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Official Brawl Tier Discussion (OP Updated)

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Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
tier list
Very odd tier list, I'd like to talk with you about some specific things.

Firstoff, why is Wolf so high? His recovery is pretty lousy, and it's not like his projectile game or kill options are truly remarkable. While Fox probably has less effective projectiles, he does everything else much much better than Wolf. Beyond recovery, this includes comboing, ledgeguarding, and kill options.

You are also the first person I've seen place Mario above Luigi. Now honestly, I think I know why you might say Luigi is lower (he's slower, is worse at dealing with camping, and has worse projectiles and ledgeguarding) but does this really outweigh his very good priority and kill options? Just asking really.

What exactly makes Kirby bad? I thought his priority was good, his recovery decent, and his ability to gimp very good. Also Sheik. What's so terrible about her? I mean she has F-tilt combos, a very good U-smash, good projectiles, yeah. I'm not completely sure why Lucas is an entire tier lower than Ness either, especially when he's less gimpable right?

But dayum, I'm glad I'm not the only person who figured out Sonic's recovery is bad. XD


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
ch0zen0ne is like the only person to back up his tier list with a good deabte lol
But should'nt DDD be placing in the second to highest tier group beacuse of his profusion of tournament wins? they don't lie. I know he has mediorce match-ups but the CG wins tournies easily. I just want to know why you put him slightly lower than most posters place the DDD.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Thats because it isn't.
If anyone is agreeing with you its because they were stunted in cognitive development.
Y’know, I really have had it with you. CHILL OUT DUDE.

Just because you may think you’re smarter than 99% of Smashers doesn’t mean you have to be so nasty.

And you really shouldn’t automatically put down Chozen just because he says something you don’t believe. He’s a smart guy too and plays good people.

And really I just explained why Sonic’s recovery is fail. Yeah, the distance is quite good. It stops there because it is very easy to predict and punish, and worse because his Up-B cannot grab the ledge and gains very little horizontal distance. Even if Sonic manages to avoid interception on the way up (y’know, his Up-B by itself is a pretty bad attack), on the way down he’s still extremely vulnerable because his priority sucks in his aerials (and you’ve been trying to deny that for quite some time, when the guide in your forums clearly states otherwise). I guess he gets to air dodge, but that has lag frames at the end so that can be punished by anyone that calls it. Too bad he doesn’t get to the ledge where you get lag-LESS invincibility frames.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Y’know, I really have had it with you. CHILL OUT DUDE.
Sorry but once people start saying things like.
Sonic can't approach.
Sonic can't recover.
You are going to get lacerated.
or doy uo beleive that Ike can recover extremely well?
Just because you may think you’re smarter than 99% of Smashers doesn’t mean you have to be so nasty.
75% but thats something else entirely.
Guess what I hae very good reason to be nasty. I've been correcting people far too many times and mucyh too often I have refuted your argument, only for you to just completely ignore it and continue as if it wasn't even there.
Chill out?
I'll chill out once people start using their brains.
And you really shouldn’t automatically put down Chozen just because he says something you don’t believe. He’s a smart guy too and plays good people.
If I disagree with something I'll point it out and to my knowledge I haven't responded to him int his topic.
And really I just explained why Sonic’s recovery is fail.
Which was refuted by both myself and Sonic wave.

Ignorance is not bliss.
Yeah, the distance is quite good.
Extremely good. With more options than a good amount of the cast.
It stops there because it is very easy to predict and punish,
I have yet to be punished while using an ^B and this is playing in a tournament setting in manhattanw eeklies.
and worse because his Up-B cannot grab the ledge
Sweetspot. It takes a moment to grab it doesn't sweetspot. Event hen Sonic will never be hanging onto the ledge when attempting to recover Period. Thats how good it is.
and gains very little horizontal distance.
Facts say otherwise.
Even if Sonic manages to avoid interception on the way up (y’know, his Up-B by itself is a pretty bad attack),
To my knowledge it was never an attack to begin with.

on the way down he’s still extremely vulnerable because his priority sucks in his aerials (and you’ve been trying to deny that for quite some time, when the guide in your forums clearly states otherwise).
I've never denied that Sonic has bad priority on his aerials.
not only do you ignore my posts you substitute your own ideas.
Dair also gets him to the ground very very quickly and the fact it can be canceled makes him hardly vulnerable.
Your argument can be applied to more than 2/3rds the cast.
Heck 2/3rds of the cast cannot even attack after they use their ^ B.
but Sonic can which makes his better.
I guess he gets to air dodge, but that has lag frames at the end so that can be punished by anyone that calls it.
Pity they won't get as high as him as quickly.
Too bad he doesn’t get to the ledge where you get lag-LESS invincibility frames.
He doesn't need the ledge. Period.

Your argument is bad.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
ShadowLink84 you are right about a fair bit, but you still have to chill out a bit

I'm certainly not gonna argue any of your points, I don't play any good sonic mains, but your posts come off very angry and rude.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Well adapt tell me this, would you have patience to deal with someone for a good number of pages who ignores evidence concerning your own character?

Cmon if I post a video that shows sonic can approach and recover why would someone constantly say otherwise?

