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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
oh so he's trying to get me to stop giving out ideas. Because if so. I want Master Warlord to know that he's a ****ING DIP****ING****!

Trying to trick me are you Warlord.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Kalas from Baten Kaitos for SSB4.
1. Baten Kaitos was an awesome game.

2. ...But it's nowhere near popular enough to warrant a PC. It might be cool to see a Magnus Card show up as an item or something, but otherwise no.

@MasterWarlord: I've told you once, I've told you twice...this is what you get for disregarding my advice. :chuckle: THESE RAVENOUS MONSTERS ARE DEVOURING YOUR SOUL


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2008
Death Star
oh so he's trying to get me to stop giving out ideas. Because if so. I want Master Warlord to know that he's a ****ING DIP****ING****!

Trying to trick me are you Warlord.
o.k., i'll tell him.

Master Warlord, Mike want you to know that your a ****ING DIP****ING****!

there, I gave him the message


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
oh so he's trying to get me to stop giving out ideas. Because if so. I want Master Warlord to know that he's a ****ING DIP****ING****!

Trying to trick me are you Warlord.
Oh, I am so terribly sorry for being a "****ING DIP****ING****!". I could never hope to make as good of boss movesets as you. The ones I have are so much worse.

Boss: Dry Giga Bowser

Characters: 15

Considering you have 15 characters to use against this behemoth, he's as hard as any of the other bosses, but is still certainly a good notch above the rest due to how late in the game he is. Some of his attacks are from that of the playable character version of Giga Bowser, but he's in a boss format, meaning he can't be knocked back and has a health bar, as well as plenty new attacks in store for you. Some of his attacks also revolve around his "Dry" status, making use of his bones. Dry Giga Bowser stays at the right side of the screen, and while you can go behind him to dodge some of his attacks, the boss will only be damaged by attacks from the front, meaning you won't get in any free hits in this battle.


Fireballs: Dry Giga Bowser spits out five fireballs which all ricochet about, bouncing off the sides of the screen if they're going to go out of the playing field. These fireballs do below average knockback and average damage, but are hard to dodge as they travel very fast, are numerous, and go in a rather unpredictable pattern when there are so many of them. The fireballs last a decently long while, and Dry Giga Bowser is still able to do attacks while fireballs are out bouncing around.

Bludgeoning Bones: Dry Giga Bowser takes off both of his arms with his mouth and then rapidly slams them up and down, beating the player with them. The range of the attack is nearly the entire duration of the battlefield, you having to be either behind the boss or at the total opposite end of the arena as him to avoid it. While you can dodge the attack with several well timed sidesteps, this is very hard to do. Picture dodging 6 of Tabuu's red rings of death in a row. If hit by the bones the boss is using as a club, you'll be dealt heavy damage and knockback.

Spike Missles: Dry Giga Bowser turns his back to the player, and spikes rapidly start firing out of the back of his shell (Them regrowing as they're sent out), doing massive damage to the player. It's easy to get caught in the never ending flurry of spikes, the only guaranteed way of dodging the attack being to go behind Dry Giga Bowser. While the attack does no knockback, it's an incredible damage racker. If you're hit for the entire duration of the attack, one of the mere small fireballs of the boss will kill you.

Fire Breathe: Dry Giga Bowser does his regular fire breath attack from his moveset as Bowser, although the range is quite massive and can catch the player in it quite easily. Unless you're lucky enough to be behind the boss when he does this attack, you'll be carried off screen in the stream of never ending fire. It's impossible to jump over the attack for the entire duration, but you can jump over it long enough to avoid being swept away off screen for a KO by it. Another good damage racker. At the end of the attack, Bowser's flames will run short like with the normal Bowser's flame breath, after which he'll end his attack.

