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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
This is my move list for (even though it won't happen) Darth Vader:


A: lightsaber slash
side A: stronger lightsaber slash
side AA: double lightsaber slash
side AAA: double lightsaber slash+lightsaber uppercut
dashing A: lightsaber stab
up A: lightsaber stab up
down A: stabs the ground diagonally
up air: lightsaber slash up
side air: thrusting kick
reverse air: backwards thrusting kick
down air: lightsaber stab down to the ground

side smash: small force push
up smash: small force push up
down smash: crouch and small force push to the left and right


grab: normal grab
grab attack: smack with lightsaber
throw side: standard throw
throw up: medium force push up
throw down: puts enemy on ground and stabs with lightsaber


side: BIG force push: hold the special button to charge it up for a more powerful blast

normal: force choke: chokes the people within its range for 3 seconds and pushes the victims back in a small force push

up: BIG force pull: pulls victims down at a very high speed (recovory for this move pulls vader to a ledge)

down: force lighting shock-wave: shoots out a shock-wave of lightning on the ground in both directions


ELECTRIC LIGHTSABER THROW: vader jumps off the stage onto a small ledge that appears and throws his lightsaber with lighting coursing through it which is controled by his force grip and goes anywhere on the screen (just like sonic and pikachu's final smashes but with a lightsaber)


two stormtroopers stand in solute as vader fades in between them

Hey I know it's impossible for Scorpion to appear. But I did make a moveset for him. here it is.



A: Ridge Hand
side A: Ninja Sword Slash
side AA: Twisting Fist
side AAA: Head Strike
dashing A: Front Thrust Kick
up A: Low Heel Kick
down A: Stepping Heel Kick
up air: Ninja Sword Slash Up
down air: Axe Kick
reverse air: Wing Chop
side air: Chest Strike

side smash: Open Palm Strike
up smash: Upside Kick
down smash: Snap Kick


grab: normal grab
grab attack: smacks with Ninja Sword
throw side: normal throw
throw up: kicks hard
throw down: slams ground


Standard B: Bloody Spear - Scorpion throws out his spear and if it gets a hold of someone he pulls them back saying "GET OVER HERE!"

Up B: Teleport Attack - Teleporting behind his opponent he connects with a punch

Side B: Backflip Kick - Scorpion performs a backflip kick followed by a trail of fire

Down B: Hellfire - Scorpion summons the fires of Hell to burn his opponent from underneath


Netherrealm: Scorpion turns the whole stage into the Netherrealm and it burns the Characters except for Scorpion for 20 seconds before the stage turns back to normal.


Scorpion comes in by throwing his spear to the ground and pulls him there.


Scorpion takes out his spear and throws it and pulls the screen to him saying "GET OVER HERE!"

No, really. Somebody should make a GOOD Darth Vader moveset.

Deleted member

A twenty-second final smash? I hope you wouldn't intend it to be constant, or to stunt the play for that long.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008



A: Scratching Claw
side A: Low Paw Attack
side AA: Double Claw Strike
side AAA: Chameleon Palm
dashing A: Lizard Smash
up A: Upward Elbow Strike
down A: Hooking Sweep
up air: Dual Uppercut
down air: Low Hook Kick
reverse air: Reversal
side air: Mid Hook Kick

side smash: Throw
up smash: Spinning Back Kick
down smash: Low Snap Punch


grab: Normal Grab
grab attack: Grabs and whips them with his Tail
throw side: Throw and kicks.
throw up: Throws up in air and uses tail to whip at them twice
throw down: Throws to ground and tail lashes them.


Standard B: Acid Spit - Reptile spits out Acid giving a Character 5% damgae.

Up B: Running Serpent - Reptile swiftly runs behind the opponent and delivers a successful elbow into their face

Side B: Rolling Spikes - Reptile curls himself up into a ball and rolls forward, knocking the opponent off their feet.

Down B: Invisability - Reptile turns invisable but once hitted he turns visable again.


Raging Lizard - Reptile goes on a rage and begins clawing mauling alot and will also spit acid alot.


Reptile is invisable and then becomes visable.


Reptile hisses loudly.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Am I the only one who realizes that Chrono is both popular and was on a Nintendo console? Not to mention that he would be the first third party retro character?