It is like saying 3+3=6 in base ten
and then someone saying 3+3=31 in base ten.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
Take a look at my last post in this topic, I stated my point, setting up examples
And I'm sure you've heard many times that ZSS has a bad recovery on the sole basis that it uses a tether

I didn't use anything like "your argument sucks" or "i'll chill out once ppl start using their brains"

Yes I know it's frustrating to have the same arguments thrown at you time and time again even if you've refuted them before. Personally I hate to reply in this topic because of the **** that gets said constantly that has no basis whatsoever. For some reason I am here reading it tonight though...

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
yeah, shadowlink's been saying this for a good hundred or more pages. I don't argue with his facts, I just say that I can't see sonic getting out of low tier >_>, but that's pure opinion, and naturally changes as I see more and more of what sonic (and chars in general) can do.

@ shadow link: I gotta lurk more on the sonic forums...I can't get any of his techs down from what you've been saying here. Also, I ***** some sonic can't kill ppl for you today...<3 3-stockings


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Take a look at my last post in this topic, I stated my point, setting up examples
And I'm sure you've heard many times that ZSS has a bad recovery on the sole basis that it uses a tether

I didn't use anything like "your argument sucks" or "i'll chill out once ppl start using their brains"

Yes I know it's frustrating to have the same arguments thrown at you time and time again even if you've refuted them before. Personally I hate to reply in this topic because of the **** that gets said constantly that has no basis whatsoever. For some reason I am here reading it tonight though...
The main reason I am frustrated however is not because of the statements made. I have no problem, but its the fact that I have restate myself constantly (seriously) and not only am i restating myself, those restatements get ignored completely.

It's like playing monopoly where you are forced tostart from go after moving 1 space every turn without collecting $200.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2008
Hopewell, NJ
I'm gonna stop the flaming (or start a new chain of it) with my updated tier list.


Very High
G and W

T link



C. Falcon

P.S. I like that analogy ShadowLink, but really, flaming=BAD.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Sorry but once people start saying things like.
Sonic can't approach.
Sonic can't recover.
You are going to get lacerated.
or doy uo beleive that Ike can recover extremely well?
Sonic can't actually approach. He CAN recover, but it's bad. Just like Ike.

And sorry, that is absolutely no excuse to become hostile.

As for the whole approach deal, he can't actually initiate anything because he has no safe attack options and has too little range to space himself at a safe from block distance. Enough said. He has to CAMP people, which he sucks at doing, but needs to do anyway.

75% but thats something else entirely.
Guess what I hae very good reason to be nasty. I've been correcting people far too many times and mucyh too often I have refuted your argument, only for you to just completely ignore it and continue as if it wasn't even there.
Chill out?
I'll chill out once people start using their brains.
Y'know I've been telling people things multiple times and I enjoy it...

And honestly I'll admit I was too lazy to reply to every last thing, but many of the points you made aren't really that good either.

Which was refuted by both myself and Sonic wave.

Ignorance is not bliss.
And yet I can count smart people besides myself that agree Sonic's recovery isn't good at all.

I have yet to be punished while using an ^B and this is playing in a tournament setting in manhattanw eeklies.
Guess what? Most people don’t play against Sonic, and underestimating any character is a losing situation.

Good for you that you haven’t been owned. Yet. Personal experience isn't the best argument.

Sweetspot. It takes a moment to grab it doesn't sweetspot. Event hen Sonic will never be hanging onto the ledge when attempting to recover Period. Thats how good it is.
Actually that is how bad it is. This is Melee G&W's recovery all over again. And that was one of the worst in the game.

To my knowledge it was never an attack to begin with.
Spring drop. That's the attack part of it, and that kinda sucks since that won't help you recover.

I've never denied that Sonic has bad priority on his aerials.
not only do you ignore my posts you substitute your own ideas.
Dair also gets him to the ground very very quickly and the fact it can be canceled makes him hardly vulnerable.
D-air CANNOT be directionally influenced, so it's telegraphed, unlike G&W's for example. It doesn't have spectacular priority either, so either way it's not good. Sure I guess lag canceling is fine and dandy, but what about getting hit during the attack since you can easily predict where it will go.
Your argument can be applied to more than 2/3rds the cast.
Heck 2/3rds of the cast cannot even attack after they use their ^ B.
but Sonic can which makes his better.
2/3s of the cast always has no trouble grabbing the ledge. Sonic however has to go through a lot of trouble to grab the ledge and a lot of trouble avoiding ledgeguarders who always have better priority than him.

He doesn't need the ledge. Period.

Your argument is bad.
Not being able to grab the ledge is a huge limitation. That is the best way characters exploit invulnerability frames upon recovering. Also Sonic doesn't have good ledge options even IF he grabs the ledge since his ledgehopped aerials are terrible.

Denying the importance of the ledge is pretty silly.

If anyone doesn't need the ledge, it would be G&W or Snake, but one of the biggest reasons why G&W has an awesome recovery is his ability to grab the ledge from really really far away. Snake doesn't need the ledge as much because even though he's fairly easy to intercept, he doesn’t die, and he actually has priority and defensive options to get people off of him.

