably have a unique moveset, but would be extremely extraneous. Unless he pulls of some miraculous job as a main character in an upcoming WarioWare/Wario Land (or Waluigi Land) game, then he should not even be considered. He's a new age filler.
King K. Rool - Love the guy, he should be in. I can't say much more, other than his inclusion would promote the Donkey Kong series, and would bring a nice taste of nostalgia to Smash Bros. You can't go wrong there.
Toon Zelda / Vaati - Surprisingly, this is a great idea. It may be too many Zelda characters, however, but it does work. Three "realistic" Zelda characters - Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf (hero, sidekick, villain), and three "toon" Zelda characters - Link, Zelda, and Vaati. While I don't care for Vaati at all, and while the Zelda series does lean more towards the "realistic" half, this is a great idea. Unless Vaati returns in an upcoming Zelda title (I'm talking a console "toon" Zelda title), I wouldn't count on him making the cut.
Ridley - As much a fan of Ridley as I am, I would not want his epicness scaled down. There
are other Metroid villains that could be included on the roster, and despite Ridley's towering popularity and importance over the others, he simply should stay away from the Roster. He's too good for it.
Gardevoir / Gallade - This is horrible. Why are they so popular anyways? There's nothing special about them, not in the games
or the anime (which is what promotes characters to the roster for the most part) so why include them? Out of all 493 Pokemon, many of which wouldn't work anyways, but also taking into account the massive amount of "bipedal" Pokemon, why two Pokemon from the same family? Pikachu AND Pichu were bad enough as it is. Mewtwo could hardly balance the Pikachu-Pichu-Jigglypuff cute chain, and the Pokemon roster in Brawl is pretty balanced to say the least. We do not need both Gardevoir AND Gallade, let alone either of them. I love Mewtwo, but I'd rather Deoxys join the group, but not even that is going to happen. Man, I would
love to have Magmar and Electabuzz included on the roster, but I'm not promoting them, because they would never make it. If we get anyone else, it'll be a Pokemon from the 5th or 6th Gen. Please blot Gardevoir and Gallade out.
Tails / Knuckles / Gray Fox - We do not need more than one rep for third party series. Period. If Sonic is awkward enough alone, then remove him, don't dilute him with more reps from his series so he'll fit in more. The same goes for Snake. Gray Fox is entirely unnecessary. Why give Sonic more reps than F-Zero and Metroid? That's preposterous. Third party characters really shouldn't even be in. I love Bomberman, and have wanted him to be included in Smash Bros since SSB64, but I would gladly sacrifice his inclusion for a first/second party character.