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
sideways 8 wth man?!
Totally. Sideways 8 is the internationally recognozed symbol for "ballin'"

Everything is made more significant through its multiplication by ballin'.

EDIT: @Skyler: You're far from the only one. If nobody else, there's me!

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Sup, Jiggly!

Guess what! It's time for you to learn how the precedent of selecting characters in Smash goes! This has nothing to do with Snake himself, of course, but this is generally how you're going to make a semi-good guess about which characters will make SSB4.

Creating character lists and you

A short guide to creating a character list for SSB4, made by yours truly. In regards to the two recent, and truly horrible, character lists that were just posted I'm going to make a guide telling people which characters to expect, which characters to never get your hopes up for, and why extra Soinc characters will never make it.

Part 1: Is my character popular enough?

Chances are, you want a few pretty popular characters in there. These are characters like Ridley, that despite high fan demand, weren't placed in previous SSB games. A few solutions to see if your character is popular:

- Go to forums and see if people recognize the character. However, there will always be characters like Geno that are only recognized on forums, so please don't only use this method.
- Go to an EB Games and ask somebody working there something like 'Hey, I heard that *insert character* is having a game staring him coming out soon. Do you have any more information?'. If you get an answer confirming that they have heard of the character, then this was a success.
- Ask your friends about the character, whether they be gamers or not. Hopefully, they'll recognize the character (some non-gamers may not recognize them, so take their answers with a grain of salt).

If all three worked, then your character is popular enough!

Part 2: How important is my character?

Let's take Waluigi and Ridley. More people will have heard of Waluigi, simply because the Mario Sports games have had more wide-spread distribution than, say, Metroid games. However, Waluigi has never been in a game outside of the Mario Sports titles, making him an extremely un-important character. This is the same reason as to why Daisy will never make it above an AT level (and yes, I know she was in Mario Land. Keep in mind that was about 20 years ago, and that it would be adding to an already well represented series).

Alternatively, Ridley is the second most important character in the Metroid series, second to only Samus. And for a game with only one character (ZSS doesn't count) represented, Ridley not being included in Brawl was... very, very strange. In the event of an SSB4, he will be in there just because he's important to his game series.

Part 3: How well represented is my character's series/How many other choices are there for my character's series?

Pokemon is an excellent example for this. Mewtwo was, and still is, a very popular Pokemon. However, you have to keep in mind a few things.

- Mewtwo is a first generation Pokemon. Pikachu and Jigglypuff, who will never be removed because they were in SSB64, are first generation. Pokemon Trainer is first generation. Who would get the axe? Mewtwo. Why? Because Lucario is more recognizable now, just because he enticed a whole new generation of Pokemon fans.
- There are 493 Pokemon. And about 20 popular ones. That's more than any other series can say, including Mario.
- Sadly, some of the newer Pokemon players don't recognize Mewtwo. Even some kids now entering the Pokemon tourney scene don't know who he is because of his UU status (or in other words, banned).

In the next SSB, we can expect either a fifth gen rep, or a new PT covering 3rd, 4th, and 5th gens.

Pokemon is already so well represented, there isn't much more ground to cover.

Part 4: Third Party characters -- one per customer

Let's face it. We all want one character from a third party that will never make the game. I want Bomberman, but he'll never make it. Some people want Geno, but he'll never make it.

Keep in mind part 1 when choosing a third party. People, a LOT, of people need to know who they are. Most people don't know who Geno is. Shut the hell up, Geno fanboys, because he will never make it.

Also, you have to make sure the character had a MAJOR role in a game on a Nintendo console. This is why Cloud and Sephiroth won't make it, but characters like Crono and Sora might (using Square as an example). Cloud and Sephie have had very, very limited roles in Chain of Memories. Dissagea... MAYBE. I know that the FF fighter is going to be on the DS, but I don't see it being popular enough to effect anything.

Anyway, this is the basic criteria for a third party character making SSB:

- They must have held a major role in a game on a Nintendo console
- They must be well recognized and respected in the gaming world
- If one character got in from the series, don't expect another
- They must be recognizable period

Please, don't go asking for every Sonic character in existance to make SSB. It's a sad, sad day when I see these character lists that have more Sonic characters than Mario characters. Tails won't happen. Knuckles won't happen. Get over it.

