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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2008
Chief Mendez, that was a pretty **** good suggestion. I definitely agree with it.

Anyway, if Ridley is playable, then he needs Mecha Ridley and Meta Ridley costumes.

Another thing I would like to change about FS is how incredibly intrusive they are. Especially CF's. It get really annoying when the entire flow of the battle is broken due to that cinema. Regular FS are annoying as well, as they tend to zoom.

FS in general should also be nerfed. Some are way too strong (LM, Super Sonic, Zero beam) and need to be rebalanced. FS in general should take more skill to use and be less potent. Nerf the range of most FS, and reduce the time on transformations.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
globiumz said:
Another thing I would like to change about FS is how incredibly intrusive they are. Especially CF's. It get really annoying when the entire flow of the battle is broken due to that cinema. Regular FS are annoying as well, as they tend to zoom.

FS in general should also be nerfed. Some are way too strong (LM, Super Sonic, Zero beam) and need to be rebalanced. FS in general should take more skill to use and be less potent. Nerf the range of most FS, and reduce the time on transformations.
But notice how CF's is the only one that does that. Think about it: how else would they use the Blue Falcon?

But obviously that's something they generally stayed away from, unless they had no other conceivable options, as is the case with CF.

But I think, in general, that the FSs are basically fine as they are in Brawl. I do agree that Super Sonic and the Landmasters (especially Falco's!) are way too powerful, but the rest of them can be avoided with the right technique, or at least nullified completely *coughsquirtlecoughwithdrawcough.

And how could they take less skill to use? We're definitely not going to have character-specific input commands like in other fighting games, and I think the system as is is very suiting to Smash Bros.. I mean, if you look back at all Sakurai's said about the FSs, you'll realize that the system was conceived specifically to let people make ridiculous comebacks. To let the little brothers or crap friends have their ten seconds of glory per match. I think it's fun, but the best thing about it is that if you don't like that extra dash of randomness...you can turn off Smash Balls!

One final thing: why do you think Zero Laser is overpowered? If you do it off-stage, you'll die afterwards, and almost every character (sorry Bowser) can jump-jump-recover above it--it'll have dissipated by the time they come back to the ground.

I'm sure of two things: 1) it's pretty well balanced, and 2) it has reason to be, since I guarantee the concept has been around since Smash 64 (apparently, FSs were supposed to be in Smash 64--they had voice clips and everything!--, but for whatever reason (probably hardware limits with storage) they were cut), so it has reason to be.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2008
I'm basically thinking FFA with the zero laser..... But no button input commands. I just hope they make them harder to land, like MK's FS. Instead of huge explosions, tanks, lazarz and so on I want FS that deals incredible damage to a smaller area. Link, Marth, Ike, and MK and their FS are the best examples of this.

As for FS being intrusive, lots are. Light arrow from Sheik/Zelda. Trippel finish. Snake's FS. And so on. Removal of the camera zoom function would help. And, as I said, FS that are less intrusive to the battle at large. I would love to play with FS, but it annoys the heck out of me when D3 uses his FS and the entire stage is raided by his minions.

I can live with most interruptions, like being attacked while attacking someone else in FFA, but FS are over the top.


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2008
la universidad
this is off-topic, but what about a capture the flag type mode? a really long stage (or, hopefully, multiple stages) would have to be created specifically for this mode. It would be played split screen for multiplayer so the characters arent tiny when they're spread out. You would have to use a stamina-type thing (probably 200 or 300 hit points) and have regeneration by your flag instead of the center of the stage. KO's upwards would work as well. When holding the flag, you can use it as a weapon but it isnt very powerful and cant combo. Its obviously a team-based type of thing; probably 4 players per team would work best.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
this is off-topic, but what about a capture the flag type mode? a really long stage (or, hopefully, multiple stages) would have to be created specifically for this mode. It would be played split screen for multiplayer so the characters arent tiny when they're spread out. You would have to use a stamina-type thing (probably 200 or 300 hit points) and have regeneration by your flag instead of the center of the stage. KO's upwards would work as well. When holding the flag, you can use it as a weapon but it isnt very powerful and cant combo. Its obviously a team-based type of thing; probably 4 players per team would work best.
Any more than four players total would be impossible for Smash. It would have to be two on a team, one on a team, three against one, or something like that.