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
snake's different...he is forced to avoid the ledge, as he gets grabbed out of it and dies

re: sonics recovery: It has incredible distance, and is virtually unpunishable until you actually get above the stage. However, that is where it becomes less attractive. You can't just aim for the ledge (which is why it's worse than G&W's recovery), but unless you are high enough to cancel the d-air, you're kinda stuck, and even if you are high enough to d othat, you get some options, as you can just continue the d-air, or attack/dodge into something else, but after the Up B itself is over it becomes punishable/able to be predicted >_>


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
I'm really bored tonight.... Rip it apart!

S: Snake, MK
A: DDD, Marth, GW, Falco, ROB, Pika
B: Wario, Pit, TL, DK, Zelda, Olimar, Lucario, Wolf, Diddy, ICs
C: Kirby, Fox, Lucas, Luigi, ZSS, Sonic, Ness, Mario, Ike
D: Peach, Sheik, PT, Samus, Bowser, Link
E: Yoshi, Jiggs, Ganon, CF


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2008
Hopewell, NJ
Pika is too high as is D3+Marth. Diddy, olimar, IC too low. Lucario and sonic too high. I'm bored of ripping apart tier lists though, so i'm done.

Why do my tier lists always get ignored? Can someone please respond to mine.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
@adapt: Move peach up a spot, and move bowzer to E and I think your list is pretty good, imho.

@underdogs: get bowser into low tier and bump peach up. Have you ever seen a peach master play? OMGZ AMAZING! And I don't even like peach. I have a few other minor grievances, but I'm gonna pick my battles here.

EDIT: And no way is Pika too high...you have obviously never played Anther...


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
ok a2zomg you obviously have no idea what youre talking about. its all good and well putting together a well written argument, but what youre saying is just flat out false.

sonic has no trouble getting back on stage, since he can simply jump over everyone. best example is a f-air spamming marth of usmash + mine + c4 edgeguarding snake. any character that is forced to grab the ledge gets severely owned by this wall of hitboxes. watch any of DSF's snakes matches, once the enemy is off the edge, they dont come back without at least eating a few usmashes along the way, or a utilt as they climb up. sonic can jump over EVERYTHING, even thunder (im not joking, he can actually jump over the cloud)

why the hell would he need to sweet spot the edge when he can jump way into the magnifying glass at the top of the screen. i would much rather be able to to simply jump over any pitiful edgeguarding attempts than be forced to risk my luck climbing up on the ledge, where certain characters with huge rage and long lastings attacks can simply smack you right out of it (see what happens when you try to climb up a ledge when G&W uses b-air, it NEVER works) so what if he has bad ledge hopped aerials, that would imply he ever has a need, or gets moderately close to ever having to grab the ledge.

anyone who is forced to grab the ledge gets owned by edgehogging. i bet you think marths recovery is good too. one ganon ftilt, fox dsmash at moderate %'s, he can sweetspot the ledge all he wants it wont make a difference to a well timed edgehog (learn the roll-dodge to edgehog technique, it owns)

and before you get into inability to approach, at least have the decency to watch the video i posted, or any other videos for that matter. you say cant as if it has any certainty, only reinforcing the point you are completely misguided, acting as if you know what you are talking about without putting any thought into what you are saying, on repeating what others were saying months ago. months ago people thought wolf was top too.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Look, we really NEED a tier list to work off (aka, criticize), we'll get nowhere if we just post our own tierlists.

I purpose we use Ch0zen0ne's tierlist, specifically I suggest that the intial post be edited with the that tier list contained and as we come to conclusions about placement it gets edited, what do you guys think?


Game and Watch

Each places consistently high.. basically this is how each's matchup chart would go just based on tourneys, and toon specific forums...



At this point we get into alittle more obscure territory.. again we have more consistant placers.. but also varying character choices really bases upon which coast you're from.. Wario from the WC.. Pit from the EC. Marth has alot of KO potential.. but is gimped easily enough to not warrent top tier status... Wolf.. usually lower than Marth in tourney.. and Marth does better against Top Tiers... Zelda does VERY well against the lower tiers, but can struggle w/ some top tier matchups, and go even w/ others.


Toon Link

All solid characters but due to some VERY poor matchups w/ the tiers above them.. they do not make the cut for High/Top tier. Generally speaking all of these characters can also be played offensively/defensively, and are outstanding at comboing, but nothing any of these characters has, sets them out from the rest of the cast ahead of them...


Ice Climbers
Diddy Kong

All of these toons characters are decent/good but can either be gayed, or easily stopped... it is MY belief that most of the mid tier characters are quite easily ***** by most of the top tier cast.. and much of the high tier.


Donkey Kong

Less solid.. less consistent.. not as good at comboing.. nothing truely broken.. Link is an amazing spammer.. Ness has a nasty Spike/Fair.. Peach's Fair is quite amazing.. GrappleCancels are too good.. DK has the new WoP.... but all in all they just get HORRIBLY gayed by Top/High Tier toons.



