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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
these are characters that should be playable in the next smash bros game. (If it does happen)

King K. Rool (He will be in since he is very requested)
Dixie Kong (Well I hear Sakurai liking her. So it's likely he will put her in)
Ridley (Though Chances are slim due to Sakurai hating him)
Megaman (Be interesting but wouldn't he be like a samus clone because they look similar in fighting. just saying?)
Geno (Maybe)
Paper Mario (That would be neat. Has a good chance)
Isaac (Could but ain't that big of a franchise)
Bomberman (Could work)

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I was just recognizing that Dark Samus is exclusive to a trilogy when Ridley has been around forever.
Well sure, but aren't you forgetting just how freaking huge Ridley is? I'd say that kind of makes him ineligible, wouldn't you?
Okay, so maybe you got me on that one. But other than that, Dark Samus would be a solid pick.

Heartz said:
@Mendez Meh.

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Well sure, but aren't you forgetting just how freaking huge Ridley is? I'd say that kind of makes him ineligible, wouldn't you?
Okay, so maybe you got me on that one. But other than that, Dark Samus would be a solid pick.

Well it could be like the Andross/Wolf argument, why Wolf inb4 Andross, but I think Wolf is pretty consistent now days. Dark Samus is just dead and will never return.



Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
But out of all of them I do think that the ones that will appear as playable characters in the next game (If it does happen) are King K. Rool, Dixie, and Megaman. Hope Ridley will be but might not.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Darky Dee said:
Well it could be like the Andross/Wolf argument, why Wolf inb4 Andross...
Actually that's an easy one. How would Andross...y'know...work?

I have my own idealizations about that, but in reality, it would be extremely unlikely for Andross, who in-game is always just a giant floating head (and one time a ghost, I guess), to work as a playable character.

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Actually that's an easy one. How would Andross...y'know...work?

I have my own idealizations about that, but in reality, it would be extremely unlikely for Andross, who in-game is always just a giant floating head (and one time a ghost, I guess), to work as a playable character.
Exactly, there really is no argument here, we're on the same boat.

Ridley who is the main antagonist, is ineligible for his size.
Andross, who is the main antagonist, is ineligible for his floating head syndrome.

Dark Samus would be a solid pick if it was more consistent in the series. What, two games, and now deceased-- meaning we won't see it again?



Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Any series not named Mario, Pokemon or Zelda will not get four reps. Especially Starfox.

I heard K. Rool camoed in a whack a mole mini game in Jungle Beat, Mendez. He was apparantely the target you smacked down. Is this true?

Ridley COULD work very easily, guys, it's just Sakurai doesn't want to do him. People are demanding him everywhere. They don't care whether he's small or not insanely fast/powerful/big, they want him anyway. I'll take Ridley as a slightly larger Charizard over not at all any day.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Ursorite! :bee:

MasterWarlord said:
I heard K. Rool camoed in a whack a mole mini game in Jungle Beat, Mendez. He was apparantely the target you smacked down. Is this true?
Uh...not in the international version, anyway. I know there are one (maybe two) "sequels" (more like remakes, actually) of Jungle Beat called "DK: Jungle Fever" or something. They only exist in Japanese arcades, so I don't know if K. Rool was in any of them...

But he definitely wasn't in Jungle Beat. I promise you that.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
I disagree with Mendez about Isaac being generic, and these are why in my opinion:

1. He never even talked in his own game to be compared to anyone.
2. He at least made it as an Assist Trophy.
3. He is a little kid with stupid powerful, well, power.
4. He controls earth, yet has a "blue" tunic and a "yellow" scarf.
5. He's Isaac.

Yay for debates. *runs*

Marios My Bro

Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2008
Andross is a freakin head. I cant imagine how he would function in super smash. I still think Issac should be in it and I like the paper Mario idea. Also bringing in another character from metal gear solid would be a good idea. Finally they should introduce more DK characters

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
I think I like Chief Mendez.

Issac generic? Oh wow. Did you hit your head or something? I don't think I like you anymore.

Reasons for Issac--
He is...
-The main protagonist of Nintendo's most recent traditional turn-based RPG what was win.
-Cool because he can bring something new to the table by offering a mixture of sword play with magick in the form of psynergy.
-InB4 WTF characters like Lip, Waluigi, Shadow Queen and anything else undeserving.
-Has either blonde hair and blue eyes like almost every other character already in there.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
I disagree with Mendez about Isaac being generic, and these are why in my opinion:

1. He never even talked in his own game to be compared to anyone
Not talking makes a character MORE generic, not less so. In all honesty, how is Mario not generic in his personality? A rags to riches story of a hero that saves a princess. Not talking = bad.

