Melee is, in my mind, far more entertaining to watch. Put it this way, what's more interesting to watch: Goku and Vegeta flying around at invisible speeds throwing punches from every direction, or the two of them standing and charging up spirit bombs? Both require skill to do, and both require different types of skill.
I do OK at Melee and get absolutely pummeled at Brawl. I've played against actually good Brawl players, and they do wipe the floor against people. Granted, you don't see much 3-stocking going on, but the skill is shown by just "certain win" as opposed to "overwhelming win". I've also played against great Melee players (the big-name being Zhu...he 2-by-4ed me in my first tourney) and they too have a lot of skill. Indeed, I the noob got torn to bits by all the veterans.
So when it comes to skill, I say that both are equal. However, Brawl matches tend to be very long and boring to watch. A Melee match usually won't take more than 4 minutes, if that. Brawl matches, on the other hand, go on for at least those 4 minutes, with 6 minutes being the average I've seen. Also, Melee matches just look faster: the characters fly around the screen like mad, attacks come out every instant, and the pace is altogether frantic. Brawl matches consist of a lot of camping, aka holding ground and waiting for an opening. This isn't to say that such a thing is unskillful; indeed, messing this up can cost the stock, but watching 2 people stare each other down stops being interesting after too much time passes.
Neither am I saying that Brawl can't be entertaining to watch. I just saw the M2K vs. Ally match, and that was pretty darn epic. I've seen the submissions and I enjoy many of those too. However, if you show your average Brawl match, I personally believe that they're pretty darn boring. At the very least, a regular Melee match has very high speed and a reasonably short time.
As such, I can't see a Brawl video coming first for this. Brawlers will support Brawl, and Meleers will support Melee, but if a random person comes across this thread chances are that he/she will pick Melee.
Football and Golf both require intense amounts of skill. The skill required is different. So why is it that the Superbowl is a practical holiday, while a Masters game isn't?