Side Special – Razor Leaf: Exeggutor rears back his upper body before getting back up and lurching forward slightly, launching a single Kirby sized Razor Leaf very quickly, only .1 seconds. . .But it’s a pretty pitiful projectile, only going half a Battlefield platform and dealing a mere 2% and flinching. The move can be charged for an extra .3 seconds to make the leaf go 2/3rds the distance of Final Destination and deal 8%, thankfully.
Up Special – Leaf Storm: Exeggutor shakes about rapidly like a dog over .2 seconds to make a bunch of leaves come all around him, then they lift him up in a massive whirlwind as wide as Bowser and as tall as Ganondorf that deals 22% and knockback that kills at 105%, while shooting Exeggutor up 5 Ganondorf heights without putting him into helpless – he can even use Up Special again! Horrifying stuff.
Except for the part where, y’know, this move has horrendous move decay and it can never be refreshed without getting a new stock. With each use, the move boosts Exeggutor up one less Ganondorf and the power decreases by one/fifth, until after five uses this does nothing.
Rather inconvenient that this is Exeggutor’s only KO Move AND his only recovery. . .Assuming you’re using Exeggutor exclusively, you’ll generally end up being forced to use it for recovery over KOing, as the recovery at lower levels is still useful but the power dwindles too much later on. With your ability to switch out, though, you could always bring in Exeggutor later on when the enemy is damaged to finish off with Leaf Storm or just spam away and then switch out so you have some form of recovery.
Down Special – Egg Bomb: Exeggutor lobs one of his three heads to the ground insanely quickly. When the egg collides with something, it splatters into what’s essentially scrambled eggs – if it landed on the ground it’ll function as a standard tripping trap that lasts forever until you create a new one. If it lands on a foe (You can do this mainly by getting up into the air above them), the egg will crack open and spill it’s contents over their faces, scrambling their controls for 10 seconds (Reverse control stick input and randomly switch the buttons about) until it falls off of them onto the ground and becomes a trap. This move has some slightly notable end lag as Exeggutor regrows the head, but it’s not a deal breaker.
Grab – Psychic: A Bowser sized area half a Battlefield Platform in front of Exeggutor distorts slightly. While the grab is ranged, the fact it leaves you blind up-close doesn’t give it the advantages of a tether. . .But it doesn’t have the disadvantages of the tether either, as there’s no disgusting lag on this.
Upon grabbing a victim successfully, inputting any “throw” simply has you levitate them around at Jigglypuff’s dash speed in said direction. While Exeggutor has no pummel input, you can deal damage to the victim by slamming them against the ground. The higher up they were before you slammed them down, the more damage you deal – 10% per Ganondorf height. You can also grab projectiles with this and levitate them back at their owner. Inputting shield has you drop whatever you’re levitating to regain control of Exeggutor.
Exeggutor still has real throws, though. . .Those leaves from Razor Leaf and those scrambled eggs from Egg Bombs? They don’t magically vanish and lay around on the ground when the attack is over (Leaf storm leaves go off the top of the screen). Notice how an uncharged Razor Leaf falls right into Exeggutor’s grab range? It happens for a reason. You can grab them and have a set of “throws” to use on them. Exeggutor can only levitate 5 leaves at a time but can have out as many as he wants.
Pummel – Levitate: Exeggutor levitate the leaves/scrambled eggs around like he would a foe or an enemy projectile. Simply used to re-position them.
Forward/Back Throw – Magical Leaf: Exeggutor shoots forward/backward all the leaves he’s levitating at once, them being treated as if they were fired from a fully charged Side Special – and this has no lag (Though there is the lag of picking the leaves up, which is still shorter then charging). Picture 5 leaves all being shot at the enemy at once – That’s 40%! Of course, this is rather telegraphed, and once you fire the leaves you have to go over to the other side of the stage to use them again. . .If you throw some scrambled eggs at the foe, then it will be treated as if you hit them with your Down Special, splatting over their face.
Up Throw – Leaf Storm: Exeggutor doesn’t have to magically generate ten billion leaves for this attack, so this doesn’t interact with the Up Special’s decay at all. However; the power depends entirely on the amount of leaves you have. You need 5 for it to be as powerful as the Up Special (And no, it can’t become more powerful then that), and that’s assuming you’ve got them all in the same place and everything. Furthermore, this causes all the leaves to ultimately go up off the top of the screen, just like with Up Special.
If you attempt to move during the second half of the start-up lag, you’re allowed to, as Exeggutor is simply speeding up the levitation at that point. This adds an extra .2 seconds of lag to when the Leaf Storm goes into action, but it allows you to get up into the air a lot easier.
Used on scrambled eggs this is essentially a vertical version of the fthrow/bthrow.
Down Throw – Scramble: Exeggutor scrambles his leaves around at random with his psychic powers. The leaves move around a good while in the background at immense speeds before they come back, several leaves having swapped positions with each other at random. While this may sound useless, you can cover up scrambled egg traps with a razor leaves, and once the foe doesn’t know which leaf is masking the egg it’s much more threatening. It’s not so much the trip itself that’s threatening – it’s the potential threat of your other harmless leaves masking a trap.