Honestly this tier, and WTF tier are basically in any order you want... the above five belong where they're at... and the below crap belongs in the trash... quote me say whatever you would like... it doesn't matter.. tourney placings and matchups talk.. not how you "feel" a toon does against the world. That is a silly argument.. Throw out an MK/ROB against ANY of the characters out between bottom/wtf, and i'll see them NOT be gayed... yeah i doubt it >_>

Wtf I'm not even Kidding how dare you-

Captain Falcon
Pokemon Trainer

Right now you're all thinking... dude seriously.. Olimar/ZSS/PT in WTF tier.. well this is why...

first off.. PT is TOTALLY inconsistent.. the opposing player gets a free hit on whatever pokemon the trainer wts to switch to if they don't like.. we'll say Charizard.. secondly... all of the 3 pokemon are HORRIBLY gayable.. PT=EPIC FAIL.

I will MM the best PT in the United States for $5000.00 i'll write out a check, and we can have the tourney director hold the money for us.. btw i play ROB. GTFO w/ that PT sh*t... he is NOT playable. End of story.. EVERYONE can gay them.. it's like watching DDD infinite a Mario.. or an IC player CG a DDD [though that is quite hilarious]..

ZSS.. recovery is such an important factor in competitive smash that it is truly necessary to NOT play a tether toon in order to succeed.. this argument really goes for Olimar aswell.. honestly when Yoshi ***** both of them b/c he can insto-grab the ledge w/ his doublejump Bair'ing either of them during their 2nd jump you know there is a problem here..

For some odd reason both of those tether characters were thought to be "broken" when the game first came out, and then better spammer came along *cough* snake/pit *cough* and olimar bit the dust... then more players began to learn to hit these characters off the stage, and then just GRAB THE F*CKING LEDGE... gg? i'm not quite sure wtf Nintendo was thinking but i've got to tell you.. they ROYALLY SCREWED UP.

But what can you do..

Btw.. all of you telling me that Sonic is amazing, and i should watch Lucky play... well.. Sonic is not good... its like when "Neo" was maining Roy.... just not good at all.. he's even easy to gimp, combo, and CANNOT kill.. no jones. Sonic Blows.

Emblem Lord.. help me out here my good sir...

Good Day Sirs.
It's definitely a lot better then most.

However, Marth definitely belongs in top tier for example.

I must reference to the match-up thread for this: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=157979

If we accept that the match-ups are accurate, then he is only at a disadvantage against 2 members of the cast, and very few neutrals as well, the rest are advantages.

Falco certainly has more of both. King Deedeedee DEFINITELY has disadvantages (18 to be precise, there's no way he belongs in top tier).

Granted we can certainly debate the match-ups, but where do you purpose that it's incorrect, as far as I have seen, the vast majority of the match-ups hold.

Oh, and G&W deserves the top spot, only 1 disadvantage gives him better placement then snake. Over time tournament results SHOULD reflect the fact that G&W just has more good match-ups then anyone else in the cast.

Snake has way more neutrals then most of the top tier contenders, so he doesn't deserve the top spot.

Really, this discussion NEEDS to be about match-ups, because that is the best way of determining future performance. Right now, there's a glut of certain character's players (*cough* snake) which puts said characters higher on average ranking then they should, something that would not happen with even distribution. Over time, as people get better with their characters, the characters that are inherently better will rise above the rest in tournament rankings, give it time.

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
tier lists aren't to determine future anything. They are current, and based on the metagame/ results as is.
Mar 25, 2008
Coppell TX
I'm not really sure we should use his, I just can't come to terms with a list that has ZSS and Olimar in a Tier below Bottom, Kirby in bottom, and Ike that high. Otherwise that list is decent, but those were just glaring issues I had with the list.

Pubik Vengeance

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Washington State
I'm gonna stop the flaming (or start a new chain of it) with my updated tier list.


Very High
G and W

T link



C. Falcon

P.S. I like that analogy ShadowLink, but really, flaming=BAD.
I would move Toon Link and Wario up one, Pikachu up two or three maybe, Lucario up to the very bottom of high, Sonic down one or two, Peach up a bit, and C. Falcon up a bit (but I am mostly biased, it seems most want him on the bottom :bee:).

But overall, pretty dang good.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Sonic can't actually approach. He CAN recover, but it's bad. Just like Ike.
I am not addressing this argument for a 3rd time.
And sorry, that is absolutely no excuse to become hostile.
You are not the first person to spout incorrect facts.
As for the whole approach deal, he can't actually initiate anything because he has no safe attack options and has too little range to space himself at a safe from block distance. Enough said. He has to CAMP people, which he sucks at doing, but needs to do anyway.
Lucky's Sonic sys otherwise.
Y'know I've been telling people things multiple times and I enjoy it...
Masochist I guess. I dislike repeating myself if someone does not listen.

And honestly I'll admit I was too lazy to reply to every last thing, but many of the points you made aren't really that good either.
Which is why you never even respond to them.
if they are bad why not point it out and refute them?
And yet I can count smart people besides myself that agree Sonic's recovery isn't good at all.
Sorry but it isn't just the recovery nonsense. It has something to do with the act I am having to repeat myself over and over again.
Sorry but someone is dumb if I have to constantly simplify things.