Bowser Bomb: Dry Giga Bowser jumps to the top of the middle of the arena, then does his down special from the Smash series. If you're directly under Dry Giga Bowser when he does this, your death is guaranteed, but he thankfully only covers up around a third of the arena with his size. Two large shockwaves go out from Dry Giga Bowser's sides as he does the attack which have a Piplup effect that will drag you off the screen, meaning the attack isn't nearly as simple as it was in Bowser's moveset. Thankfully, after you dodge all the attacks, there's decent ending lag as Dry Giga Bowser gets back up in fighting position and goes back to the right side of the arena.

Attacks added at 75% health:

Whirling Fortress: Dry Giga Bowser goes tucks himself into his bony shell then spins over to the opposite side of the arena and off the screen. If you get caught in the attack, Dry Giga Bowser will pull you along with him in a piplup effect off screen, all the while racking up severe damage on you in the event it somehow doesn't kill you. Upon going off the side of the screen, Dry Giga Bowser will go accross the stage again the other way to go back to where he was originally. Due to the massive size of the boss, this attack is very hard to roll away from, you still being caught for some of the attack if you do. The safest way to dodge the attack is to jump over the boss, but this is no easy task due to his massive size and the fact you have to do it twice quickly.

Chemical Waste: Bowser starts coughing and hacking, looking as if he's choking, the move having some decent starting lag, then hurls out some of the chemical waste that caused him to turn into this form. The attack does no damage at all, but causes massive knockback in a fashion like Mario's FLUDD or Squirtle's neutral B, washing you off the stage. It's impossible to avoid being washed off the stage by merely jumping over the attack, unlike the fire breath, which means the only way to avoid death is to get behind Bowser. After the attack is complete, the chemical waste remains on the battlefield until Bowser uses his fire breath attack again and cleans the waste away. The chemical waste makes the arena more slippery like ice does, and also increases the chances of random tripping (Or introduces it at all, in a perfect world with no totally random tripping).

Dry Minions: If there is chemical waste present, there is a chance Dry Giga Bowser will let out a horrific roar which causes regular Dry Bones enemies to come forth from the chemical waste. They patrol back and forth, throwing bones, being generally bothersome and immune to Bowser's attacks. If you kill them, they'll just revive shortly after, just like the traditional Dry Bones. All Dry Bones will be burnt to ash when Bowser chooses to do his fire breath attack, meaninig they hopefully shouldn't annoy you too long.

Attacks added at 50% health:

Bone Bowler: Dry Giga Bowser takes off his head, does a quick wind up, then throws it accross the screen like a bowling ball. Dry Giga Bowser proceeds to do so with the rest of his body parts, throwing all his limbs until only one arm is left. Due to having no arm to throw his remaining arm, the boss tucks the arm into the shell and fires it out, then does whirling fortress to the other side of the screen. Dry Giga Bowser will proceed to do whirling fortress, the shell being his only remaining on screen body part, then will come back with another whirling fortress after which he'll be back in his basic stance, all the parts of his body reconnected. All the body parts deal large damage and knockback, them coming out in quick succession of each other, although the head does the most.

Headless Koopa: Dry Giga Bowser's head levitates off his body and goes into the background, where it will regularly send massive fireballs that cover the entire screen for 20 seconds. These fireballs must be dodged like Tabuu's red rings of death or else they will mean your end, as they aren't dodgeable by any other means. What's more is Dry Giga Bowser's body will rapidly do his whirling fortress while this attack is going on, giving you two hard things to dodge shortly after each other constantly for the attack's duration. If you're hit by the giant fireballs, you'll be hit as if by a red ring of death from Tabuu, there being no chance for survival.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Oh, I am so terribly sorry for being a "****ING DIP****ING****!". I could never hope to make as good of boss movesets as you. The ones I have are so much worse.