Standard Attack – Confusion: Exeggutor leans slightly forward as he utters his Pokemon Stadium cry, causing an area the size of Wario a third of a Battlefield Platform in front of him to distort. Any foe caught by this is dealt a mere 1% and flinching. . .But this scrambles their controls in an identical fashion as to if you splatted some scrambled eggs over them for 10 seconds. This is fairly quick. . .So why use this in combination with scrambled eggs instead of using just this? Simple. If the foe’s controls are already scrambled, they’ll not only be re-scrambled, but this will last for 20 seconds instead of 10. Any further attempts to renew control reversing will again reset the timer to 20 seconds.
Forward Tilt – Psych Out: Exeggutor does the exact same motion as in his jab with the exact same cry, dealing 1% and flinching. . .Without reversing the foe’s controls. Seeing there’s so clearly no reason to use this, the foe will think you used the jab and try to figure out their controls for a while, meaning they’ll more likely then not stumble away from you a good ways, giving you time to do set up. Aside from that, the fact that you have this at all means that if the jab control scrambling just so happens to not scramble as much as it should they’ll think that you used your ftilt, only to later fall victim to one of their other buttons not functioning as it should as a crucial button.
Forward Smash – Future Sight: Exeggutor’s ftilt not sound useful enough? Too bad. We’re introducing another move with the same animation and cry as the jab that deals 1% and flinching. . .No, it doesn’t reverse their controls, nor does it simply do nothing. Instead, it makes the foe’s controls reverse after 5 seconds. This can easily fool the foe into thinking you used the ftilt and think they’re fine only to get screwed over 5 seconds later, or visa versa. Charging the move makes this control reversing potentially last up to 25 seconds rather then the usual 10, though that loses the mindgame potential.
Down Smash – Ingrain: Exeggutor turns to face the screen and extends out vines from his trunk and roots them into the ground as he “charges”, the charging being the actual “attack”, though there’s a good .4 seconds of lag to start “charging”. Exeggutor heals at a rate of 1% per every tenth of a second and can heal up to 35% from this.
Exeggutor has anti-grab armor while ingrained, and Exeggutor’s vines will keep him rooted to the ground if he takes horizontal knockback, resisting it though still taking the damage. To be uprooted from this early Exeggutor has to be hit up into the air. . .Why bother wasting a Leaf Storm or Razor Leaves to get into the air when the foe can be so kind as to help you up?
Granted, the healing is –very- excessive to the point the foe will struggle to out-damage the healing while you’re ingrained, but if the foe does an attack aimed at where the roots go into the ground that deals 10% or more, they can uproot you and prevent you from using the move for 20 seconds (Though this gives you no lag). The fact that the foe has to be practically on top of you to do this though means they’re easy bait for a Down Special. . .This move will bait the foe into –something- you can capitalize on, respond accordingly.
Up Smash – Giga Drain: Exeggutor turns to face the screen and stomps in place slowly like in his Pokemon Stadium idle animation as his trunk starts absorbing yellowgreen energy all around him. This has a quarter of a second of start-up, but the hitbox is a giant disjointed box around Exeggutor as tall as 2 Ganondorfs and 2 Battlefield Platforms wide. This deals 10-20 hits of 1% and flinching, and every damage point inflicted Exeggutor heals. The catches are that this does nothing whatsoever to shields and is fairly easy to DI out of, though if they were right on top of Exeggutor they’ll take three quarters of the damage by the time they DI out.
But still. . .Why wouldn’t they shield? The foe takes shield-stun in such a fashion that their shield doesn’t shrink at all during this time and Exeggutor has .25 seconds of end lag to punish if the foe is still up close to him. The answer is quite simple – they don’t shield because they don’t have a effing clue as to how to shield due to having scrambled controls. Best used immediately after you confuse the foe or right when Future Sight would kick in (Or when it would if you used ftilt).
Up Aerial – Synthesis: Exeggutor angles his palm leaves on his head upwards to absorb as much sunlight as possible. How much he heals is based off how high in the air he is, and thus how much closer he is to the sun. If he’s under Ganon’s height in the air (And he’s not capable of getting that high outside Leaf Storm with his terrible jumps and high fall speed), he won’t heal at all. If he’s 5 Ganondorfs up, he’ll heal 25% - the max. This is fairly quick, but can only be used once every time Exeggutor’s in the air.
Down Aerial – Stun Spore: Exeggutor thrust his upper body downwards as a massive amount of yellow powder comes out of the palm leaves on his head. This is surprisingly fast, and the yellow powder covers an area as wide as Exeggutor and falls faster then Sonic can run, giving this move excellent downward range if used from high up, stunning foes for a nasty 2 seconds. If shorthopped, Exeggutor blocks almost the entirety of the hitbox of the move with his girth.
Aside from giving Exeggutor time to set-up his leaves how he wants or to potentially even set them up under the foe for a leaf storm kill, grabbing the foe won’t interrupt their stun, giving Exeggutor 2 free seconds to levitate them to a hard to recover from position before they can even attempt to escape the grab.