EDIT: What the **** was that, Mendez?


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Skyler, why do you think Bomberman will "never make it"? Am I the only one who thinks the guy actually has a shot? Just curious...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Is it me, or did youtube fall apart while watching this?

...It's just you. ;)

SirKibble said:
Am I the only one who thinks the guy actually has a shot? Just curious...
Look, I like Bomberman games. Saturn Bomberman is probably my favorite multiplayer game of all time (yes, even beyond Smash Bros., if you can conceive of such a thing).

But the character himself is totally irrelevant to the games. He's totally generic, has very little personality...

And he's just not that well-known. Seriously, most people don't even know who he is.

Now...a Bomberman stage might be an interesting idea.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Wario broke youtube...

Skyler, why do you think Bomberman will "never make it"? Am I the only one who thinks the guy actually has a shot? Just curious...
And, Bomberman will never make it because he is:

a) Not well known enough
b) Hasn't had a good game since the N64
c) I really miss his good games...
d) I really, really miss the good games...
e) Hudson needs to make a good Bomberman game...

Anyway, I want him in. It's just that, nobody really... knows who he is.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
That's not to say if somebody decides to localize the Bomberman Jetters anime (four years after the fact, however) we may see another good Bomberman game.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007


Smash Rookie
Sep 26, 2008
uhhh earth
no sega you...

what would sbb4 be like with more sega crap?


focus on climbing more into the history of nintendo introduce past characters and show the youth of today the a mere glimpse of nintendos awesome past. ( i mena christ i'm 13 and maybe 5 kids have ever played a regular playstaion or nintendo 64 ans none have heard about a super nintendo or a nintnedo, or gameboy ((orginal)), )

they did with pit
they did with Ice Climbers:)
they did with game and wacth:confused:
why not toe jam and earl?
why not banjo kazzoie :p
why not conker

also get rid of wolf and editt falco to be less like fox different final smash and gun.

edit link's clone (be it toon link or young link)

tweak lucus's final smash

i didn't expect much out of sonic and he was worse then i thought he'd be
make him less cheap

get rid of yoshi (jk)

bring back the L-jump/dogde instead of just dodge.
make it harder to cacth items and be unable to cacth oppenents items

also make it WAYYYYYYYYYY harder to get the characters.
i got all the character in like 9 hours... WTF?

another thing, i was expecting wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more from event macths make more, make them more difficult,make so unlock something useful (not music or a trophy, unlock a stage or a charater.

also individuil target smash, smash balls ( i felt like playing cheese with me having all queends and the other having pawns) should be gone, assist trophies should be rarer, poke balls should have more of a chence being crap, and golden hammers should lose the ability to float in the air.

get rid of the effn' dog in the assist trophies thing,

and i'd be blessed with a pausing limit (how many people have a cousin or close friend your forced dto hang out with, that constanlty is

A.telling to look at something you already very well know about thet is actaully pretty lame
((pikachu going 2 dimansil dirinng up-B, foxs blue ghost thingies,how cool it looks when ike does its b move ((( every macth))),)) and it bothers the hell out me.

B. is taking up memory by taking like 102 screenshots a hour with lame screenshots
((pikachu going 2 dimansil dirinng up-B, foxs blue ghost thingies,how cool it looks when ike does its b move )) ,) and anytime i put on no pause i awlways have to stop playing to yell at my little brother becuz he screwed something up.

i could go on
i need to spem another thread


Smash Rookie
Sep 26, 2008
uhhh earth
same up-B
same down-B (a little slower but pretty mech the same **** thing)
side B (just falco and fox)
gun same **** thing just slower

and same final smash

you're right they completly could never ever be mistaken for a clone

Cman you're logic is obviously beyonds logic to anyone here

we should com;etly value that opinin and not stab you in the face for being a dumb ***


Smash Ace
Jan 25, 2008
Some boss ideas, from first fought to last:

Dyna Blade (Kirby)
King Boo (Mario)
Crocomire (Metroid)
Cackletta (Mario)
Ganon (beast form) (Zelda)
Dialga (Pokemon)
Kraid (Metroid)
Kudgel (Donkey Kong)
Marx (Kirby)
Unnamed final boss (New character)


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
So you're saying mine's not a GOOD Darth Vader moveset?!?!
No. It is not.