Boss: Dry Giga Bowser

Characters: 15

Considering you have 15 characters to use against this behemoth, he's as hard as any of the other bosses, but is still certainly a good notch above the rest due to how late in the game he is. Some of his attacks are from that of the playable character version of Giga Bowser, but he's in a boss format, meaning he can't be knocked back and has a health bar, as well as plenty new attacks in store for you. Some of his attacks also revolve around his "Dry" status, making use of his bones. Dry Giga Bowser stays at the right side of the screen, and while you can go behind him to dodge some of his attacks, the boss will only be damaged by attacks from the front, meaning you won't get in any free hits in this battle.


Fireballs: Dry Giga Bowser spits out five fireballs which all ricochet about, bouncing off the sides of the screen if they're going to go out of the playing field. These fireballs do below average knockback and average damage, but are hard to dodge as they travel very fast, are numerous, and go in a rather unpredictable pattern when there are so many of them. The fireballs last a decently long while, and Dry Giga Bowser is still able to do attacks while fireballs are out bouncing around.

Bludgeoning Bones: Dry Giga Bowser takes off both of his arms with his mouth and then rapidly slams them up and down, beating the player with them. The range of the attack is nearly the entire duration of the battlefield, you having to be either behind the boss or at the total opposite end of the arena as him to avoid it. While you can dodge the attack with several well timed sidesteps, this is very hard to do. Picture dodging 6 of Tabuu's red rings of death in a row. If hit by the bones the boss is using as a club, you'll be dealt heavy damage and knockback.

Spike Missles: Dry Giga Bowser turns his back to the player, and spikes rapidly start firing out of the back of his shell (Them regrowing as they're sent out), doing massive damage to the player. It's easy to get caught in the never ending flurry of spikes, the only guaranteed way of dodging the attack being to go behind Dry Giga Bowser. While the attack does no knockback, it's an incredible damage racker. If you're hit for the entire duration of the attack, one of the mere small fireballs of the boss will kill you.

Fire Breathe: Dry Giga Bowser does his regular fire breath attack from his moveset as Bowser, although the range is quite massive and can catch the player in it quite easily. Unless you're lucky enough to be behind the boss when he does this attack, you'll be carried off screen in the stream of never ending fire. It's impossible to jump over the attack for the entire duration, but you can jump over it long enough to avoid being swept away off screen for a KO by it. Another good damage racker. At the end of the attack, Bowser's flames will run short like with the normal Bowser's flame breath, after which he'll end his attack.

Bowser Bomb: Dry Giga Bowser jumps to the top of the middle of the arena, then does his down special from the Smash series. If you're directly under Dry Giga Bowser when he does this, your death is guaranteed, but he thankfully only covers up around a third of the arena with his size. Two large shockwaves go out from Dry Giga Bowser's sides as he does the attack which have a Piplup effect that will drag you off the screen, meaning the attack isn't nearly as simple as it was in Bowser's moveset. Thankfully, after you dodge all the attacks, there's decent ending lag as Dry Giga Bowser gets back up in fighting position and goes back to the right side of the arena.

Attacks added at 75% health:

Whirling Fortress: Dry Giga Bowser goes tucks himself into his bony shell then spins over to the opposite side of the arena and off the screen. If you get caught in the attack, Dry Giga Bowser will pull you along with him in a piplup effect off screen, all the while racking up severe damage on you in the event it somehow doesn't kill you. Upon going off the side of the screen, Dry Giga Bowser will go accross the stage again the other way to go back to where he was originally. Due to the massive size of the boss, this attack is very hard to roll away from, you still being caught for some of the attack if you do. The safest way to dodge the attack is to jump over the boss, but this is no easy task due to his massive size and the fact you have to do it twice quickly.

Chemical Waste: Bowser starts coughing and hacking, looking as if he's choking, the move having some decent starting lag, then hurls out some of the chemical waste that caused him to turn into this form. The attack does no damage at all, but causes massive knockback in a fashion like Mario's FLUDD or Squirtle's neutral B, washing you off the stage. It's impossible to avoid being washed off the stage by merely jumping over the attack, unlike the fire breath, which means the only way to avoid death is to get behind Bowser. After the attack is complete, the chemical waste remains on the battlefield until Bowser uses his fire breath attack again and cleans the waste away. The chemical waste makes the arena more slippery like ice does, and also increases the chances of random tripping (Or introduces it at all, in a perfect world with no totally random tripping).

