If you have to quickly google/youtube your evidence every time you get backed into a corner, we are left to wonder what all these assertions were based in the first place.
Tesh, I'd like for you to stop for a minute and think about how utterly ridiculous this statement of yours sounds. Forget about what bobwithlobsters said, even though it's perfectly valid. If you paid attention to the conversation, you'd have seen that I mentioned Fatal solidly beating Atomsk
BEFORE I linked those matches. In other words, I had already remembered/thought of the "evidence" that existed somewhere; I just needed to "google/youtube" it to find it. Who the heck
doesn't do this?
I wasn't making an unsupported claim and then trying to look for 'cheap evidence' to quickly support it as you infer here. Rather, I made a claim, supported it with evidence that I knew existed, and then jumped on Youtube and searched "Fatal vs Atomsk" to find the set I was referring to and prove my point conclusively in case you were doubting that my evidence existed. This is practically how your average debating is done around here on Smashboards. However, I suspect that you suddenly have a problem with this rather orthodox method because it happened to be conducted by a person tagged Bubbaking.
The 'Ally point' came up later while I was searching, but it was never what I was discussing in the first place.
Fatal does well and knows the match-up? News to me as I see he's been losing to JBand's D3
Man, completely ignored my last post on the issue, along with its direct video evidence... (-_-) Perhaps you should discuss how someone who doesn't know the MU was able to stomp on someone who happens to be a top player, a top DDD, AND knows the MU like the back of his hand.
Also, according to Dekillsage, JBand's DDD is a DDD worth mentioning in this MU, so you're kinda contradicting your debating partner over here.