2. He at least made it as an Assist Trophy.
The assist trophies were never seriously considered for playable spots by Sakurai. You don't see the Brawl hopefuls besides Isaac also being assist trophies, now do you? The fact DK has no assist trophy supports this, as K. Rool would most certainly be an assist trophy if he were never considered for playable. Most of the assist trophies are very unlikely/obscure characters.

3. He is a little kid with stupid powerful, well, power.
4. He controls earth, yet has a "blue" tunic and a "yellow" scarf.
5. He's Isaac.
3: K. Rool is a big man with stupid powerful, well, power.
4: He controls kremlings, yet has a "red" cape and a "gold" crown.
5: He's K. Rool

(Sorry for coming off as an ***, I just actually take debates seriously.)


That said, he's not nearly as generic as some of the other characters in Brawl, this isn't particularly a problem. He talks in the second Golden Sun game. God I hate the silent protagonist routine. . .

Other then your anti Ridley stance, Dee, I'm in agreement with most of your opinions.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Man, I've missed some good stuff.

But just to say something: if Smash is supposed to perfectly represent all of Nintendo's characters' popularity and importance like certain people seem to be insinuating, why are some characters "more deserving" now than they were when the series first started? Why are we still disagreeing over what characters are to be included? Why have characters been cut, why don't we already know who's going to be in the next game, and why are we still getting surprised with every installment?

I bet that was a little hard to understand

Shadow Queen for SSB4


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Who else thinks the name MasterWarlord is generic?

Exactly, Isaac starts to talk in GS 2, so *cough* cancels that out *cough*


Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Other then your anti Ridley stance, Dee, I'm in agreement with most of your opinions.
Not that I dislike the character. I in fact, like him a lot. But it's going to look lame for the next director to /b/ly re-size him after making roughly the size of the Blue Falcon in Brawl and still overly large in his little scene in Melee.

I don't see anything getting bigger than Bowser, and if Ridley were in there, I would expect him to be bigger than Bowser, because it's part of who Ridley is. Seeing him go head to head with Samus when he's the same size as her when he should be a lot, and I meant a lot, larger than her-- seems really werid.

It's just a matter of personal opinions, some reasonable more than others.


Apr 13, 2008
This needs to end

How about we divert from this endless character debate? The truth is, we could argue over which characters should/n't be in the game 'til the end of time, and what will we have accomplished? What do you all expect to come out of this, to rally up enough followers to sway the character inclusion in the next Smash Bros? Stop kidding yourselves (I did). I say we just hold off on this pointless arguing until the next Smash Bros is even announced. We could, and probably already have come up with some of the best possible ideas for SSB4, but no officials are reading this thread, sans even these forums. Sakurai made Brawl how he wanted, and if he's in charge of the next title, he'll do the same - only appeasing those that he wants, and to the rest, with a possible single character inclusion (Sonic).

Let us put this to rest for the time being and move on. There are much more important things at stake. For instance - Brawl. It's out, it's the latest in the franchise, and for all we know, it could potentially be the last in the franchise. So why don't we cherish what we have rather than what we could have?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Heartz said:
I disagree with Mendez about Isaac being generic, and these are why in my opinion:

1. He never even talked in his own game to be compared to anyone.
2. He at least made it as an Assist Trophy.
3. He is a little kid with stupid powerful, well, power.
4. He controls earth, yet has a "blue" tunic and a "yellow" scarf.
5. He's Isaac.
Like 'Warlord said above: not talking doesn't make you more unique. There are a lot of "little kids" with stupidly powerful powers already in Smash Bros., #4 = Wha?, and I'm spent.

I know there are technically more generic fighters already in Brawl, but Isaac's still the absolute definition of "cliche jRPG protagonist". Literally nothing about him makes him at all disparate from the standard shonen hero.

And just because it's called something else doesn't mean Psynergy isn't just simple magic.

Marios My Bro said:
Andross is a freakin head. I cant imagine how he would function in super smash.
In my perfect dream world, he'd have a body and stuff, but his hands would still float freely. Emphasis on the "perfect dream world". :ohwell:

Darky Dee said:
I think I like Chief Mendez.

I don't think I like you anymore.

flyinfilipino said:
if Smash is supposed to perfectly represent all of Nintendo's characters' popularity and importance like certain people seem to be insinuating, why are some characters "more deserving" now than they were when the series first started? Why are we still disagreeing over what characters are to be included? Why have characters been cut, why don't we already know who's going to be in the next game, and why are we still getting surprised with every installment?
In short: we're hopeless nerds.