Spinshot and homing attack say otherwise, it's why Sonic's recovery is considered among the best.
Pit surely doesn't recover as well as Sonic.
only one that can really top Sonic's in terms of options is ROB, and G&W and one or two others.

Guess what? Most people don’t play against Sonic, and underestimating any character is a losing situation.
Thats rit because most people don't play Sonic his metagame isn't easily defined. not only that his high learning curve.
He was extremely popular in the beginning but wasn't an MK where one could spam safely.
As a result people already have their preconceptions on him being a bad character.
Like your can't approach opinion which I've refuted repeatedly.
Good for you that you haven’t been owned. Yet. Personal experience isn't the best argument.
I have lost. Noone is perfect.
I've lost to MK, Snake, Olimars, Luigi's and once to a ganondorf.

Actually that is how bad it is. This is Melee G&W's recovery all over again. And that was one of the worst in the game.
No it isn't. For one characters fall alow more slowly and unliek G&W sonic can spinshot to ^B and has more options available to get to the ground safely which G&W did not have last game.

you know ver ylittle about Sonic's recovery.
Spring drop. That's the attack part of it, and that kinda sucks since that won't help you recover.
outside the stage no and its sitll mostly a recovery move not an attacking move.
The sheer distance covered is massive. I have yet to be gimped while playing as Sonic and I play against an MK regularly.
Sonic is one of those characters that wiull never die due to being gimped.
D-air CANNOT be directionally influenced, so it's telegraphed, unlike G&W's for example.
noone said it was. I said it can be CANCELED
It doesn't have spectacular priority either, so either way it's not good. Sure I guess lag canceling is fine and dandy, but what about getting hit during the attack since you can easily predict where it will go.
Prediction is one thing, actually doing it is another.
For example ganondorf's wizard kikc is predictable in its movement. But the speed is what makes it deadly.
Predictable movement only becomes a con if that move is also slow.
The Dair is from this and you also have multiple methods of dodging attacks while falling to the ground.

2/3s of the cast always has no trouble grabbing the ledge. Sonic however has to go through a lot of trouble to grab the ledge and a lot of trouble avoiding ledgeguarders who always have better priority than him.
Nope he doesn't at all.
The only way to punish Sonic is if he recover from the very bottom and reaches the peak of his jump right in front of you.
This is NEVER going to happen.

I can name more than 1/3rd of the cast that can have problems getting back on the ledge three of which are considered high tier and top tier that can get gimped.
Not being able to grab the ledge is a huge limitation.
you mean sweetspotting.
Even then this is made up or by his massive vertical and horizontal recovery.

That is the best way characters exploit invulnerability frames upon recovering. Also Sonic doesn't have good ledge options even IF he grabs the ledge since his ledgehopped aerials are terrible.
Not to mention dodge frames in his recovery make him hard to hit.
Denying the importance of the ledge is pretty silly.
For sonic the ledge is irrelevant.
Maybe if his recovery was slow like Snake's but it isn't.
If anyone doesn't need the ledge, it would be G&W or Snake, but one of the biggest reasons why G&W has an awesome recovery is his ability to grab the ledge from really really far away.
And Sonic can't grab it from far away?
NO wait he doesn't need to.
He can homing attack towards his opponent or use the homing attack to gain some horizontal distance then double jump THEN ^B.

If Sonic can't reach the ledge G&W's chances of grabbing the same ledge are only slightly better.
Snake doesn't need the ledge as much because even though he's fairly easy to intercept, he doesn’t die, and he actually has priority and defensive options to get people off of him.
First he needs it. Badly. If he gets grabbed GG for him and because he moves so slowly while recovering in comparison to the other too he can't approach from the bottom.

His moves do have priority but guess what?
If he uses them he dies.
Fair is too slow so while it has priority you'll get interrupted.
Dair stays out too long and you'll fall to your death or the opponent will shield grab you.
You Uair you'll die.
You Bair you die.
ALl his options have to be from above the ledge.

CY bomb helps his recovery yes, but not only do you increase your damage you are practically broadcasting where you are going to your opponent.

hell Sonic is one of the few characters that if Snake tries to edge guard, he has a good chance of actually failing.
I can only think of maybe four of five characters who can do this successfully.


no wait thats only two I can think of, I'll check the rest of the cast.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
snake's different...he is forced to avoid the ledge, as he gets grabbed out of it and dies

re: sonics recovery: It has incredible distance, and is virtually unpunishable until you actually get above the stage. However, that is where it becomes less attractive. You can't just aim for the ledge (which is why it's worse than G&W's recovery), but unless you are high enough to cancel the d-air, you're kinda stuck, and even if you are high enough to d othat, you get some options, as you can just continue the d-air, or attack/dodge into something else, but after the Up B itself is over it becomes punishable/able to be predicted >_>
This actually applies to Sonic too. Sonic's up-B can be gimped via shield grab+escape as well. It has only happened to me once: I was up against an IC and got edge Nana-spiked, so I spammed up-B, and the apex of the jump happened to be in front of the guy. That was pretty much an uncontrolled situation, and I gotta commend the guy for having reflexes to do so without pummeling.

