so? He started wayyyyy ahead of everyone else and is keeping the lead. Actually id say snakes are catching up. Look at alley a year and a half ago/compared to most good snakes today. Similar no? Snake/Diddy are alot harder to master than MK. This stuff takes time.
Also mM2k/Mengo/hungarybox became more known like 4-6 yrs after melee came out. Same for alot of melee players.
We may not see more amazing brawl players until later on.
son have you ever heard of the SSBM Statistics List that I made? I was on Smash World Forums during the dying days when this site was only about Smash 64 and called Smash World Forums. I made an account like 2 years later or so in 2002. I didn't know there were tournaments worthwhile to go to until years after I started. A bad move on my part.
Also there is no Snake right now near Ally's level. This does not mean the character is bad, underrated, overrated, etc etc., it just means there is no Snake near Ally's level right now. I destroy other Snakes badly. It's like if Mango was the only Jiggs around before Hbox and let's even take Darc out of the picture. Jiggs would still be really good but there would also be no Jiggs near Mango's level.
I personally think Snake is 3rd best character, but the top 3 (diddy/mk/snake) or even top 5 or so in the game (falco/ICs) are all VERY very close imo.