It's a good idea though.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008

Ray Allen

A: bounces basketball off of opponent, 1% lil knockback
AA: does it again, 2% lil knockback
AAA: kicks basketball off of opponent, 6%, medium knockback

Dash Attack: goes for the layup, gets fouled, instead of free throws 11% damage to opponent, medium knockback

Ftilt: bounce pass into opponent, 9% medium knockback
Utilt: hops up (kinda like Olimar) and elbows opponent in face / whacks with arm, 10% medium knockback
Dtilt: crouches on ground, swings arm out (like reaching for a basketball, looks like DK's) 11%, good knockback

Fsmash: winds up basketball one handed, then releases, 17%-25% great knockback
Dsmash: charges up power, boxes opponent out (kinda looks like Sheik's usmash) 18% - 23%, great knockback
Usmash: charges up a Granny style shot with both hands that will send ball straight up, 16% - 26%, great knockback

Fair: goes for a dunk, slams ball down in a Mario fairish motion, spikes like Mario's, 13%, good knockback
Dair: throws a basketball straight down, spikes, 10%, good knockback
Uair: puts hands up for rebound, 9%, medium knockback, sex properties
Bair: slaps around behind him looking for ball, 11%, good knockback

Up B: Jumps real high for dunk, kinda like DDDs, has superarmor, spikes when coming down, lil stars come out (jk), 15%, good knockback
Side B: chargeable distance, drains a three, 18%, great knockback
Down B: assumes defense position, low center of gravity, etc, acts as a reflector as he gains super-reflexes

Final Smash: Like Snakes: calls KG, who jumps in, Ray jumps on his shoulders, both jump out, KG hovers at 3 point range while Ray locks on to opponents and rapid fires threes. He NEVER misses, it goes through superarmor, (WHAT NOW SQUIRTLE?!?) and deals a whopping 30% damage and has AMAZING knockback.

Maybe even instead of this, the character is Doc Rivers, who actually doesn't do anything and sends out KG, Paul Pierce, or Ray Allen. Similar to PT


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
San Diego
Neutral B: "Box of Awesome" -- The box emits awesomeness. All opponents within 3 Smart Bomb radii receive 100% damage.

Side B: "Why Yes, I Am Top Tier, Fool" -- All opponents with at least 1% damage lose one stock.

Up B: "The Name's Box... Snake's Box..." -- The box returns to the center of the stage, and all opponents becomes paralyzed for the next 30 seconds.

Down B: "Boxness Overwhelming" -- Box becomes invincible for the rest of the game. He can then move around, and anyone he touches receives a blow similar to Marth's Critical Hit.

Final Smash: "All Your Stock Are Belong to Box" -- Box takes 5 stock from each of his opponents, and adds them to his own stock.

PS: These stock-based moves always work, because the first thing Box does when you unlock him (which is nearly impossible) is to destroy the Time and Coin options.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Underwater combat

They introduced swimming in brawl. But after a few seconds you drown. Why not have under water combat. The characters could have different underwater tilt attacks or special attacks that work most effectively underwater. Stages could be half underwater, mostly underwater, or completely underwater. Characters should not drown.
this would definetly add some new strategies and sure seems like a good, fun idea that would make and give smash a "new" feeling

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
globiumz said:
I'm basically thinking FFA with the zero laser..... But no button input commands. I just hope they make them harder to land, like MK's FS. Instead of huge explosions, tanks, lazarz and so on I want FS that deals incredible damage to a smaller area. Link, Marth, Ike, and MK and their FS are the best examples of this.

As for FS being intrusive, lots are. Light arrow from Sheik/Zelda. Trippel finish. Snake's FS. And so on. Removal of the camera zoom function would help. And, as I said, FS that are less intrusive to the battle at large. I would love to play with FS, but it annoys the heck out of me when D3 uses his FS and the entire stage is raided by his minions.

I can live with most interruptions, like being attacked while attacking someone else in FFA, but FS are over the top.
Well, that's why they're fun, really.

