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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
This thread is hard to do since it is 587 pages long and no one can read all those pages so I am responding to stuff from pages 1-10 I have read so far.

Removing Sakurai will not solve problems but make things worse. Sakurai is great at organizing the movements and strengths of the characters. Now that being said, Sakurai needs an advisor or somebody who can help him make better decisions on how the characters should move, etc.

IMO there also needs to be a co-manager of Sakurai's level brought in that is more up to date and knows what the fans want. Doing stupid things like leaving out Mewtwo and Ridley, tripping, and having a cruddy multiplayer mode shows that maybe Sakurai is not in touch with the major fanbase. If the game is good it will draw casuals, there is no particular need to cater to them.

I honestly think they should go all out on the next one, I would. Pay Microsoft/Bungie and get Masterchief. Get Megaman. Add more Sonic characters. Add Ridley. Put all the old characters back in and return all the characters from Brawl. Add Bowser Jr., King K. Rool, Krystal, Samurai Goroh, Geno if possible, and Funky Kong would be a good edition.

I also think there should be a Duck Hunt stage. New characters from new series (some of the AT could be characters in the future series). I think this game should have been advertised on Television more although I think the Dojo was a good idea (daily updates may be too much and may have taken a lot from the game) I say wait until Friday and do a big update or multiple updates.

Adventure Mode should use more characters and stages from the actual series. In fact I think that Sakurai should just recruit teams from each video game series to produce a small piece of the game for their represented franchise.

I think their should be a lot of time in the game and the game may be more than the traditional $50 value but that would be ok if it could be a stronger and deeper game. Some of the innovations such as the long list of songs where great. However, there is almost this feel for Brawl that the game was rushed a little towards the end and a lot was left out. I get this feel with the stages which seem small. I get this feeling for SSE which turns repetitive at the end despite a strong start. I get this feeling with the characters and the fact that there were many characters started on but not finished.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
1. Gather the pros to test the game...

2. Actually follow the popularity polls of characters wanted

3. -_- Remove tripping

4. Have two people direct it so there is no bias characters with a strong edge (aka MK)

5. Bring back Roy and Mewtwo, at least Mewtwo

6. Alternate Characters is a good idea (I read a Marth - Roy, that's just stupid...)

7. Don't fix anything that isn't broken (Don't nerf, only buff) (broken things can be nerfed)

8. Take advice from the players

9. Smash B's could work, there are already characters with smash B (Like Samus), I love the idea of dash B

10. Team final smashes for same series teams (Like Ike + Marth gives a special final smash) or special cases (Sonic + Mario) otherwise have a basic team final smash

11. I like the special bar idea someone mentioned, (put levels to the bar), final smashes cannot be used from this, this should just maybe give you the option to reduce charing time on specials or make them stronger at the cost of the bar (This could make charactors with charagable recoveries actually max their charge much more quickly and let them come back if they saved their bar, yes I mainy want this for Ike's QD >_>). if you fill the bar to the max level then you get super move. (Healing or transformation boost till you are killed, NO KILL MOVES) Bars should go down if you die. (option to keep this off incase if fails in the competitve field) You would need like a special input along with the B button, prehaps make it the X button/Y button/R button (Player can change it from preference)

12. Better adventure mode, more bosses, Robotnik is a serious must. I like the adventure mode in Melee better, make it more like that.

13. Only 3 air dodges allowed in total when in the air (one to DI/regain control, one to avoid a move, one for a last resort but you go into fall special then), and maybe a 1 second cool down for spot dodging.

14. Prehaps get rid of glide canceling but not as whole, just give it a way to reduce landing lag not completely get rid of it.

15. The competitive players that have remained are faithful you will give us a competitive game instead of a casual based game. Please nintendo don't break our spirits.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
It's a problem of organization. Questions come in like "Which one is used for classic" as well as it can make a general mess. It's much harder from a design perspective.
Ah, yeah, makes sense. Duh. :ohwell:

That's what I get for replying to the thread so early in the morning, I guess. :laugh:

14. The competitive players that have remained are faithful you will give us a competitive game instead of a casual based game. Please nintendo don't break our spirits.
Um... I'm pretty sure there are just as many, if not more, faithful casual gamers who have stuck with the series through and through. Casual gamers don't die out after one game.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Um... I'm pretty sure there are just as many, if not more, faithful casual gamers who have stuck with the series through and through. Casual gamers don't die out after one game.
I don't think casual players will be affected by a game that is competitived based. Where they affected by Melee? only probably when they played someone who played the game competitively and used "cheap" tricks to win. They just want to use the character they love so much to beat up other characters they hate or their friends.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
I don't think casual players will be affected by a game that is competitived based. Where they affected by Melee? only probably when they played someone who played the game competitively and used "cheap" tricks to win. They just want to use the character they love so much to beat up other characters they hate or their friends.
Casuals weren't negatively affected by Melee, no, but if SSB4 had Melee-like mechanics and physics again, most casuals wouldn't take kindly to it. The majority of casuals see Brawl as a progression from Melee in terms of just about everything.