That's why. ;)

Who else thinks the name MasterWarlord is generic?[/QUOTE]Seeing as how the guy is neither particularly masterful, nor has he recently lead any great number of warriors into any large-scale battles...yeah, I'd say it's a pretty redundant title. :psycho:

Lamer/Narc/Party Pooper said:
How about we divert from this endless character debate? The truth is, we could argue over which characters should/n't be in the game 'til the end of time, and what will we have accomplished? What do you all expect to come out of this, to rally up enough followers to sway the character inclusion in the next Smash Bros? Stop kidding yourselves (I did). I say we just hold off on this pointless arguing until the next Smash Bros is even announced. We could, and probably already have come up with some of the best possible ideas for SSB4, but no officials are reading this thread, sans even these forums. Sakurai made Brawl how he wanted, and if he's in charge of the next title, he'll do the same - only appeasing those that he wants, and to the rest, with a possible single character inclusion (Sonic).

Let us put this to rest for the time being and move on. There are much more important things at stake. For instance - Brawl. It's out, it's the latest in the franchise, and for all we know, it could potentially be the last in the franchise. So why don't we cherish what we have rather than what we could have?
Yeah, we all know.

We all know there's about a 1 in a 1,000,000,000 chance of anything said here impacting the final product. We all know that these arguments are entirely cyclical.

But you know...? It's really fun to talk about. :)


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
Not talking makes a character MORE generic, not less so. In all honesty, how is Mario not generic in his personality? A rags to riches story of a hero that saves a princess. Not talking = bad.
It's not a rags to riches story. He's still poor/middle class.

And if you think not talking=bad, watch Wall-E or any Charlie Chaplin movie

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
How about we divert from this endless character debate? The truth is, we could argue over which characters should/n't be in the game 'til the end of time, and what will we have accomplished? What do you all expect to come out of this, to rally up enough followers to sway the character inclusion in the next Smash Bros? Stop kidding yourselves (I did). I say we just hold off on this pointless arguing until the next Smash Bros is even announced. We could, and probably already have come up with some of the best possible ideas for SSB4, but no officials are reading this thread, sans even these forums. Sakurai made Brawl how he wanted, and if he's in charge of the next title, he'll do the same - only appeasing those that he wants, and to the rest, with a possible single character inclusion (Sonic).

Let us put this to rest for the time being and move on. There are much more important things at stake. For instance - Brawl. It's out, it's the latest in the franchise, and for all we know, it could potentially be the last in the franchise. So why don't we cherish what we have rather than what we could have?
Who are you kidding? Nintendo would go belly up before they pull the plug on the series. Not meaning any hostility, but I think you're in the wrong thread if you're going to be a partisan towards not discussing what you want in the next installment.

And I cherish Brawl, but wanting more is human nature.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
In short: we're hopeless nerds.

That's why. ;)
Have you ever seen arguments and stuff on SmashBoards get talked about in real life? Like debates about items and "skill", and how Sigurd or Poo would make great additions to Smash?

I have :(

Also, I'm a Filipino that can fly, so I'm far from generic.

Me for SSB4?


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
1 - Ed Boon puts things in that MK fans want. But Sakurai he doesn't like Ridley.
And since when did MK fans want DC characters in Mortal Kombat.

And for Christ's sake, how many times do I have to repeat it?

Sakurai obviously listens to the fans. Otherwise we wouldn't have Wario, Pit, Meta Knight, Dedede, Diddy Kong, Lucario, Olimar, Sonic, Pokemon Trainer, Wolf, Ike, buffed Zelda, buffed G & W, buffed Bowser.

Just because Ridley, Krystal, and Geno weren't in doesn't mean he didn't listen.

It's true that Sakurai deserves some heat. Character selection isn't one of them.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Have you ever seen arguments and stuff on SmashBoards get talked about in real life? Like debates about items and "skill", and how Sigurd or Poo would make great additions to Smash?
Not recently, but for about...a year leading up to Brawl's release, it's pretty much all a few of my friends talked about.

Also, I'm a Filipino that can fly, so I'm far from generic.
Yeah but I bet there's not a giant parasite living inside of you than can split your legs from your torso, thereby effectively doubling your combat prowess, especially if you're fighting in a large barn.

Plus there are millions of Filipinos. You're like Koopa Troopas (some of which, I might add, can also fly). Generic enemies = not gonna' happen.