I agree with the camera issues, though. Half the time, when I dodge Triple Finish, I end up SD'ing since I can't see myself. But if everyone's FS was a one-shot thing like FS, it'd be...boring. Some of them are already kind of stale...

SmashChu said:
Wait, are there polls?
Nope. But we can dream.

SkylerOcon said:
Any more than four players total would be impossible for Smash. It would have to be two on a team, one on a team, three against one, or something like that.

It's a good idea though.
Obviously it isn't impossible, since Multi-Man Brawl support six players, and maybe(?) seven in co-op. It's just a matter of shrinking those ridiculously large damage meters (are the character portraits really necessary?), or possibly placing them above each character (where the names usually go).


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
I think ridley would be a cool edition, seems like he would be a bit like charizard. I also think geno should be in, megaman, perhaps simon belmont, bomberman??? Just throwing some things out there. Vaati from LoZ!!!!! Vaati would be sick.
this is vaati.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Super Smash Bros. Smackdown shall be the name.

Seriously, though, I don't even know. None of the suggestions I've heard from anyone really sound that great as far as the name goes... I just don't know...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Super Smash Bros. Smackdown shall be the name.

Seriously, though, I don't even know. None of the suggestions I've heard from anyone really sound that great as far as the name goes... I just don't know...
Nouns: collision, conflict, encounter, engagement, phalanx, prowess, skirmish.

Verbs: affray, bombard, brush, campaign, carnage, clash, combat, competition, conflict, contend, contest, crusade, cry, duel, encounter, engagement, fight, fray, hostilities, joust, meet, press, skirmish, sortie, strife, struggle, war, warfare.

I think I'm leaning towards "war", "duel", "clash", and of course, "hostilities".

Or they could just pull a Rockstar and call it "Super Smash Bros. 2", then significantly upgrade the system (6-player matches, outstanding online, Oscar-worthy adventure mode, customizable characters, 3D gameplay--whatever's radical enough to warrant the numerical denomination).


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Melee and Brawl are synonyms, and according to thesaurus.com...

Melee synonyms: affray, battle, brawl, clash, commotion, dogfight, donnybrook, fight, fracas, fray, riot, row, ruckus, scuffle, skirmish

Brawl synonyms: affray, broil, donnybrook, fray, free-for-all, melee, riot, row, ruction, tumult

Super Smash Brothers: Scuffle, Clash, or Riot would be my vote. One of those three and I'll be happy.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
San Diego
Ultra Crush Fraternity -- Nuclear Catfight

I think I have created the worst name ever, so if we can think of something opposite to this we should be good. =P


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
The name of the next game should just be:

Super Smash Brothers 4

There, that is a very good name that will make a lot of potential customers excited.

Oh yeah, and Sakurai should avoid having Claus in the game at all costs. We don't need any Darth Vader rip-offs that will make fanboys go utterly wild.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2008
Cicero, IL
We could pull a fighting game cliche wit the name, too

Super Smash Bros. Turbo
Super Smash Bros. Gold
Super Smash Bros. Championship Edition
Super Smash Bros. NEOWAVE
Super Smash Bros. vs. Capcom (hehehe)
Super Smash Bros. XX: Accent Core
Ultra Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros. : The Final Battle

Yeah, these are all dumb but it's pretty funny to consider hehe
Jun 8, 2008
indianapolis, IN
first of all i think they should add some characters from like everything, but im not talking like master chief, but the colorful characters like llyod from tales of symphonia, or maybe megaman (duh), perhaps sora from kingdom hearts? though if they were to cut anyone, definately ditch the clones, ditch snake, ditch ROB, ditch the joke characters! as for a name...Super Smash Brothers: Royale.


Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2005
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
first of all i think they should add some characters from like everything, but im not talking like master chief, but the colorful characters like llyod from tales of symphonia, or maybe megaman (duh), perhaps sora from kingdom hearts? though if they were to cut anyone, definately ditch the clones, ditch snake, ditch ROB, ditch the joke characters! as for a name...Super Smash Brothers: Royale.
So let me get this straight. You want to get rid of Ganondorf, Toon Link, Falco, Wolf, Snake, ROB, "joke characters" (who's a joke character? Pichu is gone.) and want to replace them with Lloyd, Megaman and Sora...?