There's a lot more to a casual player than just wanting to beat up their friends in a fighting game. I'm a casual player, and I'm always trying to improve and work out problems in my tactics and fighting style. Just because someone plays casually doesn't mean they don't appreciate or recognize deeper elements of the game.


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Very scary ruins
No 4 different types of control. Honestly they all suck except for the Gamecube option.
And SirKibble when Melee came out there wern't casual gamers really. Now they're in our Smash Bros!


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
No 4 different types of control. Honestly they all suck except for the Gamecube option.
Afraid of change, huh? I find the Wiimote+Nunchuk option quite viable.

And SirKibble when Melee came out there wern't casual gamers really. Now they're in our Smash Bros!
Um... Yeah, I'm pretty sure there were always casual gamers...


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
No 4 different types of control. Honestly they all suck except for the Gamecube option.
And SirKibble when Melee came out there wern't casual gamers really. Now they're in our Smash Bros!
Have you even tried to change the controls yourself? I personally use a custom Wiimote-Nunchaku set up.


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2007
In my secret laboratory.
BALANCE! I just hate it that i cant become a pro by playing Yoshi ****!!! Its not fair...

A better Stagebuilder.


oh yeah and call it SSB RIOT!!!


Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2008
I'm just thinking that Kingdom Hearts 3 will (probably) be on the Wii. So if they could be represented in Riot, that'd be sick. I'd even be happy with just Sora, and his Final Smash could be Trinity Limit, or something else involving DOnald and Goofy,

oh, and an idea ive heard before, but wanna bring up again, a FInal Smash Gauge. It fills over time and the more people you KO the faster it grows, and a Smash Ball jus instantly fills it up. Think of the older WWE games where you filled up your special bar.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Since we have Punch Out Wii on the way, a Punch Out character is likely in SSB4. However, there is a question I'd like to ask: Which character will it be? Will it be Little Mac, or will it be his Hispanic counterpart, Little Mig(as I call him) from the newest one?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2008
Death Star
I also think that Sora should be in SSB Combat. (<-- that's what I call it) The Kingdom Hearts series diservs AT LEAST that much because it's a VERY popular series. And I don't care what any of you say about it, I WANT A STAR WARS CHARACTER!!!!! That is all.

P.S. Anyone know approximately when KH3 comes out?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!

I think I'm about ready to just unsubscribe here and move on with my life...
indeed, I just so happen to have been unsuscribed ever since you guys had well.... I won't spoil it here.

@ rex: Sora should be in but his chances aren't so good apart from him being 3rd-Party, he has also not been a a Nintendo system beside Chain of Memories, though all that might all change when KH comes out for DS.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Who more then Groundskeeper Willie.
Gee, I don't know, man. I think he's probably about the most deserving character in the world who's not already in the game. Heck, he's more deserving than half the current roster! Maybe the whole current roster!



Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2008
I also think that Sora should be in SSB Combat. (<-- that's what I call it) The Kingdom Hearts series diservs AT LEAST that much because it's a VERY popular series. And I don't care what any of you say about it, I WANT A STAR WARS CHARACTER!!!!! That is all.

P.S. Anyone know approximately when KH3 comes out?


1) I am so glad people agree with me on the KH stuff. My favorite games of all time, no lie.
2) I think that Sora, Donald and Goofy should be in (or I'd replace Donald & Goofy with Karir and Riku, and lol, all 5 would be nice too. Hey, even King Mickey, but him and Roxas i dont think have the biggest shots)
3)the DS game (Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days) should put Sora & Co. in a good spot to put em in.
4) About KH3, and I'm just guessing, but here are my thoughts. KH1 came out, then it took 4 years to come out w/ #2. but in the middle, 2 years after #1 came out, CoM came out. So now, 2 years since KH2 came out, the DS, PSP & mobile games are coming out, so if im correct with this pattern, we should see a KH3 in about 2 years, more or less. Anyone agree? Probably a bit more than 2 years tho cuz they got like 3 or 4 games for the handhelds to produce before major platforms get one



Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I also think that Sora should be in SSB Combat. (<-- that's what I call it) The Kingdom Hearts series diservs AT LEAST that much because it's a VERY popular series. And I don't care what any of you say about it, I WANT A STAR WARS CHARACTER!!!!! That is all.

