People call the match up 45:55, I think that is the percent of winning the set! Not the percent of winning the match. I assumed that matchup ratio does take into accound stage selection and reflects the chance of winning an entire set, since particular matches can be very variable. I believe u misinterpreted my analysis. The exponents were used to reflect sets, not matches. Perhaps I wrote it down wrong when I presented the numbers, but 45:55 was used to reflect the entirety of one set (best of 3 or best 5).
Ratios can reflect the chance of winning a set. But look at this logic, most tournaments consist of mostly MKs. Every character is at a disadvantage to MK, aside from MK. Or atleast the current metagame considers that to be so. So MK is more likely to win, due to higher tournament turnout, as well as ratio advantage, expecially if we assume all players at top level to be almost even. Yet there are players that win consistently at higher levels with those disadvantaged characters. People win with characters that have 45:55 and even 40:60 matchups against MK, and they have done so consistently. If they are doing it consistently, then maybe instead of people saying those MKs are dumb and dont know the matchup, they should say, that matchup is closer. If ADHD can do what he does consistently, shouldn't people perhaps start to consider that match closer,maybe dead on even, or even in diddys favor? Look at how far ALLY has brought Snake, and yet MK still has the advantage, suposedly, why is that? ALLY outplaces over 95+% of the MKs out there in tournaments consistently, yet snake loses that matchup ratiowise?
People hate MK. Maybe its because he is simple and hurts lower tiered characters so badly. People have allowed him to be the best, b/c no matter how the people who play MK actually place, people have determined him to always be in the advantage. They hate him so much, that even when good players break through the barrier and show that matchups between him and another character may be even, ratio makers always give mk the advantage. 55-45 is a bigger advantage then people give it credit for. 55 is 22% higher then 45. Thats f**kin ridiculous.