Dry Minions: If there is chemical waste present, there is a chance Dry Giga Bowser will let out a horrific roar which causes regular Dry Bones enemies to come forth from the chemical waste. They patrol back and forth, throwing bones, being generally bothersome and immune to Bowser's attacks. If you kill them, they'll just revive shortly after, just like the traditional Dry Bones. All Dry Bones will be burnt to ash when Bowser chooses to do his fire breath attack, meaninig they hopefully shouldn't annoy you too long.

Attacks added at 50% health:

Bone Bowler: Dry Giga Bowser takes off his head, does a quick wind up, then throws it accross the screen like a bowling ball. Dry Giga Bowser proceeds to do so with the rest of his body parts, throwing all his limbs until only one arm is left. Due to having no arm to throw his remaining arm, the boss tucks the arm into the shell and fires it out, then does whirling fortress to the other side of the screen. Dry Giga Bowser will proceed to do whirling fortress, the shell being his only remaining on screen body part, then will come back with another whirling fortress after which he'll be back in his basic stance, all the parts of his body reconnected. All the body parts deal large damage and knockback, them coming out in quick succession of each other, although the head does the most.

Headless Koopa: Dry Giga Bowser's head levitates off his body and goes into the background, where it will regularly send massive fireballs that cover the entire screen for 20 seconds. These fireballs must be dodged like Tabuu's red rings of death or else they will mean your end, as they aren't dodgeable by any other means. What's more is Dry Giga Bowser's body will rapidly do his whirling fortress while this attack is going on, giving you two hard things to dodge shortly after each other constantly for the attack's duration. If you're hit by the giant fireballs, you'll be hit as if by a red ring of death from Tabuu, there being no chance for survival.
Your Sarcasming are you. I know you are. lol.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Both of you need to cut it out. Warlord, If you don't like his boss movesets, ignore them. It's SSB4 related so he has the right to post it here.

Mike, stop being so immature.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Both of you need to cut it out. Warlord, If you don't like his boss movesets, ignore them. It's SSB4 related so he has the right to post it here.

Mike, stop being so immature.
Fine okay and to Master Warlord. Ha I can put it in if I want. Ha ha. Thanks for helping hippochinfat.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008

I'm through with this thread. To much idiocy in it, and people aren't even bothering to gaze through what has been posted before. It's just becoming one silly rehash after another.

Maybe if SamuraiPanda -- or another mod -- came in and started adding already established and generally agreed upon ideas to the OP, this thread wouldn't be one silly flame fest. SmashBrosMike, read the thread and stop being immature.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Resolve personal conflicts in PMs or parking lots. We're all about love and harmony here.

But it definitely does feel like we hash and rehash the same material over and over and over and over. . .


Banned via Warnings
Nov 13, 2007
Yep. I had it coming. Stupid apathy.

I'm through with this thread. To much idiocy in it, and people aren't even bothering to gaze through what has been posted before. It's just becoming one silly rehash after another.

Maybe if SamuraiPanda -- or another mod -- came in and started adding already established and generally agreed upon ideas to the OP, this thread wouldn't be one silly flame fest. SmashBrosMike, read the thread and stop being immature.
i agree 100%


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I must say the Dry Giga Bowser is really uninspired.

A quick character idea.
These are the guys who appear in Kirby Super Star, and can be summoned to help you. It includes Knuckle Joe, Poppy Brother Jr., Bonkers and Sir Kibble (not so sure on the last one).

They act sort of like Pokemon Trainer, but with a twist. For one, you can't switch out. You are stuck with that helper till you die. When you do die, you have to choose the next helper before you spawn. Essentially, you can only control two characters, but true masters will try and master all 4.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
I must say the Dry Giga Bowser is really uninspired.