P.S. Anyone know approximately when KH3 comes out?
First and foremost, it's third party. Third party in a Nintendo fighting game. There is a good reason there are only two characters out of 35. Popularity is not part of the equation.

Also, Star Wars? I think you forgot what Smash is all about my friend.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb

Megaman =D
NO clones---> Captain Falcon and Ganondorf - Fox, Falco and Wolf - Link and Toon Link
GREAT improvement on the stage builder
More added to single player
Better Online
Stages that dont have stupid hazards.
Bring back Links Hurricane Stage from N64
Make the game so it takes into acount competitive players....FFS SAKURAI
More Characters-----Less Pokemon Characters lol and mayb 2 sonic chars MAX including Sonic....no more


Smash Cadet
Aug 4, 2008
the netherlands
they should bring the drawn to life charcter majer in smash
where you could make a connection to your DS and load your creations
and maybe the ***gotry of spongebob drawn to life loadable 2X.X

Star Lucas

Smash Cadet
Sep 4, 2008
I want Banjo Kazooie in so bad!!=O Super Smash Brothers: Battle Royale has a good ring to it. I like that name a lot ^o^. Tripping ftl! =(
-No mii characters; they sound plain...

-Fix clones. Nuff said.

-Final smash gauge. Fills on use of A attacks. Depletes very little when B attacks are used. This forces (or helps) players to stop spamming projectiles/tornadoes (reflector exception to gauge rule).

-Speed up the movement please. Melee is a nice speedy game. Brawl is too slow imo...


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2008
Death Star
First and foremost, it's third party. Third party in a Nintendo fighting game. There is a good reason there are only two characters out of 35. Popularity is not part of the equation.

Also, Star Wars? I think you forgot what Smash is all about my friend.
First of all, I know popularity IS part of the equation because: Metal Gear Solid=POPULAR. Sonic The Hedgehog=POPULAR

Second, Star Wars games have been on Nintendo systems quite a lot. And could someone tell me where the "Smash Games Rulebook" is that says movie franchises that switched into video games can't be put in!!! Just because it hasn't happened before doesn't mean it's in some set of rules that says it can't happen. Sakurai can do whatever the hell he wants. And before you guys start sending me hate posts or posts insulting me or posts arguing with me, just think about it for a while from MY point of view.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
First of all, I know popularity IS part of the equation because: Metal Gear Solid=POPULAR. Sonic The Hedgehog=POPULAR

Second, Star Wars games have been on Nintendo systems quite a lot. And could someone tell me where the "Smash Games Rulebook" is that says movie franchises that switched into video games can't be put in!!! Just because it hasn't happened before doesn't mean it's in some set of rules that says it can't happen. Sakurai can do whatever the hell he wants. And before you guys start sending me hate posts or posts insulting me or posts arguing with me, just think about it for a while from MY point of view.
If someone can find the link where Sakurai said no movie characters in Brawl than +50 points for you.

I don't think that Darth Vader should be in SSB4 because Soul Calibur 4 did it, and if they did that people would hate SSB4 for copying SC4. As cool as Vader would be, that would cause some problems.

It would make the beam sword item in the game irrelevant, that they'd have to cut it if Vader was in Brawl.

Also, if Vader was in Brawl, many people would be angry that Vader got in before Claus (Masked Man) including Shigisato Itoi himself (the creator of the MOTHER series). Basically Claus is just a rip-off of Darth Vader. I know a lot of people wanted Claus in before Ness, so having Vader would be a big spit in the face of Itoi and MOTHER 3/Lucas fanboys who demand that Claus replace Ness.

Vader also uses a sword. We'd then have too much saturation of sword users in Brawl, and not a variety of weapons. Sora and Vader both use swords, even if they are "slightly" different being keyblades or lightsabres or whatever, they're still swords and we need more variety of types of attacks. Claws, polearms/staves/cheerleading batons, spears, or even non-weapon like items could be more varied representation than adding 5 new sword users. Although having 1 or 2 new sword users would be ok if they added like 12 more non-sword users to compensate for it and give us variety.