However, if I am in control of when I do it, I'll usually aim it to be either shorthop height over stage, or if I'm going for near-ground-level and the guy's charging up something to hit me with, I'll usually buffer an F-air, which has better priority/reach compared to some of Sonic's other attacks, or airdodge.

Also, if I end up being interrupted, and get knocked higher, just to entertain A2ZOMG's implications that Sonic players somehow have to be really high up in the air whenever they recover, I have the choice to spring again, do an off-screen D-air and use D-air's momentum to airdodge quickly toward the floor (you know, since it maintains momentum and all). Or I can position myself so the D-air follows the falling spring. Yeah, it's a telegraphed move, but you can still aim it >_>

anyway, that's only Sonic's up-B. He has... other recovery options. Side-B>DJ and Homing Attack, too.

But I digress. Why were they arguing over Sonic's recovery? Is it just one person's attempt to try to make him look worse than Captain Falcon currently does?

Sonic for bottom tier :psycho:

PS World wants A2ZOMG's "I gimped Sonic" videos <3
PPS Move your recovery argument to Match-up thread please ^^;


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
I'm gonna stop the flaming (or start a new chain of it) with my updated tier list.


Very High
G and W

T link



C. Falcon

P.S. I like that analogy ShadowLink, but really, flaming=BAD.
Hmmm, I believe I've seen a good player for every character. Well except Jiggz and Ganon, sooooo.........

Tier list.

God Tier:

High Tier:
Everyone else

Bottom Tier:

Nuff said.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
sonic has no trouble getting back on stage, since he can simply jump over everyone. best example is a f-air spamming marth of usmash + mine + c4 edgeguarding snake. any character that is forced to grab the ledge gets severely owned by this wall of hitboxes. watch any of DSF's snakes matches, once the enemy is off the edge, they dont come back without at least eating a few usmashes along the way, or a utilt as they climb up. sonic can jump over EVERYTHING, even thunder (im not joking, he can actually jump over the cloud)
Yeah I guess, but unfortunately the problem about recovery is you actually have to be able to touch the stage to recover, and Sonic is next to helpless in the air even if he can attack from an Up-B because his priority sucks.

why the hell would he need to sweet spot the edge when he can jump way into the magnifying glass at the top of the screen. i would much rather be able to to simply jump over any pitiful edgeguarding attempts than be forced to risk my luck climbing up on the ledge, where certain characters with huge rage and long lastings attacks can simply smack you right out of it (see what happens when you try to climb up a ledge when G&W uses b-air, it NEVER works) so what if he has bad ledge hopped aerials, that would imply he ever has a need, or gets moderately close to ever having to grab the ledge.
The ledge is an incredible position, and a great place to stall and then punish if your character has good aerial attacks. Or if you're really pressured at the ledge, the ledge jump is super good in Brawl.

anyone who is forced to grab the ledge gets owned by edgehogging. i bet you think marths recovery is good too. one ganon ftilt, fox dsmash at moderate %'s, he can sweetspot the ledge all he wants it wont make a difference to a well timed edgehog (learn the roll-dodge to edgehog technique, it owns)
Well, you talk to Emblem Lord about Marth's recovery, but if I recall it's really not bad at all since Marth gets good distance and his Up-B is super good and has huge range + invincibility frames. There is a very big window with which Marth can safely Up-B to a ledge because he has decent air time AND because of the huge *** range of his Up-B so really it's not even that easy to time a ledgehog against Marth.

Most attacks don't send people at the range where it is easy to ledgehog, and if they do, it's not like Sonic is really any better off. In fact worse since because he's forced to recover closer to the ledge where things suck.

and before you get into inability to approach, at least have the decency to watch the video i posted, or any other videos for that matter. you say cant as if it has any certainty, only reinforcing the point you are completely misguided, acting as if you know what you are talking about without putting any thought into what you are saying, on repeating what others were saying months ago. months ago people thought wolf was top too.
Sonic approaches the same way Falcon does. They are ****ing terrible at approaching because they have no priority and cannot always attack safely, and Falcon actually has better with the Falcon kick (kick through MK Tornado ftw) and autocanceled D-airs (D-air to knee combos ftw).

I watched some vids of Sonic playing yeah. So hooray you can mindgame your way past defenses. Really the main problem is most people don't play against Sonic too much so when someone competent does use Sonic nobody knows what to expect. I've seen similar crap with Falcon owning other high tier characters, and it's definitely not because he's good at approaching or anything, but merely because the Falcon was the better player. <<


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2008
This is why I want a match-up based tier list, because the line between the tiers would be more clearly visible.

We can go by a win/loss system and rank characters as such.

Top = Mostly good match-ups
High = Mostly good and even match-ups
Mid = Mostly even match-ups
Low = Mostly bad and even match-ups
Bottom = Mostly bad match-ups

Or we can go by a point system and count up the number of points and rank that way.

5 = Heavy advantage
4 = Advantage
3 = Even
2 = Disadvantage
1 = Heavy disadvantage

Personally I see Wario being in mid tier.
The problem now lies in debating the matchups, which I suppose might be a bit easier, but far more tedious, especially since we have a lot of disagreements. That guy probably said it best when he said that you seem to trust your own experience a bit too much as far as certain characters, but then again we all do...that's why we need to work with each other while doing it.