A quick character idea.
These are the guys who appear in Kirby Super Star, and can be summoned to help you. It includes Knuckle Joe, Poppy Brother Jr., Bonkers and Sir Kibble (not so sure on the last one).

They act sort of like Pokemon Trainer, but with a twist. For one, you can't switch out. You are stuck with that helper till you die. When you do die, you have to choose the next helper before you spawn. Essentially, you can only control two characters, but true masters will try and master all 4.
Helpers FTFW!! Probably won't happen, but it would be sweet!

Not so sure about Kibble?!?! Blasphemy!! ;) Actually, in all honesty, those four could work.

Knuckle Joe
Pros: Speed, Power
Cons: Range, Weight

Poppy Bros. Jr.
Pros: Range, Speed
Cons: Power, Weight

Pros: Power, Weight
Cons: Speed, Range

Sir Kibble
Pros: Range, Weight
Cons: Speed, Power

That's two characters each with each advantage and disadvantage, and it fits them all pretty well.

I would use and abuse this character to freakin' death...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I see Helpers as more of an AT, don't you? When you pop open the capsule, a little Warp Star flies up, and when it crashes back down a random enemy pops out as the helper of whoever called it. They'd walk around with you, doin' their thing (which would differ by the helper) until they run out of HP.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
I see Helpers as more of an AT, don't you? When you pop open the capsule, a little Warp Star flies up, and when it crashes back down a random enemy pops out as the helper of whoever called it. They'd walk around with you, doin' their thing (which would differ by the helper) until they run out of HP.
I see it more plausible that way as well, but I can't help but think they would be a cool PC.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
I see Helpers as more of an AT, don't you? When you pop open the capsule, a little Warp Star flies up, and when it crashes back down a random enemy pops out as the helper of whoever called it. They'd walk around with you, doin' their thing (which would differ by the helper) until they run out of HP.
I definitely agree with you. I think a poke trainer idea should be in SSB4 as itself, with no copycats of this brilliantly milked idea.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Seems like a fun idea; a "flop" helper could be Navi... ugh
This would be amazing. :bee:

Navi should be her own AT though; the Goldeen of the Assist Trophies, if you will. She pops up and follows you around for a while, yelling "HEYHEYLISTENHELLOHEYLISTENLISTENHEYHELLOHELLOHEY" while making you randomly trip anywhere, no matter the terrain (like Brawl, as SSB4 will only have tripping on ice/oil/inclines/etc).

darkserenade said:
I think a poke trainer idea should be in SSB4 as itself, with no copycats of this brilliantly milked idea.
I don't follow...? :bee:


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I see Helpers as more of an AT, don't you? When you pop open the capsule, a little Warp Star flies up, and when it crashes back down a random enemy pops out as the helper of whoever called it. They'd walk around with you, doin' their thing (which would differ by the helper) until they run out of HP.
Yeah, becuase they are already in Brawl.

Think you missed the point.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
SmashChu said:
Think you missed the point.
...Okay...but, consider this: does Knuckle Joe have himself an amount of stamina? Can he be KO'd?

No, he cannot. So maybe that wouldn't be a particularly original idea, and more of an evolution of something already in Brawl. Rather than just KJ, you'd have other Helpers randomly appear from the AT.

...Or not. My sails are sans wind right now. :urg:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2008
Cicero, IL
Dude, how about a Smash spinoff starring the helper characters? It would work and you all know it would.

Plasma Wisp for top tier!
Wheelie for Roll tier!</mvc2 reference>


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Dude, how about a Smash spinoff starring the helper characters? It would work and you all know it would.

Plasma Wisp for top tier!
Wheelie for Roll tier!</mvc2 reference>
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's had that thought. :)

Biospark for top tier! Duh! Biospark pwns the souls of every other helper... 'Cept maybe Sir Kibble. ;)

But seriously, I would love that. Maybe more than Smash itself, Kirby-obsessed freak that I am.
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