Chief Mendez said:
So yeah, he'd seem a lot like Snake. Besides, there are already a lot of other Capcom characters that would fit Smash better.
Blue bomber, what? He seems the only important cartoony one to fit in the world of Smash other than BLANKA. HE BITES ON GIRL'S ****!
Jill on the other hand, has ****, and more options to chose from than Leon.
Rocket launcher, grenade launcher, grenades, knife, taser, lock pick, ****, GREEN HERBS! As well as moves derived from Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
Shoulder Rush, Fire Arm Rush, Beretta Counter, Zombie Summon, Flaming Zombie Summon, Crow Summon, T-002 Summon. Oh wow.
They really need to make Marvel vs. Capcom 3 with--
Beast and Phoenix from X-Men, Black Cat from Spider-man for ****, Leon from Resident Evil sillies, Dante from Devil May Cry, and Apollo Justice, and Johnny the Human Torch.