You are making a terrible infallacy fallacy because of misrepresentation through generalization. The amount of a character that enters a tournament has absolutely nothing to do with how many of those characters end up in the top x of players at that particular tournament. That would only apply if every player had a completely equal chance of winning and it was up to chance, but we all know that's not how it is. It doesn't matter if there are 10 Puff players entering an international tournament, or 100, or 1000, if Mango and hungrybox are part of that. The top 5 is still going to only have those 2 Puff players regardless. Players represent themselves, they don't represent "chances" of becoming a top player through that character; you are making a nonsensical extrapolation.
I also hope you realize even with the increase of Puffs in the past two years, top 5s at internationals still only consist of hungrybox and mango, which further proves what I just said. This is yet another reason why you have to look beyond the very top of ranks when evaluating how good a character is off tourney results.