Oh, and on the subject of Ridley...has anyone noticed how tall Wolf is? If he stodd up straight, he'd be about twice the size of Fox. Why couldn't they do something similar with Ridley?


Apr 13, 2008
Who are you kidding? Nintendo would go belly up before they pull the plug on the series. Not meaning any hostility, but I think you're in the wrong thread if you're going to be a partisan towards not discussing what you want in the next installment.

And I cherish Brawl, but wanting more is human nature.
We may expect a new game, but nothing is certain. Of course, there's about a 99% chance of another Smash Bros coming out of the works, but you can never be certain. That's how Bush was reelected, people really thought that he'd pull us out of the war and things would get better. Fail.

Regardless, like Mendez said, it is fun, but it is quite pointless.

If there's a Mewtwo petition, then by golly, someone needs to start a K. Rool/Isaac/Black Shadow petition. Ridley and Krystal are highly debatable, but just about everyone wants K. Rool, Isaac, and BS (hawhaw).

Have fun, but I'm taking a break from this stuff.

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Oh, and on the subject of Ridley...has anyone noticed how tall Wolf is? If he stodd up straight, he'd be about twice the size of Fox. Why couldn't they do something similar with Ridley?
WTF0rz, are you insinuating that they give us a bonzai Ridley by binding his wings to his body and clamp his head to the ground? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!?

BTW, I'd make an excellent character for Brawl. Looks go a long way.

I don't think that metaphor really grasped what you were trying to get across, Spire III, but dumb decisions are dumb. But why put a rain on our parade if it's fun? You're breaking my heart.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Not recently, but for about...a year leading up to Brawl's release, it's pretty much all a few of my friends talked about.

Yeah but I bet there's not a giant parasite living inside of you than can split your legs from your torso, thereby effectively doubling your combat prowess, especially if you're fighting in a large barn.

Plus there are millions of Filipinos. You're like Koopa Troopas (some of which, I might add, can also fly). Generic enemies = not gonna' happen.

Oh, and on the subject of Ridley...has anyone noticed how tall Wolf is? If he stodd up straight, he'd be about twice the size of Fox. Why couldn't they do something similar with Ridley?
Well, amongst you and your friends, that's a different story, but with strangers in a public place...*headdesk*

Hey, you don't know yet what I can do or what I've done. My game is being delayed another few months.
And me not your enemy

And because Ridley would look like a little chihuahua.

EDIT - Spire: The SERIOUS arguing is pointless. Everything else is fun!

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Darky Dee said:
WTF0rz, are you insinuating that they give us a bonzai Ridley by binding his wings to his body and clamp his head to the ground? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!?
I have gingivitis. It somehow affects my ability to think logically. :ohwell:

His wings would be folded up when on the ground anyway, and what would be so weird about having Ridley's normal stance be: him on all fours, as if ready to pounce?

flyinfilipino said:
Well, amongst you and your friends, that's a different story, but with strangers in a public place...
Even then, it wasn't unusual during the months before Brawl's release for me to hear some kids on the bus talking about how "Megaman might be in Brawl" or "how cool was last night's Dojo update".

flyinfilipino said:
Hey, you don't know yet what I can do or what I've done. My game is being delayed another few months.
Oh yeah? Well not only is my game already out (three times, no less), but it has a 96 on Metacritic.

And who are you trying to kid? We all know that your game is already out. Sure, the main character may "technically" be from America...but he looks Filipino, so that counts. Also he parachutes a lot, which is basically flying.

I see through your lies.


Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
I have gingivitis. It somehow affects my ability to think logically. :ohwell:

His wings would be folded up when on the ground anyway, and what would be so weird about having Ridley's normal stance be: him on all fours, as if ready to pounce?
Mono makes everything better.

And I don't his wingspan is a real issue here, more of his entire body, but that stance would be extra kinky. Awesome like Bowser's dash.

Even then, it wasn't unusual during the months before Brawl's release for me to hear some kids on the bus talking about how "Megaman might be in Brawl" or "how cool was last night's Dojo update".



Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
I have gingivitis. It somehow affects my ability to think logically. :ohwell:

His wings would be folded up when on the ground anyway, and what would be so weird about having Ridley's normal stance be: him on all fours, as if ready to pounce?

Even then, it wasn't unusual during the months before Brawl's release for me to hear some kids on the bus talking about how "Megaman might be in Brawl" or "how cool was last night's Dojo update".