Excuse me while I gag.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Ultra Crush Fraternity -- Nuclear Catfight

I think I have created the worst name ever, so if we can think of something opposite to this we should be good. =P
So let's see, we want the opposite of this... So let's just use an online antonym finder, and some creative Google searching...

Moderate Repair Sorority -- Conventional Dogfight

We have a... Winner???

Yeah, Google didn't like trying to find opposites for some of those words...

I think seriously, my favorite so far is Clash. Super Smash Clash. Sounds funny, lol.
Jun 8, 2008
indianapolis, IN
dude it would add individuality to the cast, and they could keep ganondorf he has so much room for different moves. as for falco yeah kick him out nubs use falco, wolf could be kept in i laugh at him when i fight him casue of his easy everything in the world kills his up and side b though he also has room for improvement!. the others yeah boot em snake was nice but he like showed up to the wrong fight. toon link isnt a solid char., as for ROB WTF you booted and awesome char like roy or mewtwo for ROB?! and besides llyod would have an awesome moveset, megaman would be pretty tight to see, and sora would fit in well!

gag away my friend gag away!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2007
See signature...
Snake is not going to leave.Hes Snake,a legend of videogames and his inclusion in Brawl made a lot of Sony players interested about Brawl and Wii.Hes also very popular.
Oh,and BTW:Do not tell any MGS4 spoilers please!.
I just want to see Ridley in the next smash.Rool,Claus and Megaman are good candidates too,but Rodley is a must.If hes in,then I can finally die peacefully XD.
Jun 8, 2008
indianapolis, IN
i can proudly respond to your snake statement by saying F*** snake! he blows as a char and his moves are so cheap a**. i swear when i show up at a tournament the only thing i see from any snake are the failure mortar slides, the cheap a** f-tilts, and all the grenade dropped in place crap. the only thing any snake does at a tournament is advance his opponent to the next rounds.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
I have this weird feeling that no one really cares... Even if Snake did suck, which he really doesn't, people like him being in Brawl. He's not going anywhere. He brings something unique to the roster, and despite seeming a little out of place at first (at least to me), he's grown on me, and he deserves a spot in the next Smash as much as any character.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
i can proudly respond to your snake statement by saying F*** snake! he blows as a char and his moves are so cheap a**. i swear when i show up at a tournament the only thing i see from any snake are the failure mortar slides, the cheap a** f-tilts, and all the grenade dropped in place crap. the only thing any snake does at a tournament is advance his opponent to the next rounds.

okay, so, I think I smell someone who got WRECKED by a Snake at a tourney. And just so ya know, Snake has the best tourney rankings, go check Ankoku's thread.

Anyways, I think there's 50-50 odds that Snake comes back. He was a favor for a friend, and Sakurai might not develop SSB: Gang Fight.

And after toying around with Stage Builder for like 12093874 hours this morning, I realized how much it blows. They need to add walk off stages, water, and all sorts of stuff to it.
Jun 8, 2008
indianapolis, IN
no...no he doesnt...he was a one time shot and F***ed it up! he shouldnt return i havent even played MGS4 but i bet you he didnt return in that. who ever put him in smash should be "smashed" with an ore and then tied to a chair while we interrogate him with mudkipz! hes out of place he has no cartoon like charm like everyone else, and he uses weapons based on real weapons (or actual real weapons im no specialist!).

hey super man? get real your more like a super fanboy! i can crush any snake any day even while sleeping


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2008
Tuckahoe, don't say anything...lol
no...no he doesnt...he was a one time shot and F***ed it up! he shouldnt return i havent even played MGS4 but i bet you he didnt return in that. who ever put him in smash should be "smashed" with an ore and then tied to a chair while we interrogate him with mudkipz! hes out of place he has no cartoon like charm like everyone else, and he uses weapons based on real weapons (or actual real weapons im no specialist!).

hey super man? get real your more like a super fanboy! i can crush any snake any day even while sleeping
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