Also on a side note, I don't think MK really counters Snake, or I just have a really ****ing nasty MK. Snake doesn't limit MK's approach as promisingly as everyone suggested, and the fact that I can keep pace with some of the better Snakes just suggests that it's not nearly as bad....I don't even consider it a counter, although I do consider Snake a very good, difficult to deal with character. The main problem is that his obscene range makes it tricky to approach him, although with MK's vast approach options, one of them is bound to work out well enough, especially tornado, when not spammed like a shameless *****. MK's greatest strength is his versatility and, therefore, his adaptability and his unpredictablility, and that's really what makes him top tier.

I believe that Snake is the all around better character, just being able to approach well enough and camp mercilessly, but as far as tier listings, MK has so much more intangible potential to work with, particularly the things I mentioned that work for him.

Just as every character needs to punish, every character needs to be unpredictable and have a trick up their sleeve. However, just as Wario's game is somewhat geared to punishing/works best when played in that manner, MK works best when his great speed and versatility are used to confuse opponents in order to make a safe approach that, although normally easily guarded against, is not expected in the right way. Snake CAN be minorly unpredictable, but his big strength is....well....his sheer strength, range, priority, and speed in his attacks. Those things can be learned/guarded against. Take Marth and Fox from Melee. Marth had obscene range, strength, speed, wavedashing, comboing ability, edgeguarding/gimping ability, and range....Fox didn't quite have the range that Marth did, or even the comboability. He did, however, have great speed and versatility.....he could approach if he wanted, but he could also camp a bit...he could gimp rather easily, but he could also kill at low percentages if he had to. It was difficult to really predict Fox because he was so fast, and it was just difficult to limit what he could do. Although Marth was the better character ON PAPER, Fox could be taken so much further just on player skill alone, even if the Marth and Fox were both of equal skill.

EDIT: lol, </rant>, I don't have a conclusion, other than **** matchups, especially since you say Bowser has awful matchups when his only bad matchups are with a few characters in the top 5, and all his other matchups are even, in his favor, or slightly bad.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 8, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Hmm...WTF I'll Have a go at a tier list. Tear it apart!

Top: Snake, Meta Knight
High: G&W, Falco, Marth, R.O.B, King Dedede, Toon Link, Wario, Pikachu, Wolf
Upper Middle: Ice Climbers, Olimar, Zelda, Diddy Kong, Lucario, ZSS
Lower Middle: Donkey Kong, Fox, Pit, Luigi, Kirby, Sheik, Peach
Low: Sonic, Lucas, Ike, Ness, Captain Falcon, Bowser, Samus, Link
Bottom: Jigglypuff, Pokemon Trainer, Mario, Yoshi, Ganondorf

Deleted member

Shinobi, yoshi is not good, but he is so much better than falcon its not funny. Yoshis bair is way better, uair is more situational but imo better, nair is way better, dair is better, and im not rly sure about fairs, both are pretty good, yoshi's spikes and kills, falcons just kills but eh. Yoshi's ground game is way better also, his ftilt and dtilt are better, his utilt is different, not sure which is better. His fsmash is more powerful, more pullback and faster. His Dsmash is faster and more reliable. His Usmash is faster. His recovery is better. His priority is better. He has a good projectile, an AMAZING grab game. Falcon has...falcon pawnch??? Lawl id like to see any reasons why falcon is better than yoshi.

But besides that, the tier list is pretty decent. Lol falcon is bottom.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
Sh1n0b1: well its missing ZSS for a start :p

ShadowLink84: if by saying no particular order you mean within the tiers there is no order then I can't see much to argue there.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Posted again for emphasis.

Sonic's Up-B gains really little horizontal distance so it's pretty predictable.
Please watch at 3:18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsPU6nCm5iI
By the way, all other characters can do the same as Sonic by holding down on the control stick while Up-Bing. Sonic can never autograb the ledge, so OH WELL FOR HIM. His Up-B is basically like G&W's I guess, but 1/10 the effectivity.
For the last time, Sonic is not supposed to grab the ledge when recovering. Sonic can use his side B, homming attack, spin shot, and up B to get to pretty much anywhere he wants. And even after all that he can still attack you, and he even gets his B moves back if he does get hit. Have you even played Sonic? Or at least played against one that actually used more than Up B to recover?

Hah, that's actually what I've been saying. Sonic gets pretty good distance, but his recovery is bad because much of it is easily intercepted, and it's rather predictable, and he doesn't have nearly good enough aerial attacks to compliment the fact his Up-B allows him to attack.
Wrong. You're assuming that he's using his up B in the middle of nowhere. How about if the Sonic player isn't ******** and just uses his homming attack, side B, and second jump to get really close to the stage. Heck, he doesn't even need to use his up B most of the time, and he uses it anyway to dodge edgeguards (thank you invincibility frames). You're also forgetting that Sonic can just airdodge after his up B if he doesn't want to attack, and that airdodging, fairing, or bairing all increase the amount of horizontal distance Sonic travels after his up B.
Falcon's gets about as good distance, but his Up-B has very good priority in front AND above him and goes quickly (try Up-Bing someone above you, you'll kinda warp to them in the process so yes, it has very good priority). Also he has the Raptor Boost spike to compete with Sonic's Up-B spike.
What are you smoking and can I have some? First, get this straight.