Vader would also be pushing the "bad ***" factor too much. SSB4 should have a fair balance between cute childish kiddy innocent characters like Kirby and Jigglypuff, and not have too much "bad ***" in it like Vader, Master Chief, or Snake otherwise this game's representation would be unbalanced.

Vader would also cost a lot of money for Nintendo to have.

Vader would also be demanded to be made a stronger hitter than Ike, and that would piss a lot of people off if Vader's lightsabre would be more damaging and higher knockback than Ragnell.

So you see? Having Star Wars in Brawl can present a lot of problems even though I think Vader would be awesome in SSB4, it would have all those issues there.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
^^^ Geez, somebody has no fath. The Smash seires has always bring happiness and joy, why would you say such bad words to it. D:

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
First of all, I know popularity IS part of the equation because: Metal Gear Solid=POPULAR. Sonic The Hedgehog=POPULAR

Second, Star Wars games have been on Nintendo systems quite a lot. And could someone tell me where the "Smash Games Rulebook" is that says movie franchises that switched into video games can't be put in!!! Just because it hasn't happened before doesn't mean it's in some set of rules that says it can't happen. Sakurai can do whatever the hell he wants. And before you guys start sending me hate posts or posts insulting me or posts arguing with me, just think about it for a while from MY point of view.
For Snake:
Snake was only included because his creator, Hideo Kojima, is friends with Sakurai and asked for Snake to be in Smash. That was already for Melee so, but there they've been too far in development. He'll most likely be a One-Hit-Thing, a character who appears and then never again.

For Sonic:
This was the result of a poll of who would be the most demanded character addition to Smash. Out of the two 3rd Party-characters, Sonic has better chances to reappear in SSB4 than Snake, considering the fact that Sega and Nintendo work together closely.

For Vader:
I don't think he will appear in any Smash, simply because of a few facts:
- He's not a character of a Japanese company
- He's probably far too expensive to get the rights for

Sure, he'd be cool, but I doubt any movie character will make it.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2008
Death Star
WOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!! I make ONE Vader moveset and now when I say "STAR WARS" you think I'm referring to Vader!!!! If you would read one of my earlier posts, I specifically said that I would rather have Starkiller than Vader (or possibly Yoda). Starkiller (or Yoda) don't add to the "bad ***" factor as was listed before. Starkiller (or Yoda) are NOT too big. The beam sword can still be used as a stronger weapon than the lightsaber (and also for the sake of the other characters WITHOUT lightsabers). And Starkiller is specifically a video game character (not to mention the fact that he is both a good guy and a bad guy so the only character needed would be him). Please don't assume that I'm talking about Vader.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
First of all, I know popularity IS part of the equation because: Metal Gear Solid=POPULAR. Sonic The Hedgehog=POPULAR

There is a difference between saying X Nintendo character is popular and X Third Party character is popular. The Nintendo characters almost always have the most request. Megaman is the only contender, and even he doesn't stand a good chance of coming ion the next one.

Snake was planned to be the only 3rd party character till they decided to add Sonic late into development. Sora being popular means nothing.

Second, Star Wars games have been on Nintendo systems quite a lot. And could someone tell me where the "Smash Games Rulebook" is that says movie franchises that switched into video games can't be put in!!! Just because it hasn't happened before doesn't mean it's in some set of rules that says it can't happen. Sakurai can do whatever the hell he wants. And before you guys start sending me hate posts or posts insulting me or posts arguing with me, just think about it for a while from MY point of view.
Sakurai said the character has to start in a video game, and don't go saying the apprentice because the whole franchise is movie based (and no one wants him anyway).


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
I think if a Star Wars character got into Smash 4, I'd cry, asking myself, "What has this world come to?"

I actually bordered on that with Snake, because he's so out-of-place compared to almost the entire rest of the roster. His status in the world of gaming eventually pulled me through. Still, seeing Snake duke it out with anyone besides characters like Link and Samus really bothered me at first. With anyone from Star Wars, I don't think I could handle it. I'd just have to hope they were unlockable, and never unlock them.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2008
Death Star
You guys are communists!!! You can't even let me have an opinion of my own. Last time I checked, I have freedom of speech. I know what your thinking "Well rexinator, it's not like we're trying to CONTROL your thoughts", before you EVEN go there, IT'S JUST A METAPHOR!!! I think that people should be able to express their ideas here WITHOUT being chewed out by 40 people at a time.

I want a Star Wars charcter, END OF DISCUSSION!!!

Moving on, I also think that Megaman should be in, he's a classic.
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