That boss list is good, except it needs:

ARCEUS (Pokemon Diamond)
MECHA BOWSER (Super Mario Sunshine)
DARK MATTER (Kirby 64)
SUPER DIMENTIO (Super Paper Mario)
ANDROSS (Star Fox Adventures)
METAL GEAR RAY (Metal Gear Solid 2)
CRYSTAL KING (Paper Mario 64)


Smash Cadet
Sep 25, 2008
I want people from newer franchises, as well as franchises that havn;t al;lready been featured. Specifically, i wanted Mii's, The Animal Crossing guy, A Castlevania Representative, and i was hoping that Rare would have a heart and let us put Banjo/Kazooie in there somewhere.

I think a pictochat stage with interactive DS capabilities with be awsome.

Obvious choices: Better online play, better stage builder. Random tripping needs to be optional.


Smash Champion
Jan 9, 2008
Under the ground.
Here's something that I really wish Nintendo would do for SSB4.

GIVE US THE ABILITY TO TURN OFF ******* ITEMS IN SINGLE PLAYER MODES! I can't beat anything on Intense because I'm gradually destroyed by lucky ATs, FSs, and explosives.

Any1 else support this?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
KumaOso said:
While you're at it, watch my video response in Schadenfreude and enjoy this piece of work as well.
I for one actually sat through the entire song, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Anyone with even a slight liking of Phoenix Wright or good, classy humor should do the same. :bee:

Nintendood said:
I think a pictochat stage with interactive DS capabilities with be awsome.

What if you cover the entire screen in black? What if you trap a character inside a box? What if you create blocks to cut people off from returning to the stage?

We already have Stage Builder, so that would be totally unnecessary. :ohwell:

metaXzero said:
Any1 else support this?
Nope. I think you just need to try harder. I mean, you can continue as much as you want, and none of the Challenges ask you to complete something on Intense without continuing, so...suck it up and get better.

...And if I'm wrong about the Challenges...well, you still have 5 stock. You'll have to try a few times, sure, but it's not impossible.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008

o yea!

That'd be amazing. His theme IS in Brawl, after all...
Heck. Freaking. Yes.

Theme = Win.

Boss = Win X 9001

Seriously, I love that theme. Kirby 64 was the first Kirby game I played all the way through on my own, so I really grew attached to it. And that theme... Oh, it just... It makes me want to cry... Sort of like you know that freak wanted to do when you shot him in his big bloody red eye with your crystal gun with Ribbon carrying you the whole way... It's just... The memories... Man, I love that game...


Smash Champion
Jan 9, 2008
Under the ground.
Nope. I think you just need to try harder. I mean, you can continue as much as you want, and none of the Challenges ask you to complete something on Intense without continuing, so...suck it up and get better.

...And if I'm wrong about the Challenges...well, you still have 5 stock. You'll have to try a few times, sure, but it's not impossible.
You act like I said "take items out of Smash!". I said "give us the ability to turn them off in Single player modes". Getting beat by the AI is fine (get better or just be overly spammy lol). Its various bomb landing on me (or in my attacks), ATs going to the enemy EVERY FREAKING TIME, and overall just cheap crap happening with the items. I want to beat the modes with my personal ability, not replay them over and over until none of those misfortunes happen.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2008
Ohio Cincinnati-Dayton
You act like I said "take items out of Smash!". I said "give us the ability to turn them off in Single player modes". Getting beat by the AI is fine (get better or just be overly spammy lol). Its various bomb landing on me (or in my attacks), ATs going to the enemy EVERY FREAKING TIME, and overall just cheap crap happening with the items. I want to beat the modes with my personal ability, not replay them over and over until none of those misfortunes happen.
I think they make the 1-Player easier. I've NEVER had a bomb land on me, I just dodge and grab them then hurl them at my enemies.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I for one actually sat through the entire song, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Anyone with even a slight liking of Phoenix Wright or good, classy humor should do the same. :bee:
We so happy! We just exchange all your wedding gifts for cash!
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