Oh yeah? Well not only is my game already out (three times, no less), but it has a 96 on Metacritic.

And who are you trying to kid? We all know that your game is already out. Sure, the main character may "technically" be from America...but he looks Filipino, so that counts. Also he parachutes a lot, which is basically flying.

I see through your lies.

Okay, pre-Brawl is was cool to talk about stuff like that but...oh, forget it. You're a hopeless nerd.

That's not me, that guy's a wannabe. And you're not in that one really good (awesome) (BRILLIANT) game either. Know how I know?

Because I killed you in it. And yet you're still posting here. The burden of proof is on you to prove that you are really Chief Mendez.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
You're a hopeless nerd.

The burden of proof is on you to prove that you are really Chief Mendez.

Also, I was only pretending to be dead. Duh.

darkserenade said:
Anyway, I demand we talk about the starfox and FE characters that will get in.
Starfox? Uh...it's pretty much just down to Leon and Krystal right now, I think. And we all know that BOOBS > LIZARDS, so...

Really, unless a new Starfox game, like...maybe, centers around Marcus or something, it'll most likely be one of those two.

Fire Emblem? I say Sheeda. The only person I could see making it in rather than her is the protagonist of FE12, which might not (but probably will) even come out in time for SSB4 to include said protagonist.

Ike needs to stay, and we know Marth ain't goin' anywhere. Sheeda's the secondmost important character in FE11, plus she's awesome.
And has boobs.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Anyway, I demand we talk about the starfox and FE characters that will get in.
Nah, we've pretty much covered that one.

I know next to nothing about Fire Emblem, so you guys can go ahead and have at it while I do my homework :/

EDIT - Chief: No way man. I definitely shot you at least a hundred times with my Handcannon to make sure the job was done. You're dead, and that's final. Now, don't look at me like that. And get your hand off my shoulder.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
Because I killed you in it. And yet you're still posting here. The burden of proof is on you to prove that you are really Chief Mendez.
No. Leon killed Mendez.

And if he really IS alive, I'll probably end up killing him.
Fire Emblem Reps?

Roy MAY or MAY NOT come back- really, except for Young Link and Pichu, everyone is a coin flip for a return.

Micaiah & Black Knight are most likely right now, and if there isn't another new Fire Emblem game out soon, they'll probably be the top contenders.

Lyn is already established as an Assist Trophy, and Hector, while important, can't really stand up to the current choice's importances.

Other characters are NO. 'Cept maybe Sothe.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008

Me for SSB4, I have a character design and everything!

FE reps, I would personally want Sothe, but Miachas, or however you spell her name, is the next rep if no new FE gets made.

Then Black Knight.+-

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
EDIT - Chief: No way man. I definitely shot you at least a hundred times with my Handcannon to make sure the job was done. You're dead, and that's final. Now, don't look at me like that. And get your hand off my shoulder.
Hold It!

If you had even played the game, you'd know that as soon as Leon "kills" me, the barn explodes (Now, unbeknowst to him, I snuck out the back, popped some Extra Strength Tylenol, and moved to the East Coast of the USA to live out the rest of my days being cool on the internet). But there was no chance for him to shoot my "dead" body. I have found a contradiction in your testimony. What do you have to say to that?

@smashbot226: That would all be true...except that by the time SSB4 is out, FE11 will be the most recent game, so any newcomers will probably come from there (or the as-yet-unannounced FE12).


flyinfilipino said:
Speaking of Leon S. Kennedy....
Nope. Not gonna' happen. He's awesome, but unlike Snake, there's really no way for him to have a moveset without any use of (ZOMG) real bullets.

EDIT 2 -

@Darkwashu - I'd always thought that's where your username came from, but I wasn't ever sure until now.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Hold It!

If you had even played the game, you'd know that as soon as Leon "kills" me, the barn explodes (Now, unbeknowst to him, I snuck out the back, popped some Extra Strength Tylenol, and moved to the East Coast of the USA to live out the rest of my days being cool on the internet). But there was no chance for him to shoot my "dead" body. I have found a contradiction in your testimony. What do you have to say to that?
Um...that's what she said?

Has anyone done Leon S. Kennedy?

(in MYM?)



Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
The SERIOUS arguing is pointless. Everything else is fun!
Thanks for telling me that your opinion is completely invalid and I should never listen to you again. Kthxbai.

A Master of Warlords makes more sense then most random user names, whether or not generic. At least it has no numbers after it. That's a big plus. It comes from Warcraft 3. WOW sucks donkey balls, so don't acuse me of liking that.
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