Sonic recovers with more moves than his up B. His recovery consists of homming attack, Side B/spinshot, second jump (if not used by spin shot), up B in that order. 99% of the time he won't be using his up B until he's actually really close to the stage, and even then he could just homming attack to get back on (but that's more of a mixup. Up B is much safer).

If you have a huge disjointed hitbox, it will more easily intercept Sonic than it will intercept Falcon.
Luckily it only grabs in front of him, which makes him completely vulnerable from above (Sonic's psuedospiking dair says hi). Sonic's up B however, has invincibility frames to protect him from being hit out of it, and even when those are over he can airdodge or attack for increased safety.

BTW, in case you didn't notice, Sonic's up B actually travels more horizontal distance than Captain Falcon's. Just test it out on FD. (Make sure to fair or airdodge immediately after Sonic's up B. It actually adds horizontal distance).

Besides, Falcon initially gets very good distance by DIing alone since his air speed is good. My point still saying that Falcon's recovery gets the job done better.
And my point is that Sonic's recovery consists of more than just up Bing, and is actually much harder to edgeguard than Captain Falcon's becuase of his great aerial speed coupled with his spin shot (which travels faster than Falcon could ever dream to) and homming attack.

Besides, this is not melee where Falcon's recovery dies against anyone who grabs the ledge. This is Brawl where you can grab ledgeghoggers and stagespike them. Or similar **** with the Forward B.
And for the people who actually go of the stage and hit you? Yeah, why edgehog when you could just spike him. Or just keep hitting with weak aerials so he can't recover.

Summing it up both have rather predictable recoveries. Sonic can attack out of his, and gets some more distance which doesn't really matter, but he can't autograb the ledge with his Up-B.
How about you stop up Bing when you're in the bubble and actually use his other moves like a smart person. Sonic can litterally recover from the very bottom corner of the screen and make it onto the stage with his recovery. Now, let's cut the distance he needs to travel in half, but keep all the options (and actually gain a new one, since homming attack actually aids your horizontal recover). Sonic can neutral B, side B->jump cancel, spin shot, down B->jump cancel, or simply drift foward, all before using his up B (if he even wants to, since with all that stuff he can easily make it to the stage anyway). After his up B (which he's already within ledgegrab range anyway), he can attack or airdodge to make himself even harder to hit out of it (if the invincibility during the first half wasn't enough).

Yeah, what can Falcon do? He drifts foward, and then up B's or Side Bs (side B becomes unavailable if he drifts below the ledgegrab range). Much more telegraphed and actually much easier to stop, since his up B does not grab above or below him. All you need is a decent ranged dair (even Sonic can hit him from above) or a fair with good vertical range (or uair that hits sideways) and you're pretty much set. And if that isn't enough for you, you can just speed hug the ledge so he can't grab it, get back up when he lands on the stage, and hit him back of with a shffl'd bair (or back throw). So you can't just poke him fro the stage anymore, but he's still one of the easier characters to edgeguard.
Falcon gets more than sufficient distance to recover, and has a very easy time going for the ledge, and his techniques used to recover have better priority and are more dangerous than anything else Sonic can pull off, making him harder in intercept overall.
And when the ledge is not available? You know, what ever happend to standing at the ledge, running of, and then grabbing it behind you so Falcon doesn't get it? Sonic will not be getting hit out of his recovery, because he'll simply go above not only the ledge, but everything the opponent can do, then safely airdodge his way down (or dair if he needs to get down in a hurry) Sonic is harder to intercept because he's harder to hit out of his recovery. Captain Falcon is vulerable from above and below, while Sonic isn't vulnerable at all. Falcon can grab people with his, but Sonic will simply go under them and up B on the other side, or up B over them, or homming attack at them, or side B through them. Sonic has more than just his up B you know.

Plus, Falcon is heavier. Basically going back to the point that Falcon survives longer than Sonic.
Sonic can recover from much farther than Falcon, and does not depend on grabbing the ledge to recover (which is a good thing) Falcon is also easier to string attacks on, since his aerials have very little priority. And as soon as you know how Falcon's up B works (has large grab range in front of him, but none from above and below), then it becomes very easy to edgeguard him. Just stand on the ledge until he gets in line with it. If you see him start a side B, run of and speed hug the ledge. If he starts an up B (very easy to distinguish) approach him from below and use an aerial that will hit him sideways, as long as it doesn't have to hit from directly in front of him. If he drops lower, wait for him to up B and either speed hug (if he drops down really low before using it) or run off and bair if he uses it early.

Sonic's recovery varies much more, because he has a plethora of recovery options that can be done in any order (as long as up B is last), travel very quickly and very far, and have very little risk to himself, since his up B has invincibility during the first half, and allows him to do anything (except B moves) during the second half (including airdodging).
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